"Can I touch it?"


"What about taking a look?"

"You are really a gangster." Yang Ci choked for a moment, "Believe it or not, I will report you to the special training camp for harassment."

"?" Jiang You was stunned, "My uncle is..."

"Your uncle is a retired general, and your father-in-law is the current patrol officer." Yang Ci added, "Why are you still trying to overpower me?"

"Ahem, it's just a joke."

Good guy, why did everyone know about my speech as a villain?

"Watch it if you want, ugly alienation." Yang Ci sneered, but still raised his palm.

The left hand gradually changed, and the five fingers gradually turned into octopus-like tentacles.

Waving it wildly, you can still see tiny serrations on the tentacles. If it was entangled and strangled, the wounds would probably be horrific.

"It's very ferocious, very scary, isn't it." After saying that, Yang Ci withdrew his expression expressionlessly.

"It's okay, okay, the QQ bounce is very flexible and it feels quite cute." Jiang You said truthfully.

"..." The expression in Yang Ci's eyes changed slightly. She looked at Jiang You for a few times but said nothing.

I thought this kid was not a good person, but now it seems that he is clearly a pure bt.

Jiang You looked away, slightly confused.

He actually had some reaction.

For some unknown reason, [The Hidden One]'s personality gave him an indescribable impulse.

It made him subconsciously want to enter [Shadow Form] and beat Yang Ci to death in front of him.

The source of extraordinary people's abilities is actually from alien species.

[Eater] should be derived from [Food Seed]

Is there any conflict between [Shadow] and [Food], just like [Shadow] and [Pupillary]?

Jiang You doesn't know.

These [species] are twisting and turning in the abyss. If we can absorb other [shadow species] fragments, maybe we can figure it out.

In the field, Song Qingan slowly fought with the second-order alien species.

Originally, I planned to give the second-level blood type to Jiang You, but this guy is a real bastard.

Run directly to chase the first-level blood type.

Yang Ci came here to collect the blood of the blood species and will hand it over after he returns.

What would it be like to let people deal with second-order alien species?

So Song Qingan had no choice but to do it by himself.

Glancing at them from the corner of my eye, I saw that the three of them were almost finished.

Jiang You and Yang Ci were standing together, whispering something unknown.

Good guy, you really don’t take Land Patrol Envoy seriously.

Song Qing'an took out his mobile phone, shot the vampire flying with one hand, and then secretly took a photo of Jiang You and the two of them.

Then the flowing wind swirled in the palm and pulled gently.

The second-level blood type who flew out immediately flew back, and he pinched his neck, exerting force, and made a bang sound.

Following the cuts of wind blades, the vampire died on the spot.

Then he lifted it up and walked to Yang Ci.

"Let's take care of it. This mission is almost completed." Song Qing'an said.

"Okay." Yang Ci nodded.

For the second-order alien species, it can be seen that Yang Ci takes more effort to absorb it, far from being able to absorb it in seconds.

After absorbing about half of it, the amount was enough. She followed the same method and put the blood into the bottle.

"Why are you still holding one in your hand?" Song Qing'an looked at Jiang You.

He was holding a vampire in his hand, much like holding a big goose.

"Would you like to capture one alive and hand it over to the mission? It's better to be fresh than dead."

"Where does that come from? Besides, are you sure this one is still alive?"

"Make sure, it still has 4% of its blood volume. The blood type has a very strong vitality and can survive for about ten or twenty minutes. If you give it some more medicine, it should be fine for several dozen minutes."

Let’s have cat cakes.

Song Qingan was almost amused, "Okay, just throw it away, it's of no use."

While waiting, the battle between the three people also came to an end.

The battle ended once the vampire's head was chopped off with a knife.

Song Qingan took the instrument again and started recording.

From entering the shadow layer to now, it has taken less than two hours. It is estimated that I will be able to return to the special training camp in the afternoon.

The instrument beeped twice, Song Qingan nodded, "No problem, let's go."

"This second-order alien species is also deplorable."

"He was originally a small restaurant owner, but he accidentally got into trouble with a scavenger. The restaurant was smashed up and he was also physically threatened."

"This boss couldn't think of anything. He found a way from nowhere, gained abilities, and chose revenge. There is no doubt that he fell out of control and completely transformed into a blood species."

"Revenge has been avenged, and many innocent people have been implicated as a result."

He looked at the first-order vampires on the ground. Not surprisingly, they were all created by the restaurant owner using his own abilities.

"That's it, the matter has come to an end. There is no point in saying this. Let's call it a day and return to the Night Watch Division."

Song Qingan turned around first.

"A human-turned-alien."

Jiang You glanced at the corpse on the ground.

Suddenly his heart moved slightly, he turned his head and looked at the tall building a hundred meters away.

There was a figure there that quickly dodged away.

Is it a different species?

Not necessarily, he might just be a scavenger.

It's just... you can see this side from a hundred meters away.

Did he glance at it by chance, or was he observing this place all the time?

Jiang You frowned slightly, and after keeping his gaze for a few seconds, he followed Song Qingan and others.

"After all, most ordinary people will panic when facing extraordinary beings. If there is a power in front of them at this time, most people may not be able to refuse it. Sometimes one step forward will lead to an abyss..."

The sound gradually faded away until it completely disappeared at the end of the street.

After a while, a figure quietly emerged from the shadows.

This is actually a second-level blood species!

And you can see the more obvious female characteristics on it.

It ran to the dying body, looking sad and whimpering.

Then he slit his wrist and fed the blood to the other person's mouth.

Blood kind, blood kind, blood is very important.

After being replenished, the dying alien species regained some vitality.

However, the [blood volume] is too low after all. It would be better to have other means. The blood of the second-level blood type alone will delay it for a while at most.

Obviously this is the plan of this female vampire, to delay for some time, find prey again, and then try to cure it.

The vampire stood up, and the next moment, a delicate face looked at it with a hint of calmness.

"Sure enough, there is another one." Jiang You said softly.


The vampire's hair suddenly exploded, and he showed his sharp nails and opened his bloody mouth full of jagged fangs to intimidate him.

[HP]: 50%

I'm so willing to bleed.

It is obvious that the two are husband and wife.

They lost control together and became alien species.

No matter what happened in the past, in their current state, it is impossible to let them continue to kill ordinary people.

With a slight sigh, Jiang You turned sideways to avoid the attack.

The sharp claw blades were covered with blood, and it could be seen that this alien species was completely desperate.

Jiang You counterattacked with a backhand.

The poor vampire was able to survive just one attack and was completely at a disadvantage.

Punch after punch, this alien's actual combat skills were very poor. After a few rounds, it completely lost its ability to fight back.

The last punch fell, the health bar was endangered, and it fell to the ground, lingering.

Jiang You was about to land his final punch.

But he saw it raising its head with all its strength, reaching out its hand, trying to touch the first dying vampire.

At this moment, it became more and more human-like.

Jiang You, who was about to be killed, became even more inhuman.

Sure enough, a wild alien species.

It's just different from the alien species that humans have become.

"It's already a different species."

"Alienation is irreversible."

Song Qingan's voice sounded behind him.

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