As Long As You Have A Health Bar, The Gods Will Kill You Too

Chapter 71 Extraordinary Level: Second Level

Jiang You could not recover until he reached the medical room.

In his memory, the only image of Uncle Li as a child was with two arms.

When he was about ten years old, Uncle Li suddenly went on a "business trip" for a long time.

When he came back, he only had one arm left.

The original owner was so impressed that he could recall them all with just a little recall.

Judging by his appearance, Uncle Li has a fine stubble and his eyes always half-squint, as if he has not woken up due to kidney deficiency.

Before knowing that the opponent was a general, Jiang You felt that there was no problem in beating ten Uncle Lis with one hand.

After knowing that the opponent was once a warrior, Jiang You felt that it would not be a problem for the opponent to hit ten of him with one hand.

Uncle Li never told him about the knowledge of the extraordinary world, nor did he tell him how he lost his arms.

Trade a gathering place for temporary stability.

It can probably be converted into compensation for land cessation.

If you can't beat him, you have to give in, you have to surrender!

If you are weak, you will be beaten!

Taking a step back, maybe the loss will not be that big, and maybe it will be a better choice.

But no.

Uncle Li, who was high-spirited that year, resolutely refused to give in.

Jiang You's mood was quite complicated.

Without knowing the whole picture, he cannot judge what is right or wrong.

Even if he knows, what qualifications does he have?

Uncle Li has never married. He is now in his forties and half disabled.

War general, what a powerful man.

That is a top figure who stands above countless extraordinary beings.

The generals are not selected once a year, but based entirely on their combat prowess.

Powerful generals usually stay in power for more than five years, and some can last for nearly ten years!

He abdicated and became the head of the department, deputy head of the department, in charge of a large night patrol department. No matter how bad he was, he was still a professor at XX University.

Uncle Li fell into the position of the night watchman at the second-level gathering place.

"Here, let's measure the pollution index."

The young lady in white clothes in the medical room said.

"Ah, okay." Jiang You broke out of his distracted state.

Uncle filial to him when you have the opportunity in the future, and look for a niece-in-law for him.

It can be regarded as a kind of repayment.

Back to the present.

Such a large special training camp is naturally equipped with sufficient medical equipment and medical personnel.

The medical room is not much different from a normal hospital.

A white and clean clinic, medical instruments that are incomprehensible, and a faint smell of disinfectant.

The only difference may be that the nurse in front of her is... very moist.


Jiang You cooperated and lay on the instrument under the guidance of the nurse.

It was almost like an MRI. The instrument buzzed, and then a beam of light swept across his body. He subconsciously tightened his body.

The large instrument has more accurate measurement results than the "small toy" Lu Yaoyao held before.

"Don't be nervous, there's no danger."

The sound came from the speaker.

Soon, the test was over, and after waiting for nearly an hour, the nurse approached with a printed report with a strange expression.

"Jiang You?" She was a little confused.


"Your free of any contamination."


"Wait a minute." The nurse opened her lips slightly, "This... is not right. There seems to be something wrong with the test results. According to common sense, there will be some..."

"Don't worry, it's no problem." Jiang You smiled, took the test report in his hand, rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and ran outside.

If the instructors hadn't forced everyone to come over for testing, he would never have come and would have gone back to the dormitory to rest.

Just kidding, who are you?

[Price] Full exemption.

It’s weird to be contaminated.

Medical room

Looking at the electronic report presented on the computer, Yang Ci's red mouth opened slightly.

A pair of almond-shaped eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

[Pollution index: 0]

[Extraordinary level: second level]

Second...second order?

The little brother who just joined the camp, the second level?

There's something wrong with me or there's something wrong with the world?

Jiangyou, Jiangyou.

She stared at those two words blankly.


After leaving the medical room, Jiang You looked around.

Several instructors are still waiting outside the hall. If I remember correctly, their surname seems to be Gu?

Jiang You was tested relatively quickly, and the others are still being tested.

"Instructor Gu." Jiang You stepped forward.

"Jiang You." Gu Qi, who was closing his eyes to rest, opened his eyes.

"Instructor, would you like one?" He touched his body and took out two cigarettes.


Unexpectedly, this boy was so familiar. Gu Qi was stunned and subconsciously took it.

Instinctively, he went to take out the lighter, but suddenly found that the weight was wrong. He looked at Jiang You again and started chewing.

Good guy.

Others scatter cigarettes, you scatter cigarettes and candies.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he simply put it in his mouth and chewed it.

"Instructor Gu, where is Instructor Song?" Jiang You asked.

"He's in for treatment." Gu Qi pointed to the clinic in the corridor. "His injury is not serious. He was affected by the shadow field. He will probably need a few days to recover."

He glanced at Jiang You and said, "Do you know Lao Song?"

"I had a chance encounter with Instructor Song before." Jiang You nodded.

"I see." Gu Qi smiled, "Instructor Song is very nice and has a good relationship with your uncle. He should be in charge of your practical classes."

"Oh?" Jiang You was somewhat interested. Putting it aside whether he wanted to fight or not, he had a good relationship with Uncle Li?

The relationship is so good that we can hug each other in this special training camp.

Gu Qi showed a smile and said, "When we were in college and we were about to graduate, we were assigned tutors to lead the team. Old Song was lucky and was assigned to your uncle's team. At that time, Inspector Li really dominated everyone. All the geniuses."

"After graduation, Instructor Song entered the Night Watch Division and became your uncle Li's subordinate. I want to be as lucky as him..."

Chao Jiangyou winked and said no more.

The two chatted casually.

This fog incident was indeed a simple assessment for entering the camp.

The normal process is to get out of the subway and there are three venues to choose from.

The students went their separate ways, and then, under the threat of the alien species, they either worked together to fight back, or fled in a hurry.

For students who dare to fight back, the special training camp will definitely give them the opportunity to experience what it's like to "hunt" a foreign species.

Of course, the end result is that a powerful alien species appears, scaring everyone to the point of crying and running in the same direction.

The camp opening ceremony was performed collectively.

Unexpectedly, it collapsed in the first link.

First there was the pupil riot, and then there was the shadow field riot.

In all the years the camp has been open, there has never been such a big mistake.

"Xiao You, you don't know. I guess a lot of instructors will be punished for this incident."

Gu Qi sighed and said, "The shadow field was originally used to simulate the shadow layer for you. After what happened, it is estimated that you students will not be able to use it this time."

"The cause of the riot must also be investigated. It's okay to find out, but if you can't find out... basically you won't run away if you are punished."

There is no problem in conducting assessments, but if the most important thing, safety, cannot be guaranteed, why should we do it?

This is a small assessment, a small test, a group of kids who have never seen blood, causing trouble.

If not, who will train you?

Jiang You touched his nose and wisely chose not to answer.

Why do shadow fields riot?

I don’t make it either.

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