"Nothing really happened, right?"

At this moment, netizens who were originally happy and looking forward to the successful construction of the total base station suddenly became nervous.

Less than a minute before the operation started, Wang Wudao suddenly started operating urgently.

Even some heads of foreign government departments were nervous at this moment. Breaking into a cold sweat.

Everyone was staring nervously at the live broadcast screen. At this moment, everyone in the control room fell silent, staring at Wang Wudao, and they kept wiping. Cold sweat. Wang Wudao seemed to have forgotten everything around him. At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the screen, and his hands were typing on the keyboard faster and faster. However, what confused everyone was that the program Wang Wudao entered was different from the previous one. The input is exactly the same

"Wang Guoshi is here, what are you doing?"

As time passed by, someone couldn't help asking.

The procedures were the same, so what was Wang Wudao doing?

However, no one answered him.


Xian Min's throat squirmed a few times, and he looked eagerly He glanced at his watch.


There were still fifteen seconds left.

However, Wang Wudao had no intention of stopping.

The time was ticking, not even in the control room.

In the live broadcast room, everyone fell into a terrible silence.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Wang Wudao to create another miracle!

Five seconds passed!

Wang Wudao still didn't stop...

Wang Wudao was still there.


Huhuhu~ At this moment, Xian Min's breathing became extremely slow, as if there was a ball of air pressing on his chest.

His fingers clenched tightly on his palms, and his whole body became terrifyingly tight for four seconds...

Xian Min's breathing was stagnant, and he was stunned as if his head was suddenly deprived of oxygen.

Chen Ting and others' scalps were numb, and their whole bodies were shaking nervously for three seconds...

Time and space seemed to freeze at this moment.

Someone began to pray.

Wang Wudao's movements reached the extreme!

Within two seconds...

many people were already in despair.

In the command room, Xian Min and others' faces turned red.

When the last second came, Xian Min shook his head.

Ding~ Suddenly, a beep came from the central control screen.

At this moment, people suddenly saw that the last line of code in the quantum transmission program began to change.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

There was indeed something wrong with the previous program!

At this time, Wang Wudao suddenly raised his head and looked at the heads of various departments:

"Everyone, get ready!"


Hearing Wang Wudao's sonorous voice, everyone was shocked and immediately came back to their senses.

"The power department, network department, engineering department...report the situation!"

At this time, Wang Wudao ordered again:

"Electricity department, everything is fine!"

The person in charge of the power department was startled, picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, then answered Wang Wudao as quickly as possible.

"The network department is always ready!"The head of the network department hummed.


For a time, the heads of eight departments reported the situation one after another.

A firm voice echoed through the command room.

Wang Wudao looked at these people, then looked at the big screen, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Disconnect the Internet!"

When it was 9:05 seconds, Wang Wudao gave an order.

Immediately, thousands of employees distributed in various network base stations in the imperial capital cut off the network while receiving the order.

For a time, the entire imperial capital network was interrupted.

Fortunately, the government Bian notified the people of the Imperial Capital and relevant companies and units early, but it did not cause panic.

"Connect to the Badafeng base station!"

At this time, Wang Wudao issued an order again.

A second later, 30,000 to 40,000 staff members located in more than 20 locations in the imperial capital took action at the same time.

The base station, which was more than ten meters high, was hoisted and placed in the designated area.

This scene was carried out almost simultaneously at the twenty-three base stations in the Imperial Capital and was broadcast live.

"This execution, this efficiency, Longguo is awesome!"

"If you can complete half a year's work of another country in one minute, who else can you ask?"

"A glimpse of one spot reveals the whole leopard. The future belongs to the Dragon Kingdom, and this matter has not escaped!"

For a moment, the live broadcast room was buzzing with excitement!

The tens of millions of Dragon Kingdom netizens who watched the live broadcast became collectively excited.

It seemed as if they were about to release all the depression from the previous minute!

"God, is this speed really possible for humans?"

At the same time, when this scene was seen by foreign netizens or people from government departments, they were all shocked and their heads were buzzing.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that there is such a terrible and efficient infrastructure in the world. strength!


Just when everyone was shocked, Wang Wudao suddenly shouted in the live broadcast room.

And this sound sounded almost at the same time as the last base station was completed.


As this order was issued, the network department immediately opened

After more than 40 seconds of life without the Internet, tens of millions of Internet users in the imperial capital flocked to the Internet again.

"Did you make it?"

"I did the math and found that it took a total of forty-three seconds from disconnection to connection! It shouldn’t have taken more than forty seconds to build the total base station, right?"

When the netizens of the Imperial City poured into the live broadcast room, they immediately flooded the barrage to express their shock!

"It’s not that exaggerated, it just took more than 40 seconds to build and connect more than 30 base stations!"Someone answered in the barrage.

However, when this barrage appeared, many people's hearts twitched. In more than 40 seconds, from disconnecting the Internet to building more than 30 base stations to connecting to the Internet, it turned out that finished!

"Cattle fork!"

"Cattle fork!"


After a brief shock, people started posting comments one after another

"Don't be too happy. Although the construction of other base stations in the Imperial City and the secondary base stations in Badafeng has been completed, they still need to establish contact with the main base station. After completion, a final networking test will be performed."

Just when people were excited, a barrage appeared

"Just wait, the most critical moment is coming!"The person who posted the last barrage posted another one.


Seeing this, everyone suddenly became nervous.

At this time, Wang Wudao tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table, his eyes flickering at every step.

"Build a total base station."

With a low voice, an order was issued.

Immediately, tens of thousands of staff on the eight peaks and more than a thousand employees on the main peak took action at the same time.

Base stations more than ten meters high were lifted and placed at the same time. Go to the designated area.

In the command room, Wang Wudao stared at every key step.

Twenty seconds later, all the nine base stations at the Eight Peaks and the headquarters were all connected. At this moment, everything was connected. The man looked at Wang Wudao, but Wang Wudao suddenly stopped, turned to look at Xian Min, and said with a smile:

"Otherwise, you will take charge?"


Xian Min was startled. He was so nervous that he was stunned for two seconds, then shook his head and smiled bitterly. Everyone around him laughed even more when they saw this.

The originally solemn atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

Wang Wudao smiled casually, and then Miao Miao looked solemn as he looked at the screen:"Each department, finalize it."

The most critical step is coming!"

"Everything is fine in the power department."

Ten seconds later, the power department reported


Next, various departments reported the situation one after another.

When the network department confirmed that there was no problem, Wang Wudao's eyes narrowed:"Network test!"

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