Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 442 The fierce power

The outer void is dark and dead, and I don’t know how many years have passed.

After six rounds, the hunting war had to be temporarily stopped.

Just because all four Nascent Souls were seriously injured and the degree of crystallization had greatly deteriorated, they could no longer hold on.

In the last two rounds of battles, if Zhao Sheng hadn't come to the rescue, the Yin Vulture youth and the Yan Mo Ancestor would have been seriously injured and died.

On a dark gray stone meteorite outside the Seven Stars Spiritual Realm, Zhao Sheng stood on a raised stone platform, overlooking the entire spiritual realm.

At this moment, inside the spiritual realm that covers an area of ​​nearly ten thousand miles, countless corpse fragments are suspended quietly in the void, floating endlessly.

Batch after batch of corpse fragments were captured by the gravity of the two big stars and fell back into the planet's surface. Then they were entangled in the dense crystal corpses and slowly dragged underground.

In the latest round of hunting wars, the number of crystal corpses has been greatly reduced, and almost all of the humanoid crystal corpses have been destroyed. However, the remaining crystal corpses are more powerful than the last, and there are no longer a few monster corpses as big as mountains.

And towards the end, Lei Peng and the others became more and more cunning, often failing to do their best.

Zhao Sheng knew that the four of them hated him, and he also knew that he could not force him too much, so he mercifully gave the four of them a chance to repair their injuries.

The colorful light emitted by the nebula illuminated the nearby void for thousands of miles, but the brightness of the light was already more than twice as strong as when it first arrived.

Since the end of the last war, Zhao Sheng has faintly sensed some extremely subtle invisible fluctuations suddenly occurring in the deep space of the spiritual realm.

This kind of fluctuation is ethereal and extremely weak, but it seems to originate from time and space.

Because during a phase shift, Zhao Sheng was very shocked to find that there was a slight deviation in the shifted phase, and it actually moved three feet to the right.

Afterwards, he experimented nearly a hundred times and found that the stronger the fluctuation, the greater the phase shift deviation.

Thinking of this, Zhao Sheng suddenly frowned and suddenly disappeared from the stone platform.

Thirty miles above the dark star, a figure staggered out of the void and almost hit the stump next to it.

Zhao Sheng straightened his body, his spiritual thoughts swept around, and his heart suddenly shuddered. This time, it was 16 feet, 7 feet, 3 inches away!

The next second, he launched the phase shift again, but the result was even farther.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Sheng moved out of the seven-star spiritual realm and flew to the farther meteorite group.

After flying about a thousand miles, he tried to initiate phase shift.

In a void a hundred and twenty miles away, Zhao Sheng walked out of the void. With a sweep of his mind, his heart suddenly relaxed. This time the move was accurate.

"It should be right, it is indeed affected by the fluctuations of time and space."

Zhao Sheng pondered and slowly flew back to the original meteorite.

At this time, Xing Kong flew over swayingly, with a habitual smile on his face: "My lord, this is not the way to go! The elixirs and high-grade spiritual stones in our hands are almost exhausted. You How about we withdraw to Xiao Lingtian first, wait until the injury recovers and have enough reserves, then come back?"

"Yam Mo asked you to say that! It seems that his Nascent Soul body is close to collapse."

Zhao Sheng's words made Jiangkong's expression froze.

But this man was too thick-skinned, so he immediately slapped himself gently, and said with a sad face: "My lord is wise, Yan Mo did make a heavy promise to his subordinates. Only then did I dare to say it. But how many of us can I really can’t hold on any longer. I hope the Lord has mercy!”

Zhao Sheng's eyes flashed, but he did not speak immediately because he knew that what Xie Kong said was true.

He finally had four Nascent Soul subordinates, and no matter which one he lost, it would be enough to make him feel distressed.

However, there are some things that only he knows, and it is not convenient for him to announce them to others.

How long Lei Peng and the others can resist the crystallization erosion is also unknown?

After all, antibacterial pills can only temporarily suppress the activity of bacterial cells, but they cannot kill them.

In the end, the four of them will inevitably die unless a "root cause" is found in time.

When Xiangkong saw his master silent and silent, he felt anxious and thought: A Taoist friend will die if he is a Taoist, but a poor Taoist will not die! In order to save my life, I have to say sorry first. "

"My lord, I have a suggestion that I don't know whether to make or not."

Zhao Sheng heard this and said, "Oh, tell me."

Zhengkong chuckled and secretly sent a message: "There are still eight Nascent Souls over there at Xiao Lingtian. Why don't we find a way to lure a few of them into the water. When the time comes, the inner demons will cast the soul-locking curse, and no one can escape."

After hearing this, Zhao Sheng's eyes shone brightly and his heart was greatly moved.

But when he thought of the inner demon's soul-locking curse, he hesitated.

It's not that easy to completely control a Nascent Soul of the same level.

The inner demon spell is powerful, but its use has serious side effects.

Every spell he casts is equivalent to adding an inner demon to himself.

When you reach the Divine Transformation Pass, all the inner demons will attack together. No matter how powerful you are, you will most likely be killed by the inner demons.

If Zhao Sheng hadn't paid for it, he would have had great luck in the Tianzhu Realm.

As a child of destiny, it was much easier for him to survive the thunder tribulation of the God of Transformation than for others.

It was because of this that Zhao Sheng dared to separate the four inner demons in one fell swoop.

If there is a sixth head, a seventh head, or even more, even if the luck is overwhelming, it will not be able to withstand it!

Zhao Sheng is not afraid of the inner demon eating his soul, but he just feels that it is not worth it.

His situation in this life is very good, and he is about to break through to the state of becoming a god in one go.

How could you waste such a good situation just for this little thing?

Zhao Sheng didn't want to take too many risks until necessary, and the five inner demons were at their limit.

Thinking of this, Zhao Sheng turned his eyes to the west.

At this time, on a meteorite thirty miles away to the west, Ancestor Yama sat cross-legged on the top of a large stone, holding a top-quality spiritual stone as big as an egg in his mouth.

At this time, circles of mysterious light spread from his head into the surrounding void, looking like circles of black ripples.

The continuous battles left the Grand Master, who was originally the overlord of one party, almost seriously injured and dying.

Only Yan Mo himself knew that his Nascent Soul body had shrunk to only about seven inches, and that his grandmaster status was in danger.

But what shocked him even more was that one-third of the Nascent Soul's legal body was almost crystallized, and his spiritual consciousness also declined significantly, and he could no longer maintain the legal body.

The thought of death filled Yama with great fear.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something in his heart and noticed a gaze cast on him from a distance.

Without opening his eyes, Yama knew who the owner of the gaze was.

Thinking of the dismal end he had ended up in, Yama was filled with resentment, but he did not dare to show it for fear of being tortured by the curse again.

"I hope you will accept your fate honestly, otherwise you will waste your inner demon."

Zhao Sheng withdrew his gaze, ordered Xiankong to retreat, and then observed the Seven Star Spiritual Realm again.

Living in the void outside the realm, the concept of time is far more blurry than inside the realm.

About seven or eight days later, the space-time fluctuations emitted by the Seven Stars Spiritual Realm were already very strong, so strong that even Zeng Kong Hetai and others could clearly sense it.

The four of them were awakened by the fluctuations one after another, and looked at the spiritual realm with confused expressions.

About another day passed, and the fluctuations in time and space reached a certain limit.

In just the blink of an eye, the magnificent Seven Star Spiritual Realm disappeared from the place out of thin air silently and suddenly in front of Zhao Sheng and others.

Zhao Sheng and the other five were lucky enough to witness an unprecedented shift in time and space.

"Disappeared!" The ancestor of Xingkong's little eyes widened, he pointed at the empty void in front of him, and stammered.

"No surprise!" Zhao Sheng was very indifferent to this.

This kind of unbelievable thing has actually been foreshadowed for a long time.

But I still remember that the Seven-Star Spiritual Mirror can move. Based on this, the great shift of time and space is not beyond imagination. How strange!

"Now that the spiritual realm has disappeared! Let's leave too and take the opportunity to treat our injuries." Ancestor Lei Peng suggested.

Zhao Sheng glanced at the void and suddenly asked: "Fellow Daoist Ou, what do you think?"

As soon as he finished speaking, ripples appeared in the sky, and the resolute-looking Taoist Oufeng lifted up a white light curtain and walked out calmly.

"Haha! Thank you for your understanding, fellow Daoist Xie Tianqiong. Otherwise, Pindao would have to fight hard in turn. After so many days of observing and testing the spiritual formation, Pindao has managed to gain some insights, which he can use to report his kindness to his friends."

With that said, Taoist Ou Feng took out an apricot yellow jade pupil slip from his sleeve and handed it to Zhao Sheng's hand.

It turns out that from the beginning, Taoist Oufeng was entrusted by Zhao Sheng to observe this seven-star spiritual realm, in order to try to see if he could gain any clues about the spiritual realm formation.

After Zhao Sheng read the contents of the jade slip, his expression was as calm as water, and others could not understand his thoughts at all.

After thinking for a moment, he turned over with one hand, and the Seven Stars Ruyi fell into his palm.

Seeing the appearance of this thing, the expressions of Lei Peng, Yan Mo, He Tai, and Xing Kong changed drastically, except for fellow Taoist Ou Feng whose eyes were wild.

"The sky and the earth are infinite, the seven stars point the way, mummy, mummy..."

Later, the six rays of escaping light looked for the guidance of the stars and hurried towards the depths of the Meteor Sea.

The Shenxu Meteor Sea is vast and vast, and is divided from the outside into the spiritless realm, the mysterious spirit realm, the black abyss realm and the most dangerous and mysterious mixed cave realm.

The Black Abyss Territory is located deep in the Meteor Sea. There has never been a starlight in the eternal darkness. The environment is extremely complex, changeable and chaotic. The level of danger is so high that even Nascent Soul cannot stay here for a long time.

However, the chaotic and complex Black Abyss Realm is rich in Xuanying Xuanying, and the spiritual energy inside the realm is extremely rich, so high that on average it exceeds the third-level spiritual vein core spiritual orifice.

Since ancient times, this region has been rich in a variety of high-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures that are rare outside the region, and a large number of unknown rare objects are often born here.

Zhao Sheng took five Nascent Souls and flew two million miles, and then went deep into the Black Abyss. After more than four months of arduous trek, he found the Seven Stars Spiritual Realm again.

During this period, the Seven Stars Spiritual Realm moved again.

The main reason why it took so long on the road was of course that the spiritual realm "ran away" again, wasting a long time in vain. Secondly, the Black Abyss Territory was too chaotic, and unexpected situations occurred frequently along the way, and the long journey was missed several times. Finally, it took a lot of time to heal.

When Zhao Sheng and the others approached the spiritual realm for more than 300 miles, they happened to encounter an extremely brutal void battle.

No one expected that after the Seven Stars Spiritual Realm relocated, the outer Nebula Mystery Realm would temporarily disappear.

Everyone hid on the back of the meteorite and looked ahead from a distance. They saw densely packed void demon rays forming two torrents, rushing towards the interior of the spiritual realm without fear of death.

At the same time, a giant crystal tree with a height of ten thousand feet suddenly grew on the surface of Dark Star.

The canopy of the giant tree is like a cloud, with billions of strands of crystalline threads spreading for hundreds of miles, and the majestic pressure is overwhelming the void for thousands of miles.

The crystal clear crystal tree trunk below is as thick as a giant pillar supporting the sky, blooming with bright white light.

Huge and ferocious crystallized monster corpses crawled out of the tree trunks, rising into the air one after another, and met the torrent of demon rays with the same ferocity.

Every moment, a large number of demon rays fell, and crystal corpses were shattered into powder.

The Void Demon Ray has a natural talent called "Ray Light".

This "ray light" is similar to the rainbow light of an earthquake, but it is actually an ultra-high frequency void vibration force, which essentially belongs to the Avenue of Wind.

The combat power of a single Void Demon Ray is very low, but once it gathers into a swarm, an army of Demon Rays is a nightmare that no one wants to face.

Just because the Void Demon Ray is born with the "resonance" skill.

More than 10,000 Void Demon Rays activate the "ray light" together, and its power is three points more powerful than that of an ordinary Nascent Soul with full force.

Once it exceeds the level of one million, even the True Monarch of Transformation God will have to retreat thousands of miles away.

Facing an army of nearly one million demon rays, the giant crystal tree was terrifyingly powerful, with billions of crystal threads rolling wildly across the sky, lashing the void crazily.

Millions of demon rays, led by a huge red and black demon ray king as big as a mountain, all activated the magical power of "ray light".

In an instant, boundless light emerged out of thin air, like a vast dazzling wave of light, surging toward the crystal fungus tree.

However, billions of strands of crystal threads instantly merged into nearly a hundred huge crystal pythons that were as thick as ten people could hold them. They aimed at the sweeping wave of light and whipped it hard.

Boom boom!

An indescribable violent vibration erupted from the center of the battlefield three hundred miles away, and instantly expanded and spread to the depths of the endless void.

The dazzling light suddenly went out, and most of the crystal python suddenly turned into balls of powder.

Witnessed this shocking collision. Lei Peng and others were extremely shocked.

Zhao Sheng was shocked to discover that everything before was just a small fight.

Previously, the main body of the Void Devil Fungus was not fully awakened, and only relied on some instincts to deal with external harassment.

Now that it is facing the threat of death, this ancestral species has truly shown its ferocious power.

It's also to blame that Zhao Sheng himself was blinded by "impairment of knowledge and vision".

The Void Devil Fungus is also a realm-level elixir after all. Just from the word "realm", you can see how powerful this thing is!

What's more, this devil's fungus is an ancestral strain, and its strength is even more unique.

I think back then, even a Void Returning Half-Immortal was accidentally carried into its hands, which shows how powerful it is.

Before, he was a little careless and underestimated this ancestral species.

"Fortunately, there was a demon ray that became cannon fodder, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Thinking of this, Zhao Sheng couldn't help but feel scared.

Looking at the large and small meteorites ahead, they either turned into powder or were beaten to pieces. Ancestor Xingkong swallowed quietly and couldn't help but cautiously suggested: "My lord, I think we might as well retreat a few hundred miles!"

good idea!

Everyone nodded in agreement involuntarily.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Sheng waved his hand and made a retreating motion, and then took the lead and quietly flew back.

After retreating for more than 800 miles, the surrounding environment became dark again, and finally no trace of battlefield light could be seen.

Zhao Sheng and the others quickly found an irregular meteorite, dug out a cave, got into it, and blocked the entrance of the cave again with stones.

After waiting for two days, Zhao Sheng secretly moved back to the battlefield to take a look and found that the battle had already come to an end.

At this time, the Nebula Mystery Realm in the Seven-Star Spiritual Realm suddenly recovered.

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