As Long As You Have A Health Bar, The Gods Will Kill You Too

Chapter 85 Meticulous! "Supernatural Skills"

"stand at attention!"

Jiang You and Song Qingan continued to fight, but the instructor next to them gave an order.

The students who were resting stood up one after another.

"The first two days are for you to adapt. From the third day on, you will be officially divided into classes."

"Those who fail to resist the pressure for less than an hour and fall down will be removed from their original class!"

"Those eliminated will be reorganized into the fighting class in chronological order, regardless of gender!"

"The pressure is far from irresistible. Everyone present has level 3 talents or above. As long as you grit your teeth and persevere and tighten the strings in your mind, you will definitely be able to survive in time!"

"The talent of willpower is just a talent after all. Only by having a firm will can one transform the talent into real strength."

The huge [power] of the instructors formed a net, pressing hard on every student.


Everyone's faces turned pale and their bodies tensed up to bear it.

"By the way, I would like to remind you that after you are divided into classes, you will have to stand for more than an hour."

In this state, they felt like every second seemed like years, and they were in agony.

Holding on for ten or twenty minutes is enough to make people collapse. How about holding on for an hour?

Who can hold on?

Lu Yaoyao endured the pain, and his clear pupils reflected the young man getting up again and again in the center of the playground.


Jiang You was put to the ground again.

He wiped the dirt from his face and panted.

His body was covered with red marks and bruises.

His left eye was bruised and swollen into a panda eye.

The "fighting uniform" that was handed out was also wrinkled.

"A good boy, worthy of being the nephew of General Li Zhan."

Song Qingan was also slightly out of breath.

Although he has been swimming in the river, it is not as easy as imagined.

It was great for Jiang You to attack, but he had to carefully control his strength to fight back.

The gap between the third level and the second level is huge, and the house can be easily torn apart at every turn.

Even something as hard as the shadow layer will be destroyed.

He originally thought that Jiang You was not strong enough, and with the "joint orders" from Lu Nanfeng and Li Xunguang, he was ready to "train" Jiang You.

Who would have thought that this kid could resist being beaten so well.

Song Qing'an couldn't even remember how many times Jiang You was knocked down and how many times he got up again.


There is a strong feeling in my heart.

As soon as I get started, that fierce energy will firmly tug at my heartstrings, and I will never give up until I achieve my goal!

Jiang You rushed forward, his fist pointed directly at Song Qingan's chin.

"Okay, that's it for today."

The punching speed is far less than the original, after all, it is only the second level.

Song Qingan breathed a sigh of relief.

This is not a young man practicing alone. He is clearly working hard for an old man like him.

He put his arms in front of him and was about to slap down the opponent's "slowly" arm.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of contact, Jiang You's fist speed suddenly increased, and he came at a tricky angle!

Song Qing'an didn't pay much attention to it. The two had just come into contact and hadn't waited for him to exert force.

Jiang You immediately swung his fist, first blocking Song Qing'an's resistance route, second swaying his arms, and third like a snake exploring a cave, his fists were precise and fast!

Then, a heavy punch hit him in the chest!


The collision of flesh against flesh.

A vague fist print appeared on the instructor's uniform on his chest, condensing and not dispersing.

Song Qingan took a small step back, and a look of surprise gradually appeared on his face.

"Emma, ​​I finally managed to do it, but it suffocated me to death." Jiang You leaned back and lay on the ground with his back stretched out.

Not only Song Qingan, but also all the instructors who had been paying attention to the scene showed a hint of astonishment.

Especially the instructors who are closer can see it more clearly.

As a result, the eyes that stayed on Jiang You became more and more suspicious.

"Uncle Song." Jiang You was too tired to muster any strength.


"The lawn is like this. Do you want to pay for it? If you want to pay for it, just ask me, Uncle Li, for it." Jiang You was lying on the ground, as if he was drunk, with his mouth full of gourds.

"The lawn can be restored quickly with banned substances, so you don't have to worry." Song Qing'an couldn't laugh or cry.

"Oh, that's good."

Looking at the young man lying flat on his back, the shocking blow just now could not help but reappear in front of Song Qingan's eyes.

On the verge of exhaustion, he accurately mobilized the remaining strength in his body.

Figure out how to attack and where every ounce of power is used.

The basic moves of extraordinary skills.

It is also an important skill to help learn extraordinary skills.

Down to the smallest detail.

This ability is generally only mastered at the third level. The young man in front of me has already used it roughly once when he first entered the second level.

If we talk about "power", it means to slightly open a crack in the door of extraordinary skills and get a glimpse of the door.

So "getting into the subtleties" is to open the door half way!


"Why did you move in again?"

The little nurse sighed deeply.

The third time.

After entering the special training camp, I went to the medical room three times in less than five days.

He was injured every time, and the injuries were not like those that a normal person could sustain.

Yang Ci gave him an intravenous drip, with a look of helplessness on his brows.

"What a coincidence." Jiang You sighed, "And it was you these three times. Sister, what is your name?"

"..." Yang Ci's mouth twitched slightly.

"First of all, I am your senior sister, and I came here for an internship. Secondly, you asked me my name the first time you moved in, and asked me again the second time, and this is the third time."


Jiang You was speechless for a moment.

"Have a good rest." The nurse glanced at him and walked out.

Jiang You raised his arm tremblingly and picked up his phone.

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Yang Ci.23.36D.175.Run

It should be this person.


It's all because there are too many things going on these days and I've forgotten all the work.

"How is the boy?"

Jiang You was still looking through the contact list when a voice came from the door of the ward.

"Uncle Song, aren't you going to continue training?" Jiang You asked.

"I'm the chief instructor of the fighting course. It won't hurt if I'm absent for a while." Song Qing'an held a green bottle in his hand, "Drink this later to replenish your strength."

"Thank you, Uncle Song." Jiang You picked up the vial.

The dark green drink is sticky and looks a bit like snot.

He drank it all in one gulp.

The taste is not very good, but the effect is very good.

The nutrient solution quickly spreads in the body, soothing the loss of physical strength.

"I can fight all day." He straightened up.

"Okay, okay, okay, take a rest." Song Qingan was ashamed.

Is your boy a masochist?

"When I get better, Uncle Song, if you have time, let's practice a few more rounds alone. I think if we fight a few hundred more games, you will no longer be my opponent."

Single panda eye-pig head-teeth leaking air-hair mixed with ash-Jiang You, said this.

"Okay, I'll be with you anytime."

The boy has no sense of awe, but he has a good sense of proportion and is not annoying.

Coupled with his identity and abilities, Song Qingan became more and more attracted to him.

So, hit him harder next time.

"Uncle Song, let's talk for the last time. I don't feel right. I can't say I'm comfortable or uncomfortable. It's strange. What's going on?"

"I came here just to talk to you about this matter."

Song Qingan smacked his lips, "You still have to continue to practice alone, but the content of your subsequent training needs to be adjusted."

"What adjustment?" Jiang You was curious.

"With the sophomores, enter the field to practice."

"Enter the factory?" Jiang You was stunned.

"Yes, come in."

"I haven't graduated yet. Besides, I came to the special training camp to learn extraordinary knowledge. What kind of factory will I join?"

"The above said, just follow the arrangements."

"All right……"

"As for the subtle skills you used, the stuff has been sent to your student mailbox. Watch it yourself and don't leak it."

"Okay." Jiang You responded repeatedly.

After Uncle Song left, he opened the mailbox.

"Supernatural Skills"

Three big characters came into view.

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