Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 168 Breaking out of the Sea of ​​Mist


Before he could react, another sound of splashing water sounded from behind.

Zhao Sheng turned around and saw that the light wall of the passage had disappeared for some reason. At this time, a large amount of sea water was pouring in.

The strong water pressure on the bottom of the sea forced the sea water to spurt in, forming a thick and straight water column.

In just a few breaths, the water in the underground cave reached his waist.

Hai Laner hugged Zhao Sheng's arm in fear.

Zhao Sheng twitched slightly, but when he saw that there was no twitch, he just let it be.

Soon, the underground cave was flooded by sea water!

Half an hour later, Zhao Sheng and Hai Laner swam out of the underwater cave.

Looking at the faint blue "ocean" under the sea, Zhao Sheng's pupils suddenly shrank.

Because he was surprised to find that the black air of death on the blue flame disappeared.

As for why it disappeared?

Zhao Sheng probably guessed that it was related to the black-robed Taoist.

Yan Kai, the short and fat old man and others who were waiting on the boat never expected that Zhao Sheng and the others would come back so quickly.

When they learned that other people were unfortunately killed, everyone was stunned, especially the short and fat old man, who was in disbelief.

But Zhao Sheng had no reason to lie.

After waiting in vain for three days, the pudgy old man finally accepted the bad news.

This man is worthy of being the master of a ship. As soon as he accepted the reality, he set his sights on the Dafu.

You must know that the Dafu is a whaling treasure ship, and it can easily be sold for two to three hundred thousand spiritual stones.

Relying on his ninth level of Qi refining, the short and fat old man showed his unabashed intention to occupy the wealthy account.

It's a pity that he didn't know that there was an old guy opposite who pretended to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Therefore, when the short and fat old man tried to subdue everyone, he was beheaded by Zhao Sheng with a sword and received a box lunch on the spot.

After seeing Zhao Shengsheng's unpredictable strength, whether it was Yan Kai, Zou Li or the three surviving Qi refining stages of the Zhijin Hao, they immediately expressed that only God would follow his lead.

After this little episode, the biggest problem facing Zhao Sheng was how to leave this foggy sea.

Because of insufficient manpower, he had to abandon the Zhijin.

Although the Zhijin No. is not as good as the Dafu No., a ship capable of conducting ocean-going trade cannot be any worse. Generally, one hundred thousand spiritual stones cannot build it.

It's a pity that Zhao Sheng only has seven people. The number of people who can operate Dafu is already the limit, and Zhijin really can't take care of it.

In the next two months, Zhao Sheng's actions were incomprehensible to everyone.

Apart from practicing and sleeping every day, he spent the rest of the time diving into the sea, and he didn't know what he was busy with.

Hailan'er asked him why, and he only said vaguely that he was looking for a way out.

However, everyone gradually noticed some changes in Zhao Sheng's physical characteristics.

His eyes originally had black pupils with a blue halo around the edges. But a month later, his pupils turned into a pair of blue eyes as clear as the sky.

And his skin became fairer day by day, and finally became as smooth and smooth as white jade, as if coated with a layer of jade grease.

This made Hailan'er cry out with envy, and the affection in her eyes became more and more obvious, even a blind man could see it.

Three months later, the weather turned cold, the sea breeze gradually picked up, and the fog density decreased slightly.

One day, the sun sets and the sunset fills the sky

The Dafu sailed to a sea area and slowly stopped.

At this time, Zhao Sheng stood in the steering cabin, holding the steering wheel with a serious expression.

"Lower the sail!"

He gave the order, and Yan Kai led the two of them to the mast, climbed up and down, and quickly lowered the sail.

"Seal the warehouse and prepare the spiritual stone furnace!"

Bang bang bang!

The hatches of the Dafu were tightly closed one by one, and the deck became deserted.

At this time, in front of the spirit stone furnace located under the bottom warehouse, Hai Laner stood there with a solemn expression.

"The spiritual stone furnace is on,"

When Zhao Sheng's order was passed down, Hailan'er immediately took out a storage bag and poured a large bag of pure Yin spirit stones into the spirit stone furnace. The furnace chamber, which was as high as one person, was filled to the brim.

Because of the lack of manpower, the only alternative was to use the method of burning spirit stones. Although it was a bit wasteful, Zhao Sheng didn't have much else but pure Yin spirit stones. That piece of spirit stone and jade alone was enough to burn for half a year.


As the spiritual stone furnace outputs a large amount of spiritual power, the hull of the Dafu was quickly covered with a layer of light film.

Then, the entire ship slowly sank into the sea.

Zhao Sheng skillfully maneuvered the Dafu and lowered it to a depth of 1,200 feet.

At this depth, the surrounding environment is pitch black and marine life is extremely rare.

However, Zhao Sheng knew that there was an undersea current here. This was the "way to survive" that took him two months to find.

The Dafu was dragged into the foggy sea by the spirit whale, and now Zhao Sheng follows a similar method and "floats" out with the help of ocean currents.

This method has a high success rate, but it takes a long time.

After sailing the Dafu into the ocean current, Zhao Sheng let go of the rudder and let the ocean current push the Dafu forward little by little toward the unknown.

The days under the sea were boring and long. Others were anxious and impatient waiting, but Zhao Sheng ate the fatty spirit whale meat and practiced in seclusion every day.

Three months passed in a flash.

Hailan'er, Yan Kai, Zou Li and others could no longer wait. These days were like being in jail, it was too boring.

Hailan'er and others came to Zhao Sheng for three days in a row, and the meaning behind their words was very obvious.

Zhao Sheng calculated the time and took the time to swim out of the boat and float to the surface.

Looking at the sky full of stars, the silver moon crescents. Zhao Sheng couldn't help but slap the sea surface vigorously, causing large splashes of water.

"Finally out!"

An hour later, Dafu surfaced.

As soon as the hatch opened, Hai Laner and others rushed onto the deck impatiently.

When they saw the boundless sea water and the bright moon reflecting on the water, everyone cheered loudly, and some even cried with joy.

That night, no one slept on the ship. The food and wine brought from the Zhijin were placed on the deck like a flowing stream. Everyone enjoyed eating and drinking while celebrating, while coveting the charming sea view outside.

Two days later, after everyone vented the pressure of escaping from death, they began to formally discuss how to return to the Broken Star Sea.

It was said to be a discussion, but in fact it was Zhao Sheng who made the decision alone. Although Hailan'er was the heir to Dafu, Zhao Sheng was the backbone of everyone.

After leaving the foggy sea, the first thing to do is to determine where you are.

However, this sea area is very unfamiliar,

Zhao Sheng had three nautical gold plates in his hand, but none of them could find the topographic features of this sea area.

Although the navigation gold plate was useless, it was not difficult for Zhao Sheng.

Most of the main island groups in the Broken Star Sea are in the north.

If you can't determine the direction, just drive north.

After making the decision, the Dafu raised the sails again and turned the bow to the north. Under the influence of the wind gusts on the sails, the sails swelled high in the strong wind. The treasure ship took advantage of the wind and sailed from slow to fast to the distant horizon. .

one day,

two days,

Every day, Zhao Sheng would send Yunzhou out to explore the surrounding sea area of ​​hundreds of miles.

The hard work pays off!

Half a month later, Zhao Sheng accidentally discovered an island. And this island also allowed them to confirm their location.

Their location is at the edge of the outer star sea, only three hundred nautical miles away from Zhi'ao Island, the nearest dragon-scale spiritual island.

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