Ascension For All: Start With Sss-Level Mechanical Heart

Chapter 95: Battle Of Overlords, Conquer King Kong

Dong Dong——

King Kong came running wildly, shaking mountains and water everywhere he went.

It jumped hard and rushed towards Ye Hang.

On the other hand, Ye Hang's body was flying in the air, the ferocious dragon opened its mouth wide, and a strong burst of fire spurted out, instantly turning into a dragon's breath and hitting King Kong's body.


With a loud noise, King Kong's entire body was blown away and hit the edge of the mountain.

The hair on its body was scorched, bursts of black smoke erupted, and the hot flames burned its body, causing it to be seriously injured on the spot.

"Roar——" King Kong roared in pain.

It never expected that the other party would not respect martial ethics and engage in long-range attacks.

In an accidental move, he was seriously injured by a breath of dragon's breath.

Boom--King Kong rolled several times, and the flames on his body were extinguished by the water.

Then he staggered and tried to get up.

At this time, Ye Hang had already rushed to the front and threw King Kong to the ground.

The huge body was coiled, and the dragon's claws pressed against King Kong and held it tightly, making it unable to move and struggle.


King Kong was extremely angry and struggled hard to resist.

The huge body of more than thirty meters was originally powerful, but under Ye Hang's suppression, he was unable to resist.

The sharp claws of the dragon pierced King Kong's body, and the blood quickly stained his body red.

Blood oozed from the burnt hair, and he looked extremely miserable.

"Are you convinced?"

Ye Hang pressed a dragon's claw against King Kong's head in the water, rolling up its body as if to crush it completely.

King Kong's body made the sound of cracking bones and howled in pain.

After struggling for a while, King Kong fell there slumped and unable to struggle.

There is a kind of violence, fear, and a trace of confusion in its pupils.

Because I have never seen a creature like Ye Hang, but I can't beat it?

As soon as they met, he was seriously injured by a breath of dragon's breath.

And it suppressed it tightly, making it difficult for King Kong to compete.

It failed!

The handsome boy from Skull Island was easily defeated by Ye Hang.

In fact, it is normal. King Kong only has a huge body shape and has no other special abilities.

How could he be the opponent of Ye Hang, a cheating guy?

"Roar————" King Kong let out a wailing cry.

It gave up struggling, sending a signal.

"Are you convinced?" Ye Hang's huge dragon head came up to him, and the dragon's horns emitted bursts of thunder.

This dazzling lightning made King Kong's heart beat with fear, and he let out a low cry in fear.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, oh, oh..." King Kong whined to express his submission.

It has to accept it because it can't be defeated.

The handsome boy was convinced.

Ye Hang conveyed a thought: "Since you have accepted it, you will be my younger brother from now on. Remember, I am your elder brother."

"??" King Kong looked at him blankly.

I can't figure it out why this snake-like creature can actually talk in its head?

Although he couldn't figure it out, King Kong still nodded sincerely.

If you are timid, then be timid. Anyway, if you can't beat it, what does it matter if you are timid?


At this moment, a terrifying roar came from the distance.

King Kong looked stunned for a moment, then let out a roar.

Ye Hang looked up and saw strange creatures appearing out of nowhere on the surrounding peaks.

These creatures look like weird lizards, with ferocious mouths and fangs, making them look particularly fierce.

"Death Skeleton Lizard?"

Ye Hang understood, it turned out to be a group of dead lizards.

Perhaps it was because he had just competed with King Kong that he alerted these death lizards to emerge from the ground.

Now he wants to take advantage of the situation and pounces on Ye Hang and King Kong.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Ye Hang immediately became angry.

Without saying anything, he opened his mouth and spit out a breath of dragon breath.


The first dead lizard was hit on the body, and turned into a ball of fire on the spot, hitting it in the distance, and was burned to coke in the blink of an eye.


A bolt of thunder exploded, and another skeletal lizard twitched and arced, and was soon turned into coke and lay there motionless.

"hold head high!"

Ye Hang let out a dragon roar, this quick doctor.

A flick of the tail!


A skeleton lizard was blown away and exploded into a ball of flesh in the air.

Then the other two skeleton lizards were pressed to the ground one by one by Ye Hang.


After two crisp sounds, the heads of the two skeleton lizards were crushed, and the red and white ones were scattered on the ground, dyeing the surrounding water red.

Easily defeating a group of skeleton lizards, Ye Hang raised his dragon head and let out a deafening dragon roar.

"hold head high!!"

Waves of dragon roars resounded throughout Skull Island.

Countless creatures were trembling with fear, as if they felt an unprecedented threat.

King Kong watched Ye Hang kill several skeleton lizards neatly and neatly, his eyes were in trance, and he was obviously stunned.

There was a hint of awe in its eyes, and it was obvious that it admired this big brother from the bottom of its heart.

Because of his injury, King Kong lay there panting.

Ye Hang solved the skeleton lizards. Looking at the corpses of these lizards, the instinct to eat came from his body.

This is the instinct of living things to eat.


After thinking about it, Ye Hang opened his mouth and swallowed a skeleton lizard directly.

Swallow it one bite at a time, and in a blink of an eye it will be digested into a stream of pure biological energy that spreads throughout the body, replenishing the energy of the body's genetic cells.

"Well, it seems that they deliberately consume biological energy to promote the evolution of the body's genes?"

After Ye Hang absorbed several skeletal lizards, he felt a little improved when the source of life returned.

Perhaps, this is a path for biological genetic evolution.

Devour, digest, absorb, evolve!

After thinking about it, Ye Hang decided to try to accelerate the genetic transformation into a dragon, quickly complete the incomplete dragon genes and truly transform into a dragon.

"Roar——" Over there, King Kong wails in pain.

Because the injury was really serious, not only was the dragon's breath burned, but Hang was also scratched by two dragon claws.

Looking at the King Kong in his hand, no matter what, he is a young man who dares to accept it.


Ye Hang crossed his body and came to King Kong, opened his mouth, and a stream of nanoparticles poured out and penetrated into King Kong's body to start repairing his physical injuries.

"Since you surrendered, as the elder brother, I will give you some help."

As he spoke, Ye Hang manipulated nanoparticles to help King Kong recover from his injuries while optimizing his genes.


King Kong noticed the changes in his body and recovered from his injuries.

Moreover, his body continued to expand, and there seemed to be a powerful force gushing out of his body.

With the help of Ye Hang, the body that was originally more than thirty meters taller and taller, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a fifty-meter-tall giant ape.

The bone density, muscle strength, and physical weight of the body increased rapidly. The astonishing changes shocked King Kong himself.

Its eyes have become more and more agile, as if its brain cells have been optimized and strengthened, and its ideology has become stronger.

He seems to have considerable wisdom.

Moreover, Ye Hang passed on a lot of things to it and taught it how to communicate.

"Boss... Boss——" King Kong relayed a thought intermittently.

It understood that it was the old man in front of it who had just defeated it that helped it achieve a more powerful evolution.

King Kong is completely convinced!

Soon, King Kong fully recovered and became more powerful.


The recovered King Kong beat his chest excitedly and let out a roar.

"Okay, pretty boy, take me to the underground entrance.

Ye Hang sends a message.


King Kong immediately nodded obediently and led the way.

It already knows how to communicate with Ye Hang.

The two giant beasts walked towards the underground entrance of Skull Island one after another. .

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