Ascending the Heavens as an Evil God

Chapter 400 The Angry Monk

Zou Jiming is a very hated star master, especially because he is one of the thirteen heavens, so he attracts hatred even more.

This is because of Zou Jiming's uninhibited behavior, and secondly because of his rules, which blocked the way of too many people.

Zou Jiming debuted as a swordsman, step by step to the level of the star master, but failed three times in a row to attack the Dao, almost hurting the foundation, and it was once a joke back then.

It is very enviable to attack the Dao, but if you keep failing, you will become overwhelmed.

Zou Jiming endured such ridicule and learned from the pain. After retreating for thousands of years, he finally found out that it was his own law, which did not match the Tao he agreed with.

His Tao is not just a knife, but any weapon.

His knife is not just a knife, it can be a sword, a gun, or any weapon you can't imagine.

So this talented swordsman who became famous at a young age resolutely chose to destroy Daoji himself. Then he took ten times the time of the previous time to reach the edge of the path again, and finally succeeded in one fell swoop, achieving the great path.

From being a prodigy to being a late bloomer, Zou Jiming took the road that others could not finish in a lifetime, and forcibly walked it twice, and only then did he have the legend of Bingwutian.

Of course, legends belong to legends. Zou Jiming's enlightenment is equal to that of all swordsmen, swordsmen and other martial arts monks. There is an extra mountain on the road to enlightenment, and the difficulty of enlightenment suddenly increases.

This is also the biggest reason why Zou Jiming is hated.

On the day when Xue Renjian tried the world, Zou Jiming came to Dongxutian.

"He's not ready yet, what do you guys want to do?" Zou Jiming stood in front of Yu Lian and said bluntly.

Whether Xue Ren wants to join the Tao, others may not know, but in the eyes of the Thirteen Heavens, it cannot be concealed once he makes a move.

Yu Lian actually didn't know what Xue Ren was going to do, but she smiled lightly: "You'll know it when you look at it."

Zou Jiming wanted to say something, but he paused suddenly, his eyes fell on a small star realm in the heavens, and he frowned slightly: "Just to help him? You guys are making too much of a fuss."

With an unfathomable smile on her face, Yu Lian hurriedly went to see what was going on in secret, and found an astonishing scene.

In a strange plane,

Countless armies of strange shapes are pouring out, establishing space passages through some kind of strange power, and descending into another star realm in batches.


Under the sword test stage, Yi Shanzun was looking at the stage blankly, not knowing what kind of result Xue Ren and Wang Li had achieved.

Unlike some star masters around who don't know how to pretend to understand, Yi Shanzun has always been straightforward, he turned his head and asked a person beside him: "This fellow Taoist..."

"Hush!" The person next to him hurriedly silenced him, but he closed his eyes and meditated, as if he had gained an amazing insight from the previous fight.

No matter how upright Yi Shanzun was, he couldn't help giving him a contemptuous look at this moment. He just wanted to continue talking, but found someone patted him on the shoulder.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw a familiar figure.

"Gu Nan?!" Yi Shanzun recognized the person in front of him at a glance, and said angrily, "You still dare to appear in front of this seat. Last time you were protected by a white-boned old thief, let's see where you escape this time!"

Yi Shanzun, the Star Lord, never knew what to be afraid of. He didn't even counsel True Monarch Bone, so of course he wasn't afraid of Gu Nan.

But this is the place where Xue Ren tried his sword after all, so he didn't do it brazenly, after all, he had some guesses.

Gu Nan didn't have any scruples anymore, he showed a smirk and kicked towards Yi Shanzun.

Yi Shanzun's reaction was extremely quick, and he shot a mountain and river seal, as if a mountain was pressing down on Gu Nan, but the result was something he could never have imagined.

The mountain that fell from the sky couldn't even block Gu Nan's kick, and was directly smashed to pieces.

"Impossible!" Yi Shanzun blurted out, his mind was filled with astonishment, and he didn't even care about dodging.

When he saw Gu Nan last time, the other party could only rely on the power of law to deal with him, but now he can break the mountain and river seal with only his physical body?

But he didn't know that now that Gu Nan was promoted to the seventh rank, even if he fought against True Monarch Bone, it might be an even outcome. How could he, a little star master, compete against him?

But Yi Shanzun was astonished, but someone beside him couldn't stand it anymore.

"Amitabha, today is the day when Benefactor Xue became enlightened, how can you allow yourself to be presumptuous?" A fat monk next to him said, reciting the Buddha's name.

Although the monk said "Amitabha", his face was full of flesh, but there was no sign of my Buddha's mercy.

He grabbed his hand and blocked Yi Shanzun with a Buddhist staff, but it blocked Gu Nan's kick.

Fortunately, Gu Nan just kicked casually, and passed through the buffer of Shanhe Yin, otherwise the great monk might not be able to stop it.

"Little thief Gu Nan, don't think that if you can force Wu Tiandao to bow his head, you have the right to be presumptuous here." The great monk blocked the battle, and couldn't help but sneered, "I don't even look at what place this is, and how many there are there. Star Lord is here!"

Gu Nan was not in a hurry to act, but asked, "Which star realm are you from?"

The Great Monk had figured out that Gu Nan was causing trouble under the sword-testing stage, Xue Ren would never let him go, but at this moment he was not timid at all, and said proudly: "The Buddha is angry with the Buddha, come and trouble me if you have the ability!"

Gu Nan is now well-known, and the commotion here immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding star masters.

"It's that Gu Nan again."

"He likes to send people to wreak havoc in some small star realms, and he doesn't know what the purpose is."

"What purpose can it have? Once he gains power, he will run amok... If his astral world is exposed one day, I am afraid that he will be attacked by a group of people."

"Haha, I can wait to see that day."

This great monk's dharma name is anger, which is the dharma name he gave himself, but it is a model of self-taught. The angry monk heard the discussions around him, and his face became more serious.

He looks rough, but his heart is as delicate as a hair. Others were afraid of Gu Nan to the point of death, lest he would come to his house for revenge, but the angry monk was not afraid.

He could see very clearly that his own star realm was just getting started, even if it was ravaged by Gu Nan, it wouldn't hurt much.

On the contrary, if Gu Nan's reputation at this time can be used to make a big fuss, his angry monk will also gain a reputation, and it will be easier to summon boundary breakers to join him.

In the final analysis, the overall strength of the star realm is still measured by the boundary breakers.

The angry monk barely allowed himself to show joy, and he didn't even have the slightest fear in his heart. Anyway, this is Ji Jiantian, and he is a guest invited by Xue Ren, so he can't watch himself being beaten to death by Gu Nan.

"Give me a face, if you have something to do, go out and solve it." As expected by the angry monk, Xue Ren also noticed the situation here, and immediately came to Gu Nan and said.

The angry monk was confident, and immediately bid farewell to Xue Ren, and was about to return to his own star realm.

As long as he is in his own star realm, the angry monk will not be afraid of the other party. And the destruction of the opponent's one-shot to change the place is just to increase his reputation.

"No problem." However, Gu Nan nodded to Xue Ren, and then grabbed Angry Monk's shoulder, "Come on, let's sit down and talk."

Then Gu Nan turned his head to Yi Shanzun and said, "You have to thank him."

Yi Shanzun didn't understand, so: "Why?"

"He died for your whole family."

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