It's like being in the starry sky, losing the pull of gravity, just floating.

There was nothing but dense darkness.

He looked around blankly.

what's the situation?

"anyone there?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.


Shouting loudly, your mouth seems to be moving?

He wasn't sure either.

Black, too dark.

At a glance, he couldn't see anything. Even if his brain gave the command to raise his hand in front of his eyes, he was not sure whether he actually made this action.

He waved his palms and patted his chest.

No pain at all, no feeling at all!

When I was in the awakening room, there was a sound.

Now, complete loss of perception.

One second, two seconds.

Counting silently for more than ten seconds, still nothing happened.

On the contrary, the feeling of calling became stronger.

What is it?

Jiang You was at a loss. After thinking for two seconds, he "walked" forward.

He wasn't sure whether he was leaving or not. The order had been given. Whether he moved or not was a matter of his body.

As time went on, the desire became almost unquenchable.

Well, it looks like the body is still moving.

One step, two steps?

One second, two seconds?

I don’t know how many steps later.

An irregular crystal appeared in his eyes, floating quietly in the boundless darkness.

[Person] Fragments!

When he saw it for the first time, the word "shadow species" suddenly popped into his mind, as if he naturally knew what this thing was.

It's what attracted me here!

What the hell, I’ve never heard of it!

Now that things have happened, instead of relaxing, Jiang You has become more vigilant.

Why don't you run?

He looked around.

Regardless of the front, back, left, or right, as far as the eye can see, there is only endless blackness.

I went out to see if the third-order alien species was still there. I guessed it had left.

Then, after you figure out the shadow field, you can explore in the darkness again.

Well, that's fine.

Thinking in his mind, Jiang You tried to turn around.

The crystal just floated quietly without any movement.

It seems that Jiang You didn't pay attention to Jiang You who was "preparing to escape".

His eyes gradually moved, turning 180 degrees, and then... he saw a crystal appearing not far away.


Okay, this time, I'll take it slow.

Jiang You turned his head back again, but this time, he turned his head and tried not to turn his eyes, firmly capturing the crystal with his peripheral vision.

"very good."

The crystal is in sight, not moving

Therefore, there shouldn't be any problem. It can't move instantaneously.

Jiang You's eyes returned to normal.

Ahead, a crystal was suspended.

Well yes, it does teleport.

I don't believe I can't run away.

Jiang You stared at this thing closely and tentatively stepped back.

Under his gaze, the little thing always stayed in place.

Could it be that the rule for this thing is... that it won't move until someone is watching it?

It's a bit like the little peanut in SCP.

Jiang You, who thought he had seen through the rules, kept his gaze unblinking, for fear that the other party would suddenly disappear.

He backed away slowly.

After taking seven or eight steps back, something suddenly felt wrong.

"Damn it, why is this distance getting closer?"

Jiang You was shocked.

Am I not "backing up"?


The senses have been affected. "Retreat" is actually "forward" and must be done in reverse!

So Jiang You started to move forward.


"Shit! You can get closer this way faster!!"

After reaching a certain limit, the crystal suddenly trembled, and then rushed over, like a cannonball, hitting Jiang You's chest hard!


It was like thunder exploding.

His mind went completely blank.

A huge flow of information rushed left and right in my mind, constantly exploding.

A picture emerged before my eyes.

A series of obscure notes sounded in my ears.

His eyes gradually lost focus.

Characters go from chaos, to unity.

From disorder to clarity!

Until it is transformed into understandable information!

"[Eye Seed Nest], a forbidden object in the abyss, is formed after being contaminated by the breath of high-level [Eye Seed], and can produce low-level pupil seed."

"[The Pupil Nest]'s core capabilities are, first of all, when a strong person of level 4 or above invades, it can extract the life force of all creatures in the nest to fight against it."

"Second, the ability of the pupil species: locking. A regular ability to lock the status of the creature and 'mark' the pupil species within the lair, so that all pupil species can attack the marked target."

"[Shadow] and [Pupillary] are mortal enemies of each other. Anyone with a complete [Shadow Seed] will be hunted down by the [Pupillary Seed Nest]!"

"I don't know what age, this high-level shadow personality fragment accidentally landed and attached to the forbidden object [Pupillary Seed Nest], and the two coexisted."

"One side is just a tiny fragment of a person, and the other side is a mature physical forbidden object."

"So, the erosion started."

"[The Nest] stole the power of the Personality Fragment, making it even more powerful. The Personality Fragment tried to resist erosion and turned the scope of the [Nest] into shadow, but unfortunately it failed."

The two are incompatible with each other, but they can steal each other's power.

[The Nest] is now the only one with powerful power.

With a complete [Shadow Species] personality, he was targeted as soon as he entered the scene.

This is the revenge of the "lower species" family members against the "upper species" of the past!

It's all that simple.

And fuck the eggs.

Jiang You's chest rose and fell as he digested this large piece of complicated information.

The cracks in the abyss, the hierarchical relationship between alien species and alien species, come to this world...

Too many questions fill my mind.

Especially the "abyss" that flashed across the screen, for a few tenths of a second at most, made Jiang You feel like he had fallen into an ice cave!

What a world that is.

Huge, weird, and full of madness.

No images could be left in his mind. When he recalled it at this moment, he was left with only strong palpitations.

Panting heavily, Jiang You gradually came back to his senses and looked at the crystal in front of him.

The whole body is ink-colored, not pure black, but rather like... luminous black?

The conflicting and inconsistent visual experience is difficult to describe with thin words.

Anyway, it did appear.

There is a door in the [nest]. You can leave by pushing the door open.

Just from the looks of it, the current situation... [Chao] will never stop until it kills itself.

The high-level extraordinary ones forced their way in and fulfilled [The Nest's] wish.

In this way, it can directly drain the life force of all living creatures and easily destroy itself.



The power that really involves the core of the extraordinary, how can he, a little extraordinary who has just entered the second level, resist it?

And the fragment of personality in front of him exuded an extremely friendly aura.

Absorb it.

Strengthen yourself?

Is that what it looks like?

Jiang You's breathing slowed down a bit.

The dark shadows in his eyes were flowing, as if there was an invisible force affecting him.

Gritting his teeth, he stretched out his hand!

Attached crystal!


The blood relationship between [species] and [species] forms a huge ethnic hierarchy system.

Only those who exist at the sixth level and whose bloodline continues can be called a [species]

Further up, unknown.

at the moment of contact.

The crystal turned into a liquid-like existence, flowing around the claw blade and arm.



His mouth was slightly open, and his heart seemed to be clenched by a big hand.

In this deathly silent environment, Jiang You could suddenly hear his own beating heart.

That sense of intimacy reached its peak at this moment.

His heart was beating violently.

Opening your palms, the rich darkness beats in them.



The gasping was as violent as a bellows.

Jiang You's expression became stagnant and confused.

Once again, he received a huge flow of information.

[Shadow Species], Personality Fragments.

"Is lost authority?"

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