Yukinoshita Yukino's figure walked out from the crack in the door of the rooftop stairwell, walked slowly to Ebina Himina, and asked with a cold expression:"Do you recognize me?"

"I also attended Holy Dragon Academy in elementary school, and I have heard more or less about you.

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slightly:"That's it.""

"Yukinoshita-san is indeed well-deserved. As a human being, the quantity and quality of Yin Qi in your body are already comparable to those of a ghost general. No wonder people used to say that being close to you will shorten your life and cause you to suffer from all kinds of diseases!"Ebina exclaimed slightly.

Ghosts are divided into four levels: ghosts, ghost soldiers, ghost generals, and ghost kings.

Ghosts cannot appear in the world, nor can they have any impact on the world. The only thing they can do is to devour each other with other ghosts. , until one day he grows into a ghost pawn.

The ghost pawn can manifest his body, and can control the ghost power to affect reality.

The ghost general can not only manifest his body, but also condense a 'body' that is no different from ordinary people, and is born with It has the ability to absorb human energy and spirit.

If Nie Xiaoqian traveled to this era, he would be at this level. In addition, after a certain amount of learning, the ghost general can also use some simple spells with ghost power.

The ghost king not only has more than Ghost generals have more powerful spellcasting abilities, and also have the innate magical power to release resentment and use imps. In the ancient mythological era, ghosts of this level can also play tricks with black and white impermanence and bull-headed horse faces. When ghosts reach the level of ghost generals, if they don't If you learn how to restrain your breath, it will already have adverse effects on the bodies of those you come into contact with on a daily basis.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino is still a living person after all. She has a skin bag to carry her Yin energy, and she also has a body of pure Yin This kind of physique can automatically absorb and gather the surrounding yin energy. Until she possesses the yin energy at the ghost king level, it will not have any adverse effects on the bodies of the people around her for the time being.——Of course, this means that the current level of spiritual energy recovery in this world is still too low. Yukinoshita Yukino's body sucked out the yin energy in the surrounding environment with just one breath. If we had placed her at the beginning of Pangu and given her a book of exercises at the same level as"Shang Qing Xin Dharma", she would have been able to gather eight hundred miles (radius) of clouds like a typhoon. Modern humans within the range, not to mention shortening their lives, would have to die suddenly on the spot!

Yukinoshita Yukino was slightly surprised:"Is the Yin Qi on my body very conspicuous?"

"That's not the case. I can tell it purely because I have yin and yang eyes."Ebina paused, and then added:"My family is a mage family, and occasionally someone in the family will awaken the yin and yang eyes. It is said that my ancestors can see the true appearance of ghosts with their yin and yang eyes, and can even communicate with ghosts. However, the ghosts in my eyes are just a thin black mist, with no human appearance at all. Yukinoshita

Yukino asked in a low mood:"So, will my existence really hurt the people around me?""

"Don’t worry, all the Yin Qi in your body is gathered in your body. Even if some of it is released occasionally, it will be quickly absorbed back and will not cause any harm to the bodies of those around you! Yukinoshita

Yukino breathed a sigh of relief, and then got down to business:"So, what do you want to talk to me about?""

"Of course it's Qingshan-kun's business. Yukinoshita

Yukino nodded slightly and said,"You must be his junior high school classmate. Can you tell me about his junior high school days?""

"I will tell you, but let me start with what happened when he was in elementary school."Ebina had a gentle smile on his face and said in an unhurried tone:"When Qingshan-kun was in elementary school, he once liked a girl in the class. At that time, the girl was ostracized and bullied by her classmates for some reason. In order to protect her, Qingshanjun offended almost all the classmates in the class, and therefore became the target of isolation and exclusion by the whole class."

"Despite this, the girl didn't like him"

"That girl said she just wanted to be a true friend with him, but in fact, in her heart, Qingshan-kun was probably not even a friend. Well, maybe he was just a tool that could be used casually."

"After they graduated from elementary school, the girl left him without hesitation and went to study in the United States."

"That girl just walked away, leaving Qingshan Jun alone to continue to bear the anger and hatred of those people in the middle school department."

"The rumors and slander from his classmates, the provocation and suppression from those who were jealous of his excellence, and his own violent temper and arrogant personality made him still the target of isolation and exclusion from the whole class in middle school."

"In order to protect himself from being hurt, he put on a protective shell called bad; in order to prevent himself from being betrayed, he decided to stop making friends; in order to stop being fooled by girls, he was unwilling to accept any girls confession"

"Do you know what he said to me when we talked about love before? He said, 'Fuck love, love is fucking shit, falling in love is fucking eating shit.’!"

Ebina's smile gradually faded as he spoke the last words in a vivid imitation of Qingshan Asahi's voice:"Yukishita-san, I can see that your true character is not what I imagined after hearing the rumors. That way, but you did cause harm to Mr. Qingshan, didn't you?"

Yukinoshita Yukino sighed slightly:"If you only focus on the deeds and ignore the heart, what you just said is basically true."

She also did not expect that, Qingshan Xu had such an encounter and experience when she was in middle school. She felt sorry for him and felt guilty, but she couldn't help it.

At that time, Priest Abe clearly said that after the age of eighteen, the sisters should not appear together in places where extraordinary people gathered. However, her mother, just to be on the safe side, forced her to study abroad in junior high school.

She resisted many times before her mother reluctantly compromised and agreed - as long as she was not involved in extraordinary events due to her physical condition within three years, she would be allowed to return to the island country to attend high school.

Leave him behind and go to America without hesitation?

She didn't have any hesitation! ?

In order to resist her parents, she has tried all kinds of methods, including wallowing, going on hunger strikes, running away from home, etc., and suffered all kinds of hardships!

Just in order not to worry Qingshan Xu, that's why I didn't tell him these things.

Ebina continued to ask:"Then have you ever thought about helping him untie his knot?"

Yukinoshita asked:"What should I do?"

Ebina's famous saying was concise and comprehensive:"Club activities"

"Well, that's a good idea indeed. Yukinoshita pinched her chin and thought:"But how can I get him to agree to join my club?"

Ebina asked back:"How are your academic, athletic, and fighting abilities?""

"They are all better than ordinary people, what's wrong?"

"Qingshan Jun is a very strong person, as long as you use a little provocation on him, he will easily take the bait. If you are confident that you can be better than him in a certain aspect, you can try to ask him to compete. As long as you can beat him, he can agree to any request you have, even including being your boyfriend. Yukinoshita

Yukino nodded slightly, her cold expression unchanged:"Well, I understand.""

It is true that she likes Asahi Qingshan, but she will not use such a tricky way to become his lover. This Ebina girl underestimates her! With a cold snort in her heart, Yukinoshita Yukino once again looked at Wen Jing in front of her. The girl asked for advice:"Then what kind of club should we form? Do you have any ideas?"

Ebina quickly waved his hands:"It's not that we form a society together, you have to create a society by yourself! Also, the two of us should not have any private interactions that have nothing to do with Qingshan-kun in the future, otherwise it will definitely make him suspicious!"

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