Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 112 48 Replenishing Demons

Chapter 112 48. Reincarnation

Fisher has a research laboratory in Saint-Nali where he conducts research. In fact, strictly speaking, this laboratory does not belong to Fisher, but to that guy Trundle.

Trundle had a little-used stable house on the outskirts of St. Louis. He invested in it while he was studying. There were many good-quality horses in it.

After he graduated, he ran for election as a member of the New Party. Due to the need for a large amount of capital turnover, he not only sold all the horses in the house, but also prepared to sell the land. However, the location of this land was not very good, and he bought it without any investment vision. At that time, no one would have expected that the University of Saint-Nali, specially approved by the royal family, would be built here, so it was impossible to sell it at a good price. .

Fisher scraped together some money and rented the land from Trundle for 60 years, which was almost like buying it, which helped Trundle relieve some financial pressure. Since then, Fisher has used this place as a research laboratory, but his research rarely requires a specific laboratory, so he rarely comes here.

It's a good time to place this devil.

After getting off the carriage, the devil did not continue to sleep like before. When the carriage stopped, she opened her eyes, yawned and jumped down from the back of the carriage with the bottle in her arms.

Following Fisher to the stable, she looked at the surrounding environment, and after confirming that there were no other humans here, she took off her cloak, revealing her four twisted black horns, and took a deep breath. After the fresh air in the suburbs, he said,

"Well, the environment here is good, very suitable for sleeping."

Ignoring her words about sleeping, Fisher took out the key and opened the door, revealing a room that had begun to gather dust. No one had really cleaned up here, so it was a little messy.

Fisher skillfully picked up the broom and swept away the dust on the floor. Eliog carefully took down the dust mat from Fisher's bed while holding the wine bottle, and then sat on it generously and began to use it. Tighten the wine bottle cap by hand.

"I forgot to ask, human, what is your name?"

"Fisher, please don't drink. Otherwise, you will get drunk later and I will have to conduct research later."

As soon as she mentioned research, her face became bitter, and she seemed to regret agreeing to Fisher's research.

The bed here is so comfortable, the environment is very quiet, and it's afternoon, so it's the perfect place to sleep. But now that she agreed, she silently placed the bottle next to the bed.

"Okay, my name is Eliog and I am a demon. Please give me some advice. By the way, are you tired of the research you mentioned?"

"I'm not tired, I can just stand still."

Fisher turned back and took out the measuring tools from his drawer, and took out the paper to record the data, and then tested whether the lights here could still be used. After completing all this, he pointed in front of him recliner, said,

"Okay, come here and lie down."

"Yes Yes Yes."

She lazily moved her body and slowly lay down in front of the recliner in front of Fisher. When Fisher slowly moved the light next to her, she didn't panic at all. Bilafa El's reaction was much better the first time.

Fisher put on a pair of magic monocles and watched her take off her cloak, revealing the cool outfit underneath. His eyes swept over her wheat-colored skin, and like lava, snake-shaped circuits were revealed in Fisher's monocle.

"Can you disarm your weapon?"

"Okay, it doesn't matter."

Her weapons are the two scimitars, one long and one short, carried on her back. The rules of the scimitars are very special.

The overall shape of the long one is like a twisted snake, like a knife and a spear. The blade is preserved in a wooden scabbard. It looks like it has been used many times.

The black short knife was completely different, more like a crescent moon. The entire wooden sheath was engraved with extremely complex patterns, which was much more advanced than the long knife above.

Fisher just looked at the weapon briefly, and then moved his eyes to the body of the demon lying obediently in front of him.

Eliog was also looking at the humans in front of her. She glanced at the extremely focused look in Fisher's eyes, and the interest in her laziness became more and more intense.

"You said you came to Saint-Nali to track down criminals? What kind of criminals?"

"Ouch, that's a human."


Fisher was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that most humans didn't know that there was such a thing as demons, and the sinner they were chasing was actually a human? Who has this ability?

"He is a human being who has committed a major crime. I was ordered to hunt him down, but it seems that I can't find him now because he slept for too long."

Was it because I was lazy that I didn't finish the work?

After only getting along for half a day, Fisher seems to have a certain understanding of the character of this demon, which is extreme laziness. Even Fisher can see her character. I really don’t know what other demons are. How dare you give the task to this devil.

"Well, but now that I don't have the money to cooperate with your research, it's reasonable that I can't continue to find the criminal. It's such a pity..."

Eliog said such regretful words, but ended up smiling from ear to ear, looking like "I'm very proud of paddling."

Fisher's ruler measured her body inch by inch. He found that the body of the devil species was much higher than that of humans in terms of hardness and temperature. It was somewhat similar to the previous dragon race, except that the devil's body did not have Scales like those of a dragon.

Eliog noticed Fisher's gaze, and she explained with a smile,

"We live very deep underground. If our bodies are not strong enough, the magma will bake us into dregs. Ordinary weapons cannot hurt us."


Fisher silently kept what he observed in mind. As he learned more, the completion manual on his chest became slightly warm, as if some pages in it had begun to shine with golden light and were automatically recorded. corresponding research content.

"Fisher, that's the name, right? Although I haven't received your money yet, I can teach you from now on. First of all, I would like to remind you that you must first give up your bad habits of human activities." Change it.”


Fisher paused slightly while measuring her tail, then turned to look at the demon who had never moved since he got on the research chair, as if he didn't understand the meaning of her words.

"Hey, you don't understand it at first glance. There is a big gap between your body and human beings in quality, but you still treat it with human activity habits. It is like a huge soul-eating volcano monster with a huge body , but you never fed it enough, and then it became thinner and weaker. Even though it is still a powerful soul-eating volcano monster, it has never been able to exert its full strength."

"You need to exercise, exercise and exercise without restraint, oh, and vent your desires at the right time."

When she said this, she became very excited and twisted her body on the chair.

"Given your age, you should do that kind of thing every day. Your energy is too strong, but there is no gap to release it. If the flame cannot be released, it will burn the carrier clean. You don't understand this."

Fisher soon understood what she was talking about. He thought about it and found that what the devil said seemed to make some sense.

The first is that his body has been enhanced by the dragon race that the demi-human girl has completed in the manual. It is much stronger than ordinary humans. It is not bad in the Southern Continent because it has been fully tempered due to fighting. But since returning to the Western Continent, he hasn't moved much. Sometimes when he gets up, he can feel that his muscles are not as strong as before.

As for the other thing, it makes sense.

During the time she was with Rafael, not only did her body become smoother and more comfortable, but she also had to admit that her body was very relaxed during those days, and she didn't feel the constant feeling of heat at all.

The dragon race has a tail-adaptive mechanism to limit its desires, but what about humans? How to limit this kind of creature that is restless all the time? Fisher's long-term use of rationality to suppress him already felt something was wrong. Coupled with Renee's teasing a few days ago, Fisher would feel irritable from time to time.

Fisher thought for a moment, put away his contempt for the "teaching" that the devil just said, and asked,

"So, I need a certain intensity of training to maintain my current physical fitness?"

"Absolutely. This is just the basics. The key lies in how to use your body. Of course, if you just want to live longer and strengthen your body, just pretend I didn't say anything about it. However, if you want to learn combat skills, I I can leave it to you without any reservations.”

Her words were lazy, but with an undoubted confidence. Then she pointed at Fisher's body and drew a specific blueprint.

"First of all, you must do a certain amount of exercise every day, and then clear your inventory. After a period of time, you can decide whether you want to learn my fighting skills. But I can remind you that I can't stay here for a long time. If you delay, I will be expelled from the dynasty."

Fisher thought carefully for a second, then no longer hesitated, nodded and looked at the demon in front of him and said,

"I understand, I want to learn whether it's physical training or combat training."

"Oh? You decide quickly. I like this kind of decisive character. Not bad."

She said she liked decisive characters, but she didn't even bother to turn around and nod. She just used her eyes to express her approval of Fisher.

Fisher did not fully believe the words of the demon in front of him, and just continued his research on the demon silently, but he had nothing to lose by agreeing now.

Fisher recorded the demon's appearance characteristics, but the rest, such as the properties of her tail and horns, had not yet been studied. But it was almost time to have dinner now. Because he was in a hurry, Fisher ran to Snake Head Street to take the devil out without even having time for lunch.

After several pages of records were left in the record book, Fisher was brought back to reality by the feeling of hunger in his body.

He rubbed his eyes and took off the single eye, only to find that the silent demon in front of him fell asleep again at some point. No wonder he was silent when he was studying her just now.

"Well, are you done?"

Before Fisher called her, she opened her mouth wide and yawned again and woke up. As she opened her mouth, the air in front of her was roasted by the high temperature.

"Well, we're almost here today. I'll get you something to eat tonight. What do you want to eat?"

Eliog blinked and looked at Fisher next to him.

"Meat, wine, etc. By the way, if you don't want to spend money, there is another way to eat enough."

"what way?"

Eliog sat up, pointed ambiguously at the gentleman in front of him and said with a smile,

"Hey, human, have you ever heard of the term "demon replenishment"?"


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