It wasn't until the surrounding light returned to normal and the soothing music gradually faded that everyone came back to their senses.

What Su Jianyang said was not very detailed. He basically did not go into the details of the Hundred Years Catastrophe, but only gave a rough timeline.

In the early days of the Cataclysm, everything was progressing, until 30 years after the Cataclysm, the situation took a turn for the worse.

Almost every ten years something happens to a first-level gathering place.

A few words of "destruction of the gathering place" may be followed by millions of people in this long history.

The west side is gone.

Southwest is gone.

Then the entire south fell completely.

In the empty city, under aerial photography, countless alien species can be seen jumping between cities.

Steel armor, a large army pressing on the border, and alien species like a roaring mountain and tsunami coming towards us.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, silently and violently.

There is no deliberate rendering like in a movie. Just showing the picture like this, the scene is as heroic as a real record.

When everything is over, the screen freezes on a map.

It was a national border like a mighty army.

At this time, most of his body was lost.

This map is not only small, but also has scattered markings.

It is completely different from what everyone originally learned.

It's more like... Dazhou was driven to the north, curled up and lingering.

"Is this the real Da Zhou?"

"So many people have died, will we be opponents of the alien species?"

Everyone discussed in low voices, becoming more and more desperate.

No wonder Su Jianyang said before the class started, "It may impact your original outlook on life, so please don't despair..."

But who can remain completely calm in this situation?

They are just flowers growing in the greenhouse, and the education they receive all day long is "How powerful is the Night Watch", "Alien species are killed by powerful extraordinary beings", "XXX technology has achieved breakthroughs, and our lives have become more stable and happy."

It's so good, it's all fake.

Not a single word of truth.

What kind of alien species are retreating steadily? It's obviously the Great Zhou who is retreating...

The slightly more vulnerable students already had cold hands and feet and looked pessimistic.

Breaking free from the shackles of the body is an inevitable pursuit for every living thing.

Step into the transcendent, master the power, and expect it to be great.

But now it seems that everything is different from what was imagined.

"It turns out that this is the history of Dazhou..." Lu Yaoyao pursed his lips, and his expression could only be said to be slightly better than that of other students.

Lu Nanfeng gave her some information in advance, but it was within an acceptable range, mostly with various introductions and definitions.

For example, what is an alien species, what is extraordinary, how does extraordinary become stronger...

The content is rarely as despairing as Su Jianyang's.

"Jiang You." The girl subconsciously looked at him.

"I'm here." Jiang You wrapped her palm and squeezed it, reluctantly comforting her, "Let's stop sitting in the classroom and go out to get some air."

This is the end of the class, and there is still an hour left for the next class.

This class is not too long, usually one and a half hours.

It had only been a little over an hour before Su Jianyang finished speaking in conjunction with the PPT, packed up his books, and left.

Really, not procrastinating at all.

There were hundreds of people in the classroom, talking to each other, and the more they talked, the more desperate they became.

The old man doesn't care at all.

The two left the teaching building and took a slow walk on the forest path near the teaching building.

The sound of birds singing and the fragrance of flowers came, and Lu Yaoyao's mood eased slightly.

"I knew that the situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty was quite severe, but I didn't expect that there was such a layer of history." She sighed.

"Better than me. I was stupid before and thought the world was beautiful." Jiang You also sighed.

As the two walked, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In this small garden promenade, you can see couples walking in twos and threes or sitting side by side.

Su Jianyang, who looked like a veteran cadre, held books in his arms, found a corner and sat on the crossbar for people to rest.

He opened the book and read it carefully.

It's not a complicated book. There are a few big words on the cover: "The Age of Cataclysm"

It should be a book with a more detailed record of the history of the Cataclysm.

"Jiang You?" Lu Yaoyao was confused.

"Wait while I get off." Jiang You thought for a moment and walked up.

The veteran cadre looked through the books gently.

Mosuo paper can make people feel his full concentration.

"Hello, Teacher Su, I'm Jiang You." After waiting for a few seconds, Jiang You couldn't help but speak.

After waiting for a few seconds, Su Jianyang responded.

"I know you, you fought more than 60 freshmen in one go in the past two days."

The veteran cadre continued reading.

He seemed not to be aware of Jiang You's presence and kept flipping through the books, but he seemed not surprised by Jiang You's words.

After finishing one sentence, he stopped talking.

This old man.

Jiang You had no choice but to speak and directly asked the question in his heart: "Teacher Su, I have a question: Why did you choose to tell everyone these contents in the first class?"

"What content?" Su Jianyang asked.

"The alien species invaded, the city fell, and Da Zhou retreated one after another, like a bereaved dog. He died heroically and generously." Jiang You said solemnly.

"Oh? Isn't it wrong to talk about this?" Su Jianyang finally raised his head, "Then what do you think I should say?"

"It's not wrong." Jiang You glanced back. Lu Yaoyao, who was sitting on the crossbar not far away, had his little hands intertwined and looked over.

She sat quietly, and no matter how hard she tried to cover it up, the sadness between her brows and eyes could not be completely eliminated.

Jiang You turned his head, "But I think it's not appropriate to let students face such a cruel reality without any preparation."

"The scene is shocking. Let alone a group of 'quasi-college students', even adults with more mature minds may find it difficult to accept it."

"Besides, most of us don't even have any idea of ​​extraordinary power, so we need to directly face such responsibilities? It's too heavy, so heavy that people want to escape."

"I don't think this class will give people the so-called sense of responsibility, and then they will be passionate about defending their country. On the contrary, the gap is so huge that it is so desperate, how can we inspire people to fight?"

Despair will drag people into the abyss.

This is something Jiang You knew before and was written in the camp entry manual. Everyone knows this.

In this world, excessive despair will lead to all kinds of negative consequences.

Jiang You doesn't know about the extraordinary history, and he doesn't resist the idea of ​​revealing the real history to the students.

But dumping it all out like trash is directly beyond the psychological threshold.

Is this teaching students or torturing students?

Jiang You looked at the old gentleman in front of him.

"Are you Li Xunguang's nephew?" Su Jianyang listened to his words silently and did not rush to refute.

"Yes." Jiang You nodded.

"You're not old, you have some ideas of your own." Su Jianyang smiled slightly, "It's better to be desperate."


Jiang You frowned.

“It’s better to despair now and figure it out later than to despair when you get older because you can’t see the future.”

He lowered his head and read the book again.

Is this reason too far-fetched?

Can't we take it step by step, even if it takes a month or two to slowly accept the facts and adjust our mentality?

To be honest, even after he read those contents, he was overwhelmed by the oncoming "righteousness", "sacrifice" and "despair".

Even giving birth to some escape.

"Do you know what extraordinary is?"

Suddenly, Su Jianyang asked.

Jiang You responded silently.

"Is the first awakening enough to be called extraordinary?" Su Jianyang asked, and then said, "Although you are already at the second level, with all due respect, you are far from being called extraordinary now."

"The first level of enlightenment, the first ability, is the first glimpse of the door."

"The second level of alienation is the most dangerous."

At this time, the old man spoke again, "The body is riddled with pollution, and the body is inhuman; the well has fallen into a ravine, and the cliff is hundreds of feet high; the hanging covered bridge is like walking on thin ice."

"Only those who have resisted alienation, climbed out of the deep well, and crossed the towering covered bridge can be extraordinary."

"Let me ask you, you are on the second level, have you ever seen the 'well' in your heart? Have you ever seen the covered bridge in front of you?"

"The so-called extraordinary is self-denial and doubt of the world for thousands of days and nights, and seeking oneself in countless darkness, suffocating and sinking, and jumping out of the ice."

"The abyss is coming, alien species are invading, and the extraordinary will not retreat."

"Young man, are you puzzled that I tell the truth about the world to the public? Or do you feel unspeakably angry that you have to face such a heavy responsibility imposed on you at your prime age?"

Jiang You was stunned in place.

"Extraordinary people don't just die bravely and die generously. You don't need to be confused or anything."

The old gentleman closed the book, slowly stood up, and walked out.

"Jiang You, the former nephew of General Li Zhan. Now you are obviously not ready to become extraordinary."

After that, he walked out.

After taking a few steps, he stopped.

He turned around and looked into Jiang You's eyes.

"Finally, do you really think what I'm telling you must be true history?"

Then he left completely, leaving Jiang You dazed and helpless.

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