Ascension of the Immortal Asura

1072 Pride of the True Dragons

"What?" the Mage-Sovereign exclaimed, standing up in shock once more. The Yang-Sovereign almost did the same, but managed to control his emotions and remain seated, although his widened eyes betrayed his true emotions.

"Are you absolutely certain?" the Mage-Sovereign asked, although she knew the answer already. Someone as strong and knowledgeable as the leader of the Netherfrost Beasts wouldn't make claims that elevated the talent of a human unless he was absolutely certain it was true.

"Without a doubt," the Netherfrost Beast replied, his face still serious with emotion. "And not only does he have the inheritance of the ancient Jade Dragons, but from what I can tell, his inheritance is a complete one."

"A complete one?" the Yang-Sovereign asked for clarification.

"A complete beast inheritance means several things," the Netherfrost Beast leader answered. "It means his bodily inheritance is complete without flaws. That means he has absorbed Jade Dragon blood, bone, even sinew. Every aspect of his body has been infused with pure Jade Dragon power, and not only that, he has also inherited the Body Transformation Art meant to fully activate the Jade Dragon powers. That is what it means to be complete."

"I see," the Yang-Sovereign said, then fell into a thoughtful silence. 

"Where did your boy find this inheritance?" the Mage-Sovereign asked the Prime Shadow.

"Like I said, I have no idea," the Prime Shadow shrugged, a small, satisfied smile on his face, clearly enjoying the reactions of the others. "Not that I would tell you even if I did," he added, causing an eye-roll from the Mage-Sovereign. 

"Such an inheritance could be used to greatly increase the strength of the human race," the Mage-Sovereign said to the Prime Shadow, "and yet you would seek to keep it secret from the rest of us."

"Oh? If that's the case, then divulge the all the secrets of your Mage-Dao Sect to the world, as that should also increase the power of the human race," the Prime Shadow replied, throwing the Mage-Sovereigns words right back in her face, showing her the stupidity of such a request. 

She glared at him but fell silent, realizing her request truly had been too forward.

"Hahahaha," the Netherfrost Beast laughed, amused by their conversation. The Mage-Sovereign gave him a pointed glance, not amused by his laughter.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"You truly don't know the severity, the profundity of what you just witnessed, do you?" the Netherfrost Beast asked.

"Clearly not," the Mage-Sovereign replied, leaning back in her seat to calm herself down. "So why don't you enlighten us on this matter. What profundity are we not understanding here?"

The Netherfrost Beast exchanged a heated look with her, the two already at odds, but obliged as he was an honored guest here, and would act like one.

"We beasts are a prideful bunch," he started explaining. "But none are as prideful as the dragons, and atop that pyramid of pride, are the True Dragons. There is no creature more prideful than a True Dragon, and amongst them, no True Dragon more prideful than the Jade Dragons."

"So, how does their pride have any bearing here?" the Mage-Sovereign asked curiously.

"The True Dragons, and the Jade Dragons especially, are so prideful, that they consider every other creature in existence to be inferior to them, humans included," the Netherfrost Beast Leader explained. "One of their greatest points of pride is their bloodline and its purity, which they value almost more than anything else."

The Netherfrost Beast paused for a moment, realizing he needed to explain a bit more background before getting into the details.

"My Netherfrost Beast clan is not from this world, but is from the Netherfrost World," the Netherfrost Beast explained, drawing some raised eyebrows. "This branch of the Netherfrost Beasts came to this world hundreds of thousands of years ago, just after the ancient war concluded. We brought with us the history and teachings of the main Netherfrost Clan, which is still taught today.

A part of those teachings deal with the ancient True Dragons. From what is taught, the True Dragons do not share their power lightly. From what I know, the True Dragons have shared their power less than a dozen times in the history of the martial universe, and each time the power was shared with a pinnacle being of absolute talent and might. 

As for the Jade Dragons, from what I know, they have never once imparted a true inheritance on any other creature. They consider themselves the ultimate lifeform, and to impart their powers to others would be an insult to their entire lineage. They would never do such a thing."

"So, you're saying this boy stole these powers somehow? Pilfered an ancient ruin or something?" the Mage-Sovereign asked, easing up a little if that was the truth. 

"That's not possible," the Netherfrost Beast shook his head. "The Jade Dragons pride and hubris is unyielding. They would sooner go extinct than let a single unworthy creature absorb even a single drop of their blood. They are so prideful that if they perish in battle, they will destroy their own body before allowing their remains to be used by others. And the boy's body transformation itself. That body transformation art cannot be forcefully learned from some scrolls or jade pieces. No, that has to be taught by a True Dragon itself. No, the boy's power was not stolen, or pilfered."

"Then what? Are you saying he was given this power by a True Jade Dragon? Isn't that impossible, based on what you just said?" the Mage-Sovereign asked, eyebrows raised in questioning judgment. 

"There is only one scenario where a True Jade Dragon would make such an exception and bestow a complete inheritance on another creature," the Netherfrost Beast said, a serious look on his face. "And that exception is…a Jade Dragon considering the one being blessed with the inheritance to be of equal standing in terms of bloodline and talent. Only an existence considered a Jade Dragons equal could be blessed with such an inheritance."

The weight of the Netherfrost Beasts words hit the gathered powerhouses with the weight of a planet, nearly knocking them senseless. They struggled to form words as they processed the severity of the words just spoken.

An existence equal to the strongest of all creatures. An existence considered an equal of the Jade Dragons. An existence, known as John Fenix.

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