Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 274 Four Great Transformations

"Haha, the legend is indeed true!" Zhao Sheng looked at the "baby" on the ground, nodded with a smile, and thought at the same time.


The "baby" squirmed again and turned into a lifelike tiger. The tiger's whiskers were clearly defined, and the cuteness was full of the domineering power of a king.

The next moment, as Zhao Sheng's mind changed, the tiger quickly transformed into ordinary objects such as dragons, eagles, trees, and even soil and stones.

These objects are all lifelike, the only flaw is that they can never get rid of the dark red flesh.

After a while, Zhao Sheng had enough experiments and dispersed his consciousness. The dark red flesh stone on the ground suddenly collapsed and returned to a ball of flesh.

This ball of meat paste is Zhao Sheng's biggest harvest this time. It is called mushroom field, also known as medicinal meat. It is a special resource unique to the Star God Palace and unique in the world.

Juntian is a highly spiritual fungus that has the characteristics of high spirituality, high spiritual energy aggregation, and the ability to eat spirits and reproduce asexually.

Legend has it that Juntian is not a native creature of the Tianzhu Realm, but was accidentally captured by a certain God-Transforming Lord from the Star God Palace while traveling in the void outside the realm.

The "fungus field" in Zhao Sheng's hand is a small piece of daughter body cut from the mother fungus. The offspring can also reproduce asexually, but their lifespan is limited. As long as they are separated from the mother for more than a hundred years, they will all self-destruct.

For body-refining-style immortal cultivators, mushroom meat not only contains a large amount of special spiritual energy substances, but is also easily absorbed, making it one of the best foods in the world.

After severe trauma, the fungus field can also be applied externally to the wound, which has the miraculous effect of super-fast healing.

The key is that the fungus field is very easy to support. It can swallow almost anything with spiritual energy, such as spiritual stones, useless elixir fragments, waste elixirs, etc.

You must know that all body-refining immortal cultivators are big eaters.

Especially for a Jindan realm body refiner like Zhao Sheng, second-level demonic beast meat can no longer meet his body-refining needs, and demonic meat above the third level is very rare and extremely expensive.

However, in order to continue to strengthen his body, Zhao Sheng needed spiritual food rich in spiritual energy. Mushroom meat is the most cost-effective spiritual food.

If he hadn't come up with the Five Elements Forging Spirit Pill to lure Jin Yunzi into his trap, such special resources would never have fallen into his hands.

Zhao Sheng casually threw four medium-grade spirit stones. As soon as the spirit stones landed on the surface of the meat, the fungus field expanded rapidly like a living creature, and suddenly rolled up, wrapping the spirit stones in his body.

The fungus field swallows the spirit stone, so don't pay attention to it.

Zhao Sheng waved his long sleeves, and the lids of all the jade boxes on the ground opened at the same time, revealing the elixir contained inside.

He stretched out his hand to take a piece of the elixir with patterns all over its surface that looked like a white pear, and said to himself: "Is this the Millennium Mysterious Fruit? It doesn't look like much at all!"

The thousand-year-old Xuanxuan Fruit is almost extinct in the Broken Star Sea, and it is rumored that only a small number of Xuanxuan trees survive in the Qixuan Sect.

However, since the Millennium Xuanxuan Fruit is the main medicine of the Qixuan Poison, the Qixuan Sect will not allow a single Xuanxuan Fruit to leak out of the sect.

The Star God Palace is so powerful that it can actually get such a rare thing.

"Now I have obtained the main ingredient of the Enlightenment Pill. When I have time, I will try to refine the Enlightenment Pill."

Zhao Sheng played with the spirit fruit for a while, then carefully put the Millennium Mysterious Fruit back and put it away in the storage bag.

The elixirs in other jade boxes were slightly inferior. For example, three jade boxes contained Thousand Pattern Star Algae Fruit, and another contained a dragon antler root.

Dragon antler root can be used to make high-level treasure ink. As for the use of treasure ink, it goes without saying.

The remaining two jade boxes contain Qiong Shenhua, the main medicine for refining the Golden Pill, and a small bottle of one-yuan heavy water.

One yuan of heavy water was specially brought by Zhao Sheng for Zhao Daojing.

With his eyesight, it was not difficult to see that the technique Zhao Daojing practiced was the "Xuan Yuan Heavy Water Jue", and now he was stuck at the key point of the qualitative change of spiritual power.

He got great benefits this time, so he would naturally not forget to let his younger generation share some of the sweetness.

Later, after Zhao Sheng checked that everything was correct, he put the jade box back into the storage bag.

Then, he picked up a jade slip and began to browse it carefully.

The jade slips contained all kinds of rankings. He wanted to know what tricks the Star God Palace was up to.

When Zhao Sheng tried to pursue the "truth" behind the scenes, he was completely unaware that at this time, above his head, it should be said that it was above Star God Island, in the outer layer of the nine-layer Tiangang atmosphere, there were two supreme experts silently overlooking the bottom.

These two people are the only couple in the Tianzhu world who have transformed into gods and Taoists. The man is gentle and elegant, his name is Jiaori, and the woman is dignified and grand, and her name is Yingzhao.

The two are the previous generations of palace masters of the Star God Palace. They have lived for more than four thousand years, and their longevity is second only to the living fossils in the Tianzhu Realm.

The outer layer of Tiangang's atmosphere is eternally cold and silent, with no sound. Behind it is the endless, vast and empty dark void.

Zhenjun Jiaori, who was wearing the true robe of Tianwang, suddenly broke the silence, looked at his Taoist companion Yingzhao, and said in a deep voice: "Yingzhao, you should not announce the fact that the Star God is possessed."

Ying Zhaoyu stepped lightly, and the hundred-mile atmosphere beneath her feet collapsed and sunk in an instant, forming a huge "hole". A layer of fluorescent red flames more than ten feet high quietly ignited on the edge of the hole.

At this time, she asked calmly: "Jiao Ri, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Lord Jiao Rizhen smiled freely and said, "Madam, please calm down! You know that I always listen to you. But when it comes to the Star God, you did act a bit unreasonably.

It's just a blood god child, even if it secretly hooks up with the spirit tribe. Even if the Star God was deceived by it. But so what? As long as the law of heaven and earth is in hand, Star God Palace will always be invincible. "

Yingzhao shook his head, stretched out his hand and pressed it, and the flames in a radius of a hundred miles below were immediately extinguished. The surrounding atmospheric flow quickly made up for it, and the huge hole quickly healed and disappeared.

"You don't need to comfort yourself. The two of us underestimated the Blood God Son after all. After it escaped by cutting off its tail for the first time, we should have been extremely vigilant, but we were still careless and escaped by it the second time. Control. The two immortals in Zhongzhou have been laughed at by me for hundreds of years.

Haha, now we have become the laughing stock. "

"Yingzhao, it's just a shame. It's not a big deal. We have lived for so many years, how can we not understand this illusion. Now only ascending to the Taiyi Spiritual World is the top priority for us." Zhenjun Jiaori Comforting his Taoist companions.

Yingzhao smiled faintly, "It's not easy to ascend in the daytime! The two-realm ascension formation has not been launched for more than 1,300 years, and even the two immortals guarding the formation are impatient to wait. Otherwise, the Son of Blood God would first start from When Tianzhu Mountain escaped the ban, those two people would not try to control the Blood God Son and then manipulate everything behind the scenes."

"Haha, it's a pity that they got away with it. They only had a hundred years of life extension, but the Blood God Son escaped."

Ying Zhao said dissatisfiedly: "You have the nerve to laugh at others, aren't we kidding?

The war between the two realms is about to begin. Without the Son of Blood God as a guide, how do you position the Netherworld and Ghost Realm? "

Jiao Ri touched his nose awkwardly, looked up, suddenly became happy, and said with a smile: "An old friend is finally here!"

Before he finished speaking, Ying Zhao felt that the edge of his spiritual realm was suddenly lightly touched by a familiar divine thought.

A smile appeared on her face and she looked up at the end of the sky.

I saw under the atmosphere of the distant horizon, a sword light suddenly cut through the layers of atmosphere, leaping into the void outside the boundary.

After two consecutive flashes, the sword light teleported thousands of miles and landed in front of Jiao Ri Yingzhao and his wife. The sword light dissipated, revealing a middle-aged man with old clothes and an unkempt beard not far away.

This man is holding a wine gourd in his left hand and a black iron sword hanging on his waist. He has a carefree and carefree charm in his dejection.

"Sword God, you came here very early this time. Could it be that you have changed your temper?" Jiao Ri joked.

Sword God Lin Yizhi raised the wine gourd and shook it, indicating that it was empty.

He said lazily: "I've run out of wine. I just happened to come to ask you for a few gourds."

Jiao Ri smiled and scolded: "Don't mention this. How many gourds? You dare to say this. Who doesn't know that your gourd can hold a lake. Even if I give you all the spiritual wine in the palace, it may not be able to hold it. A gourd full!"

"Deal! You said this yourself. All the spirit wine from Star God Palace was given to me." Lin Yizhi said immediately after hearing this.

"Bah, you Lin Yizhi, how can the Dong family still treat you harshly? The autumn wind has hit us today." Yingzhao spat, pretending to be distressed.

"Just tell me whether to give it or not!" Lin Yizhi suddenly reached out and pressed the hilt of the sword.

"Here, give it! I'm afraid of you. Sooner or later you'll be drunk to death, you drunkard." Jiao Ri quickly said with his hands upon seeing this.

In the Tianzhu world, Jiao Ri and his wife have the deepest friendship with the sword god Lin Yizhi.

The so-called distressed laughter and scolding, as well as all the posturing, were just a joke.

How could a mere drink of wine be considered in the eyes of True Lord Transformation of Gods?

After the joke was over, Lin Yizhi asked seriously: "When will Yanhuang's guy arrive?"

Jiao Ri counted on his fingers, with a puzzled look on his face, "Nan Yanzhou is the closest to Broken Star Sea. Logically speaking, we have already arrived now."

"Perhaps there is something delayed!" Ying Zhao answered.

Lin Yizhi smiled lightly and said: "Haha! That's right. It's not like I am a wandering cloud and a crane. As the first emperor of a dynasty, it is natural for me to take care of everything."

At this moment, a domineering and rich voice suddenly sounded in the void around the three people: "Lin Tiejian, are you mocking me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere below suddenly emitted hundreds of millions of firelights, instantly rendering the Tiangang atmosphere with a radius of a hundred miles into a flaming cloud.

Suddenly, the flaming clouds rolled away in all directions, and a majestic body that dominated the world slowly rose into the sky and stood facing the three people.

This man was wearing a mid-heaven golden robe, with domineering facial features, dragon-like eyebrows and phoenix-like eyes, a nose that looked like hanging gallbladders, a tiger's mouth and a dragon's beard, and a superb temperament. His demeanor was extremely arrogant, as if he held supreme power and regarded all living beings as stupid dogs.

Lin Yizhi smiled brightly and said: "Emperor Yan, you are late! Don't you want to give us an explanation?"

"This emperor acts based on his own heart throughout his life, why do I need to explain to others!"

Yanhuang's real name is Zu Yanwu. He is the founder of the Great Yanshen Dynasty in Nanyanzhou. He has lived for more than 3,800 years.

The environment of Nanyan Continent is harsh, and its area is the last among the five continents. Although the population of the continent is larger than that of Dongyao Continent, its overall power is the weakest.

Since the Great Yan Divine Dynasty has the only true god-incarnation king in Southern Yan Continent, it is the sole overlord of the entire continent and controls nearly 60% of the territory of Southern Yan Continent.

Jiao Ri saw that the two of them were about to start a fight again, and hurriedly intervened: "Sword God, don't be anxious. Emperor Yan has something to do if he takes a step back, it's not a big deal. It's not like you've made trouble by drinking once or twice. Just bring it up and talk about it. Let's talk about it. We joined forces to encircle and suppress a giant Void Yao demon, but you came half an hour too late, almost making all our efforts in vain."

After hearing this, Lin Yizhi subconsciously raised the wine gourd and poured a sip of wine into his mouth, pretending not to hear.

Seeing this situation, Zhenjun Jiaori and Emperor Yan looked at each other and ignored this topic in a tacit understanding.

The Sword God's lazy and rogue character is well known to all his peers. No one can do anything to him!

After a while, Emperor Yan looked at Jiao Rizhao and Yingzhao and asked, "What do you mean you and your wife came to see me?"

"Emperor Yan, the Blood God Son has been restored to its full form with the help of Wang Fusheng. My wife and I need the help of you and the Sword God to recapture the Blood God Son."

When you reach the realm of becoming a god, most people speak honestly to each other, and using sweet words to deceive is the only way to make people laugh.

So as soon as Zhenjun Jiaori came up, he asked for help.

Emperor Yan did not refuse or nod in agreement, but suddenly asked: "The Star God has been in a coma for more than two hundred years. Is this matter related to the Blood God?"

When Lin Yizhi heard this, he immediately moved his hands.

"That's right! I accidentally let the Son of the Blood God secretly contact the Star God. The Star God's consciousness is inherently unstable and there is no distinction between good and evil. Therefore, he is easily attracted to higher-level ideologies and deviates from them. It followed the normal evolutionary path. As a result, it just became 'enchanted'."

Yingzhao continued: "So we have to force him to fall into a deep sleep. But we can only suppress him for another two hundred years at most. Well, that is under the premise that the spiritual tribe and the demonic forces are not up to anything."

Emperor Yan was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then slowly shook his head: "It's too late! It's been less than thirty years since the Nine Stars Lianzhu, and the invasion of the Netherworld and the Ghost Realm is imminent. Several old immortals in Central Continent are plotting in Tianzhu Mountain Arrangement, thinking that others don’t know.

Take action rashly at this time, in case of injury, I need to recharge my batteries and fully cope with this once-in-a-million-year opportunity. This is related to the great cause of ascension, so I can't help you. "

"Hmph, coward, you are even afraid of a puppet of heaven, how can you be considered a peerless emperor?" Lin Yizhi mocked.

At this time, Zhenjun Jiaori revealed his true meaning: "Emperor Yan, it's okay if you don't take action. Can you lend me an immortal true flame? I estimate that this fire is the natural nemesis of the Son of Blood God."

"Sorry, the Immortal True Flame involves the fate of a continent and cannot be lent out easily!"

Seeing this situation, Jiao Ri Zhenjun looked very unwilling. In order to kill his henchman, he even gave up his face.

However, Emperor Yan's heart was as solid as stone, and he was unwilling to part with a ray of true flame.

You must know that the Great Flame Divine Dynasty controls the fire eye of the earth, and there are many spiritual fires in the fire eye. Even if a ray of the immortal true flame is cut off, it can be quickly "recovered" by swallowing the spiritual fire.

"Emperor Yan, I am willing to sell you ten wisps of the Fire-Bearing Heavenly Outer Xuanying in exchange for one wisp of immortal true flame." At the critical moment, True Lord Yingzhao was still willing to spend his money.

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