Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 761 Killing Two Demons in a Row

But when he just moved his position, Moxing Island suddenly began to tremble violently, and a thick black light pillar rose from the ground and headed straight towards the colorful light ball.

Obviously, the enemy has not yet appeared, and the restrictions on the island have been activated first.

As soon as the black light pillar appeared, countless dark demonic energies suddenly appeared on the island, as if a huge creature was waking up from under the island.

Wu Yue's expression changed drastically, and he transformed into light without thinking, trying to intercept the black beam of light.

But before he arrived, a tall figure appeared out of thin air in front of the light pillar.

Zhao Sheng's face was as heavy as water, and he punched the light pillar with one punch. He saw a dazzling torrent of thunder shooting out, crashing into the black light pillar, and actually defeated it in one fell swoop. Countless purple sky thunder lights filled the void. In an instant, all the spilled dark demonic energy was cleared away.

The torrent of thunder, which had shrunk by half, continued to blast into the underground of the island, destroying all restrictions in one fell swoop.

Zhao Sheng withdrew his right fist, swayed, and returned to the original place out of thin air.

At this moment, billowing demonic clouds suddenly appeared in the center of the sky, and the sky soon became as dark as night. A huge vortex appeared in front of his eyes, constantly rotating and condensing, becoming more and more oppressive and deeper.

The next second, a huge beast claw shrouded in magic light poked out from the whirlpool.

The beast's claws are completely black, with dense diamond-shaped scales protruding from them. They look very ferocious and terrifying, but when you grab them downwards, the void is like tissue paper, shattering into five consecutive dark claw marks.

The farther the beast's claws went downward, the larger and more ferocious it became, until it finally seemed to block out the sky and the sun, making the island below become smaller and smaller.

"Humph, you are pretending to be a ghost! Get out of here!"

Zhao Sheng let out an angry shout, and lightning exploded all over his body. A huge statue with three heads and six arms, as tall as a mountain, appeared behind him.

The fist was violently swung upwards, and the three-headed and six-armed Dharma Phantasm also raised its arms, clenched its fists and struck the giant claws upwards.

There was an earth-shattering bang.

The fist blade and the beast's claw collided violently, and instantly exploded with light a thousand times more dazzling than the sun. The void was torn open for dozens of miles around, and a space-time storm raged out.

The beast's claws that covered the sky were shattered inch by inch, disintegrating into black demonic energy that filled the sky.

A scream suddenly came from the depths of the whirlpool, and a bloody beast arm quickly retracted into the sky.

"Where to escape!"

Zhao Sheng's eyes flashed fiercely, and he came to the beast's arm in a flash. He grabbed the beast's arm with both hands and pulled it down fiercely. The power that instantly exploded exceeded billions of dollars.

The huge whirlpool suddenly exploded, and a humanoid beast covered in scales and a hundred feet tall fell from the clouds, with a murderous look on its face, and rushed towards Zhao Sheng below.

Zhao Sheng's eyes flashed with lightning, and while his size skyrocketed, his hands suddenly erupted with large golden and purple lightning. The lightning spread along the beast's arms, covering the entire body of the humanoid beast in the blink of an eye, defeating the protective magic light on the beast's body in one fell swoop. And it rushed into its body and began to destroy everything inside crazily.

In an instant, his body swelled to about ten feet, and the powerful aura erupted from his body almost made the world change color and the void tremble!

Seeing this scene, Wu Yue, who was standing on the corpse bag, changed his expression suddenly. He suddenly realized it and couldn't help but think to himself: "Hey, I didn't expect that in the end, I am the weakest among the three!"

However, before this thought could come to an end, Zhao Sheng seemed to teleport and appeared above the head of the humanoid beast, facing a terrifying giant head half the size of his body.

He smiled ferociously, and with a thunderous light from his right arm, he suddenly hit the giant skull on the forehead. The three-headed and six-armed Dharma form behind it suddenly opened its six arms and hugged the humanoid beast's body with all its strength, making it impossible for it to break away. A dazzling golden light suddenly lit up in the bloody skull.

In an instant, Zhao Sheng fired hundreds of punches at the humanoid beast. The punches fell to the ground like meteors, and the destructive power was terrifying.

How could a mere Void Realm Demon withstand so many punches? Infinite lightning burst out from his body, and his huge body instantly shattered and was completely wiped out by the lightning.

At this moment, Zhao Sheng held his right hand in vain, with lightning shining in his palm, and he suddenly grasped a fist-sized alien crystal. A group of dark demonic shadows rushed inside the crystal but could not break through the layer of thunder. It was the virtual realm demon old man. The demon soul.

He raised his head to look at the sky, and waved his left hand towards the sky. He saw thousands of thunders suddenly bursting out, dispersing all the demonic clouds in the sky. A huge and majestic wave suddenly centered on Zhao Sheng and swept in all directions. And go.

“Bang bang bang”

In an instant, countless demon puppets exploded on the surrounding sea surface. Some giant deep-sea beasts were hit by lightning that fell from the sky. They were instantly torn apart and their bodies turned into billions of tons of coke.

Zhao Sheng put away the alien crystal casually, and the figure shot out with electricity. The three-headed and six-armed Dharma behind him was like an invincible giant spirit god. Wherever it passed, countless demon puppets exploded one after another, and the demonic thoughts could not escape death. The sea surface quickly It was covered with densely packed broken corpses, and the sea water was dyed red.

Wu Yue was shrouded in his majestic pressure, and at this moment, a long-lost feeling of powerlessness arose in his heart.

However, as a being in the Return to the Void Realm, this person was naturally unwilling to be outdone. He immediately concentrated all his attention and used all his strength to drive the corpse monsters under his command to madly hunt down those alien demons who were fleeing into the distance.

Zhao Sheng fell slowly, and the three-headed and six-armed Dharma behind him became larger and more ferocious. The terrifying pressure it released enveloped the entire island and the surrounding sea area for hundreds of miles.

His eyes were like lightning, scanning in all directions, and he became more vigilant.

The virtual demon elder just now is a bit unworthy of his name. I am afraid he is a "cannon fodder" sent to test the reality. The real owner should still be hiding in the dark and may take action at any time.

After a while, Wu Yue sat cross-legged on top of the corpse bag and flew back to Moxing Island from a distance.

"Oops, it's all a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps. Almost none of them can last for a few rounds. I'm not happy with the killing!" Wu Yue flew closer and complained with a bared teeth.

"Isn't this better! It's best if we can complete the task smoothly. I don't want to face the Demon Emperor Dongxu."

Hearing what Zhao Sheng said, Wu Yue's expression froze and he didn't know how to answer.

Good guy!

The moment he opened his mouth, it was the Dongxu Demon Emperor. Hearing this tone, he didn’t even take the demon elder of the same level seriously. He was really crazy to the point of no end!

However, when he thought of this person's fierce power just now, Wu Yue vaguely felt that the other person was not exaggerating, but had sufficient confidence.

Wu Yue couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Where did the Great Master find such a vicious person? Why have I never heard of it before?"

While he was thinking about it, Zhao Sheng suddenly looked up at the sky and shouted: "Here he comes!"

"Hey, where is it? Why didn't I find it?" Wu Yue raised his head in response, scanning the world, his face changing color.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky suddenly darkened, and countless demonic shadows fell down like heavy rain. They looked like large pieces of dark mist, overwhelmingly rushing toward the huge ball of colorful light in the air.

"I come!"

Wu Yue's eyes lit up, and he suddenly shouted and turned into a white light, rushing high into the sky, and then suddenly threw it into the sky. The corpse bag shot out and rose up in the wind.

The mouth of the bag expanded rapidly, expanding to tens of thousands of feet in the blink of an eye, like a huge black hole swallowing everything.

In an instant, a large white light burst out from the mouth of the bag, covering most of the demonic shadows in the sky. Then the white light turned into infinite suction, and countless demonic figures were sucked into the corpse bag one after another like moths to the flame.

At this moment, a shadow appeared out of thin air in front of the colorful ball of light.

Zhao Sheng's heart trembled, and he subconsciously activated the Great Shift of Time and Space, narrowly blocking the path of the shadow.

Before he could take action, his chest was hit by an inexplicable bombardment. With a muffled groan, he flew backwards and hit the surface of the light ball hard.

I saw a burst of lightning flashing across his chest, and the wound healed as before in the blink of an eye, and then slowly dimmed.

Zhao Sheng rose into the air and looked at the shadow with vigilant eyes.

At this time, a tall and burly white-haired old man walked out from the shadows. This man's eyes were black, and a three-inch long bone horn protruded from the center of his eyebrows. The aura of pride that looks down upon the common people.

The face of the white-haired old man looked familiar. He was holding a simple, bright silver giant ax in his hand. The crystal axe glowed on it, exuding a sharp aura that could tear everything apart.

Zhao Sheng glanced back and forth between the old man's face and the giant ax several times, and suddenly he remembered a famous figure.

However, this person has been missing for many years, and now it seems that he has not escaped the poisonous hands of the strange demon!

"Are you Qiao Fengnian?" Zhao Sheng's thoughts changed quickly and he asked tentatively.

"Jie Jie, Qiao Fengnian has been devoured by me a long time ago, and you will be the next one to be devoured!" Moxibustion Luo Mo Lao's eyes lit up with an evil black light, and he laughed wildly.

As he spoke, he suddenly raised the giant ax in his hand, and the silver light on the ax surface surged, condensing a three-foot-long sharp light on the ax blade.

There was a loud shout from his mouth, and the giant ax suddenly slashed forward, and the void suddenly split open. A dark and deep crack suddenly extended from the ax blade to the front of Zhao Sheng, trying to split him in half from head to toe!

The whole process seems slow, but in fact it is incredibly fast!

Zhao Sheng refused to dodge. He fired lightning from his right arm and thrust it horizontally in front of him. He saw a big red gun appear out of thin air. The tip of the gun burst out with a dazzling red light. The shadow of the gun in the sky instantly converged into a line. It stabbed the sudden appearance of the gun. The front end of the ax blade.


A burst of harsh sounds like gold and iron continued to explode, red light and ax light continued to explode in the air, and dense space cracks fell on Zhao Sheng's body, but only left shallow scars, which healed in the blink of an eye.

The magic weapon of his life was destroyed. Seeing that Moxibustion Luo Mo Lao's attack was in vain, he immediately roared, demonic energy billowed out from his body, and the white bone armor on his body instantly sprouted dense white spikes like thorns.

"I didn't expect that I still looked down on you, but I won't make the same mistake a second time. I'll die!" Moxibustion Luomo said fiercely, raising the giant ax above his head with both hands and slashing forward.

At the same time, the dark clouds and demonic energy high in the sky seemed to be attracted by invisible forces, and they continuously gathered together, turning into a huge ax in mid-air, and struck Zhao Sheng head-on.

The huge ax light fell from the sky, and a terrifying aura that split the heaven and earth suddenly rose into the sky, bringing with it rolling wind and thunder. The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth boiled crazily, and the void wherever it passed was cut into countless chaotic cracks.


Zhao Sheng remained motionless. The scarred Red Dragon Spear in his hand had disappeared at some point, replaced by a pair of thunderous iron fists.

The shadow of the huge ax and the giant ax instantly overlapped and shot through the air, about to tear his body into pieces.

Zhao Sheng raised his hands and struck the side of the ax with great precision. He instantly deflected the giant ax and slashed it past his body.

He refused to take a step back, and slapped out a palm with his backhand. The huge palm shadow was imprinted on the center of the opponent's chest like lightning.

The lightning burst out and immediately hit Moxibustion Luo Mo Lao until his armor cracked and his figure flew backwards.

This demon shocked me to the point where all my orifices were bleeding, and I was extremely shocked. Because the Demonic Mind Domain he launched was also defeated by another super-powerful Magic Domain. After only two rounds of fighting, it quickly fell into a disadvantage.

As one of the strongest commanders under the Demon Emperor, Demon Elder Moxibustion Luo has not encountered such a powerful enemy in nearly a thousand years, and the opponent's cultivation level may have reached the peak of the Return to the Void Realm.

"Jie Jie, if you have the strength of the Fusion Realm, I will definitely die! But unfortunately, you are not, and you will not be able to do anything to me for a while!" Moxibustion Luo Mo Lao laughed wildly, withdrew the giant axe, and the demonic shadow flashed behind him. And passed away, his figure instantly disappeared into the void, and he hid somewhere unknown!

At the same moment, an evil voice suddenly sounded from heaven to earth: "In less than an hour or three, the Demon Emperor of our race will surely come. By then, it will be your death!"

"Hmph, you sneaky guy who dares not see people, you will die!" Zhao Sheng shouted, his body surged again, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a thirty-foot-tall golden and purple giant!

At this moment, he felt that he was extremely powerful, and his will was so strong that he could tear the world apart with just one thought.

In his eyes, the barrier of time and space became as fragile as paper.

The powerful and boundless spiritual thoughts swept across tens of thousands of miles in an instant, including the dark virtual world behind the real world.

At this moment, all the dark shadows within tens of thousands of miles were suddenly exposed.

"Got you!"

Zhao Sheng let out a long roar, and the void suddenly shattered. His huge body crashed into the sea. In an instant, the seawater within hundreds of miles around him evaporated, and the sea opened a huge "hole" with a diameter of several hundred miles.

At the bottom of the big hole, there is a deep and bottomless pit. The edge of the pit is red, and a large amount of liquid magma falls to the bottom of the pit, like a waterfall.

The next moment, a huge giant god rose from below, holding a piece of minced meat in his hand. The minced meat burst out with wisps of magic light, and was instantly annihilated by streaks of thunder.

Wherever the giant god passed, the void was shattered, cracks in space were everywhere, and turbulent currents of time and space overflowed from it, bombarding him but unable to injure him at all.

After releasing all his strength, although Zhao Sheng did not have the ability to form a body, he had already surpassed the potential of returning to the void.

At this moment, he took a fierce step forward and instantly reached the depths of the dark sky, punching a certain dark corner.

With a loud "boom", the boundless darkness was shattered with one punch, and while the violent flow of time and space poured out, a large expanse of dead starry sky appeared behind.

At the end of the starry sky, a huge blue planet appeared, which turned out to be the Dome Star.

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