"Moonlight is the result of sunlight reflected on the moon! When sunlight hits the moon, it will generate an electromagnetic wave. This electromagnetic wave can reach 17 million hertz when the moon is full, and the eyes absorb more than 17 million hertz. The electromagnetic wave will react to the tail and start to transform." Vegeta snorted coldly, "There are many moons around some planets in the universe, no matter how big or small, they can only release electromagnetic waves exceeding 17 million hertz when the moon is full .”

"I don't understand..." Son Goku scratched his head, feeling like he was listening to a scripture.

"But only Saiyan can create an artificial full moon exceeding 17 million hertz!" Vegeta said, slightly raised his right hand, and his facial expression became more ferocious.


In just an instant, a gleaming sphere was condensed by Vegeta.

"The principle is very simple, just mix the oxygen on this planet into this energy bomb." Vegeta laughed loudly, panting heavily, and his smile became even brighter, "I kept you waiting for Kakarot, Lu Fan! Your time of death has come! I, a super soldier, should never have challenged you inferior fighters."

"What the hell is he trying to do? I still don't understand!" Son Goku still didn't recover for a while, and said to Lu Fan, "Lu Fan, do you understand? What became a giant ape? This guy is While releasing the ball of light, the breath is also greatly reduced."

"Look carefully, you will know soon." Lu Fan sighed.

"call out!"

Vegeta flicked his hand violently, and immediately threw the ball of light in his hand high into the sky.

"Are you heading in the wrong direction?" Son Goku asked, "I'm here."

Vegeta: "..."

God the fuck are you there.

Vegeta didn't want to talk to Son Goku, and shouted at the artificial full moon in the sky: "Bloom, my moon!"

Suddenly, the artificial full moon in the sky released a holy light.

A full moon was born.

"Lu Fan, you can also transform!" Vegeta chuckled lightly, "But a lowly Saiyan like you will lose his mind once he turns into a giant ape! The same is true for Kakarot! But I am different, I am Royal family of Saiyan! I will not lose my mind!"

After finishing speaking, Vegeta looked up to the sky, closely watching the artificial full moon in the sky.

The next moment, sharp fangs appeared on Vegeta's face, and his pupils instantly turned red.

At the same time, his body grew rapidly.

After Son Goku saw such a scene, his face became extremely ugly.


another direction.

Kling and Son Gohan are slowly making their way through the air.

"We'll be at the Guixian House soon." Kling greeted, "Come on, Gohan!"

"Yes! Yes!" Son Gohan responded quickly.

But the next moment, Klin suddenly stopped in the air, and looked towards Vegeta's direction from a distance.

"What's wrong over there?" Kelin saw a shining sphere in the distance, "What is it? Why is it so bright? Is it a star?"

"No, not like a star!" Son Gohan replied.

Immediately afterwards, the faces of both of them changed color.

Because the two sensed a powerful evil breath at the same time.

"What is that? I feel an evil aura rising!" Kelin said in a deep voice.

"Father's anger has also recovered... what happened?" Son Gohan was a little confused.

"No, that Saiyan's aura is even stronger! What happened?" Kelin's face was extremely ugly.

"Father..." Son Gohan had a bad premonition, he clenched his fists tightly and made up his mind, "I want to go back!"

"You want to go back? Do you want to go back to Goku's place?" Kelin froze for a moment, then looked back at Son Gohan.

"Daddy's life may be in danger...I'm going back to help him!" Son Gohan gritted his teeth.

"But the opponent is too powerful, it is impossible for us to defeat him!" Kelin shook his head.

"I know, but I have to go back!" Son Gohan said loudly, and after he finished speaking, he flew back without looking back.

"Hey, hello!" Kelin hurriedly called Son Gohan.

A brief hesitation.

"Wait a minute, Gohan! I'll go with you!" Kelin quickly caught up.


battle scene.

Son Goku looked up and saw a huge monster.

Great Ape Vegeta.

"Hahaha, Kakarot! How is it? Are you surprised?" Vegeta laughed wildly.

"How did this happen? How did it become like this?" Son Goku was stunned, his face changed again and again, "Giant ape... a giant ape monster!"

"By the way, I'll tell you another piece of good news. When Saiyan turns into a giant ape, his fighting power will increase by 10 times." Vegeta showed his sharp fangs.

Several images immediately appeared in Son Goku's mind.

Grandpa told me that on the night of the full moon there will be giant ape monsters appearing, so don’t go outside, it’s safest to sleep at home.

God also said to me that making my tail disappear is the right choice, because my tail will cause a lot of trouble.

"It turned out to be like this, I finally figured it out." Son Goku smiled wryly, "What a terrible thing happened, I trampled grandpa to death! The typhoon at the venue of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference was also caused by me!"

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