Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 379 Be obedient and become an immortal

I am only, not just me! "Fat Doll's voice and tone are very mechanical, without any emotion, and completely like a puppet.

The answer in just a few words sent a chill down Zhao Sheng's back.

"Well, what kind of shocking changes happened back then? The Star God actually reincarnated into a human being!"

Zhao Sheng was shocked and suddenly had countless doubts.

But the next second, he came to his senses again: "No, it should just be a split consciousness of the Star God."

In his fifth life, Zhao Sheng had dealt with the Star God, and of course he knew that the Star God was born with thousands of consciousnesses, and each consciousness existed independently and coexisted, with no priority.

Through a few short conversations, Zhao Sheng had already vaguely guessed what happened that year.

Based on the intelligence from several lifetimes, this is probably what happened.

Back then... it wasn't right!

Zhao Sheng's thoughts moved and he asked directly: "Your Highness, you should be in Tianzhu Realm. Why are you here in Youshen Realm?"

"The Son of Blood God said that you can't grow if you are trapped in a cage. The Son of Blood God said that you would help him get out of trouble, so he self-destructed his divine body and opened a corner of the cage so that he could regain his freedom.

The Son of Blood God also said that the world is not conducive to Zhi, so let Zhi grow up in another world..."

As Zhao Sheng expected, Fatty had no intention of hiding anything and directly revealed the "truth" of the year.

Although this star god consciousness has been reincarnated into a human being, his essence is still there. Although he is a human being, he cannot learn to "lie".

The fat baby said a lot, and Zhao Sheng gradually saw the "truth" behind the shocking changes in the Broken Star Sea.

The Son of Blood God was originally a puppet of the Heavenly Dao of the Nether God Realm.

After it got out of trouble, it deliberately wanted to return to its own world, or it could be said that it was eager to open up the two worlds of Tianzhu and Youshen.

The top-level God-Transforming True Lords in the Tianzhu Realm are very aware of the origin of the Blood God Son, so they are on strict guard against him.

At the beginning, both sides had their own evil intentions. The Blood God Son was eager to regain his strength, so he secretly gave birth to the abnormal sect Guiyuan Sect.

The God-Transforming True Lord of the Tianzhu Realm wants to extend his life span.

Therefore, the two parties hit it off immediately and began to "cooperate" in a seemingly incomprehensible manner, each getting what they needed.

Afterwards, one side of the Tianzhu Realm got out of hand and accidentally allowed the Blood God Son to escape to the Broken Star Sea and establish the Blood Demon Sect.

Hundreds of years later, the nine-star chain of space-time seals was broken. During the second war between the two worlds, the expeditionary force repeatedly failed to gain success in front of the Golden Wall, and the war reached a stalemate.

Therefore, in order to open the second space-time rift, the Blood God Son first deceived the Star God and said that he wanted to unblock it.

After that, he did not hesitate to self-destruct, blowing up a corner of the heaven and earth French formation, allowing the Star God to break free from his restraints.

After escaping from the prison, Star God, in order to "grow up" as quickly as possible, successfully opened a space-time vortex with the power of changing the world. However, the entire Star God Island and millions of immortal cultivators were buried under the space-time storm.

Back then, I didn’t know how the Blood God Son deceived the Star God.

Perhaps, the Blood God who eroded the way of heaven was quite similar in personality to the Star God, which made the Star God believe the lies of the Son of the Blood God.

He did not hesitate to degrade himself and become a human being. Zhao Sheng guessed that he just wanted to follow the path of the Blood God to conquer the sky, but it was a pity that he was deceived by the Son of the Blood God.

Zhao Sheng didn't know how many Star God consciousnesses had reincarnated into humans, and the fat boy in front of him was probably just one of them.

Later, there was no need to go into details about the fall of Broken Star Sea and the destruction of Haoran Sect.

The focus is on the major event that led to a major reversal in the war situation between the two worlds: a palm came from the west, and Centipede and Land sank!

Zhao Sheng recalled the past and vaguely remembered that the Star God was conceived during the war between the human and spiritual races more than 20,000 years ago.

At that time, a certain human race great master took a fancy to the Star God, so he arranged a great formation of heaven and earth to imprison him. At the same time, the laws of the Star God Palace were passed down, and the Star God Palace was ordered to guard the formation and look after the Star God.

More than 20,000 years later, the Blood God Son destroyed the Heaven and Earth Law Formation, extinguished the Star God Palace's legal system, and most importantly, freed the Star God from his cage.

This incident most likely alarmed the great human being at that time, and of course it was also possible that it was the disciple and descendant of that great human being.

Don't forget, there is a great ascension formation on the top of Tianzhu Mountain, which is connected to the Taiyi Spirit World.

Zhao Sheng could imagine that a thousand years ago, a great master came to the Tianzhu Realm through the Ascension Formation, and then shot out with a palm across the vortex of time and space. In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, including Centipede and hundreds of thousands of miles of sea area. All destroyed.

This palm strike also ruined the good situation of the Youshen Realm, directly leading to the collapse of the expeditionary army, and at the same time turning the Tianzhu Realm out of danger.

More than a thousand years after the end of the war, due to the space-time vortex (star gate?), the two worlds have been secretly fighting. Both sides are secretly accumulating strength. Once the time is right, a third war between the two worlds may be triggered at any time.

Although the above are just Zhao Sheng's personal guesses, they make sense logically.

Besides, there is a fat baby in front of you, so just ask directly.

Thinking of this, Zhao Sheng showed a sincere smile on his face and asked: "Your Highness, you are a natural god of the sea, why would you choose to be reincarnated as a human? This move will undoubtedly undermine your own status!"

The fat baby had an expressionless face and said coldly: "You have already asked a question, now it is your turn to just ask."

Zhao Sheng was startled when he heard this, and immediately nodded and smiled: "That's fair! If your highness has any questions, just ask Zhao."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fatty asked directly: "I just want to know, how does a person become an immortal?"

When Zhao Sheng heard this question, his old face turned pale and he suddenly turned into a bitter melon of sorrow.

He secretly cursed: "I don't know what concepts the Blood God Son instilled into the Star God back then, but he actually made everyone believe its lies."

Logically speaking, if a person wants to become an immortal, he only needs to embark on the path of cultivation, from the most basic Qi refining to foundation building, and then from foundation building to golden elixir, and then to Yuanying, spiritual transformation, return to void, integration, and transformation. Tribulations... Cultivate all the way up until you pass through the ninety-nine tribulations of immortality, then you can ascend to the immortal world and become a true immortal who will live forever.

Since Star God asked this most "obvious" question. What it wants to know is obviously not the "answer" to the crappy street above.

Compared with others, Zhao Sheng knew the Star God's "temperament" very well, and naturally knew that he must never lie in front of Zhi.

He looked at the fat doll who was as dull as a puppet, and while sorting out his thoughts, he said slowly: "Be a human being, and become an immortal in spite of it, just turn it upside down in your heart!

Your Highness, it is difficult for a mortal to become an immortal than to ascend to heaven, but for you, the so-called becoming an immortal is probably only a matter of one thought. "

After hearing this, the Star God lowered his head and muttered to himself: "One heart and one thought? One heart and one thought! One heart and one thought."

After a long tea time, Star God suddenly raised his head, and for the first time there was an expression on his face. Was that surprise? Or with some doubts? !

"The Blood God Son told Zhi that he was just a born spiritual fairy. If he wanted to grow up, he needed to understand the word 'lust'. So he only entrusted his fetus spirit, and half of them were reincarnated as humans, just to experience the seven emotions and six desires of human beings. Could it be that the Blood God Son had deceived Zhi? But But it didn’t lie!”

Listening to the Star God's soliloquy, Zhao Sheng's thoughts were in turmoil. His doubts became less and less, but he became even more fearful of the Blood God.

This great tribulation master who failed to rely on the way of heaven has now fallen into a tragic situation where he has almost lost his sense of autonomy.

But he can still make trouble everywhere, not only playing with the Star God in the palm of his hand, but also influencing the general trend of the Tianzhu and Youshen worlds at all times. His wisdom and planning are so profound that it is astonishing.

Just when Zhao Sheng gradually understood the truth of that year,

In the same mysterious space that is chaotic and shrouded in a sea of ​​blood, facing the same fat baby, Xiao Jiuke and others also have their own situations.

"Wait! Junior still has questions."

Before Zuo Lingsun could finish speaking, he felt a strong force coming out of thin air and throwing him away.

His vision went dark, and when he woke up again after a period of dizziness, he found that he had left the mysterious space and appeared near the head of the real dragon.

He glanced around and soon saw a confused Xiao Jiuke.

Zuo Lingsun finally asked a few questions, but Xiao Jiuke didn't even have a chance to speak.

After Star God woke up, he immediately "threw" him out as soon as he saw him.

Xiao Jiuke didn't know what happened. In fact, almost no one in the world knew this secret.

The reason is simply because Xiao Jiuke is a member of the Gui Chi tribe, and his soul is born with a heavenly curse, which makes the Star God displeased.

Back then, the Gui Chi clan not only betrayed their native world, but also provoked the Netherworld, a formidable enemy.

The knot of cause and effect was so great that the whole Gui Chi clan was rejected by the Heavenly Dao of the Tianzhu Realm, and the souls and bloodlines of the tribesmen of all generations have always carried the "Curse of Heavenly Dao".

Faced with a clan that was rejected by Heaven, the Star God was naturally not happy.

When Xiao Jiuke saw Zuo Lingsun appear, he looked happy and immediately flew forward and said tentatively: "Fellow Daoist Zuo, you're out too!"

Zuo Lingsun shook his head and sighed: "Brother Xiao, aren't you the same? It's a pity not. Hey, Master Bu Zhun was kicked out too."

Xiao Jiuke looked around and saw an old Taoist with white beard and hair patting his thigh with regret on his face: "Oh, this poor Taoist has suffered a big loss this time!"

Zuo Lingsun and Zuo Lingsun looked at each other and both flew forward.

Zuo Lingsun was the most anxious and asked as soon as he opened his mouth: "Lao Dao Bu, have you met that person too?"

"I've seen it, what a pity!" Taoist Bu Zhun was cunning and cunning, and he mumbled half a sentence, but didn't mention a word about what happened inside.

Zuo Lingsun understood it as soon as he heard it, so he didn't ask further questions and just agreed: "It is indeed a pity. The most shouldn't exist exists, and the most unreasonable thing is reasonable. This is true. It is a pity that we have no chance of enlightenment. ”

"Brother Zuo, there is no need to be discouraged. If it doesn't work this time, come back next time!" Old Taoist Bu Zhun disagreed.

"You're right! But it can't be more than three times, otherwise..."

Zuo Lingsun and Zuo Lingsun kept playing tricks.

Xiao Jiuke on the side was almost confused when he heard this.

He wanted to ask, but after his lips moved, he swallowed the words back.

Only three breaths later, the Purple Jade Fairy appeared in front of everyone.

After half a cup of tea, Tenrako suddenly returned with a look of great regret on his face.

In the chaotic space, he asked the Star God in a roundabout way, but he never understood what the opportunity for enlightenment was.

For Tianluozi, Zuo Lingsun and others, the existence of the Star God is not a secret. Even the top secret of the Star God's consciousness being reincarnated as a human is also somewhat obscurely recorded in the secret scrolls of the sect.

After all, the war between the two worlds has only happened about 1,200 years ago, which is not that long ago. Some of the Nascent Soul Ancestors who have experienced the war are still alive in the world, not to mention those True Monarchs who have transformed into gods.

After a while, Saintess Lingluo and Xin Baiqin came out almost front and back.

After coming out, Xin Baiqin looked at everyone with a gloomy expression and his eyes were like daggers.

When he saw that there were only six people, he couldn't help but look more gloomy.

After the fall of the Broken Star Sea, countless secrets gradually became known to many forces in the Netherworld, among which the legendary Star God was the top priority.

It is no secret that the Star God has always preferred children of destiny.

By this time, Tianluozi and others had also understood the "Headmaster"'s criteria for selecting people to attend the banquet. The thirteen people were all people with strong luck, and the eight of them were even better than the other five.

But judging from the results, Xin Baiqin is not the one with the strongest luck, because some people have not come out yet.

This makes it difficult for the arrogant Xin Baiqin to accept this fact.

Just when Zhao Sheng and the others fell into the inner world.

At the edge of the pit, one, two, and three uninvited guests suddenly appeared.

Looking at the gloomy haze gradually rising from the pit, someone whispered: "It's almost time!"

"Haha, Brother Benzhen, I didn't expect you to come in too!"

"It's just a piece of spiritual thought, so what if it is folded inside. Compared with the harvest, this risk is not worth mentioning."

"That's right. Why don't you show up to conquer the demon? You're not a great priest if you hide in the dark."

"Humph, old weirdo Kunze, I only act according to my heart, why do I need other people's opinions?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man in plain robes suddenly emerged from the fog and landed on the edge of the pit to confront several others.

Almost at the same time, more than a dozen Nascent Soul Ancestors outside the Qiuling Mountain Gate formation also made moves in unison.

The Demon-Conquering High Priest secretly sent a message to the Demon-Conquering High Priest next to him, and then the shadow flashed, passed through the formation mask, and disappeared into the thick mist.

As soon as he moved, the other Nascent Soul Ancestors also transformed into Xuan Guang and rushed into the mountain gate, heading straight for their targets one by one.

Most of them flew towards the pit, or in other words, towards the Qiuhuang Tomb buried deep underground as well as the headmaster, Venerable Dingnan and other high-level ghost cultivators.

At the top of the Tiandao Sect and other top forces, it is actually not a secret that the Star God's avatar is "protected" in Qiuhuang Tomb.

As for the various plans of the "Headmaster", they have not been hidden from the Tiandao Sect and other top powers.

Otherwise, why the Qiuling Cards could be distributed so smoothly and attract the active participation of many top golden elixirs? It would be strange if there was no secret promotion by the Nascent Soul Ancestors.

The leader only wants to become enlightened, and the ancestors of Nascent Soul also want to be hunters like "the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind".

Who wins in the end and who loses?

It also depends on whether the "oriole" or the "hunter" is smart and has far-reaching plans.

The leader is not ignorant of the dangers involved, but he has no way out and can only give it a try.

If he wins, there will be another emperor in the world who is comparable to the transformed god. If he loses, he will become a ghost slave or even disappear into ashes.

In a sense, everything is just a "game" at the Yuanying level from beginning to end. It can also be said to be a gamble.

As for Zhao Sheng, Tian Luozi, Xiao Jiuke and other Jindan masters, they are just "chess pieces" of the Yuan Ying ancestors.

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