Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 763 Return to the Endless Building, there is a huge reward!

Time and space changed, and all the strange things in Zhao Sheng's field of vision suddenly disappeared, replaced by endless, dark and dense fog.

Looking around, the sky, the earth, and all directions are filled with dark haze, exuding a strong ominous atmosphere.

"Well, where is this? No! We've been fooled! Run away!" Wu Yue looked at the haze in the sky, his eyes a little dazed at first, but his face soon changed wildly, and he yelled with a mixture of shock and anger.

Zhao Sheng did not respond and ran away, but said in a cold voice with no expression on his face: "Escape, where are you going! Xue Susu is so vicious that she even used us as bait. This must be the Demon Emperor's natal cave, no matter what happens to the two of us, There’s no way to escape.”

As he spoke, he had secretly activated the magical power of time and space, but the result made him feel cold. His spiritual senses were chaotic and fuzzy, and an extremely dense "wall" seemed to have been erected in the surrounding space and time, completely cutting him off from any contact with the outside world. .

He had a similar experience when he was in Yuehua Cave Heaven, but Yuehua Cave Heaven has been without an owner for many years, and many loopholes have appeared in its operating mechanism. Naturally, it cannot be compared with the "owned" Cave Heaven.

"What a tragedy! It seems that today is the day when you and I will die. It's a pity that I have been practicing for nearly ten thousand years, but I still can't recognize people. I have been friends with that bitch for more than three thousand years. However, when I was in danger, that bitch People don’t hesitate to use me as bait, it’s so heartless!”

Wu Yue muttered to himself with a bleak expression, and unconsciously fiddled with the magic mist in front of him with his right hand. The mist fell from his fingertips like water, spreading out in circles of ripples.

Zhao Sheng looked around, his eyes as sharp as swords, thinking hard about the way to escape.

If the concentration of the magic fog in the outside world is one, then the concentration of the magic fog in this world is at least one hundred.

While here, the range of his spiritual senses was instantly reduced by nearly a hundred times, and the maximum limit could be extended to three hundred miles away.

No matter how he looked up, left or right, he found nothing. He only sensed that tens of thousands of demonic spiritual bodies were active deep in the magic mist.

The larger the spiritual body, the more powerful and bright the spiritual fluctuations it emits, like red "lanterns" of different sizes in the darkness.

Below the two of them, Zhao Sheng could vaguely "see" a vast continent of flesh and blood through his spiritual senses. The ground was covered with huge mountains of dark red meat, surrounded by blood-colored rivers.

The dark red meat mountain slowly swelled and shrank, as if it was constantly "breathing" like a living creature, making dull roars one after another.

The blood river was as viscous as pulp, and there were countless huge black shadows swimming back and forth under the wide "water surface", revealing huge green and black backs.

Zhao Sheng's eyes flickered a few times, and he suddenly recalled some of his experiences in Yuehua Cave. The flesh and blood cave back then was somewhat similar to the scene in front of him.

"Could it be that the Lord of Yuehua Cave Heaven has also had contact with the foreign demon clan? Could it be that he has traveled to the Taiyi Spiritual World and even directly participated in the war between the two clans?"

In an instant, Zhao Sheng thought of countless possibilities.

However, he immediately stopped exploring the truth and focused on "business".

At this time, he had already thought of a way to temporarily save his life.

"Brother Zhao, in order to prevent my physical body from turning into a monster body, I have planned to self-destruct my soul and physical body. You should also make up your mind earlier, otherwise once you fall into the hands of a strange monster, it will be too late for you to die even if you want to!" Wu said since After feeling sorry for himself, Ai suddenly looked over with a look of despair, and he kindly persuaded Zhao Sheng to "commit suicide" with him.

After saying that, Wu Yue's face glowed with bright blood, and his aura surged sharply, and quickly became extremely unstable.

When Zhao Sheng saw this, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Brother Wu, wait a moment! We still have a glimmer of hope of escape."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yue's eyes were dazzling, he immediately stopped his self-destruction, and shouted with great excitement: "Seriously!"

"Brother Wu, please look!"

Zhao Sheng said, throwing forward to the right, and saw a three-foot-square jade plate slowly flying between the two of them. The front of the jade plate was engraved with dense and mysterious spiral patterns. It was the jade plate of the Yukong Immortal Celestial Orbiter. .


Without waiting for Wu Yue to ask, Zhao Sheng waved his long sleeves, and a large number of cave heaven jade fell into the jade slabs to form a nine-story tower, and then he chanted the ancient summoning mantra to himself.

An endless spiral pale "whirlpool" soon appeared in front of the two of them.

The center of the "whirlpool" is dark and deep, as if it is a passage leading to a mysterious area.

At first, Wu Yue couldn't figure out what Zhao Sheng was doing, but the moment the pale vortex took shape, he first showed a look of ecstasy, and then his expression became even more desperate!

"It turns out. It turns out that the source of life is the Immortal Burial Ruins! I. I should have thought of it earlier, but it's a pity that I am not a guest of the Immortal Ruins!"

Wu Yue murmured to himself, the look of despair in his eyes suddenly turned full of malice.

However, the moment before he took action, Zhao Sheng seemed to have predicted his behavior in advance, and actually stepped out one step ahead, instantly flying into the pale vortex and disappearing without a trace!

The moment he disappeared, a white light violently shattered the trajectory jade plate, but it was already a step too late.

When Wu Yue saw this scene, he was so angry that he trembled all over and couldn't help but cursed. His words were simply unsightly!

People are often like this. Sometimes they give him a glimmer of hope, but it is immediately crushed completely, which often makes him hate the person who gave him hope even more!

Zhao Sheng deliberately teased Wu Yue, and his intentions were naturally good, but he was afraid that he would destroy the summoning ceremony midway, so he comforted the man with words first.

Wu Yue said that he was not qualified to enter Yukong Immortal Heaven. It was his own business. Zhao Sheng himself was not to blame at all.

Just after Zhao Sheng hid in the Yukong Immortal Heaven, just a few breaths later, the magic mist that filled the sky and the earth suddenly stagnated, and then a huge face suddenly condensed on the sky, the pointy-eared monkey-cheeked thunder god His face and eyes showed an extremely angry red flame.

Wu Yue stiffened suddenly, slowly raised his head and looked at the sky, his face suddenly turned pale and bloodless.

The moment he tried to self-destruct, the surrounding space suddenly solidified, and a variety of extremely tyrannical powers of law forcibly rushed into his body, instantly imprisoning his soul and all his magic power.

Self-destruction was prevented! Wu Yue instantly became extremely desperate, and an evil and violent roar suddenly sounded in his mind: "Where is the other ant? Tell me, where did he go?"

Wu Yue had a splitting headache. He resisted the dizziness and shouted: "He, he -"

However, before he could finish speaking, an unimaginably powerful evil will rushed into his soul, instantly destroying all his sense of resistance.

Not long after, an earth-shaking roar suddenly sounded from heaven and earth: "Damn ant! No matter where you hide, you will never escape from the clutches of this emperor!"

endless floor,

Above the corridor on a certain floor, light and shadow flashed, and Zhao Sheng appeared out of thin air.

Before the others landed, the will force field swept forward in a mighty manner, sweeping across dozens of miles of space in an instant.

The bustling human race market fell silent for a moment. Everyone turned their heads and looked over, looking at the mighty Zhao Sheng, with awe and envy in their eyes.

Zhao Sheng's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, and then turned to look outside the endless corridor. The towering white tower that reached the sky and the earth slowly came into view, emitting dazzling white light just like it had for countless years in the past.

He suppressed the throbbing in his heart, forcibly turned his eyes away from the Tower of Babel, regained his composure, and walked into the market.

Wherever he passed, the crowds ducked left and right and took the initiative to make way for them.

Zhao Sheng walked past each stall with an indifferent expression, ignoring the dazzling array of treasures on the stalls, and not paying attention to the extremely awe-inspiring looks of the people around him.

After a few seconds, he listened in front of one of the largest street stalls.

"Senior, look -" the stall owner smiled flatteringly upon seeing this, but before he could finish, he was rudely interrupted by Zhao Sheng: "Get out of the way, I have requisitioned this place!"

The stall owner's expression changed and he hurriedly cleaned up the stall. He nodded and bowed again and again and said, "Yes, please give up your place immediately!"

Not long after, the stall owner picked up a bag that was taller than a person, ran to the edge of the market, and then set up his stall again.

Zhao Sheng walked to the center of the open space with an expressionless face, turned over with one hand, and instantly there was a bloody flag several feet high in his hand, which was a magic weapon-level ghost and god flag.


He held the flagpole in his hand and punched the ground hard. The end of the flagpole was deeply embedded in the wooden board. The flag flag stood in the middle of the city.

Zhao Sheng released his right hand, put his index and middle fingers together to form a pen, and quickly started writing on the flag.

Spiritual text as big as a fist soon appeared in everyone's eyes: "There is a heavy treasure reward, how to escape from a Fusion Realm monk or how to kill him?... If all of the above are adopted, you will be rewarded heavily! "

After writing the last word, the flag was raised high, and the spiritual text slowly enveloped the entire city with a unique wave of will, becoming extremely conspicuous in an instant.

As soon as everyone enters this place, their attention will be attracted by this giant flag raised high at first sight.

Zhao Sheng took two steps back, read the content on the flag again, nodded slightly, and then waved it casually.


A large number of rare treasures, jade slips of martial arts, and magic pills fell to the ground like waterfalls, and soon piled up into a small mountain.

Cave Heaven Jade is just one of the less eye-catching ones. There are countless more precious and rare treasures than it!

The cultivators in the city had never seen such a arrogant and generous act. Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded, and their minds were immediately filled with greed and desire.

Zhao Sheng ignored anyone and just sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, quietly waiting for the destined person to come to his door while immersing himself in thinking about the solution.

After all, he can't stay in the Endless Tower forever, and sooner or later he will "return" to the lower realm.

If he cannot figure out a way to escape before being excluded, his end will be disastrous!

Of course, Zhao Sheng actually has one last trump card, but he will never reveal it until the most desperate moment, because the consequences are beyond his expectation.

After waiting not long, a courageous old man in yellow robe finally came over and cautiously asked about the situation.

Zhao Sheng opened his eyes, secretly transmitted a message to this person, and told him his current situation in detail.

After hearing this, the old man in yellow robe almost twisted his long eyebrows into twists. He thought about it for a long time with a face filled with pain. In the end, he could only bow his head in despair and apologize, claiming that he was powerless and hoped that the senior would atone for his sins.

Zhao Sheng didn't expect much, and naturally he wouldn't be angry with this person. He just waved his hand to signal this person to leave as soon as possible.

The old man in yellow robe breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly bowed his head and saluted, and then hurriedly "offline".

When other people saw this, they were all moved, and after that, people kept coming to ask.

Zhao Sheng patiently repeated his current situation over and over again.

After listening to it, the vast majority of people immediately extinguished their expectations and left in unison disappointed.

However, some people were very smart and hurried back to the lower world in a blink of an eye, asking their sects or family ancestors for solutions.

And this is what Zhao Sheng is very willing to see. In fact, he has already anticipated this possibility!

A day of ruins, fleeting!

The human monks in the city have changed a lot, but no one can provide even a slightly feasible solution.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Sheng waved his hand and put the treasure mountain behind him into the Xumi space, then stood up and walked towards the stairs.

In the blink of an eye, others had entered the stairs and headed to the gathering place for other Xianxu guests.

However, the treasure flag with a reward still stands in the center of the city, attracting the attention of every visitor to the Fairy Market.

After more than ten market days, Zhao Sheng visited all the gathering places he knew, including Sanyaofang, Yanmin, Ice Demon and other foreign markets.

Every time he went to a market, he would leave a treasure flag offering a reward and wait for it for anywhere from half a day to an entire day.

As time went by, the bounty spread crazily in major gathering places, and its influence quickly spread to all the worlds through the mouths of each Immortal Ruins guest.

Some of the Immortal Ruins are in the world of Hengsha and there is nothing they can do!

But those Immortal Ruins in the various spiritual worlds have very special status, so their connections and influence are astonishing!

Through their retelling, many great masters of the Fusion Realm dispersed in various spiritual realms, and even the Great Tribulation Master, also heard about this "wonderful thing".

A "day" in Yukong Immortal Heaven is generally equivalent to several months in the lower world, or even longer.

Due to the different speeds of time and the different levels of the world, the length of time converted from one day to the lower realm varies, but it is mostly between a few months and a few years.

Zhao Sheng stayed in the Endless Building for more than ten days, which is almost like more than ten years have passed in the lower world.

Such a long time is enough for this matter to spread, and it is also long enough to wait for the much-anticipated "solution".

But what he didn't expect was that the person who came to him the fastest was actually a "familiar demon".

The person who came had a bald head, big eyes, and horns on his nose. He looked very abstract. He was clearly Qi Wuyan, who was born in the Pixi clan.

Originally, when the two met, their respective cultivation levels were almost the same. But by now, Zhao Sheng has already reached the advanced stage of returning to virtual reality.

On the other hand, Qi Wuyan had just broken through the limit of the Demon King not long ago and could barely reach the Demon King realm.

So when they met again, Qi Wuyan was obviously a little embarrassed, and there was a hint of alienation and awe in his words.

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