As the sound of fingers tapping on the table rang in his ears, Qingshan Xu opened his eyes sleepily, straightened up and looked at the person in front of him.

"Asahi Qingshan! Hiratsuka Shizu said with a straight face:"Come to the office with me.""

Qingshan Xu stood up obediently and followed her in a daze.

The two walked into the classroom and office one after another. Qingshan Xu's eyes suddenly became clear, and soon he heard Hiratsuka quietly humming and said:"Kid. , stay for a while after school, and I will take you to the service department activity room."

"knew."Qingshan Xu nodded slightly and sat down at Shizuka Hiratsuka's workstation. Then, as if by magic, he took out a cigarette from the void, put it in his mouth and puffed out the smoke.

Shizuka Hiratsuka stood aside, Qiong His nose trembled slightly, he sniffed the smoke in the air, and said with a contemptuous smile:"Huh, fruit smoke, you are indeed a little devil.""

"Hey, if it’s a fruit cigarette, wouldn’t you know if you try it yourself?"Asahi Qingshan stood up and brought the half-smoked cigarette to Shizuka Hiratsuka's mouth.

Shizuka Hiratsuka opened her red lips lightly, held the cigarette butt on her lips, and inadvertently inhaled the smoke into her body.

"Ah~" As she subconsciously murmured, the cigarette butt suddenly fell to the ground.

Her face was flushed, her legs were twisted together, and her posture was very weird.

Seeing this, Qingshan Asahi leaned forward to her and asked with a chuckle Said:"Do you want to be beaten again?"

"Um."Hiratsuka Shizu looked at him with charming eyes and nodded lightly.


Said with a smile, Qingshan Asahi fulfilled Hiratsuka Shizuka's wish.

There were many teachers and students in the office. Although no one else noticed the movements and sounds of the two people because of Qingshan Asahi's spell, Hiratsuka Shizuka was still affected by this. I felt a different feeling.

After playing around for a few minutes, I felt that the class time was coming. Asahi Qingshan turned around and left without any regrets.

When Asahi Qingshan's figure disappeared completely, Shizuka Hiratsuka sat back down with a heavy breath. Sitting on the office chair, I looked down at the half cigarette butt that fell on the ground and was lost in thought.

"Yukinoshita, excuse me."

At the end of school, at the door of an empty classroom at Sobu High School, Hiratsuka Shizuka opened the classroom door directly and broke in with Asahi Qingshan.

"Mr. Hiratsuka, I should have told you to knock on the door when you come in."

The beautiful girl closed the novel in her hand and said coldly to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino's serious look, Asahi Qingshan secretly felt a little funny.

Two minutes before he and Shizuka Hiratsuka left the classroom, Yukinoshita She was still sitting in front of him!

Even though she had just arrived, she acted as if she had been here for a long time.

Also, he remembered that when Hikigaya Hachiman was brought here in the original plot, there were no other people in the club besides The chair Yukinoshita was sitting on, the table she used to put her schoolbag on, and other tables and chairs were piled at the back of the classroom. It wasn't until Hikigaya joined the service club that Yukinoshita added an extra-long table in the middle of the classroom , and then sat on opposite sides of Hikigaya Hachiman.

But what about now?

Yukinoshita not only placed two single desks in front of her, but also placed a chair very close to her. If Asahi Qingshan really sat There, the two people were almost touching each other.

"Even if I knock on the door, you never answer!"

With that said, Shizuka Hiratsuka walked to the chair next to Yukinoshita and sat down, while Asahi Qingshan continued to stand at the door of the classroom, looking at the two people who were communicating with a"puzzled" expression.

"You never waited for my reply before coming in without permission!"After Yukinoshita said that, she looked at Asahi Qingshan and asked curiously:"Besides, what's the reason why you brought Qingshan-san here?"

"It's like this, Yukinoshita, he wants to join the service club"

"Well, okay, that’s nothing. Yukinoshita had a calm look on her face and replied casually as if she didn't care.

"Hey, teacher, what does joining the club mean? I never said anything like that!"Qingshan Xu's confusion shouted

"Because you have violated school rules many times, you are punished to undergo labor reform here. What, do you have any objections? Hiratsuka Shizuka glanced at Qingshan Asahi coldly, clenched her fists and threatened.

Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at each other, and Qingshan Asahi immediately lowered his head and fell silent, like a frightened little quail.

Seeing that Qingshan Asahi did not raise any objection, Hiratsuka Shizuka continued to look at him. Yukinoshita said:"By the way, I believe you also know something about Qingshan Asahi. He is a bad boy. He either sleeps or plays with his mobile phone in class every day. He runs out to smoke after class. He fights with people outside the school every day after school. He also likes to tease girls. He does all kinds of evil. I hope you can discipline him for me!"

"Since you have said that I like to tease girls, aren't you sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth?"Qingshan Asahi curled his lips and complained.

Hiratsuka Shizuka glared at Qingshan Asahi angrily, saying in her heart that you just think of me as a tool for lovers to play, and you don't cooperate with me properly. How can I continue to act?

Fortunately Yukinoshita Yukino brushed off the problem lightly and directly followed Hiratsuka Shizuka's words and said:"Since it is your commission, teacher, I can't refuse it. I accept this commission.""

"Yeah? Hiratsuka Shizuka breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and walked towards the door of the classroom. At the same time, he waved his hands behind his back and said,"Then I'll leave it to you, Yukinoshita.""

Watching Shizuka Hiratsuka walk out of the classroom, Yukinoshita turned to look at Asahi Qingshan, lightly opened her red lips and said:"Anyway, please find a place to sit down first."

Asahi Qingshan nodded, and randomly selected a chair from the piled up chairs at the back of the classroom. After using magic to remove the dust, he placed it where Hikigaya Hachiman was in the original plot. He sat back on the chair. Asahi Qingshan immediately asked:"Listen to what you just said, the activity content of your club is to accept and complete the commissions from teachers and other students?"

"Indeed." Yukinoshita nodded slightly, opened the previous novel in his hand and continued reading.

"I'm curious, how are you going to discipline me? Yukinoshita

Yukino raised her hand to support her chin, thought for a while and said:"The reason for playing on your phone while sleeping in class is because you have learned the class knowledge by yourself, and you have to practice at night. It is understandable to take a break in school during the day. I don't intend to take care of this matter"

"As for going out to fight after school, have you ever actually gone out and fought with someone? Qingshan

Xu shook his head:"Those are all rumors spread by my classmates in junior high school. In fact, I have never been in the underworld.""

Speaking of this, Qingshan Xu sighed helplessly:"They spread rumors and fabricated my image too outrageously."

"Then don't worry about this. Yukinoshita said this, and then murmured to herself:"Smoking and teasing girls, these two bad habits are really difficult to discipline.""

Qingshan Xu continued to explain:"The cigarette I smoke is made of medicinal materials. It does not contain any nicotine, and the second-hand smoke produced does not contain any harmful substances."

"Well, let’s exclude this, and now all that’s left is that he likes to tease girls."As she said that, Yukinoshita turned her face slightly and glanced at Qingshan Asahi, then looked down at her beautiful legs. After hesitating for a while, she made up her mind and said with a serious look:"You tease girls because you are not satisfied with your desires.. I consider myself one of the most beautiful girls on campus. I allow you to satisfy yourself by teasing me in exchange for not teasing other girls. What do you think?

Qingshanxu pondered for a moment and nodded:"You can give it a try.""

With that said, he stood up, walked over to Yukinoshita, sat down next to her, and stretched out his claws towards her slender legs.

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