Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 282 Zhongzhou changes, Zhao family turns

"The three-destruction plan is in progress in an orderly manner. More than 100 crypts in the celestial burial site have been destroyed, and millions of zombies and ghosts have been burned. The progress of the 'Golden Wall' is seriously insufficient, and only one third of it has just been built. , the sect alliance once again recruits fire and earth cultivators, and the treatment is generous..."

"According to the spiritual news released by Dangxian City, the exchange price of spiritual stones has generally increased by 10%. The exchange channel for high-grade spiritual stones has been temporarily closed. The transaction price of bulk spiritual ores has reached the highest level in five thousand years. The average price of black iron has increased from four spiritual stones per pound. stone, increased to five spiritual stones. At the same time, the shortage of spiritual elixirs is becoming more and more serious..."

"In the past year, eleven countries including Wu Zeng, Zhou Yang, and Xifeng have been expelled from the Plains of Ten Thousand Kingdoms. The Plains of Ten Thousand Kingdoms has been filled with clouds of war. Large-scale mortal wars that have shed millions of blood have occurred in many places. Many countries have formed a national alliance. The cultivators behind this The family also suffered heavy casualties..."

".Many sects of cultivating immortals, led by Xiaoyao Sect, have opened their gates continuously in the past two years, and their recruitment standards have dropped significantly. Except for the ten major sects, the remaining second-rate forces have at least four spiritual roots to worship at the gate. Heshan Sect, Heshan Sect, Heshan Sect, etc. The Qi sect and other low-ranking people..."

"The popularity of the four major casual cultivating cities such as Dongtian City and Dangxian City is sluggish, and the market continues to be depressed. The reason seems to be that a large number of casual cultivators have joined sects and immortal cultivating families."

". The ancestor Lancang of the Ziyang Sect died mysteriously, and the cause of death is unknown... The real person Muyan, a casual cultivator, has passed away, and the relics were obtained by a certain Qi Refining Qi Refiner. There was a sudden riot in the Beast Royal Sect's zoo. So far, there have been three sixth-level people. The big demon escaped, below level five..."

On the ninth floor of Baguang Guangming Building, Zhao Sheng sat cross-legged on the meditation futon, slowly put the jade slip of information into the storage bag with his right hand, and murmured to himself at the same time: "The rain is about to come, the wind is filling the building!"

Ten years after leaving for the Broken Star Sea, the situation in Central Continent has changed dramatically again. The current situation is becoming more and more severe, and all the major forces seem to be slowly tightening their grip.

The atmosphere in the world of immortality became increasingly heavy and gloomy, and everyone had a powder keg sitting under their butts, as if they were on fire at the drop of a hat.

There is no doubt that everything originated from the Heavenly Burial Plains. The seals between the two realms are about to expire, and the Netherworld and the Ghost Realm will inevitably invade the Tianzhu Realm again.

Because the war between the two worlds is approaching, Central Continent has created such a tense and heavy atmosphere.

The Central Continent Sect Alliance swept caves in the Plow Courtyard of the Celestial Burial Ground and burned zombies and ghosts without much concealment.

So much so that the news that the war between the two worlds was about to start slowly became faster, and finally spread crazily among the immortal cultivators.

Perhaps the immortal cultivators in other continents and oceans are too far away, so the lower-level cultivators know very little about this matter.

But in Central Continent, not to mention casual cultivators, even some well-informed mortals learned of this shocking news.

Therefore, when Zhao Sheng returned to Xinglong City, everyone in the Zhao family was ecstatic, and people's hearts suddenly stabilized.

However, because of this, Zhao Sheng was immediately "besieged" by all the clan elders. There were countless major matters that needed to be resolved urgently and he urgently needed to report them to his ancestors and wait for his reply.

As you can imagine, sometimes a dispute over the ownership of a spiritual mine can involve interests worth millions of spiritual stones.

In the Xinglong Zhao family, there is not just one major matter like this, there are many more important and ten times more complicated matters that require Zhao Sheng to make a decision.

Faced with this difficult situation, Zhao Sheng had to spend half a month to deal with these matters.

But it was not until two months later that he reorganized the family's internal and external affairs, and made the entire Zhao family run smoothly again, greatly improving work efficiency.

Therefore, when Zhao Sheng occasionally felt bored, he would also envy the carefree and free-spirited Taoist cultivator.

However, little did he know that Daoist Rogue Cultivator was actually very envious of him for having such a powerful Immortal Dao clan that could fully support his cultivation.

Time flies, spring passes and autumn comes.

Half a year later, the Xinglong Zhao family gradually underwent subtle changes. At a time when other forces were recruiting casual cultivators and started the dangerous pattern of "big fish eating small fish".

However, the development trend of the Zhao family has rapidly changed from expansion to defense, from pioneering to production mode, and the intensity of opening up new territories has dropped by half.

Not only that, Zhao even began to cut costs internally and reduce unnecessary expenses. We cut off all kinds of unprofitable businesses externally, sold off unimportant fixed assets, and at the same time purchased and hoarded various materials in large quantities.

On the surface, what the Xinglong Zhao Family does is no different from other immortal cultivating forces. It is nothing more than reducing consumption in advance before the war, taking the initiative to gather resources, secretly hoarding and so on.

But in fact, before Zhao Xuanjing was promoted to Yuanying, the most important thing for the Xinglong Zhao family was to keep a low profile and maintain stability. This was the family's first priority.

In addition, because he did not know how far the war between the two worlds would eventually evolve, Zhao Sheng secretly launched a plan called "Whole Clan Arms".

With the decree issued by the ancestor of Jindan, the huge machine of the Xinglong Zhao family started to rumble quickly.

Of course, the bigger the boat, the harder it is to turn around. Even with Zhao Sheng taking command, it took the Xinglong Zhao family a full year to finally complete the turn.

In less than two years, the major forces in southern Xinjiang saw Zhao's clear transformation.

At this time, Zhao Sheng lost no time and deliberately showed up at the birthday ceremony of a certain ancestor of the Danding Sect.

The second thing is to make a large amount of elixir purchase transactions with the Alchemy Sect, and more importantly, to tell the world that he, Zhao Sheng, the ancestor of the Zhao family's golden elixir is still alive!

The impact of Zhao Sheng's reappearance was immediate. The forces surrounding Xinglongyuan quickly became honest, and disputes over territorial interests were greatly reduced.

Xinglong Zhao family thus ushered in a rare period of stable development.

No matter how dangerous the external situation was, Xinglongyuan ignored it and only focused on the whole family to start the mass production mode of refining alchemy, refining weapons and making talismans.

When the war is gathering clouds, no matter how many elixirs and magical weapons the Zhao family refines, they can't satisfy those bottomless gluttonous mouths.

Five years later, on the seventh day of July.

On this day, the Kun area of ​​Xinglong Underground City was bustling with people, and a long queue stretched along the underground passage to the end of the passage.

There were old and young people in the team, all waiting happily with no trace of resentment on their faces.

Next to each of them were two huge wooden barrels half as tall as a man. The barrels were filled with the corpses of various low-level farmed monsters such as Pidgeot, Gale Rabbit, and Armored Pig.

Five years ago, Gongdetang issued a major announcement, announcing that it would purchase unlimited quantities of all kinds of monster meat, regardless of grade.

In the beginning, only the Immortal Cultivators actively participated in this matter. Later, when a certain secular tribesman tried to sell a batch of the lowest quality Billing Fish to Gongdetang, and successfully exchanged it for a bottle of Qi Nourishing Pill, countless tribesmen immediately followed suit.

Later, the entire Xinglongyuan started a craze for breeding low-level monsters. Some of the Zhao cultivators who have no skills are even more motivated to hunt all kinds of monsters and beasts everywhere.

In the past few years, Merit Hall seemed to have become a glutton, able to swallow no matter how many corpses of monsters it was, and would even buy from surrounding forces.

Zhao Shiluo lined up in the queue with a slightly uneasy look. There was a fat, white, skinned, big pig in the barrel next to him.

Seeing the clan members leaving the counter one by one with satisfaction, Zhao Shiluo looked back at his grandfather and couldn't help but ask: "Grandpa, after selling the armored pig this time, can you really send me to the Xianwu Hall?"

"My dear grandson, you don't look down on grandpa! I think grandpa You also came out of Xianwu Hall back then. If I didn't have the confidence to send you in, how dare I boast about such a great seaport?!"

Grandpa is a burly old man with a beard, his bare arms have bulging muscles, his hands are as big as cattail fans, and his palms are thickly calloused.

Zhao Shiluo felt a little relieved after hearing this, but he was still worried.

The threshold of Xianwu Hall is getting higher year by year. Last year, it reached the standard of not accepting those who are not half-step innate. Who knows how strict it will be this year.

"Grandpa, I'm already eighteen years old, but I haven't completed the iron body refining yet, and my inner energy has only been heated for thirty years. I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the Immortal Martial Hall." Zhao Shiluo said anxiously.

"Relax! Today we sold two meat-armored pigs and exchanged them for two bottles of Jingyuan Dan. I guarantee that you will be promoted to half-step Xiantian in three months. Before that, I will take you to see someone, you go You will know that your grandfather did not live in vain in his life."

Grandpa's confidence infected Zhao Shiluo, making him finally relax.

At this time, several people in the team also heard the words of the grandfather and grandson, and looked at the two with envious eyes.

Ever since the "whole clan deployed martial arts", no one in the entire Xinglong City knew that the Xianwu Hall was the most popular place in the eyes of the mortal clan, with countless people trying to squeeze in.

"Brother, if you have connections, you might as well help your brother. Then the benefits of my brother will be indispensable."

"I have a bottle of Bigu Pill here. If the old man can recommend it to me, this bottle of Spiritual Pill will be considered as a thank you gift."

".I have four spiritual stones if"

Others rushed forward and made promises in advance, which made Zhao Shiluo excited.

But his grandfather was not moved at all. He just chatted with others and did not let the key points slip.

Not long after, it was their grandfather and grandson's turn.

Grandpa hurried to the counter and exchanged the meat-armored pig for two bottles of Jingyuan Dan and three wooden armor talismans.

As soon as the exchange was completed, Grandpa grabbed Zhao Shiluo and quickly slipped out, leaving others unable to catch up.

An hour later, the grandfather and grandson walked around in circles, passing through half of Xinglong City, and finally came to a grand square with a vast area, thick and solid houses, endless huge stone walls, and the ground was paved with Qinggang Rock.

There were bursts of shouts in the dojo, and the air was filled with hot breath, which made people's blood boil. From the depths of the dojo, a stream of energy smoke rose into the sky. At a glance, this place looked like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

This place is Xianwu Hall, also known as Xianwu Dojo.

"Wait here!" Grandpa Zhao Hong left a message and hurried into the Xianwu Hall.

After half an hour, Zhao Hong walked out with a middle-aged man with a bright red face.

"Shiluo, why don't you come and meet your great-uncle quickly!" As soon as the three of them approached, Zhao Hong winked at his grandson and shouted loudly.

Seeing this, Zhao Shiluo quickly bowed and saluted: "Shiluo pays homage to Master Zeng!"

"Well, the muscles and bones have been strengthened well, but the internal energy is far from enough. In addition, the recruitment standards of Xianwu Hall this year are higher. This year, they only recruit young geniuses under the age of sixteen. This child must be eighteen years old. What a pity!"

The middle-aged man's words shocked the grandfather and grandson.

Zhao Hong looked bitter and begged: "Uncle Master, see if you can be accommodating. You must know that you are the youngest martial arts master in the whole clan. If others can't do it, you must be able to do it. Back then, my father——"

The middle-aged man waved his hand, interrupting Zhao Hong's complaint, "Okay, don't always blame your father. The age of sixteen is a hard standard set by our ancestors, and I can't accommodate it. But in my hands There is a quota for handymen who can indirectly join the Xianwu Hall. If you are willing to accept it, you can accept it. If you don't want to, I can't help it."

"Shi Luo can do the dirty work of fetching water and cleaning. But I'm afraid it will delay my martial arts practice. Master, do you have any easier work?" For the sake of his grandson's future, Zhao Hong didn't even care about his old face. .

The middle-aged strong man smiled slightly, "There really is such a job. There is a lack of someone in the fungus and meat field, let him take over. In addition, I simply accepted Shi Luo as a registered disciple, which can be regarded as repaying Brother Qiong's past. of life-saving grace.”

Zhao Hong was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly pressed down on Zhao Shiluo's head. Bang Bang Bang kowtowed to the middle-aged man three times.

"Thank you, Master, for your kindness. Shiluo will definitely not let you down!"

In this way, Zhao Shiluo became a disciple in a daze, and by the way became a handyman in the mushroom and meat field.

It’s September, and the hot southern Xinjiang is rarely experiencing a crisp autumn day.

The sun is shining brightly, the sky is cloudless, and Xinglong City is still bustling and noisy, with a huge flow of people.

However, within a dozen miles radius of the Bagua Guangming Tower, the temperature dropped unexpectedly and the light became very dim.

However, the top of Guangming Tower was extremely dazzling. A thick pillar of blazing white light fell from the sky and went straight to the top of the ninth floor.

Looking from a distance, people with excellent vision can faintly see the end of the light pillar, two tiny spots of light shining on the extremely high and vast sky.

At this moment, if anyone climbs above the sixth floor of Guangming Building, he will notice that the building is extremely hot and the fire spirit is very strong and extremely active. The billowing heat waves coming from above seemed to indicate that there was a large furnace hidden on the upper floor.

At this time, all the defense restrictions on the sixth floor of Guangming Building were activated. Three elders of the Foundation Establishment Clan were sitting scattered at the entrance of the stairs. Their bodies were filled with spiritual light. Each of them held a spiritual sword and guarded the entrance of the stairs solemnly.

Before the ancestor has completed his cultivation, no one is allowed to enter this place without permission.

At this time, at the top of Guangming Tower, on the jade platform outside the ninth floor, Zhao Sheng was sitting cross-legged in a huge spirit-gathering array. His whole body was enveloped by the dazzling light pillar, and the endless fire spirit cheered around him, waves of spirit energy. The frenzy surged in the magic circle.

Boom boom!

There was a faint rumbling and muffled sound in Zhao Sheng's body, the golden elixir in his dantian floated and shone brightly, the true energy below surged like a sea, and the Golden Crow True Fire turned into a big sun, covering the golden elixir.

At this moment, a large amount of fire spiritual energy mixed with strands of Haori essence was sucked into the Dantian, and in the blink of an eye, it was tempered by the Golden Crow True Fire, and then transformed into pure true energy mana.

As time passed, wisps of purer true energy rose up from the sea of ​​​​qi, and finally integrated into the golden elixir, which also made Zhao Sheng's cultivation level slightly improved.

After being promoted to the golden elixir, the speed of cultivation of immortal cultivators is so slow that it makes countless real people despair. It often takes months and years of hard training to get a little bit of progress.

Ordinary three-spirit-root golden elixirs can spend a lifetime practicing hard in seclusion, but if there is no great opportunity, they will not even be able to touch the edge of the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation.

The three spiritual roots are like this, let alone the four spiritual roots and the five spiritual roots.

Well, most people below the Fourth Spiritual Root have difficulty even building a foundation, let alone being promoted to the Golden Core.

Zhao Sheng has the dual spiritual roots of gold and fire. Although he has hope of being promoted to Nascent Soul, no one can guarantee that he will definitely succeed.

That's why he deliberately refined the Haoyang Mirror.

Originally, Bagua Guangming Tower had a large magic circle for converting sunlight, which saved him most of his efforts.

Therefore, starting from five years ago, Xinglong City suddenly had the strange sight of light pillars falling from the sky.

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