The most powerful country became surprisingly quiet for a period of time after successfully getting back the top-secret information.

It was as if nothing that had happened before had ever happened.

Although they were also paying attention to the situation in the Dragon Kingdom, they did not dare to make any small moves.

A chip blockade eventually made the most powerful country disgraced and became a global laughing stock.

He was about to steal quantum engraving technology, but he was beaten to his doorstep and took away a large number of top-secret documents.

So in the end, I had to admit my mistake in front of the whole world, and even spent hundreds of billions in compensation!

After several blows, the most powerful country is really afraid!

They seemed to be deliberately forgetting about the Dragon Kingdom and the fact that the other party was developing rapidly.

It's like, facing someone you can't defeat and won't let you play, the only way is to retreat and selectively turn a blind eye.

However, when the news about the Dragon Kingdom's nationwide infrastructure came out, the most powerful country could no longer choose to ignore it.

For a time, various personnel came and went in the President's Office, reporting on the current situation.

In the presidential palace, in a conference room, everyone from the most powerful country to the president and some congressmen were present.

I saw the blond president looking at the documents in his hand, and finally looking next to him, an old man with white hair.

"Professor Johnser, can you tell me your opinion on Dragon Kingdom building a super intelligent brain?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the old man, a big man who has been studying in the field of intelligence for decades and has absolute say.


Faced with the president's inquiry, Johnser looked away from the information and whispered with shock.

Hearing this, everyone's hearts tightened.

Could it be that Johnser believed that Dragon Kingdom's nationally constructed super intelligence brain was Feasible?


"I can only say that this is a genius idea and a civilizational achievement that transcends the times!"

Facing everyone's eager eyes, Johnser said with great shock.

"ahead of time……"

The president and others felt their hearts sinking.

Is this an exaggeration?

"Professor Johnser, is your assessment of them too high?"Finally, the president couldn't help but ask.

At this moment, there was a layer of sweat on his forehead, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Too high?"

Unexpectedly, Johnser sneered twice and glanced at those who didn't believe it or even disapproved:

"According to my research over the years, it will take at least sixty years to become a super intelligent brain! And the super brain that Dragon Kingdom is going to build right now is a hundred times more advanced than I imagined!"

"Just wait, once they build a super smart brain, the whole world will be theirs!"

This is by no means alarmist.

Because the super intelligence will give wings to the development of the Dragon Kingdom.

No country can catch up.

At this moment, the huge conference room was silent.

Everyone was stunned by Johnser's words!

Even those who didn't take it seriously before had serious expressions on their faces.

"So, what should we do?"

After a long time, a congressman asked

"what to do?"Johnser glanced at the crowd and said with certainty:"Lower your posture and pray that the strongest country will take us with you."

This is the only solution!

Because, as far as the current situation is concerned, except for the Dragon Kingdom, no country has the strength and technology to build such a huge super intelligence brain!

"Let us surrender to the Dragon Kingdom?"

Johanser's words made many people present feel uncomfortable.

Although the most powerful country was defeated in the previous confrontation!

But the foundation of the most powerful country is still there, and they are still the most powerful country in the world.

Now, let

How could they possibly swallow this as they begged each other to cooperate ?

"I would like to remind you that Longguo’s quantum engraving machines have begun mass production, and the first batch of 0.89nm chips have been equipped on idea products.

This batch of products has absolute competitive advantages in terms of quality and technology. Just yesterday, several major companies, mainly in the mobile phone industry, have already stated to us the pressure they are facing."

When everyone was silent, a person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said quietly.


As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Longguo’s quantum engraving machine has been put into mass production?

Are the chips equipped in new products?

How long has it been? How could it be so fast!

"We must take action, whether it is cooperation or other means, otherwise it will only be a matter of time before we are surpassed."The person in charge said again

"I suggest that you send someone to the Dragon Kingdom immediately to discuss cooperation."Facing the silent crowd, the person in charge spoke again.


This time, it is the turn of the most powerful country to make a choice!

On the Dragon Kingdom side, a major infrastructure construction project is underway in full swing.

Under Wang Wudao's continuous technical output, various projects are proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the other side, in the southeast corner of the production base, covering an area of three thousand meters, a new production base rose from the ground.

Here, it is used to produce the core components of the super smart brain.

In other words, this will be the core of the super intelligent brain.

So far, things are going very smoothly.

According to the evaluation, the task can even be completed one month ahead of schedule!

However, just half a month later, Wang Wudao suddenly received a piece of news

"No money?"

Looking at Jiang Kai who looked troubled and embarrassed, Wang Wudao was stunned for a moment.

Forty-eight billion, all spent so quickly?

"250 billion was invested in building the satellite cluster and 100 billion in smart base stations, in addition to various expenses. This is the bill, Mr. Wang, please take a look at it."Jiang Kai nodded and handed the account information to Wang Wudao.

Wang Wudao couldn't help sweating when he saw it.

There were only 10 billion left on the account!

Although he thought that this project would be very expensive, he didn't expect it to cost so much!

Moreover, it is consumed very quickly!

���It seems that we need to think of some more solutions."

Rubbing the bill with his fingers and narrowing his eyes slightly, Wang Wudao began to make calculations in his mind.

The state has already allocated a large amount of funds. Although it can be used to withdraw another amount, it would be tantamount to using other investments. , not cost-effective.

Therefore, Wang Wudao has to find a way to invest the next trillions of dollars, which is indeed a headache!

"Sir Wang Guoshi, the sun never sets and the representatives from other countries are here!"

Just when Wang Wudao was scratching his head about money, Taylor walked in in a hurry.


When Wang Wudao heard this, his eyes suddenly let out two rays of light.

"Quick, take me to meet Jin……"At that moment, Wang Wudao couldn't wait to stand up and strode outside:"No, I'm going to see an old friend."

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