Ascending the Heavens as an Evil God

Chapter 178 Moon Slave's...

"Why didn't you let me speak? No one knows the extent of that Gu Nan's power better than you and me." Sun Zhiyao said in a deep voice.

"With his help, the extermination of the Moon Slave will definitely be smoother."

The little loli Moon Demon shook her head slightly: "In the prophecy of the ancestors, there is no such person... Only our contractor can end the disaster of the moon slaves."

"Prophecies are never completely accurate!" Xiao Ming said tit for tat.

Although he never talked much in front of people, when facing the Moon Demon who lived with him, he didn't have that bad temper, and he would even sternly refute.

Moon Demon still shook his head lightly: "That guy...we don't know anything about him, it's better for the contractor to stay away from him."


The advancement of the west city was smoother than expected. After just two hours, they came to the source of the anomaly shown on the map.

This cheered up everyone's spirits, and even Lin Duo, who had always looked unattractive, showed a bit of curiosity.

The thing that caused Yue Nu to change was soon revealed to everyone. Contrary to everyone's expectations, it turned out to be a towering giant tree with a clear blue body.

It looks like it is carved out of precious stones, so beautiful that it is unreal.

"This is the Moon Slave... No, it should be said that it is the same as the Moon Slave, an individual composed entirely of the power of the moon." Gu Zhaoyue said immediately after being well-informed.

Like many elemental creatures, Moon Slave is an individual with a single law. Their body composition is the power of the moon, but there is no moon element in the world, so they cannot be regarded as elemental creatures.

The reason why the moon slaves are called moon slaves is that they often worship the night sky because of their own strength during moonlit nights.

The mutated moon slaves were polluted, and they no longer felt anything about the moon, but the giant tree in front of them reproduced this scene.

The moon slaves all over the mountains and plains, with red or blue light emitting from their bodies, quietly crawled under the giant tree one by one.

The arrival of the Xingyue camp and the group seemed to have touched these moon slaves, and they began to raise their heads in groups and look towards this side.

In the pupils of the moon slaves, the light that keeps shining,

It made everyone's scalp numb.


When Gu Zhaoyue gave an order, everyone fled towards the rear without any hesitation, as if they would be torn to pieces if they were too slow.

Lin Duo was still in a daze, and was dragged away by the sun and moon demons.

Quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes. The number of moon slaves gathered here is too terrifying. Even the elite team will be drowned in an instant.

"No wonder I didn't feel too much pressure all the way here..." Gu Zhaoyue secretly sighed in her heart, "I'm afraid that all the moon slaves gathered nearby will be crowded into that area."

"It's just... what the hell is that?"

The image of the giant tree flashed in Gu Zhaoyue's mind, and then he looked back: that one, can he deal with so many moon slaves?


Gu Nan naturally has a way.

Even though the moon slaves in this area are so dense that it is inconvenient for him to use his latent image to enter, Gu Nan still has many ways.

He could use the shadow body to lure monsters and kill the Yue slaves bit by bit; he could also use the shadow body to break through forcefully, and then switch bodies...but he chose the simplest one.

fly in.

Yes, the moon slaves have a very embarrassing shortcoming, that is, because the general strength is relatively weak, so that the moon slaves with the ability to fly have not yet appeared.

The Heroic Spiritists in the morning star plane don't practice themselves very much, so very few people have mastered the ability to fly, even at the third level.

Heroic spirits that can fly are not uncommon, but they also have various disadvantages such as not being able to carry people, not having long-lasting attack methods, and being only able to fly at low altitudes.

Only Gu Nan, a visitor from another world, is familiar with flying.

Even in the Astral Realm, flying is almost an instinct of the extraordinary.

Just like this, Gu Nan flew in slowly from the mid-air, and the moon slaves on the ground began to roar, but there was nothing they could do about him.

It's not completely helpless, at least many Yue slaves were thrown up by their companions, trying to attack Gu Nan.

But Gu Nan is not one of the fragile helicopters of the army, even if some moon slaves can come to him, what's the point?

After a while, Gu Nan had come to the giant tree: "It's not so much that they are worshiping this tree, it's better to say that they are waiting for the fruit on it..."

Gu Nan could see clearly that there were a lot of blue fruits growing on the branches of the giant tree, each of them was crystal clear and the same color as the giant tree, so it was hard to distinguish from a distance.

The towering giant tree was so tall that the moon slaves couldn't reach the fruits, and they couldn't even get close to the giant tree. They could only wait for the fruits to fall by themselves.

Even without perception, he can still feel the amazing power coming from the fruit.

"Son of Moon Slave, is it made of this kind of thing? How did this tree grow?" A question flashed in Gu Nan's mind.

But Gu Nan's hand didn't stop, he reached out and picked a fruit from the tree, and then threw it into the group of moon slaves.

The whole scene seemed to be silent for a moment, and the next moment, the number of moon slaves in this area, which may be as high as 100,000, all rioted.

Screaming, roaring, and biting sounds resounded everywhere, and countless moon slaves flocked to the place where the fruit fell.

And the lucky one who was being hit by the fruit directly opened his mouth and swallowed the fruit, but it was a pity that he had no time to digest it, and was torn apart by his companions in the blink of an eye.

After all, lucky players can't go far.

One of the characteristics of moon slaves is that they can devour and assimilate each other.

But they themselves have no tendency to devour their companions, and the moon slaves were not so bad in ancient times, so they have not been discovered.

And Gu Nan knew this, Tian Yuan used this method to force polluting information into Yue Nu's body.

It is the same now, the power of that fruit has not been digested, but it is still stored in Lucky's body, so it is constantly devoured and assimilated by his companions.

And the moon slave who "eat" him was torn apart and eaten by more moon slaves...

The essence of energyization makes the power of the fruit not lost at all, but is dispersed into a moon slave.

This power has a fatal temptation to the moon slaves, and the attacks of the moon slaves are still going on. In just a few breaths, more than a hundred thousand moon slaves have become large pieces of broken corpses.

The number of moon slaves is getting smaller and smaller, and the power of the fruit is getting more and more concentrated, and the last winner is about to be decided.

Gu Nan has been watching all this with cold eyes, and at this moment, he couldn't help but lift up his spirits—could the child born from the fruit be the son of Yue Slave?

With a terrifying roar, a huge Moon Slave, as tall as three or four people, finally killed his opponent with one bite, enjoying the power of the fruit to himself.

And the evil temple in Gu Nan's mind also shook slightly, and a message came out.

"Sub-quest: Promote the Moon Slave King to Tier 3."

Gu Nan's face turned dark immediately: "One word is missing, this is the king of moon slaves!"

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