"Could it be... You brought me to such a place ... Is it bad intentions to me? Bulma was a little nervous, "You won't really let me give you a baby here as your mother said, will you?" "

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you." Lu Fan shook his head.

Bulma: "..."

"You... What do you mean! Bulma's forehead was bruised and furious.

"Don't you have a boyfriend? Don't behave so watery in front of me! Lu Fan rolled his eyes.

"Boyfriend? What are you talking about? When did I have a boyfriend? I didn't even know I had a boyfriend, how do you know I had a boyfriend? Bulma asked strangely.

"Isn't Leping your boyfriend?" Lu Fan asked.

"Leping? Are you kidding me? How could I fall for that kind of person? He's been pursuing me... But I don't like him at all. Bulma replied immediately, and after saying that, she felt a little wrong, "No, why do you know so clearly, have you been paying attention to me?" "

"Let's find the spaceship first." Lu Fan shook his head and moved slightly in his heart.

Could it be that history has changed because of my existence?

Maybe it's a butterfly effect.

Bulma and Leping are not together?

If they really weren't together, they could fulfill their mother's wish and have a big fat boy with Bulma first.

It will be 10,000 years before I marry Kess.

Who waited 10,000 years?

Can I afford to wait, can my mother afford to wait?

Lu Fan's mentality also underwent some small changes.

But Lu Fan thought about it carefully, if I married Bulma now, would the Great Priest beat me to death?

As for the search for the spaceship, Lu Fan also tried his best to cooperate with Sun Wukong and them.

Lu Fan also didn't want everything to be solved by himself.

Monkey King They need to grow, and they need to experience.

With his nemesis and his party, Lu Fan decided to take this opportunity to cultivate Sun Wukong well.

"Over here." Lu Fan appeared next to a spaceship.

Bulma also looked towards the mossy spaceship.

Immediately afterwards, Bulma stepped forward to check the materials of the spacecraft.

"What is this thing made of? Unlike metal, this material has never been seen before. Bulma muttered.

"You don't need to look at this thing, it's a spaceship." Lu Fan mused, "It is estimated that it was the spaceship that the Celestial God took when he came to Earth. "

"Hey? Is the spaceship that the gods ride on? Bulma was stunned, and then looked around for the entrance, "But how are we going to get in?" This looks like it's well sealed from the spacecraft. "

"Maybe by some kind of command, like Vic Que." Lu Fan uttered the words Bike.


A platform descended from the bottom of the spacecraft.

"I know a little bit of Nemesis." Lu Fan smiled and said, "Vic means different worlds, so it is more appropriate to use it for the entrance." "

"You know a lot." Bulma showed a look of adoration.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Fan flew onto the platform with Bulma in his arms.

"Vic ." Lu Fan said again.


The platform of the spacecraft slowly rose upwards and entered the interior of the spacecraft.

"I remembered that the King of the Realm said that in the past, due to the abnormal climate, the humans on it were almost extinct, so the gods would come to Earth on a spaceship." Bulma quickly reacted and walked to the control room to take a look, "I'm not sure if I can control this spaceship... This is the console, right? Where is the start button? Is this it? Strange, not like ah! Is there any startup password? But yes, if it could be started so easily, Tenjin should have known it when he was a child. "

"Perhaps, it's also a form of speech." Lu Fan reminded.

Bulma's eyes lit up at that time, and she looked back at Lu Fan: "You are so right!" I'll give it a try! Launch quickly! Fly it! Fly fast.~Let's go"

The spacecraft didn't move.

"No, it may be a language barrier, you have to use the Nemesis language." Bulma shook her head gently, "It's the strange language spoken by the Heavenly God and Vic at the First Martial Arts Conference in the world, that must be the Nameixing language!" Yes, you haven't seen the world's first martial arts conference, have you? "

"As I said just now, I know a little bit of Nemesis." Lu Fan smiled.

"Great! Then you try to get the spaceship to take off! Let's fly to Jupiter's area first! Bulma proposed.

"Well said." Lu Fan immediately issued an order to the spacecraft in the language of Namexing.

Lu Fan did know the Nemesis language, and it was too easy for a god to master a human language.


A line of text came from the spacecraft.

"Hey? What is written above? Bulma asked.

"Written received." Lu Fan replied.


The next moment, the spacecraft soared into the sky, leaving the atmosphere in just an instant and flying into space.

At the moment when the spacecraft had just taken off, Mr. Bobo also came through the flying carpet.

Mr. Bobo looked up at the spaceship that had disappeared into the air and was stunned for a moment.

It doesn't seem like I'm okay anymore.

Should I go back?

The powerful impact of the spacecraft made Bulma suddenly fall into Lu Fan's arms.

Immediately afterwards, Bulma slowly knelt in front of Lu Fan.

Lu Fan: "..."

Bulma: "..."

Then, Bulma quickly got up and saw Jupiter that appeared not far away through the position of the window.

"It's successful, it's really Jupiter!" Bulma was pleasantly surprised, "It's amazing, this spaceship is simply amazing." "

Saying that, Bulma stepped forward and tiptoed to kiss Lu Fan's face.

Lu Fan: "..."

Take advantage of me.

"But then again, are you really going to marry your fiancée in 10,000 years?" Bulma asked curiously.

"yes." Lu Fan nodded.

"Can you live 10,000 years?" Bulma asked.

"I have an eternal life, and 10,000 years is nothing to me." Lu Fan smiled.

"Huh? Eternal life? Aren't you a Saiyan? Do Saiyans have eternal life? Bulma was even more surprised.

"I'm a Saiyan, but I'm also a god." Lu Fan smiled slightly.

"God? Is it a god of a certain planet? Bulma was stunned.

"You don't understand it, I'll tell you slowly later." Lu Fan shook his head, "Since the matter of the spaceship has been decided, you guys pack up early and prepare to leave for Namexing." "

The matter of the spacecraft has been finalized, and Sun Wukong and the others are ready to set off at any time.

However, according to Sun Wukong's request, Bulma decided to transform the spaceship well.

Himeuchi also plans to stay on Earth for the time being, and when Bardock returns, he will discuss with him where to live.

In this regard, Lu Fan naturally would not object.


Universe 10, Planet Rumsey.

"This is not right, Lu Fan brought his mother to Earth... It's back to the seventh universe! Rumsey's head grew for a while.

"What is Lord Rumsey going to do?" Kess asked. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I think it's more appropriate to get the Earth to our tenth universe." Rumsey muttered, "Doesn't Lu Fan's brat still have two more permissions to use Super Dragon Ball, and he can return his father this time next year, and I don't know what wish he wants to make next?" "

"Take the time to ask him." Kesi mused, "I think this matter, as long as I discuss it with Lu Fan, maybe he will agree to transfer the galaxy where the earth is located to the tenth universe." "

"Okay, then find time to ask." Rumsey shook the elephant's nose and patted the door of his head again, "But what makes me distressed now is that this kid Lu Fan has become the realm king god of the new universe!" I should go to the new universe in the future, right? "

"Didn't Lu Fan say that he would stay and develop our universe before going to the new universe." Kesi replied, "He is in urgent need of work experience now, and it is good to practice in our universe." "

"When his father returns, invite his parents to live in our universe." Rumsey smiled.

"I think it works." Kess nodded.

"I didn't expect that his father was still alive, and he was actually involved in a time-space tunnel, and his life was really big enough." Rumsey mused.

"Yes, yes." Kess replied.

"Isn't it troublesome to find?" Rumsey asked Kers.

"It is indeed a very troublesome thing, after all, it spans a time and space, especially the past time and space... It's not an easy thing to find. Kess nodded.

"Do you say that it will be as Lu Fan said, his father is actually in our time and space... Although we have traveled back in time, we have lived for several years and are in the same time and space as us. Rumsey guessed.

"It's possible, but the odds are very low." Kess shook her head slightly.

"Forget it, anyway, it is the best way to transfer his father through the Divine Dragon in a year." Rumsey waved his hand and did not continue his research.

Summoning Lu Fan's father through the Divine Dragon, nothing is more effective.

It just took a year to complete.

But for God, a year is a very short time.

A guy like Beerus has been sleeping for decades.


The fourth universe, the destruction of the god realm.

Destroyer Cuitra was gulping down.

What Cuitra eats looks more eccentric, spiral yellow stuff.

The angel Kornick stood aside, holding a scepter in his hand.

".~ Hey, Konick, don't you eat something?" Cutra asked.

"I won't eat it, it doesn't look very delicious." Konick shook his head.

"I think it's delicious, don't be such a picky eater, it's rare to have such a delicious thing." Cuitra smiled.

At this moment, a purple-red streamer of light came from a distance and slowly fell on the ground that destroyed the God Realm.

"Who am I, isn't this Sidara? What wind is blowing you? Cutra asked with a smile.

"I'm idle and bored, come and play with you!" Sidara smiled, "How? Not welcome? "

Coming to planet Cuitra is Sidara, the god of destruction in the ninth universe.

Sidhara looks like an old man who is human.

Cuetra is a rat-like god of destruction.

"I'm just bored, I'm glad you can come." Cuitra nodded and asked, "How about playing something?" Have you invented a new game? "

"I'm looking for it too, do you have it here?" Sidara asked.

"By the way, I heard that Beerus guy is still sleeping?" Cuitra asked.

"It seems to be, that guy usually doesn't sleep for decades is difficult to wake up, this time at least slept for more than 20 years." Sidara mused.

"How about we go over and kick him out while he's sleeping?" Cuitra proposed.

"This game seems to be fun!" Sidara smiled and agreed.

"So... Go now! Cuetra greeted.

"I just came and set off? Is this your hospitality? Sidara rolled her eyes.

"Then you can eat something." The-like food on Cuitra's plate was handed to Sidara.

Sidara: "..."

"Ahem... Isn't this the I pulled, you actually ate so happily? Sidara said with a smile.

Quetra was furious at that time and slapped a palm towards Sidara.

Sidara smiled and hurriedly flew backwards.

"Just kidding, just kidding." Sidara smiled and waved her hand.

"Don't say such disgusting things again, otherwise I'm not done with you!" Cuitra's nose was crooked.

"Actually, I also think that what Lord Cuetra eats is very similar to that produced by Lord Sidara." Konick said with a smile.

"Konick! You guy! Quitra was furious.

A little fussy for a while.

Quetra and Sidara decide to go to the seventh universe.

While the Beerus guy was sleeping, kick him a few feet out of breath.

"I'm not going." Konick shook his head, not meaning to participate.

"Let's go!" Cuitra greeted.

Suddenly, Cuitra and Sidara turned into two purple-red streamers, disappeared into the starry sky in an instant, and traveled rapidly in the cosmic space.

About half an hour later.

The two passed a planet.

The sirens on the planet sounded one after another, from below into the starry sky.

"Cutra, what planet is that?" Sidara asked casually.

"Uh, the Great Prison Planet." Cuitra replied, "The planet I directly govern, some people I look at unfavorably, and I don't want to destroy them immediately, I will throw them on this planet and lock them up." "

"You're really idle." Sidara smiled and slowly stopped, "The siren is so loud, is something wrong?" "

"Go down and take a look." Cuitra nodded lightly and quickly flew towards the big prison planet below.

The two soon landed on the planet of the Great Prison.

When the warden saw Cuitra appear, he immediately stepped forward and bowed down.

"What happened?" Cuetra asked.

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