In Jiupo Heaven, Taoist Huangquan set foot here leisurely, but Jiupo in front of him had a rare pale face.

"It turns out that you really don't have the ability to awaken, it's really disappointing..." Taoist Huang Quan shook his head regretfully, looked down at Jiu Po ​​and said.

He got the experimental data from Gu Nan's laboratory, and while shocked that the source of the original world came from this way, he was also excited about it.

Most of the traversers from the original world have special abilities, Jiupo knows this, and he even knows that these abilities are driven by some kind of power.

It's just that before Gu Nan, Taoist Huang Quan didn't know that this driving force turned out to be a special origin of the original world.

But Gu Nan guessed wrong about one thing. It's not that Zero doesn't know that she has a system. In fact, she turned on the system when she first crossed, but... the system ran out of power later.

When every traverser leaves the original world, he brings a part of his origin, which is the original motivation to open the golden finger.

It's just that some people can be self-sufficient, such as Gu Nan and Morag; while some people can only use it and cannot supplement it, such as Zero Sum... Taoist Huang Quan.

Zero relied on the system to rise back then, but eventually fell because of the loss of the system. Taoist Huang Quan was much more cautious than her.

"Swallow?" Jiupo watched as the power of Jiuyou was swallowed by the opponent bit by bit, while Taoist Huangquan's aura was gradually growing.

Jiupo can be sure that this kind of power definitely does not come from what Huangquan Taoist has learned, nor is it any kind of power he knows.

With a large number of laws being swallowed into the body, Taoist Huangquan's power is rising steadily, approaching the fourteenth level in a blink of an eye.

And he stood directly in Jiupo Heaven, making Jiupo unable to withdraw his power even if he wanted to, and could only watch his power skyrocket.

"That's right." Along with the soaring power, it seems to be affecting Taoist Huang Quan's mentality, making him less calm than before, "You all really have to thank Gu Nan. If it wasn't for him, how could I devour it so recklessly?"

Feeling that the Nine Nether Laws are constantly being assimilated by oneself, the sense of fullness of power makes Taoist Huangquan more and more inflated, and at the same time, it is difficult to hide the pride in his heart.

He is indeed qualified to be proud, because he knows that he is destined to be the final winner.

Gu Nan was sent to the original world, everything he did was at his own expense, including the secret of the origin of the original world - no wonder Gu Nan grew up so fast, it turned out that he had discovered this secret long ago.

If he had enough origin of the original world, his growth rate would never be much slower than him!

Since his debut, Taoist Huang Quan has always only dared to use his abilities cautiously. Even in the later stages, he didn't even dare to devour them when he met a suitable target. He was afraid that he would run out of times and meet a better one in the future.

But even with such a poor life, after he became a big star master, he still ran out of sources to carry.

So he resolutely gave up the path of cultivation in the star realm, and even parted ways with Jiupo, staying in the original realm for tens of thousands of years just to find a way to replenish his strength.

When Zero appeared, Taoist Huang Quan discovered her for the first time, but to his regret, the origin of Zero was also limited.

More importantly, when the heavens had just collapsed back then, the monks' understanding of the origin of the world was still very superficial, and Taoist Huangquan was the same, he didn't know what the origin was at all.

Later, the Xueshan layman died too early, and Gu Nan did not show his familiarity with history, so he was missed by Taoist Huangquan until Morag appeared.

Perhaps it was fate that had pitted him for so many years. After Morag was taken away by Gu Nan, Taoist Huangquan finally had a turn of events.

He not only took advantage of Gu Nan's hand, but also found a way to replenish his abilities. It happened that Gu Nan was trapped in the original world again, which gave him a chance to come back.

"Wait for me to swallow the nine souls, swallow all those who agree with the Tao, and see who is stronger..." Taoist Huang Quan's eyes showed a haze.

He is the witness of Gu Nan's battle with the main gods, so he knows the mark of life and death, he also knows the magic of exile, and he knows how strong Gu Nan is.

But now with the ability to devour infinitely,

He has enough self-confidence!

What's more, he still has Gu Nan's greatest weakness, a man-made weakness...


original world.

Gu Nan's fist was still waving tirelessly, and cracks had begun to appear on the wall of the plane, and the progress seemed to be faster than he thought.

If there were no accidents, he would be able to break a gap in the original world in at most two days.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared in front of him. To be precise, it appeared in his telepathy. The two were clearly facing each other, but they couldn't see each other.

Because what separated them was the strongest original plane wall in the world.

"Lu Wen?" Gu Nan kept moving his hands, but looked over there with his mind, and it was Lu Wen who came.

If there is anyone else in this world who may know where the original world is besides Gu Nan and Taoist Huang Quan, then it can only be Lu Wen. This person who has been in and out of the original world twice, even Taoist Huang Quan doesn't know his details.

However, Gu Nan knew that Lu Wen's previous life, Taoist Liangyi, was originally a visitor from the original world. Later, he was reincarnated in the civilization of the stars, and was picked up by Taoist Huangquan later.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Wen said that "to become a saint is to trap oneself", but Taoist Huang Quan knew nothing about it.

"Huangquan Taoist's ability is to devour." Lu Wen's voice came slowly, with deep regret in it, "He swallowed Zero's system, and now he is looking for Jiupo, only you can stop him."

Even though Gu Nan was still swinging his fist, his expression was slightly startled. Taoist Huang Quan's ability is to devour...

When he heard the news, he immediately understood the whole story. No wonder he was willing to stay near the original realm for so many years.

It's no wonder that Lu Wen came to him at this time.

Presumably the most helpless person right now is Lu Wen. If Gu Nan, Taoist Huang Quan, and Lu Wen are on the same runway, then Lu Wen is undoubtedly close to the finish line, but he can't catch up with the people in front of him.

Practice is like a race, the first person to reach the finish line can win everything, and he can even stand in front of the finish line from now on, so that the latecomers have no chance to take this step.

Travelers such as Gu Nan and Taoist Huang Quan have special powers from the original world, so they can undoubtedly run faster than others, and they are more likely to become the number one.

But Jiupo, who had the first-mover advantage, withdrew voluntarily, and Taoist Huangquan, Ling and others exhausted their sources, which finally led to this situation.

"His power is Devour. If he wins, none of you will survive, right?" Gu Nan glanced at Lu Wen, even though he couldn't see the other's face, and smiled.

"That's right." Lu Wen let out a heavy breath, "If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have forced us all to your side."

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