Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1,161: Chi Po Pill

As you approach the Demon Flame Gate, you feel a fiery aura.

The place carefully selected by Jiupao Taoist is too strong for other sects, but it is very suitable for the disciples of the Demon Flame Sect to practice the "Seven Yang Jue".

Qin Sang appeared at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the Demon Flame Gate's mountain-protecting formation.

The scene on the volcano is not much different from when Qin Sang came.

There are red-leafed spiritual trees all over the mountains and plains. There are dormitories and pavilions built among the spiritual trees. The mountain-protecting formation condenses red smoke and flows slowly in the void.

Under the scorching sun, the scenery is brilliant.

After some observation, Qin Sang confirmed that the formation had not been changed.

This formation is the inheritance left by Patriarch Kui Yin and was carefully arranged by Jiupao Taoist. The ground fire can amplify the formation. The longer it is, the more powerful it becomes. It also has countless changes and is extremely complex. The disciples of the Demon Flame Sect are unable to improve it.

Qin Sang carries the command talisman and is familiar with all the changes in the formation. With his current level of cultivation, he can easily sneak in without alerting anyone.

He came to a forest of red leaves, and his figure flashed and disappeared into the forest. The red smoke floating above only showed some slight ripples before returning to calm.

Several low-level disciples are practicing in the woods.

Then, several more disciples patrolled here, but found nothing unusual.

Qin Sang walked quietly through the woods, and nothing his disciples said or did could be hidden from his ears.

In a medicine garden.

The two disciples were urging the magical instruments to move the clouds, spread rain, and water the elixir.

"Senior brother, I heard that Senior Uncle Zhao just came back from Yinquan Sect, and his expression was not very good. Did you go to the Sect Leader's Hall just now and met Senior Uncle Zhao? Did you hear anything?"

The younger one, a pretty girl, asked the young man next to her in a low voice.

The young man glanced at her and said, "You girls, are you getting together to guess something again?"

"Is there any point in guessing?"

The girl pouted and said unconvinced, "All the sects that rely on Qingyang Sect must take turns to participate in the frontline defense. They all know that it will be our turn next time. Among the nearby sects, the Yinquan Sect is the most powerful, and they will convey the message to Qingyang on their behalf. We can only act according to the orders of the Demon Sect. Master Zhao went to Yinquanmen this time for this matter. His bad expression shows that the mission may be dangerous. We care about the sect. Is there anything wrong?"

The young man shook his head and laughed, "You girl, you are still so sharp-tongued! With our little cultivation, what can we do if we know the reason? Why not concentrate on cultivating good elixirs and do our best for the teacher?"

Despite this, deep worry appeared in the young man's eyes.

Qin Sang took a leisurely stroll through the spiritual field.

On the way, he heard several similar conversations. Most of the disciples were loyal to the sect and did not have a strong aura of violence.

Unexpectedly, the tentacles of the Qingyang Demon Sect have extended so far, and the demonic forces near the Demon Flame Gate have also been integrated by them.

The Qingyang Demon Sect is considered an outlier in the Demonic Path. Due to their skills and position, they are not treated by the Righteous Path and are forced to join the Demonic Path. In fact, they behave fairly decently.

Of course, this does not mean that Qingyang Demon Sect is a good person.

The nature of the world of immortality is still the jungle of the jungle, and there will be intrigues between the righteous ones, but at least there are a few lines there.

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Qin Sang did not want Qingyang Temple to become a demon. If the Demon Flame Sect were all cruel and murderous people, he would not consider merging the Demon Flame Sect into Qingyang Temple, otherwise the foundation would be distorted.

Now it seems that Mei Gu manages the sect well.

This is also related to the surrounding environment. With the restraints of Qingyang Demon Sect, this place will not become a world of pure cannibalism like other demonic realms.

Knowing from the mouths of these disciples that Mei Gu was in the mountains at this time, Qin Sang quickened his pace and swept towards the top of the mountain.

The main hall.

A woman in palace clothes was talking to an old man about something, both of them had a bit of anger in their expressions.

The woman in palace clothes is Mei Gu. She has formed a pill and her appearance has not changed much from when Qin Sang saw her. She looks like a weak woman.

But it was this weak shoulder that carried the heavy burden of the sect, led the sect through the war and survived in the cracks.

Not only did the Demon Flame Sect not decline, but its climate gradually improved. What was even more commendable was that her own cultivation did not decline either.

That old man was Zhao Shanran, one of the four foundation-building monks of the Demon Flame Sect.

His cultivation level is one level lower than that of Mei Gu, only in the fake elixir realm.

The young man who was once a high-spirited man is now in his twilight years.

"Junior Brother Lu really appeared at Yinquanmen?"

Mei Gu frowned, as if she had encountered some difficulty.

"Senior sister, you helped Elder Qi once. There is no way he would lie to us about this kind of thing. Elder Qi also accidentally discovered the traces of Lu. At that time, the Yinquan sect was talkative, and it was possible that he had colluded with the head of the Yinquan sect. "

Zhao Shan then became extremely frightened, "If Elder Qi had not warned me in time, I might have been killed by someone named Lu if I had taken another detour! The sky has no eyes, even a despicable person named Lu can form pills!"

Mei Gu sighed: "Back then, we got four Chi Po Pills, and each of us happened to get one. Junior Brother Lu's talent is the best among the four of us, so it's not surprising that he can form pills."

"He doesn't have one Chi Po Pill in his hand, but two!"

Zhao Shanran had the best relationship with Master Hongye. When he thought about this, he gritted his teeth, hating that he could not kill his enemy with his own hands.

Mei Gu shook her head, "The battlefield is inherently dangerous and unpredictable. There was no evidence of Junior Brother Hongye's death at the time..."

"Junior brother Hongye must have been murdered by someone named Lu! Senior sister, you are too kind. You should have listened to me and killed him immediately! I suspect that if the person named Lu can escape, there may be shadows of the Yinquanmen. This time, It is possible that the Yinquan Sect is pretending to pass on the imperial edict and wants to catch all of us, and then use the name of Lu to swallow up the Demon Flame Sect."

Zhao Shanran said angrily.

"Junior brother, don't be anxious. Junior Brother Lu's life and death are still secondary. The most important thing now is how to deal with the Yinquan Sect."

Mei Gu was very calm and tried to persuade Zhao Shanran. She looked outside the door and said, "The Yinquan Sect wants us to give out a golden elixir. It's a normal request. I'll just go there in person. But there are too many people asking for it, and they have already been asked before." If we take away a group of disciples, if we take away so many more disciples, our Demon Flame Sect will be completely empty."

After a pause, Mei Gu said in a deep voice, "Their biggest purpose must be to transfer me away. Other conditions can be negotiated. When we get to the front line, I will make my own arrangements. There is no need to worry about my safety. It is impossible for the Yinquan Sect to do whatever they want. What. But, junior brother, you stay behind and be you still remember what we did before?"

Mei Gu's eyes were burning.

"One word! Endure!"

Zhao Shanran slowly exhaled, "It's just that I'm stupid and stupid, failed to form pills, and couldn't help senior sister to share her worries! Senior sister, don't worry, I will seal the mountain immediately after you leave. Fortunately, senior sister didn't give the grand formation talisman and formation diagram to Lu Yes. I want to see how capable he is and how capable he is of breaking through the formation personally arranged by the leader!" (To be continued)

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