Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 110 46. Demonic species

The streets of Shetou are still as dirty and messy as ever. Fortunately, Fisher has come here at noon and afternoon. If he comes at night, this place will be really "lively".

By then, both sides of this dirty street will be either overly poisonous insects, smugglers selling you various rare products, or ladies selling their nights.

The environment here is also very bad, there are basically no public facilities, and all kinds of evil thrive here. Even the police chief would have his pants stolen when he came here, so old Jack wanted to move out of here so much. This place was really too bad for his three lovely little granddaughters.

When Fisher pushed open the door of Old Jack's tavern, his scarred face was looking at the door in a daze. When the gentleman holding a cane appeared in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God.

"Fortunately, I have a friend like you who can help, otherwise I would really throw her out. But she is still a woman after all. Lying like this on the streets of Snake Head all night, I'm afraid not even her bones will be left. .”

Old Jack spoke with contempt, but this still could not hide his kindness towards this guest. After all, he also has three demi-human children. Although he still had a lot of prejudices against demi-humans at the beginning, after getting along for a long time, he only had prejudices in his mouth. Occasionally, he would be arrogant for a long time, but he still couldn't stand those three. The cute girl's request to buy nuts was successful.

Fisher smiled, took off his gentleman's hat, and asked,

"Where is that demi-human?"

"Here, follow me."

Old Jack did not lead Fisher toward the basement this time. He placed the demi-human in the utility room behind the tavern. He was not worried about letting this unknown lady and the three mice Ethnic girls stay together.

When the utility room door is pushed open, the narrow space inside is revealed. At this moment, the space was completely occupied by a female demi-human with wheat-colored skin. The demi-human had long red hair and was breathing very regularly with her eyes closed. It looked like she was sleeping soundly.

The entire utility room was filled with a strong smell of wine and saltpeter. I wonder if the smell of saltpeter came from the demihuman in front of me.

Looking carefully, the skin of the Na sub race is healthy, and the face is even more valiant. He is wearing a cloak, but at this moment, because he is sleeping, the cloak is open, revealing the cool corset and trousers underneath. Her lower abdomen was exposed, and she obviously had muscle lines that had been exercised for a long time. She looked stronger than many men.

After looking carefully, Fisher discovered that there were two scimitars wrapped in wooden scabbards hidden behind the lady's cloak. The curve of the scimitars was weird. Fisher had never seen anything like this before. A cold weapon, two scimitars, one long and one short. The short handle is engraved with extremely complex black patterns and looks much more noble than the longer one.

But what really attracted Fisher was this lady's very unique physical characteristics. In the lady's long red hair, four twisted, obsidian-like corners grew out irregularly, and they were constantly flashing like lava. Same texture. And from the lady's cloak, a long and slender tail extended out, and an arrow-shaped part was born at the end of the tail.

The characteristics of her sub-race are very obvious, but even Fisher has never seen what type this sub-race belongs to, and he has read all the books on sub-race records known to mankind.

In other words, there are no books so far that record what kind of demi-human the creature in front of you is?

"She came the day before yesterday, and then she got drunk that night and slept until now?"

"Yeah." Old Jack was a little angry when he mentioned this. He glanced at the demi-human sleeping soundly on the ground with her mouth open. If she hadn't been breathing non-stop, he would have thought that this demi-human was in his shop. She was drunk to death, "She drank three large glasses of rum and two bottles of distilled spirits, and then she lay motionless on the table without paying!"

"Didn't she wake up even once?"

"Who knows, I have other things to do, so I can't keep staring at her. Anyway, she hasn't moved at all since she fell asleep. She probably hasn't woken up." Just when Old Jack was about to continue talking, the door opened. There was a sudden knock on the door of the outer basement. He paused slightly, looked over there and said, "Oh, Karma and the others asked me to watch here first to see if there is a way to wake her up, or if there is any way to wake her up." You can take her away if you are interested, I know you like to study these demi-human species the most."

Fisher didn't respond to him. He just walked over to the sleeping demi-human and squatted down. He reached out and touched the female demi-human's lower abdomen. The muscles were very hard, as if they had been forged with a hammer. As hard as refined iron. Within that muscle, her belly button was small, moving slowly with her breathing.

According to what Old Jack said, he almost slapped this demi-human. He couldn't afford to call her no matter what. She was the only one sleeping with her like this.

Fisher had never seen this strange-looking demi-human race before. Seeing that the demi-human in front of him had not moved yet, Fisher took out his demi-human girl from his arms and completed the manual, preparing to use the power of the manual. to determine the type of demihuman in front of you.

When he was in the Southern Continent before, Fisher had discovered many unnamed sub-human species. Even if he didn't recognize it, if he opened the manual, it would help him identify the name of this sub-human species. The premise is that the observing sub-human species must It has to be a female.

The moment the manual was spread out, illusory words appeared in front of Fisher. Many pages behind "Dragon Man" were divided into columns out of thin air, and golden words automatically appeared there. The book was written in words that Fisher could read, and it said,

[Demon species].

Fisher's eyes moved slightly, looking at the text that appeared next,

[Please select a research individual, the number of available individuals is 0/1]


Why is it that when studying dragons and witches, the number of available individuals is only two, but when it comes to other races, there is only one? Is it because it is a prophecy of annihilation? If it is a race recorded in the prophecy of annihilation, there will be one more spot!

Fisher, who seemed to have discovered some kind of pattern, then looked at the illusory text below,

[Eliog, Duke Demon]

[Contributor’s Tip: Researching higher-level subraces will bring higher risks and benefits at the same time, so owners should choose accordingly]

A high-level demi-race?

This is the first time Fisher has received such a special comment from a supplementary manual, and it is also the first time Fisher has heard the term demon species. Previously, his concept of demons came entirely from the ancient mythological books collected by the church, that is, those ugly monsters that confuse people in the traditional impression.

And this person in front of me.

Fisher looked up. Just as she was about to take a look at the demon's appearance, she saw that the demon in front of her had opened her eyes and stared at Fisher who was squatting in front of her.

Her eyes are not like human beings, but are bright red as a whole, like natural luminous stones, and there are circles and circles of strange lines in the pupils like fire snakes.

She just looked at Fisher quietly in front of her. It was obvious that the temperature in the room was much higher than outside, but under the gaze of her eyes, Fisher suddenly felt cold.

But the next second, the stinging coldness suddenly disappeared. The demon lay there and twitched his nose, looked at Fisher and said,

"Well, you have a nasty smell, and you have two smells."

She can speak Nali, but her speaking style is not like that of an orthodox Nali person. On the contrary, she is as unclear as the rolling lava.

At this moment, Fisher's hand was still open with the Asian girl's completion manual, but she didn't seem to notice the item in her hand, but looked at Fisher's face carefully.

"Disgusting smell?"

Eliog didn't get up. After looking at her for several seconds, she yawned and nodded and said,

"Ah, it probably smells like burnt volcanoes without any dipping sauce. Anyway, it just smells terrible..."

At the end of the sentence, she yawned sleepily again, as if she hadn't had enough sleep, and then she stretched out her finger and pointed at Fisher in front of her.

"But you don't smell like the person I'm looking for, so just bear with it. By the way, where am I now? Why do I feel like my memory is a little blurry? Well, what am I doing here? Drinking? Or sleep?"

She struggled to move her brain, and then she slumped in the pile of debris behind her as if she had given up. She changed into a comfortable position and prepared to close her eyes.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it, let's just sleep for a while, after all, sleeping is really comfortable. Good night, human, no farewell."

How could Fisher let this guy continue to sleep? He took the opportunity to put the completed manual in his arms and said to her,

"You drank here the day before yesterday and have been sleeping for almost two days. If you don't get up, the store will throw you out."

After saying this, the demon in front of him remained motionless, but the tail behind him suddenly raised up. At this moment, Fisher discovered that the end of her arrow-shaped tail began to flicker with a small ball of light. Fireball.

Well, will the end of a demon's tail be set on fire when it's conscious?

"Ah, that's right. Just wait until I think about what I'm doing here. It's so annoying. Why do I have to think about this?"

She looked at the ceiling of the utility room in despair and irritability and thought for a long time, then touched her head and sat up, and suddenly said,

"Ah, I remembered. I came here to hunt down criminals, but because chasing criminals was too troublesome, I prepared to drink some wine before setting off. After drinking some wine, I felt very tired, so I had to take a rest first. , fell asleep in the tavern. Ah, thank you for reminding me, I have to get up to work again now, wait until I pay you."

Despite her words, she had no motivation at all and seemed to have no interest in the so-called "work". However, at this moment, she seemed to have finally woken up from the sleepiness. She subconsciously reached into the pocket of her corset and groped carefully, but she didn't seem to touch anything, so she His face suddenly became unnatural.

She secretly glanced at Fisher in front of her, and after feeling his gaze staring at her, she glanced at the closed environment around her, and her face became even stiffer again.

Fisher seemed to have discovered something. He glanced at the other party's somewhat evasive gaze, and suddenly guessed,

"Don't you have money to pay for the drinks you drank?"


I will release it chapter by chapter, and I will revise the following chapters.

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