Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 202 The tide is about to rise

"Well, that's really gratifying!"

As soon as Zhao Sheng finished speaking, Ge Chen's eyes instantly became extremely sinister, and his face suddenly turned cold:

"This is all thanks to you! Fellow Daoist Zhao's great kindness will be unforgettable for Ge for a lifetime!

Hum, allow me to repay your ‘great favor’ in the future! "

As soon as these words came out, the voices in the Ningdan Palace suddenly decreased by half, leaving only whispers.

At this time, everyone's focus was on the two foundation-building alchemists.

There are nearly a hundred alchemists in the Alchemist Association, but only eleven or two have advanced to the foundation-building realm.

It can be said that any foundation-building alchemist is the backbone of the association, and his status on Jiuzhen Island is extremely high. He is a person who is best not to be provoked if he can.

As soon as the two prosperous Foundation Establishment Alchemists were seen confronting each other, the atmosphere in the hall instantly became weird.

Hearing Ge Chen's strange words, Zhao Sheng didn't care at all, he laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist Ge, you are serious! There was a public opinion in the last alliance, so there is no need to mention it again."


Ge Chen snorted coldly, temporarily suppressing the resentment in his heart, turned to look at Jin Dancheng next to Zhao Sheng, and asked with a smile: "Is this person who looks strange to me a descendant of fellow Taoist Zhao? I and your family We have a deep friendship with our elders, so we should stay close to each other in the future.

By the way, what's your name? "

Feeling the viciousness in the other person's eyes, Jin Dancheng felt his scalp numb and his heart pounding.

Being targeted by a Foundation-building alchemist for no reason is no joke, especially since this master is Xu Chong, the master of alchemy.

Not only that, Xu Chong is also a fake elixir master.

Therefore, this person not only has an extraordinary status in the Alchemist Association, but is also famous throughout Jiuzhen Island, and his status is extremely high.

In order not to get into trouble, Jin Dancheng had no choice but to bow and salute obediently, "Junior Jin Dancheng, I have met Senior Ge!"

At this time, Zhao Sheng just watched from the side with a calm expression and did not do any unnecessary actions.

He knew that any words or actions he said at this time would be tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

He was alone and not afraid of Ge Chen. But after Jin Dancheng, the Jin family still had tens of thousands of people to support, so he never dared to anger Ge Chen.

Zhao Sheng has lived for so many years and has already seen through the world, and his heart is extremely clear.

In this life, if he is still entangled in the gain and loss of face, then he will live in a dog's belly for the rest of his life.

Ge Chen turned to look at Zhao Sheng and said with ill intentions: "Fellow Daoist Zhao, I see that this little friend Jin has acceptable qualifications, and I want to accept him as a registered disciple. What do you think?"

After hearing these words, Zhao Sheng finally slowly frowned and his tone became indifferent, "No!"

Ge Chen thought that the other party would say something harsh, but he only heard the word "no". This was absolutely amazing!

"Hmph, can't you just say no? I'll accept this apprentice!"

After Ge Chen finished speaking harshly, he turned to look at Jin Dancheng and asked coldly: "Be my disciple and I will ensure your promotion and foundation building!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

At this time, most of the alchemists in the hall looked at Jin Dancheng with envy and jealousy.

Everyone knew that Ge Chen's words were by no means false, because there were only six people on Jiuzhen Island who could refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, and their master and disciple were two of them.

"This this……"

It has to be said that Jin Dancheng is really excited, but due to his personality, he still has some concerns.

Looking at Jin Dancheng who glanced at him secretly, Zhao Sheng sighed softly in his heart.

No matter what Jin Dancheng finally decides, he will not be angry at all.

Because the relationship between him and the Jin family was just a transaction and did not form a deep friendship.

After Jin Dancheng hesitated for a long time, he suddenly shook his head and said tactfully: "Thank you, Senior Ge, for your kindness! I dare not accept it. This boy is too talented and does not dare to climb up to the door of Senior. Please take back your life, Senior Ge!"

Before Jin Dancheng finished speaking, the same thought suddenly appeared in everyone's mind, "Is this person a fool?!"

At this moment, Ge Chen's winning face suddenly froze on the spot, and he was instantly filled with anger.

After Zhao Sheng heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Then he looked at Jin Dancheng with deep meaning.

At this time, no one understood why Jin Dancheng would refuse Ge Chen's solicitation, including Zhao Sheng.

"Boy, say it again!" Ge Chen looked at the cowering Jin Dancheng in disbelief and said sternly.

"I'm sorry! Thank you for your love, senior, but please forgive me for not being able to follow your senior's words!" This time Jin Dancheng's attitude was more determined than last time.

"Haha! Fellow Daoist Ge, I forgive you. Dancheng has already become a disciple. Although his master has just passed away, it is said that once he is a master, he is always a father! He... is too filial after all. This child has such an eccentric personality, which is not good! "Zhao Sheng smiled with emotion.

Before Ge Chen could vent his anger, Zhao Sheng waved to Jin Dancheng again and said in a friendly manner: "Dancheng, let's go!"

Then, he clasped his fists, looked around, and said loudly: "Comrades, take care! Zhao has taken a step in advance."

After saying that, Zhao Sheng pulled Jin Dancheng and turned around to leave, completely ignoring Ge Chen who was full of resentment behind him.

On the way back, Zhao Sheng couldn't help but ask Jin Dancheng, "Why did you refuse just now?"

Jin Dancheng smiled, shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on between you and that person? But if I take that person as my teacher, I'm afraid I won't live to build the foundation."

Zhao Sheng was startled when he heard this, then he was silent and did not continue to ask.

Jin Dancheng's words have a lot of meaning, and they sound very subtle.

This sentence alone made Zhao Sheng look at him with admiration, feeling that this man was naive and bright-hearted, and he was quite intelligent.

After this incident, Zhao Sheng knew that Ge Chen would definitely take revenge, but he did not expect that the revenge would come so quickly and with such ferocity.

The next day, Jin Dancheng came to his house in a panic and complained to him as soon as he sat down.

It turned out that early this morning, the shopkeeper of the Zhenyao Pavilion reported that most of his own channels for purchasing medicines had been cut off. Three main channels informed them that they would no longer sell them elixirs from now on.

At the same time, as many as eight regular alchemist patrons announced at the same time that they would no longer purchase medicinal materials from Zhenyao Pavilion or sell elixirs in his store.

Most of the two roads in and out have been cut off. This will cost the life of Zhenyao Pavilion!

As the saying goes, good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone.

While Jin Dancheng was complaining, a messenger crane suddenly found him.

Opening the Fuhe, he saw that his hands were trembling and his face looked as sad as a bitter gourd.

"show me!"

Seeing this, Zhao Sheng could not choose to stand by and watch. The Jin family was clearly in trouble this time.

"Senior, what do you want to do now? Jin Dancheng handed over the note with an aggrieved look.

Zhao Sheng took it and read it again. He knew in his heart that Ge Chen was really capable of ruthlessness.

It turns out that the Jin family's family base is on Fufeng Island, five hundred miles west of Jiuzhen Island.

Fu Feng Island is a medium-sized island. There is a first-order middle-grade spiritual vein on the island, which is divided into eight spiritual vein branches. The Jin family rented one of them.

The owner of Fufeng Island is a late-stage foundation-building monk named Liu He.

Today, Liu He suddenly issued a decree and forced the Jin family to move out of the branch spiritual lineage within a month without any reason.

After reading it, Zhao Sheng put away the note and said to Jin Dancheng: "Go back to the Zhenyao Pavilion first and appease everyone. I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

"Senior, I leave this matter entirely to you!"

"rest assured!"

After sending Jin Dancheng away, Zhao Sheng's eyes turned cold. After his eyes flickered for a few times, he kicked off his feet and a golden light came out of his sleeves.

As soon as the golden light surrounded him, he immediately transformed into a sword rainbow, soared into the sky, and headed straight for Huimeng Peak.

A moment later, Zhao Sheng successfully met Lao Dao Qifeng in the real cave.

After several years of contact, Zhao Sheng knew the other party's character well, so he didn't make too many polite remarks. After a simple greeting, he directly stated his intention.

When he heard that Ge Chen's resentment did not subside after he was released from seclusion, and in order to vent his anger, he even vented his anger on the Jin family, Qifeng Lao Dao did not make any move and just said "I understand."

Then he stopped mentioning the affairs of the Jin family, and instead asked Zhao Sheng with interest if he had any ideas about getting a wife. There were many talented juniors in his family, and he could find an opportunity to meet them.

With the astonishing eyesight of a veteran in the golden elixir realm, even if he did not fully see through Zhao Sheng's true realm, he could still detect that his cultivation had improved rapidly. The key was that he was still very young.

Being young means great potential, and there may be a chance to advance to the golden elixir.

Therefore, Qifeng Laodao valued Zhao Sheng more and wanted to tie him to his own ship.

Qifeng Lao Dao said it very straightforwardly, and of course he had the ability to say so.

He believed that the other party would not reject his kindness unless he was a fool.

Zhao Sheng was not a fool, but he declined politely.

It's not that he doesn't appreciate promotion, but that his identity is sensitive and his bloodline is special and must not be exposed.

Hearing Zhao Sheng's refusal, Qifeng Lao Dao couldn't help but frown, and the atmosphere quickly became cold.

A moment later, Zhao Sheng walked out of the cave with a face as heavy as water. With a shake of his hand, his flying sword turned into a rainbow, and he left far away.

On the same day, Liu He, who was far away on Fu Feng Island, suddenly received a talisman letter. The talisman letter was sent by Qifeng Zhenren, the deputy leader of the Spring and Autumn Alliance.

After looking at it, Liu He's expression changed and he gave his nephew Liu Yu a hard look.

It was this boy who encouraged him to drive away the Jin family. His original intention was to please Ge Chen. Who knew that he had a big backer? Even the deputy leader was alerted, and he was put on the spot.

In the afternoon of that day, the current head of the Liu family on Fufeng Island took the initiative to visit the Jin family and had a pleasant conversation with Jin Jiang. Naturally, the so-called eviction order was no longer mentioned.

This trouble was solved, but things at Zhenyao Pavilion were not easy to handle.

Although Master Qifeng's reputation is great, Master Xu Chong's reputation is not small either.

One sentence can tell the true meaning. Xu Chong was personally invited by Master Changkong, the leader of the Spring and Autumn Alliance, to suppress the two leaders of the Alchemist Association to prevent the Alchemist Association, which colluded with Chi Yuan, from becoming catastrophic.

To be fair, Xu Chong has done a good job in the past few years and has won over nearly one-third of the alchemists.

On Jiuzhen Island, Old Dao Qifeng was far less talkative than Xu Chong on anything related to alchemy.

So as soon as Ge Chen said something, Zhenyao Pavilion immediately faced the threat of being cut off from both supply and sales.

Zhao Sheng already had a rough plan on how to solve the problem of Zhenyao Pavilion.

While Zhao Sheng was carrying out his plan, a conspiracy affecting the entire Broken Star Sea was taking shape.

Hundreds of millions of sea miles away from Jiuzhen Island, on a rock protruding high out of the sea, sat a thin old man with white hair and a childish face.

At this time, the thin old Zhang was holding a two-finger-thick, emerald-green fishing rod that looked like wood but not wood. A transparent silk thread as thin as a hair hangs from the top of the two-foot-long fishing rod.

The part of the transparent silk thread that is submerged in the sea is constantly swimming in the water.

After a while, a large whirlpool with a diameter of four to five feet was drawn. A deep snoring sound came up from the whirlpool, as if a giant beast was struggling desperately.

At this moment, a clear child's voice suddenly floated down from the night sky: "Brother Lingyuan, if you don't lift the pole, the prey will run away."

The ancestor of the Sea Demon Clan Lingyuan stroked his three-foot-long beard with his right hand and easily held the dragon fishing pole with his left hand. He smiled slightly and said: "Xiao Zhangzi, you are still so impatient. You must know that mastering the heat is the most important thing when doing anything. of.

In order to catch this stupid thing, I walked it for three days and three nights. You see it is exhausted now. "

"Brother Dao, you said it's been three days. Why hasn't the old Jiao King of the Jiaolong clan come yet? If he doesn't come, I'll be hungry."

A one-eyed child with an extremely huge head and a height of only three feet landed lightly behind Ancestor Lingyuan. The corners of his mouth were drooped and he was playing with the tentacles coming out of his ribs in a very depressed manner.

While playing, he put it in his mouth and bit it hard.

"Yo, that's it!"

As he spoke, Ancestor Lingyuan enthusiastically put his hands on the dragon fishing pole and lifted it up with all his strength.

With a "boom", a seven-foot-long, elephant-like long-bearded monster fish suddenly rushed out of the whirlpool at the end of the silk thread.

At the same time, a huge water column with a thickness of more than ten feet followed it up into the air, facing the two ancestors of Lingyuan on the reef, and crashed down like the sky was falling.

Facing the life-threatening blow of the dragon bearded fish, Zhang Tongzi's eyes rolled around, and he suddenly shouted fiercely: "How dare a little golden elixir evil beast dare to do something evil! Look at how powerful I am, Zhang Tongzi!"

As he said this, before Ancestor Lingyuan could stop him, he suddenly disappeared from the place like a phantom.

The next moment, Zhang Tongzi was lying on the head of the dragon fish. His pink little hands were tightly clenched into a fist, and then he hit the fish's big head, which was more than two feet wide. .


As if the bearded fish had been hit by a meteorite, a big hole suddenly appeared in its head, which was deeply dented.

"Wow!" A large amount of demon blood mixed with pink brain matter poured into the river more than ten feet below like a waterfall.

On the sea surface, a large area of ​​water turned red in the blink of an eye. Countless fish, shrimps, snakes and crabs surfaced, fighting each other to the death for the blood and brains of the dragon fish.

When Ancestor Lingyuan saw this, he hurriedly swung his fishing rod upwards and threw the half-dead dragon fish onto the reef.

At the same time, he shook his head and said with great regret: "What a waste, what a waste! After all, it is a fifth-level sea beast. Conquer it and use it as cannon fodder!"

Zhang Tongzi climbed off the bearded fish and walked towards Ancestor Lingyuan while sticking out his pink tongue and licking the blood on his little hands.

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