Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 636 Looking for Black King City

In less than ten breaths, before the fleet could escape the scope of the storm, the pitch-black spheres broke through the vast wind and sand and crashed into the defensive barriers of each ship with unparalleled ferocity.

Although the defensive barrier blocked a few balls at first, it quickly reached its limit.

As the "balls" fell one after another, the barrier quickly collapsed, and the pitch-black balls hit the deck and the ship's tower, creating big craters.

The giant boat shook violently, its forward momentum suddenly slowed down, and the faces of the white-robed guards changed drastically.

"Bang bang bang" a series of dull sounds sounded.

The hatches of the "Sphere" spacecraft opened one after another, and strange-looking yellow-armored sand pirates quickly flew out from inside, laughing and howling wildly as they charged towards everyone.

Immediately afterwards, after the giant boat slowed down, it suddenly fell sharply, as if it had lost its power.

On the deck, there were constant "clicking" sounds, which were the sounds of broken boards.

After all the guards on the ship managed to stabilize their bodies, their expressions all changed greatly, but everyone quickly formed a Taoist battle formation, and groups of three to five also rushed towards the sand bandits.

As soon as the two sides fought, various magic weapons flew all over the sky in an instant, and dazzling magic spells such as gold swords, flying stones, earth shields, sword lights, and sword lights also broke out one by one. Everywhere on the deck quickly fell into chaos, and in the blink of an eye, blood and flesh flew everywhere in the crowd. , the number of casualties increased rapidly.

In just a few breaths, the battle to seize the ship has become intense.

This tragic scene also appeared on other giant desert boats.

Sand pirates are cruel by nature, not to mention that the attacking sand bandits come from the Black King City, the most brutal and inhumane place in the endless desert.

But at this time, these giant desert boats were tampered with by the inner ghost, and they lost power and fell to the ground at extremely high speeds.

Once it hits the surface, the giant desert ship will be overtaken by a tide of beasts. Under siege and attack, the fate of everyone on board can be imagined.

It's too late, it's faster than that!

With a loud bang, the giant desert boat hit the ground heavily, and the lower half of the hull sank deeply into the desert. Everything on the boat, including the two people who were fighting, were simultaneously affected by the force of the backlash.

With a "click" sound, the towering ship tower broke in the middle, and the wooden planks everywhere on the deck exploded and bulged, forming irregular cracks. Some people were caught off guard and their mouths and noses spurted blood, and some people accidentally fell into the gap. He fell immediately and broke his muscles and bones.

The most unfortunate thing is that someone was distracted for a moment and ended up drinking on the spot.

However, most people had been mentally prepared. The moment the giant boat hit the ground, they all jumped into the air and escaped the most terrifying shock force.

Since the fleet dares to cross the endless desert, of course it has its own guard force. The ones it relies on most are the Jindan masters headed by the ship owners, and more than two digits of foundation building supervisors.

However, Hu Jiutong, Jin Tianhou and other Jindan captains had been targeted by the sand pirate leaders one by one. At this time, they were locked in a bitter fight and could not intervene in the war on the ship.

A moment later, the rolling tide of beasts "swamped" the giant boats trapped in the desert. The densely packed desert monsters scrambled to climb and jump onto the boats, launching the most ferocious attacks on the crowd.

Some of them followed the passages of various cabin doors and the broken holes on the deck, and the bee pupae rushed into the cabin below, killing each other.

At this time, most of the passengers were hiding in the cabin and fell into death immediately before they had time to escape.

For a time, ghost cries and wolf howls were heard from every corner of the ship, and corpses lay everywhere, but they were quickly devoured by countless monsters, and the air was soon filled with a thick smell of blood.

Except for the more than a hundred immortal cultivators who reacted quickly and were able to fight their way out, the rest of the passengers were all turned into dead souls in the beast's mouth in an instant.

I don’t know what tricks the Sand Bandits used, but these desert monsters actually stayed away from the Sand Bandits members. It seemed that there was something terrifying or some kind of aura about them.

With the help of the beast tide, the Sand Pirates suddenly gained the upper hand.

Soon after, most of the white-robed guards were killed and wounded, and even the foundation-building supervisors fell one after another. At this moment, the remaining Tianxing Sect disciples had been compressed to a corner of the deck. Everyone was struggling to support them, hoping that the ship owners would kill their opponents in time. Come down and turn the tide.

However, they never waited for the savior. As the endless black sand storm swept over, the world was filled with endless yellow sand, and the surrounding area quickly fell into darkness, and it was almost impossible to see the five fingers.

At this moment, someone shouted "Run away", and the remaining twenty-odd white-robed guards dispersed in a rush. They didn't know the direction at all, and they all used their magical powers to flee in all directions.

At the same time, the sand pirates wearing yellow armor seemed to be at ease in this harsh environment. Each one of them used the ubiquitous "turbulent" vortex to instantly increase their speed. They arrived first and intercepted most of them. The escaped white-robed guard.

From the incident until now, it only lasted less than a quarter of an hour.

But from beginning to end, Zhao Sheng never showed up, let alone took action.

At this time, dozens of miles away on the west side of the giant boat, a green wooden boat was quietly suspended in mid-air, and the surrounding area was "calm and calm".

No matter how violent the storm outside is, it can never invade this thousand-foot space.

Zhao Sheng stood on the bow of the ship, looking calmly at the sky above the giant ship, as if he could clearly see the battle between Jindan who were fighting for their lives dozens of miles away.

Sha Sheng stood behind the master, holding a piece of camel's hind leg half a man's height in his hands, and was chewing on it.

While the child was eating and his mouth was full of oil, he still kept shouting: "Those are all bad people, but the captain is a good person. Master, please save the good person!"

Zhao Sheng reached out and touched Sha Sheng's head. It felt extremely smooth. At the same time, he nodded casually and said one word: "Okay!"

Upon hearing the master's promise, Sha Sheng's eyes were full of excitement, and he agreed before his smile faded.

Zhao Sheng's eyebrows glowed with a faint light, and he snapped his fingers lightly.


At the same moment, dozens of miles away, the heads of the Sand Bandits exploded like watermelons, their brains bursting out, and they were blown away by the strong wind in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, headless corpses fell from high altitude, but were quickly swallowed up and destroyed by the surrounding storm, ending up with no bones left.

Even among the nine golden elixir realms, except for one person who was taken away by a strange person, none of the others were spared. Their heads were blasted by the power of the soul, and they died inexplicably.

Hu Jiutong, Jin Tianhou and other Jindan masters saw their powerful opponents killed by headshots one by one. They were stunned and stunned. They felt inexplicable and at the same time, they instinctively felt deep awe and fear in their hearts.

Several Jindan Daoist people came together one after another, looking around with uneasy expressions, as if they were waiting for their savior to appear, and they seemed to be afraid of something.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Sheng had no intention of showing off in public. After casually killing this wave of sand thieves, he called his apprentice and prepared to leave.

It was a good sightseeing trip, but was interrupted by sand pirates in the middle. Although Zhao Sheng didn't say it in his heart, he was actually a little dissatisfied.

Just now, he just used his disciple's words to vent his frustration.


At this moment, a figure suddenly flew out from the depths of the storm. The figure screamed and flew in quickly, hitting the deck in front of Zhao Sheng and the two of them. It was a figure with blood-red tattoos all over his body, and his body was short and thin. bald old man.

The old man has a tattoo of a black death scorpion with giant pincers on his face, which looks very alive, as if he can come back to life at any time.

Despite his unimpressive appearance, his identity is the commander of the Sand Bandits, and his cultivation level is above the seventh level of the Golden Core.

When the bald old man saw Master Zhao Sheng and his disciples, he immediately turned over and knelt on the ground, begging loudly for mercy. He was full of ugliness and did not have the demeanor of Master Jin Dan at all.

Zhao Sheng didn't talk nonsense with this person at all. His eyes suddenly shot out two rays of light and disappeared into the other person's eyes.

The bald old man suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His body froze in place, his eyes kept rolling white, veins popped out on his face, and his expression was extremely painful.

After a while, the man's soul, bleeding from his seven orifices, collapsed and died.

Zhao Sheng also got the information he wanted to know from his head.

"Disciple, everything on him belongs to you!" Zhao Sheng thought in his heart and said casually at the same time.

"It's true! Master, you are the best." Sha Sheng was excited when he heard this. He quickly ran to the corpse and carefully searched for the treasures on this person.

At the same time, the green wooden boat suddenly rose into the sky, ignoring the raging sandstorm hurricane around it, and galloped away somewhere in the northwest.

In the blink of an eye, the wooden boat disappeared into the yellow sand in the sky.

In the far north of the endless desert, a majestic mountain range stretching for countless miles lies in front of the vast and desolate Gobi. It is like a huge portal towering into the clouds. It not only blocks the yellow sand in the sky from the northern domain, but also divides the sky and the continent. Carve out a paradise land for the human race with an area of ​​millions.

The mountain range here is called Hengduan Mountain, and it is one of the most famous wild areas in the black sand world. There are countless monster races living in it, including many transformed monster kings who occupy the mountains and become kings.

In the center of the Hengduan Mountains, a steep, straight and huge canyon more than a hundred miles wide suddenly divides the entire Hengduan Mountains into two parts, the east and west.

At the mouth of the Broken Canyon, there stands a huge city with a height of thousands of feet. There are towers on it, and the walls are covered with densely packed large-scale war weapons. High-level formations are embedded inside and outside the city walls, and the sky is always covered with a layer of magic. A huge white light curtain.

It seems that this city is called Beimen City, also known as Zhenmo Pass. It was built entirely for war. It represents the highest level of cultivation in the northern realm of immortality and is known as the city that will never fall.

As evening approaches, the setting sun has already set over the city. The dim light extends from the distant Gobi Desert and shines on the Jingangyan city wall, coating the pitted walls with a soft glow.

Continuously passing through higher and higher city walls, after Sanduoweng City, there is actually a prosperous giant city that stretches for hundreds of miles. There are many squares and cities in the city, the streets and lanes are crisscrossed like a network, and the thousands of undulating pavilions and palaces are densely packed like a Golden stone forest. Although it was not yet dark, the lights in the city were already brightly lit, as bright as day.

At this time, on a bluestone-paved main street in Pinganfang in the west of the city, two figures, one tall and one short, slowly walked forward and came together.

The short one among them was wrapped in a large robe, with a smooth head and fair facial features, but there were a lot of pustules on his face, which made him look a little scary. He was holding a pig leg and munching on it. Even if my face is covered in oil stains, I don't care at all.

The tall man was wearing a purple robe, his aura was extremely restrained, and his eyes were as deep as the sea. He was Zhao Sheng.

Next to him is naturally Sha Sheng.

After learning the general location of Black King City, Zhao Sheng planned to go there to find out.

But before setting off, the apprentice needs to be settled first.

"Master, is that delicious?" Sha Sheng asked inarticulately while chewing on the pork leg.

Zhao Sheng followed his gaze and happened to see a snack shop on the street. The shop was filled with all kinds of exquisite snacks.

The air near the shop is filled with the strong aroma of snacks.

Zhao Sheng smiled slightly, turned around and took his disciple into the dim sum shop.

After a while, all the snacks in the shop were swept away.

After master and apprentice Zhao Sheng left the shop, they quickly blended into the crowd and quickly walked into the depths of Ping'an Fang.

Not long after, Mr. Han, who had the largest and most luxurious residence in Pinganfang, suddenly had a "nobleman" in his home.

The eldest master of the Han family was extremely respectful to him, and collected all kinds of delicacies as quickly as possible, and personally delivered them to the noble's room, for fear of slighting the "noble".

After Zhao Sheng arranged his apprentices properly, he did not stay in Beimen City for too long. He directly activated the magical power of time and space and teleported away in an instant.

Deep in the endless desert, over a vast desert of death, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Zhao Sheng hung high in the sky, quietly overlooking the boundless desert below. The extremely powerful spiritual thoughts quietly expanded in all directions, covering a thousand miles in the blink of an eye.

After taking a breath, he frowned slightly and found that everything for thousands of miles was desolate and dead. Except for sand, there was no sign of life.

But according to previous soul searches, the infamous Black King City is indeed underground in this nameless desert.

There must be an "underground passage" leading to this city somewhere here.

Seeing that he had gained nothing, Zhao Sheng thought and moved thousands of miles away in an instant, and his spiritual thoughts expanded again.

After searching everywhere like this, he quickly found an underground passage under a sand dune.

Next, there is no need to say anything more.

Not long after, Zhao Sheng went hundreds of miles underground and came to a vast underground world.

Zhao Sheng looked down at the endless calm sea below and couldn't help but feel moved.

Outsiders would never have imagined that beneath this desert of death, an ocean with an area of ​​more than a thousand miles was actually formed, and it was also the most precious fresh water.

The largest lair of the Sand Bandits, Black King City is located on a spiritual island in the middle of the sea. Hundreds of thousands of people live in the city all year round, but the vast majority are slaves of the Sand Bandits.

Zhao Sheng gathered his thoughts and released his spiritual thoughts, spreading towards the depths of the sea.

Soon, the location of the spiritual island in the sea was discovered.

The next moment, he disappeared out of thin air and instantly moved to the sky above the spiritual island hundreds of miles away.

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