As Soon As I Became Supreme Kai, Gods Of Destruction Came Looking For Trouble

Chapter 96 What About Lu Fan And Kakarot? Come Out For Me!

"Bring it here." The Great Elder didn't object.

"I'll bring him here right away..." Kelin said, "This Dragon Ball..."

"Take it away, the future of this planet depends on you." The Great Elder smiled.

"Dende, you wait here, I'll bring Gohan right away." Kling suggested.

"Be careful!" Dende said.

Kelin didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately turned into a bright streamer, flying quickly towards the direction where Son Gohan and Bulma were.

At this time, Son Gohan was practicing outside the cave, and Erma was sitting on a rock and holding a Dragon Ball radar to watch carefully.

"Hey, Gohan, look!" Bulma suddenly called Son Gohan over.

Son Gohan stepped forward and took a closer look.

"A Dragon Ball in the distance reacted and was flying towards this side. Could it be Kling?" Bulma asked.

It must be Uncle Kelin! Great!" Son Gohan nodded, "He has arrived at the Great Elder safely and brought back the Dragon Ball. "

"That's really great." Bulma nodded, "Look quickly! There's another Dragon Ball over here! Look, the five over there belong to Frieza, and this one has already been ordered. 1"

"Really! And it's very close to here!" Son Gohan said with some surprise, and pointed to a certain direction, "It's that direction, right?"

"Yes." Bulma nodded.

"I remembered, that is the village that Vegeta once attacked." Son Gohan suddenly realized, and immediately let go of the sensor, "But, Vegeta is not there! I can't sense Vegeta's breath at all."

"I see, although he attacked the village, he probably didn't find the Dragon Ball." Bulma guessed, so he went elsewhere!"

"Give me the Dragon Ball Radar, and I'll go find the Dragon Ball right now." Son Gohan suggested.

"Great, our luck!" Bulma handed the Dragon Ball Radar to Son Gohan.

Frieza's Universe ship.

Vegeta has been placed in the treatment cabin by Sabo, and he is being treated.

"I didn't expect to have to treat the traitor!" Sabo 21 shook his head, snorted coldly, and asked the little Karami beside him how long it would take before he could speak.

"His injury is serious, and it will take at least 30 minutes to keep his mind awake." Little Karami replied.

"I'm going to report the situation to Lord Frieza." Sabo confessed and turned to leave.

Little Karami looked at Vegeta in the treatment cabin, showing a contemptuous smile.

"The famous Vegeta is not even a fart in front of His Excellency Frieza." Little Karami said with a smile.

But, at this moment, Vegeta suddenly opened his eyes in the treatment cabin.

Little Karami's pupils shrank sharply, suddenly feeling a bad premonition.


Vegeta sprayed energy in his hand, and beat the little Karami to a fart at that time.

"Who's the fart?" Vegeta chuckled, "You didn't expect me to recover right away, did you?"

Such a loud sound immediately caught the attention of Frieza and Sabo.

"No! It's that guy Vegeta!"

Years passed by Frieza and Sabo, and to their surprise Vegeta had broken through a hole in the Universe ship and escaped.

However, what they didn't know was that Vegeta didn't escape, but hid in the spaceship of Universe.

"Quick! Chase me!" Frieza was furious.

"This bastard!" Sabo soared into the sky, feeling more difficult than eating shit.

It was a wrong decision to save this guy.

Seeing Frieza and Sabo leave, Vegeta immediately rushed to the main control room, where he found five Dragon Balls.

That's great!

"Sabo, haven't you found it yet?" Frieza said angrily, "If you allow him to escape from here, you will take full responsibility and I will execute you!"

"Hahaha, this idiot is still looking outside!" Vegeta smiled proudly, "Not only did they heal my injury, they also gave me 5 Dragon Balls! I can't take all 5 Dragon Balls away now ...lead them in the opposite direction first!"

As he spoke, Vegeta yelled loudly into the depths of the Universe spaceship: "Hey, you've been fooled, I'm still inside the Universe spaceship.

"What?" Frieza's face changed color.

"You...what did you say?" Sabo's face was angry.


Vegeta released a Ki Blast at the Universe spaceship, and then took the opportunity to appear in the main control room, and shot a blaze at random, blasting the spaceship out of a gap.

Vegeta threw 5 Dragon Balls out of the spaceship.

Sabo and Frieza searched the Universe ship for a while, but couldn't find Vegeta.

"Could it be... Vegeta is going to grab the Dragon Ball?" Frieza suddenly had a bad feeling.

The two quickly returned to the main control room, and they found that the five Dragon Balls they had obtained had disappeared.

"Ah...this bastard!" Sabo's face turned green, and he rushed to the sky, searching for his wife Vegeta's whereabouts.

It's just that there is no detector, and how can Sabo find Vegeta by simply searching with eyes?

"Your Excellency Frieza, is Vegeta still in the spaceship of Universe?" Sabo asked hastily.

"Look around!" Frieza gasped.

The two searched inside the spaceship for a long time but couldn't find Vegeta.

"It's really a steal and a waste of money..... Letting Vegeta go, and losing the Dragon Ball!" Frieza gritted his teeth in hatred, "He can't escape with 5 Dragon Balls in an instant! I'm in Universe Continue searching in the spaceship, you go search the outside and the bottom of the Universe spaceship! Listen, if you don’t bring Vegeta back within an hour, I will kill you!”

"Yes, understand! His face turned pale.

Vegeta quietly gathered the five Dragon Balls together, and found a safer place to hide them.

"In this way, plus the Dragon Ball that sank into the water, I got six Dragon Balls." Vegeta was so excited.

All of a sudden, Vegeta sensed a powerful aura that was approaching at high speed.

Vegeta was slightly taken aback.

who is it?

Could it be that Sabo guy?

No! He is not as powerful as Sabo!

At this moment, Kling finally appeared in Vegeta's field of vision with the Dragon Ball.

Klin was a little carried away now, feeling that his energy had been greatly improved, so he simply held the Dragon Ball and swaggered through the market without any scruples.

"It's that earthling, why is he in Namek?" Vegeta was taken aback for a moment, with a joyful smile on his face, "He's alone, and he's holding the last Dragon Ball! Anyway, I have to Take this Dragon Ball from him! My luck is so good!"

"call out!"

Vegeta quickly followed up.

I'm about to get all seven Dragon Balls together.

Super Saiyan's wish is about to come true.

Sabo searched the sky for a moment, and immediately found Kling flying fast with the Dragon Ball.

"That's the guy who rescued the little Namek man, he held the Dragon Ball in his hand?" Sabo was taken aback, and then he was surprised and delighted.

Sabo found Vegeta again.

Finally found Vegeta.

Three people, one in the front, one in the middle, and one in the back.

There are endless expectations in my heart.

Vegeta was flying, and suddenly sensed Sabo's breath behind him.

I seem to have been discovered by Sabo.

But just take advantage of this opportunity to destroy him!

Who told him to heal me when I was dying?

Kling fell from the sky with the Dragon Ball in his arms and appeared beside Bulma.

Bulma was taken aback.

"Isn't this Krillin? You scared the hell out of me!" Bulma yelled.

"Miss Bulma, how dangerous it is here, you will be discovered if you read a book leisurely outside!" Kelin said hastily.

"Huh? Is the Dragon Ball in your hand?" Bulma was taken aback.

"Yes, this is Namek's Dragon Ball." Kling nodded.

"The Dragon Ball of Namek is really big. According to Lu Fan, there is also a super Dragon Ball that is as big as a planet." Bulma said with emotion.

"By the way, is Gohan at home? I want to take him to meet the Great Elder." Kelin asked.

"He went to look for another Dragon Ball, and the radar shows that the Dragon Ball is near the village that Vegeta attacked." Bulma smiled.

" that's the case." Kelin nodded.

At this moment, Kelin suddenly sensed a powerful aura approaching.

"Who's here?" Kelin's face changed color, and he looked behind him.

"Is that Gohan? He came back so fast!" Bulma smiled.

"It's's not Gohan! It's Vegeta!" Kelin couldn't help but screamed with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Vegeta fell from the sky and landed on the opposite side of the two of them, looking around vigilantly.

"I didn't expect people from Earth to appear on this planet..." Vegeta snorted, "Let Lu Fan and Kakarot come out, I'll challenge them!"

"Lu Fan and Goku are not here." Kelin was startled, and hurriedly answered tremblingly.

"That would be great!" Vegeta breathed a sigh of relief.

"Idiot! Why did you tell him?" Bulma felt like he had met a pig teammate.

"I'm so scared..." Kelin wanted to cry.

"Listen, I have a very important thing to do before this!" Vegeta chuckled, "You don't want to run away with Dragon Ball, or I will kill you, and that girl!"

Bulma: "...

Cold sweat broke out on Kelin's face.

"Here he comes." Vegeta looked up to the sky.

The next moment, I saw Sabo falling from the sky and landed on the opposite side of Vegeta, with endless confidence on his face.

"Vegeta, you played me so hard, because of you, His Excellency Frieza no longer trusts me!" Sabo's eyes were tearing apart, "The kid holding the Dragon Ball looks very familiar, so you guys have joined forces ."

"Whatever you say." Vegeta looked indifferent.

"I'm not interested in your affairs. Hand over the few Dragon Balls you hid, or I don't mind beating you to death." Sabo said coldly.

"Come and try." Vegeta smiled triumphantly.

"The guy who doesn't know how to live or die!" The corner of Sabo's mouth rose contemptuously, and he transformed into a toad immediately.

"What kind of monster is this? And his energy has suddenly increased!" Kelin was shocked and trembling.

"At first I thought he had a righteous face, but he turned out to be so ugly." Bulma was also trembling uncontrollably.

Sabo rushed in the direction of Ve520 Geeta.

Vegeta quickly lay down on the ground and grabbed a large handful of dirt.

Sabo punches away.

Vegeta dodges and soars into the air.

Sabo followed up.

Vegeta spilled the dirt from his hand.


It fell into Sabo's eyes.

Sabo felt his eyes sore for a while, and he couldn't see anything.


Vegeta hit Sabo hard in the back.

Sabo fell from the sky.

Vegeta followed and kicked over, hitting Sabo's head on the spot.

Sabo plunged headlong into the lake below, causing high splashes.

Vegeta screamed loudly, continuously released energy from his hands, and launched a fierce attack on the lake below.

A large amount of lake water has been evaporated by the powerful energy.

The whole earth was shaking violently.

"Miss Bulma, let's take this opportunity to escape." Kelin suggested.

"But he said he would kill us if he escaped," Bulma said.

"I can't control that much anymore! If you don't run, you will die!" Kelin immediately grabbed Bulma's arm and flew into the sky.

"Don't try to escape!" With a wave of Vegeta's hand, a mass of energy hit Klin and the others right in front of them, forcing Klin back abruptly.

"What a shrewd guy!" Kelin gritted his teeth, not daring to run anymore.

"call out!"

The next moment, Sabo rushed up from the lake below.

Vegeta also dodged the opponent's attack immediately.

The two landed firmly.

Sabo is already scarred by Vegeta and has no image.

"Hmph, the effect of preemptive attack is really good." Vegeta smiled, "You have no energy now, Sabo."

"You said I have no energy? Don't be kidding, my fighting power is much stronger than yours!" Sa shouted.

"Sabo, don't you know us Saiyan at all?" Vegeta sneered, "You saved me from dying, it is a fatal existence for you!

Because every time Saiyan is reborn on the verge of death, his combat power will be greatly improved! Otherwise, why do you think Frieza put me on a planet like Novice Village?

He won't let me engage in difficult battles? He is afraid that I will keep getting stronger!"

"You... what did you say?" Sabo's face changed color.

"The first battle on Earth made me grow up very quickly, and with the addition of the battle with you, my current combat effectiveness has already surpassed yours." Vegeta looked more and more proud. .

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