Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 736 Competition for favor and Xuan Jing’s current situation

There are no years to practice, sixty years are fleeting.

Southwest of Wolong Mountains, near Baizi Peak.

A large number of pavilions and pavilions are built along the mountain. The architectural style is gorgeous and elegant, almost like a fairyland on earth. In front of the mountain, there are several streams like jade belts that wind around the peaks and meander deep into the mountains.

On the mountainside of the main peak of Baizi Peak, there is a group of exotic palaces.

On this day, the atmosphere in the central bedroom of this palace complex was extremely depressing. The maids stood beside the jade couch with their heads lowered and their hands lowered, not even daring to breathe for fear of disturbing the mistress who was sleeping on the couch.

In recent decades, as the master has set foot in Yumin Palace less and less, the master's temper has become more harsh and irritable, and his temper has become worse year by year.

Sometimes, if the maids accidentally make a mistake, they will be beaten and scolded by their masters at every turn. In severe cases, they may even be demoted from the palace and sent directly to the rough embassy to work as cattle and horses.

After an unknown amount of time, a burst of light footsteps broke the dead silence in the palace, and a delicate-looking woman in a white dress walked in quickly, holding an exquisite jade box in her hand.

The woman in the white dress quickly came to the jade couch and looked at the plump and graceful body on the couch with clear eyes. She slowly bowed down and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the Baigong Qin family has a gift for you!"


At this time, Kang Min suddenly woke up from a dream, opened his eyes lazily, then slowly sat up from the couch, and said in a calm tone: "The Qin family knows what they are doing, and they have already sent gifts twice this year. Hold the sword and open it for me to see! If you can satisfy me, then let the little bitch of the Qin family offend me, let this go."

"Yes, concubine!"

The woman in the white dress responded with a sword in her hand, then reached out to open the lid of the box and brought the contents of the jade box to Kang Min.

There is a five-color Ganoderma lucidum in full bloom in the jade box. The mushroom cover is as big as a palm and a jade-like cover. A five-color cloud is suspended above the Ganoderma lucidum. A three-inch-tall little man faintly emerges from the cloud.

"Ten Thousand Years Five-Colored Zhizhi!" When Kang Min saw this thing, he immediately became interested, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a bit of surprise.

Five-color mushroom is naturally nourishing and full of spirituality. It is a treasure among treasures.

What's more, the medicine in front of me is more than ten thousand years old, and the Zhi Ling has already begun to give birth. It is only a little short of giving birth to spiritual wisdom and becoming a spirit of heaven and earth.

The most important thing is that Wu-Colored Zhizhi nourishes yin and nourishes vitality, and has miraculous effects on fertility and pregnancy.

It is precisely this point that Kang Min values ​​​​the most.

It has been nearly a hundred years since she followed her husband to the Wolong Mountains.

For hundreds of years, she tried her best and tried countless methods, but in the end she still failed to conceive her husband's child.

Although after the foundation was successfully built, her appearance had long been permanent, but as time passed, she felt more and more "old and beautiful", and she gradually lost the favor of her husband.

What made her even more jealous and frightened was that the Zhao clan and the vassal forces competed to donate "beauties" every year, making the number of concubines in the "harem" larger and larger, already exceeding three digits.

The later "bitches" entered the palace, the younger and more beautiful they became, possessed special physiques, and were even proficient in various secret techniques of dual cultivation.

Kang Min knew that if she were to compete for favor, she would never be able to compete with those "bitches" with superb sexual skills. All she could rely on was her "so-called first concubine status" and her husband's "attitude."

In the eyes of outsiders, Kang Min is definitely a "big shot" who cannot be messed with.

As the "first concubine" of the ancestor of Huixu, she not only has a very high status within the Zhao family, but she is also the target of a group of vassal forces who must please.

From ancient times to the present, no matter where in the world, no one dares to underestimate the power of pillow wind!

Therefore, in these hundred years, Kang Min could be said to be "below one person and above ten thousand people", and almost no one dared to offend him. No matter where she goes, there are countless people vying to praise and flatter her.

Later, although she was "old and beautiful", she was often praised by Zhao Sheng for managing the harem in an orderly manner.

Therefore, her status is more stable, obviously higher than other concubines, and she has a vague demeanor of "the master of the main palace".

However, Kang Min was still uneasy because she was never pregnant with the master's flesh and blood.

As she got older, she became more and more fearful, and the recent major incident made her fearful and angry to the extreme.

"Put it away and put it in the treasure pavilion." Kang Min was upset for a while, suddenly raised his hand and closed the jade box, and ordered in a cold tone.

Holding the sword, his heart trembled, he hurriedly picked up the jade box, bowed and stepped back from the jade couch, turned around and walked out of the palace.

As soon as I walked to the entrance of the palace, I heard a commotion outside the door. It seemed that a group of people were approaching here quickly. There was a faint voice from outside: "The queen is resting, you can't go in."

The willow eyebrows raised while holding the sword, with a look of anger on his face, when suddenly a voice came from the outer door: "Get out of here! Let's see who dares to stop our queen!"

This is a female voice, the voice is very clear, it seems that she is very close!

Holding the sword, he raised his head and looked towards the outer door, just in time to see a pair of girls in red pushing the guards aside and striding into the door. Behind them were a group of maids in blue.

Afterwards, the crowd surrounded two women in palace clothes who walked in quickly. One of them was as beautiful as a fairy and had a graceful bearing. The other is charming, innocent, and unparalleled in charm.

The expression on the man holding the sword changed, and he was about to step aside, but before she could dodge, the pair of girls in red deliberately stepped forward and pushed her hard, pushing her to the ground.


The jade box fell to the ground, and the ten thousand-year-old five-color sesame in the box rolled out, just in the middle of the door.

At this moment, two women in palace attire walked into the door and saw the Wannian Five-Colored Zhizhi on the ground. ,

"Sister, look what that is?"

A charming voice sounded in my ears, which made my heart tremble while holding the sword, and my heart became panicked.

She hurriedly got up from the ground, picked up the jade box, and quickly ran to Ganoderma lucidum, wanting to pick it up quickly and put it back in the jade box.

However, before she could run over, the ten-thousand-year-old five-color mushroom flew into the air and fell into the hands of the charming and unparalleled woman in palace attire.

Ren Yinfu's eyes shone brightly, and he very diligently brought the five-color zhizhi to his sister Ren Jinzi, saying flatteringly: "Sister, look, this is a five-color zhizhi that is more than ten thousand years old! It's perfect for pregnancy. ”

Seeing this, Holding the Sword had no choice but to step forward and, suppressing his uneasiness, begged: "Your Majesty Ren, this is your Majesty's thing. Please return it to me as soon as possible."

As if Ren Yinfu didn't hear it, he still handed the Wannian Wusezhi to his sister, his intention to please was beyond words.

"Silver Talisman, don't be petty! Return the Ganoderma lucidum quickly!" Ren Jinzi frowned and scolded his sister in a serious tone.

As a younger sister, Ren Yinfu can be "arrogant and unreasonable" on purpose, but as an older sister, she must be "proper" and never let outsiders look down upon her.

"Okay! It seems like no one cares about this thing. The master rewarded me with a bunch of treasures earlier, which are not much more precious than this, hum!"

Ren Yinfu's enthusiasm waned and he threw Baozhi to his sword and muttered unconvincedly.

Kang Min sat high on the jade couch and could clearly see what was happening in front of the door. She suddenly relaxed her brows and said loudly with a bright smile: "It turns out that the two sisters are here! Come in quickly and let me Take a good look."

After saying this, Kang Min's eyes fell on Holding the sword and said in a deep voice: "Holding the sword, come with me."

The Ren family sisters looked at each other, then took lotus steps and walked towards the jade couch.

When the two girls came closer, the maids already brought two jade couches and placed them on the left and right sides.

After some polite greetings, the Ren family sisters sat on the jade couch respectively.

At this time, Kang Min glanced at holding the sword intentionally or unintentionally.

Holding the sword, he understood the idea and immediately walked to his master's side, still holding the jade box tightly with both hands.

Kang Min didn't say much, and decisively ordered: "If you don't have eyes, don't send the jade box over yet!"

"Yes, Master!" He replied crisply, holding the sword, and immediately turned around and walked towards Ren Jinzi.

At this moment, Kang Min laughed and said: "My sister is ten months pregnant, and now she is in need of precious medicine to nourish her body. It just so happened that the people below paid tribute to a ten-thousand-year-old five-color mushroom. I simply transferred this medicine to my sister. It can also help my sister replenish her vitality. Raise your baby with peace of mind.”

"How can this happen! This medicine is so precious, how dare my sister accept it? Please take it back quickly!" Ren Jinzi declined repeatedly, looking flattered.

"How can a mere elixir be as close as our sister's love? What's more, my sister is already pregnant with my master's flesh and blood. The elixir is precious, but it is not as important as my master's flesh and blood. Sister, don't refuse, accept it quickly, otherwise I will Gong Ke is angry."

"It doesn't matter! How dare I refuse my sister's wishes. Thank you for the medicine!" Seeing this, Ren Jinzi had no choice but to accept it "reluctantly".

He held the sword and placed the jade box on the side of the jade couch, then bowed and returned to his master, standing aside quietly.

Ren Yinfu, who was opposite, saw this scene and curled his lips in disdain, as if he couldn't stand the hypocrisy of the two people.

Speaking of which, Zhao Sheng worked hard for a hundred years, and there were many beauties in the harem, and he was blessed with countless precious medicines and pills, but in the end, only Ren Jinzi succeeded in conceiving a baby.

It has been ten months since Ren Jinzi found out she was pregnant.

However, her belly was still flat and there was no sign of pregnancy at all.

Zhao Sheng once personally investigated and found that a fetus needs to be gestated in the mother's body for three years before it can be born.

This shows how difficult it is for high-level monks to give birth to children.

From the day Ren Jinzi found out about Yuxi, the status of the Ren family sisters in the Zhao family has skyrocketed.

Even the ancestors of the gods paid great attention to this. All kinds of rare treasures were constantly sent to him on weekdays. They simply regarded the child in Ren Jinzi's body as the future of the divine craftsman Zhao family.

With the birth of this child, Shengong Zhao and Xizu had a bond, and their relationship instantly became very close, no longer as vaguely "alienated" as before.

Half an hour later, Kang Min watched the Ren sisters leave the palace with a smile.

When the two women disappeared outside the palace gate, Kang Min's face instantly became extremely gloomy, and his whole body exuded a strong coldness. He sat still for a long time, as if he was a stone man.

After a long time, holding the sword, he could not restrain his impatience and cautiously said: "Your Majesty——"

"Get out!" Kang Min suddenly burst out, his voice extremely sharp, as if he was hysterical.

Holding the sword, her whole body was shaken, and she did not dare to persuade her any more, so she hurriedly exited the palace. The other maids were even more frightened and fled away, for fear of becoming the victims of their master's venting.

The overt and secret fighting in the harem did not affect Zhao Sheng's good mood at all.

Deep in the Spirit Vein Cave a thousand miles underground in the Wolong Mountains, Zhao Sheng sat cross-legged above a spring with a smile on his face, holding a milky white jade slip in his hand.

At this time, under him, there was actually a jade pond of about ten acres. The water in the pond was like nectar and jade liquid, and it was "flowing" with magnificent light. It was filled with almost solidified liquid Xuanying Origin Qi.

The "spring eye" in the center of the jade pool leads directly to the dark sky, continuously absorbing the source energy of the virtual world, and gushes out from the ground and merges into the pool water.

This "spring" is similar to the "Urobuchi Well" in Hokkaido Temple, but its level of sophistication far exceeds that of the latter.

Zhao Sheng has been in seclusion for decades and has carefully observed and studied the "Jade Void Spring Eye" under his body. However, he has only scratched the surface and has been unable to understand its true essence.

It can only be said that the "Jade Xuquan Eye" is completely natural, and the level of formation and weapon skills contained in it is far above him.

Zhao Sheng later learned that this "Yuxu Spring Eye" was opened by Zhao Xuanjing himself, and it was famous even in the entire Wanfeng Spiritual Domain.

Zhao Xuanjing has long been known as a "magical craftsman", and the Yuxu Spring Eye is undoubtedly the masterpiece of his craftsmanship.

Zhao Sheng couldn't see the mystery, and it was natural.

When he thought of Zhao Xuanjing's current situation, Zhao Sheng's smile gradually stopped, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, and he sighed secretly.

The so-called success is also a "miraculous work", and failure is also a "miraculous work".

It is precisely because of Zhao Xuanjing's superb "skills" that he was sent to the front line of the Demon Suppressing Star Territory by Yulingxian Sect, responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the Star Dou Demon Sealing Array.

At a glance, he has been gone for nearly two hundred years, and there is no sign of his return yet.

The Demon-Suppressing Star Territory is on the front line of the war. Now the war on the front line is raging, and the battle with the alien demons is extremely brutal. How could they allow a top-notch master craftsman with both arrays and weapons to leave the battlefield.

According to past "practice", this war will continue for hundreds of years. Until the alien demons consume the excess "population", they will temporarily retreat to the Nine Nether Realm.

The strange demons come from the Nine Nether Realm. Their bodies are between reality and reality. They look like ghosts. They have the ability to possess all things and have ever-changing talents. They are countless times more terrifying than ghosts.

According to rumors, the origin of the alien demon clan points directly to the sixth heaven of the virtual world, "Da Luo Tian", and there are "nests" of this clan from the nearby sky to the dark sky.

What is particularly worth mentioning is that the entire alien demon clan believes in an existence named "The Ancestor of the Heavenly Demon with All Transformations in His Mind".

Eighty thousand years ago, the Yi Demon Ancestor first appeared in the Demon-Suppressing Star Territory, and since then he has become the new enemy of the Taiyi Spiritual World!

After all, the Demon-Suppressing Star Territory is very close to Taiyi Star. The two are only more than nine hundred years apart. It can be said that they are right on the "doorstep".

There are also many "true immortal level" holy demons behind the alien demons. Although their overall strength is far less than that of the Taiyi Spirit Realm, they can still barely protect themselves.

However, the alien demon clan lacks mid-to-high-end combat power, so for tens of thousands of years, this clan has relied on ant sea tactics to fight against the spirit world armies, and it is rare that they can break through the defense line of the demon-suppressing star field and invade the spirit world mainland.

For some reason, after learning about the war between the spirit world and the alien demon clan, Zhao Sheng always had an inexplicable feeling in his heart. He had a vague feeling that this so-called alien demon clan was most likely deliberately created by those immortal immortals.

Perhaps the alien demons are just a whetstone, used only to stimulate the fighting spirit and sense of crisis in the beings in the lower world, in order to "motivate" the Taiyi Spiritual World to give birth to more true immortals.

Otherwise, he couldn't figure out why the immortals in the spiritual world would keep letting it go.

He could understand the truth of "How can I allow others to snore on the side of the bed?" Those high and mighty true immortals should know better.

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