Ascension For All: Start With Sss-Level Mechanical Heart

Chapter 104: Encounter, Heavy Casualties, Eastern Dragon?

Southern region.

James, Weaver and others inadvertently broke into the territory of the indigenous Iwe tribe.


The next second, Iwei natives appeared all around.

They are covered with various patterns and blend in with the surrounding buildings.

As soon as he appeared, he surrounded everyone.

The natives all pointed their spears at them, scaring James and others almost to the point of peeing.


"Hey, hey, calm down!!"



Everyone yelled in horror, raising their guns and pointing their guns at the natives who suddenly appeared.

The atmosphere was extremely tense.

At this moment, a bearded man hurriedly ran out from the stone gate.

As he ran, he shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, don't be nervous, you don't have to be like this."

The bearded man ran up to him and looked at the group of people in front of him with excitement.

Just by looking at it, he could tell that these people were from outside just like him.

"Hey, everyone, relax!"

The bearded man reached out excitedly to stop everyone.

The two sides were at war with each other, and the natives stared at the outsiders without saying a word.

James and others looked at the sudden appearance of the beard in surprise, a little surprised.

"Twenty-eight years and eleven months, I really can't believe it.

The bearded man looked at the group of people in front of him with excitement.

He was excited, with tears in his eyes, finally waiting for someone from outside.

"I tried eight times but couldn't escape from here.

"It's okay now. You guys came to see me. I'm so excited."

The bearded man was excited, but James, Weaver and others across from him looked at each other in confusion.

Who is this person?

"Did you... fall into this place in a plane crash?"

Weaver asked with curiosity on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry Nada," the bearded man said and made a salute.

He smiled naively and said: "My name is Hank Marlowe, and I belong to the 45th Flying Squadron. I heard that you were here and I even wore a flight suit to see you."

After Hank finished speaking, he straightened his clothes with a silly smile.

Everyone looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

"Hey, I said, it's okay, I'm nervous."

"Yes, that's it——_"

The bearded man greeted the natives, and then they put away their spears and hostility.

Weaver and James breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are unknown creatures on the island."

One of the soldiers spoke.

Hank shrugged and nodded: "Yes, there are so many, you can't even count them."

(bffg) "Let's go, it's time for us to go home, you definitely don't want to stay here at night.

He turned around and left, looking back at the people who were looking at each other.

The group of people then followed the bearded Hank to the tribe of the Iwe tribe.

And the other side.

Black Colonel Packard and others were not so lucky.

They encountered a mutated giant spider in the bamboo forest and lost several people.

After finally killing the big spider, we encountered two more knife-spine jackals, and several more people died.

Then in a muddy area of ​​​​a pool, I encountered a strange fish, and a person was dragged away without a trace.

There was a panicked escape along the way, with several people escaping from the water.

This journey can be said to have resulted in heavy casualties.


"I must kill that beast."

Packard had an angry look on his face when he escaped, and it all came down to the huge King Kong monster.

The hatred in his heart became stronger and stronger, almost overwhelming his reason.

There is only one thought in my heart, revenge and kill that big guy.

"Sir, we have lost many brothers."

One of the subordinates said with a sad face and dejected look.

"Zi Zi"

"Sir, this is Chapman."

Soon, the sound of communication came from the walkie-talkie.

That's Chapman, his team.

The two parties communicated briefly for a while and exchanged some information.

After agreeing on a rendezvous point, everyone continued on their way.

The purpose of this trip is to find Chapman, where there is a plane carrying a large amount of explosives that can be used as the basis for revenge.

At this time, within the territory of the Iwe tribe.

Hank took James and others to the wreckage of an abandoned ship.

Here, everyone saw an incredible scene.

There are a large number of stone tablets erected here, with various patterns painted on them, telling about some of the creatures on Skull Island and so on.

There are also some incidents recorded by the indigenous people.

"People here were originally afraid of the monsters on the island."

"But many years ago, the giant beast they feared suddenly helped them drive away the monsters that were eating them.

"Yes, it is King Kong, and people here worship it as the only god.

Hank pointed to the pattern carved on the stone tablet in front of him.

It is King Kong, with countless little people worshiping below.

However, it was soon discovered that there was a strange and huge biological pattern on it.

"What's that again?"

James asked, pointing to a huge creature next to him.

When Hank saw it, his expression suddenly became a little crazy.

He shouted: "Do you know what that is? Can you believe I saw it with my own eyes?"

"This is---"

Soon, Shan in the team's eyes widened, looking at the pattern that had just been painted on it.

That's a dragon, the God of Biyuan.

"It's a dragon!"

Shan said with excitement on her face.

"That's right." Hank said crazily: "You can't even imagine that I witnessed that dragon with my own eyes just over a month ago.

"At that time, there was a sacred tiger outside the high wall, trying to lure people here out, but then King Kong and the dragon appeared."

At this point, Hank swallowed.

He went on to say: "You can't imagine that a huge creature suddenly flew over from the sky. The huge head was like a house, and its body length was at least close to two hundred meters."

"And the scales all over its body are glowing red, and the dorsal fin on its back is burning with red flames. It looks very majestic and domineering."

"I'm sure it must be the dragon in Eastern myths and legends."

Hank looked in awe when talking about this.

"Are you sure you're not lying?"

"Have you really seen this...Eastern Dragon with your own eyes?"

Everyone looked suspicious, obviously not believing it.

Hank affirmed: "I didn't lie. Everything I said was true. I did see that Eastern dragon with my own eyes. It was so beautiful and domineering that it is simply indescribable."

"You'll understand when you see it."

He didn't explain much because he couldn't describe it in words.


James looked shocked.

Weaver next to him was shocked and said: "Is there really a dragon in Eastern myths and legends?"

"It seems true. I believe what he said."

Shan looked excited and believed what Hank said.

Shenlong, as a Chinese who claims to be the descendant of dragon, naturally firmly believes that Shenlong exists.

Now that I heard that there is an Eastern dragon here, Shan, as a Chinese, must be very excited.

She really wanted to see the Eastern dragon that Hank was talking about.


Just as he was talking, suddenly a roar came from Zhou Zhou.

Everyone present was instantly awakened.

"It's it-"

"King Kong's scream, it looks like something happened!"

Hank shouted immediately.

"Let's go take a look outside the wall."

When Weaver mentioned it, everyone hurriedly ran towards the huge wall outside. .

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