Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 545 Seven women compete for husbands and make secret deals

"No! Unless I die, I will never allow Zhen'er to suffer any injustice."

In the sickle hall, a mean-looking middle-aged woman in a palace dress angrily complained loudly to her husband: "You heartless man, how could I, Si Li Junyan, have fallen in love with a wimp like you when I was blind?" .My daughter will definitely marry a man of her dreams and will never compete with other women for men!"

At this moment, she was holding a beautiful girl in her arms. The girl had a bit of arrogance on her face and stared at her father angrily with her almond-shaped eyes.

With her mother's protection, Chen Zhen'er was so courageous that she hurriedly said coquettishly: "Dad, I'm not going to get married! If you want to get married, let the bitch born of that bitch go. Anyway, I will never be someone else's equal wife."


After hearing this, Chen Guangqian was furious and yelled: "Qi'er is your sister no matter what. You have no regard for ethics and are talking so much nonsense. You have disappointed my father so much!"

When Chen Zhen'er saw that her father was angry, she was so frightened that she hurriedly hid in her mother's arms.

Si Li Junyan hugged her daughter and shouted word by word with a cold face: "Chen Guang Si!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Guangqian was shocked and his arrogance disappeared.

"Okay! You dare to teach your daughter a lesson. Back then, you brought that bitch back without saying a word. Did I say anything? And..."

Chen Guangqian saw that the situation was not good and quickly begged for mercy: "Madam, madam, please calm down. I know you are wrong! These are old accounts, why are you bringing them up now?"

After saying that, the man hesitated for a while and then decided to compromise with his wife, so he said sternly: "Since Zhen'er doesn't want to marry, then we have to let Qi'er go. But let's make an agreement in advance. You, mother and daughter, don't regret it in the future. !”

Before the middle-aged woman could speak, Chen Zhen'er was so happy that she shouted first, "Dad, don't worry, my daughter will not regret it even after she dies!"

"Very good! I will deal with this matter now."

After saying this, Chen Guangqian left the Xiangtang with a heavy heart. He quickly met the head of the family, Chen Daqian, and informed the head of the family about the candidate to replace Ping's wife.

He thought he would be scolded terribly, but he didn't expect that the head of the family behaved very calmly. He only took a deep look at him and agreed to the substitution in an understatement.

Chen Guangqian felt something was wrong, and complained deliberately and tentatively: "Master, the daughters of our Chen family are delicate and rich, and they never worry about getting married. Why did they take the initiative to marry seven of them this time according to the old custom of 'three wives and four concubines'?" The direct daughter of the Chen family. How virtuous and capable is that kid? He is so blessed!"

Chen Daqian said calmly: "This matter is decided by our ancestors personally. Do you want to question our ancestors' decision?"

"Guang Lian doesn't dare!" Chen Guang Lian was startled and quickly bowed and said in a trembling voice.

"My nephew has left first."

"Well, don't think too much about it. Just go ahead."

When Chen Guangqian exited the hall, he was surprised to break out in a cold sweat.

In fact, not only Chen Guangqian's family, but also many high-ranking people in the three major ancestral lines and the ten major branch families of the Chen family are full of doubts and dissatisfaction about this matter.

However, this time, the five Nascent Soul Ancestors did not give any explanation at all, and issued a decree forcibly, ordering each of the three main branches to select a legitimate daughter to be married off, while the ten major branches needed to select four legitimate daughters. As a concubine.

The most important thing is that these seven legitimate daughters must be beautiful and possess spiritual qualifications.

For a time, this matter caused a stir in the Chen family, but under the will of the ancestors, the seven legitimate daughters were quickly selected.

Half a month later, seven beautiful girls moved into the embroidered buildings around Qianlong Pavilion, and the other Chen girls who were not selected soon moved out.

Although Zhao Sheng devoted himself to practicing hard, he hardly heard about the outside world. But Chen Shou, a strong young man, was well-informed. He quickly found out what happened and came back in time to report it to the young master.

Zhao Sheng knew very well the thoughts of the Yuan Ying ancestor of the Chen family.

Anyway, he had made up his mind not to take the initiative or refuse. After a few years, he would marry a wife and have children after successfully establishing the foundation, and spread his business.

Time flies, and years pass by.

It is the time when spring is turning to summer solstice, the weather is getting hotter day by day, and the heat is getting stronger.

On this day, a young man in red who was eight feet tall, with a tiger body and a bear waist, hurriedly ran into the yard, shouting loudly as he ran: "Master, Master! Miss Qi'er is here. Come out quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a graceful figure turned out from the door of the hospital and walked into the hospital with light steps.


The door to the right wing was pushed open, and a handsome young man with a slender figure and sharp eyebrows walked out of it. It was Zhao Sheng two years later.

He is only fifteen years old but has grown up, and there is no trace of childishness on his face.

When Chen Qi'er saw her sweetheart appear, a pair of affectionate eyes that looked both happy and shy immediately fell on Zhao Sheng, and two bright reds appeared on her picturesque face.

Zhao Sheng walked down the two stone steps and came to Chen Qi's side, smiling and looking at her silently.

"Xige, the weather has been hot recently. Qi'er knitted a beautiful robe for you with my own hands. Put it on and see if it fits you?"

Chen Qi took out a light, gauze-like brocade robe from the Qiankun bag at his waist and presented it to Zhao Sheng, with a very expectant expression on his face.

Zhao Sheng smiled slightly, reached out to take the robe, and put it on on the spot. It felt like it fit perfectly.

Chen Qi is a caring person. Every time the seasons change in the past two years, this woman will knit a robe with her own hands and take the initiative to give it to Zhao Sheng.

Over the past two years, Zhao Sheng has received a total of six robes.

Seeing Chen Qi'er taking such initiative, the other Chen girls also followed suit and sent them all kinds of thoughtful gifts.

Regardless of whether they are sincere or fake, Zhao Sheng has deeply felt the sincerity of the Chen family.

Of course, Zhao Sheng's charm cannot be underestimated.

In the past two years, he has maintained an excellent performance of "one breakthrough every year".

So far, his cultivation has reached the eighth level of Qi refining, and he has gradually revealed his outstanding swordsmanship talent.

Zhao Sheng's outstanding performance not only attracted the attention of a group of Chen girls, but also impressed the entire Chen family.

Most people only know that there is another young genius named Chen Mingxi in the family. They heard that this person has excellent qualifications, possesses the spiritual roots of wind and fire, and has extraordinary understanding.

It's just that this person has an introverted personality and has always been addicted to cultivation. He doesn't go out much and doesn't like to make friends and have fun.

As a result, few people of his generation have ever seen him.

However, this does not prevent the younger generation of the Chen family from being very envious, jealous and hateful towards Chen Mingxi!

"Damn it! This kid has been surrounded by a bunch of stunning beauties all day long, and he has been indifferent! If it were me," this is probably the voice of most of the younger generation.

What they don't realize is that someone doesn't care at all.

Zhao Sheng looked at the robe for a while, nodded and said, "It fits very well! Sister Qi took the trouble. I'm very satisfied."

Hearing this, Chen Qi'er's eyes turned into crescent moons with laughter.

Seeing this, Chen Shou quickly beat the drum and praised: "Master, when you put on this splendid robe, you really look like a jade tree facing the wind, and you are so graceful. Miss Qi'er is so infatuated with you that she is the envy of others."

"Glib talk deserves a beating!" Zhao Sheng's eyes flashed and he gave Chen Shou a faint nod.

Chen Shou shrank and was about to beg for mercy.

At this moment, a colorful cloud floated from outside the courtyard and landed in front of several people in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of long legs jumped out from Caiyun, and a tall, fair-skinned beauty jumped out.

"Brother Xi!" Chen Ying first shouted happily to Zhao Sheng, then she noticed Chen Qi beside her, and then said "Sister Qi, you are here too!"

Chen Qi bowed, gave a half-curl, and said softly: "Sister Ying'er, I've just been here for a while."

As soon as she finished speaking, a chuckle suddenly came from outside the courtyard: "Hee hee, it's so lively today! Nunu, come and see what fun things there are here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of fragrant wind came.

There was a flash of light and shadow, and a charming woman with exquisite features and gorgeous clothes suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This girl is called Chen Shuang, and she comes from the first lineage of the Chen family. It can be said that she has the noblest status among all the legitimate daughters.

However, due to the great Chun sacred tree of the Chen family's ancestral line being destroyed by a natural disaster, it has been in decline for many years now.

In order to reverse the declining situation, the Chen family's ancestral line was willing to give away the eldest daughter of the direct branch.

With the arrival of the three "equal wives" candidates, the remaining "four concubines" soon heard the news and came.

Zhao Sheng was not surprised at all. After all, this kind of thing had happened many times.

For two years, the girls have been keeping their eyes fixed on the movements of Qianlong Pavilion, otherwise they would not have reacted so quickly.

Seeing that a melee was inevitable, Zhao Sheng spoke at the right time and suggested: "The weather is refreshing today, why don't we go outside and have some fun."

"Okay, okay! We went to Thunder Terrace last time, how about we go climb the ladder this time?"

When it comes to which of the seven people is most obsessed with Zhao Sheng, Chen Ying has always done the right thing.

This girl is innocent and innocent, and never puts Zhao Sheng in trouble.

"Xigoer, what do you think?"

When Zhao Sheng heard the secret message, sure enough, as expected, it was Chen Qi'er who spoke second. This woman is very scheming and seems to be completely obedient to him.

"Okay, let's go climb the ladder and stretch our muscles."

As soon as Zhao Sheng opened his mouth, the others immediately had no objections.

After a while, Zhao Sheng and the others walked slowly along a narrow wooden bridge that was more than ten feet wide. The bridge deck in front was blocked by thick branches and leaves. It was not clear where the ladder extended. They just felt that the air slowly became... Thin.

The sky ladder bridge deck is only paved with a thin layer of wooden boards, and the handrails on both sides are gray and white silk ropes as thick as a thumb. The bridge deck is swaying left and right under the constant blowing of high-altitude strong winds, and it looks extremely dangerous.

Unknowingly, everyone reached the middle section of the ladder, where the wind was fierce and there was an abyss beneath their feet. If they fell down accidentally, they would be shattered to pieces.

However, Chen Qi, Chen Ying and the other seven women remained calm and did not feel any danger at all.

While they were laughing and playing, they picked the freshest chrysanthemum leaves from the bridge from time to time and put them into silkworm bags to feed their beloved silkworms.

In the Dachun world, raising silkworms and weaving silk is one of the essential skills for most noble girls from aristocratic families, just like most women in the secular world are good at embroidery.

The leaves of the Great Chun Sacred Tree are the favorite food of spiritual silkworms. Therefore, there are not only many types of spiritual silkworms in this world, but also the number is too large to be counted.

From ancient times to today, a considerable part of the countless magical instruments and magic weapons popular in the Dachun immortal world are made from the spiritual silk spit out by various spiritual silkworms, such as the universe bag, robes, robes, and spiritual belts. , Brocade Book, Beast Control Bag, and various spiritual nets, spiritual ropes, etc.

Taking advantage of the time when the seven girls were picking chun leaves, Zhao Sheng strolled to the bridge and looked down at the land below.

As far as the eye can see, the land is flat and endless, and green almost occupies the entire field of view, always showing the world that this place is full of infinite vitality.

Under the shade of the trees, the ground is covered with patches of irregular green fields. The fields are all separated by curved and raised dark-brown "long dragons".

Zhao Sheng knew that those dark brown "long dragons" were all the huge roots of the Great Chun Sacred Tree protruding from the ground. At a glance, the longest roots stretched thousands of miles away.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but admire that the Dachun Realm was truly blessed by nature. Both its physical resources and spiritual energy concentration far exceeded those of the Tianzhu Realm.

After firmly etching the scenery below into his mind, Zhao Sheng withdrew his gaze and turned towards the seventh girl.

The sun sets over the western mountains and dusk gradually falls.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhao Sheng called the seven girls, then stretched out his hand to summon the crane flying car that was on guard nearby, and then the eight people filed into the car.

Not long after, Chen Fu drove two cranes to spread their wings and soar, dragging the flying car, flexibly bypassing the clumps of lush branches and leaves, and quickly flew back to Qianlong Pavilion.

It's late at night, the moon is setting and the stars are sparse.

At this time, Zhao Sheng, who was sleeping deeply, suddenly opened his eyes, listened for a while, and then closed his eyes to recall what he saw today.

After a moment, Zhao Sheng disappeared from the bed out of thin air.

When his figure reappeared, he was already in an ordinary elixir garden thousands of miles away.

"You are late!"

As a cold voice came from behind, a limping masked man was seen walking out of the stone house in the garden.

Zhao Sheng looked back and said with a smile: "Something delayed me just now. I guess it won't affect this transaction!"

At this moment, Zhao Sheng's appearance, figure and voice completely changed, and it was impossible to tell that he was actually a fifteen-year-old young man.

"Hmph, I finally found the shadow sand you wanted. But the quantity is only five. But the price has to be doubled." The masked man said coldly.

"As long as the shadow sand is genuine. Price is not an issue."

After saying that, Zhao Sheng, to show his sincerity, reached out and took out a piece of paper from his arms and threw it away.

The masked man stretched out his hand and the book suddenly froze in mid-air. The content on the paper suddenly came into view. It turned out to be a prescription for elixirs.

Zhao Sheng smiled and said: "This elixir is called 'Blood Repayment Pill'. After this elixir is refined, it can probably heal your old injuries. How about exchanging it for one thing?"

The masked man grabbed the pill recipe, his eyes were gleaming, and he said sadly: "I don't know how to make pills, how do I know if you lied to me?"

Zhao Sheng said calmly: "Since half a year ago, we have traded three times in total. How have I ever lied to you? Don't worry! I hope that if we continue to cooperate for a long time in the future, I will naturally not break your trust."

The masked man nodded, believing what he said.

Immediately afterwards, the person threw over a transparent amber as big as an egg. There were five points of light flickering inside the amber.

Zhao Sheng reached out to take the amber and put it into the Qiankun bag without looking at it.

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