Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1,166 Hukou Pass

Tan Yien went to Cangheng Island first.

Qin Sang and Erniao entered Tianyao Qiu and then headed north to Ten Thousand Demons City.

City of Ten Thousand Demons.

One of the Seven Heroes Pass, the gateway for the demon clan to enter and exit the ancient immortal battlefield.

After the demon clan occupied Tianyao Qiu, they guarded this pass and never changed its owners since then. Other great passes were more or less affected by the internal fighting among the human clan.

Monster monks have to pass through the Ten Thousand Monsters City when entering or leaving the Ancient Immortal Battlefield.

The current Lord of Ten Thousand Demon City is the famous Feather Demon King.

The City of Ten Thousand Demons is still different from the City of Fairy Demons. Qin Sang wanted to see what the real Demon City looked like, so he entered the city alone. Fat Chicken and Bai He waited for a while before following them.

Entering the City of Ten Thousand Demons, Qin Sang's first feeling was that the place was very 'popular'.

The city is still dominated by mortals.

People were coming and going on the streets in order, and it looked like a peaceful and prosperous time.

These people have been living under the rule of the demon king since they were born, and they have long been accustomed to the monsters strutting down the streets.

The monsters that are allowed to enter the city are all great monsters that have been enlightened and have spiritual wisdom.

The Feathered Demon King set strict rules. After Qin Sang entered the city, he did not see any demonic beasts harming mortals.

However, the world of cultivating immortals cannot be affectionate. Just as the human race hunts monster beasts, extracts their bones and skins, and uses them as spiritual materials to refine elixirs and refine weapons, the monster tribe will not support so many humans in vain. There are some things that they dare not think deeply about.

Not long after entering the city.

Qin Sang was wandering around the city when there was a sudden commotion in front of him and the crowd split to both sides.

In the darkness ahead, a group of armored demon wolves were galloping down the street, coming at full speed. The leader of the demon wolf has a majestic figure, and his blood-evil aura is extremely attractive.

On it, there is an exquisite saddle, and on it is a strange monster that looks like a fox, but is even smaller and has extremely short front legs. It is a monster.

The aura exuded by this demon is stronger than that of Fat Chicken and White Crane. It is a great demon in the late stage of demon elixir. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the demon wolf leader to be willing to be its mount.

Qin Sang stopped, knowing that he was exposed.

The figures of Fat Chicken and White Crane flashed and stood in front of Qin Sang.


The demon wolves were all in uniform, and their target was obviously Qin Sang and his party. When they came closer, they all stopped with a 'swish', which was extremely oppressive.

Qin Sang stood with his hands behind his back, looking calm.

The fat chicken and the white crane blew up their feathers to give a warning.

The demon jumped down from the demon wolf, walked upright in front of them, and saluted respectfully: "Senior, may I ask if you are the young master of Qianshan Bamboo Sea, the Mingyue Demon King? The king has already prepared the palace. I, as ordered by the king, are here to entertain you. Seniors."

As soon as these words were spoken, exclamations of exclamation echoed in the street, and Qin Sang looked at him with a mixture of awe and fear.

"Little Lord?"

Qin Sang smiled playfully, this was a good title, and nodded, indicating to the demon to lead the way.

Led by the demon, they walked towards the demon king's palace.

That was the lair of the demon tribe. Qin Sang estimated that few other Nascent Souls from the human race would dare to be as arrogant as him and enter such a place alone.

"What other demon kings are participating in the meeting?"

Yao Yao replied: "Senior Qi, the Red Tail Demon King was the first to arrive, three days ago, and then Senior Snake King..."

Qin Sang listened to the Yao Yao count and found that nearly half of the demon kings from Tian Yao Qiu had arrived. The date of the meeting was still three days away, and there must be more demon kings coming later.

Probably like him, they were attracted by the news about Ziwei Palace.

Three days flew by.

These days, several demon kings, including Demon King Lihong, came to visit. Qin Sang wanted to make friends and got to know a few of them.

One of them is the Red Tail Demon King mentioned by Yao Yao. He is a red fox who became a Taoist and transformed into a handsome young man with a very eye-catching red tail behind him.

This is how he got his name as the Red Tail Demon King.

He claimed to have admired the senior bamboo demon for a long time and was quite enthusiastic about Qin Sang. Qin Sang didn't know whether it was true or not, so he could only deal with it like this, but he also learned a lot of secrets about the demon clan from him.

Qin Sang ordered the two birds to stay in the palace and walked side by side to the Yuwang Palace with the Red Tail Demon King.

Yuwang Palace has always been the cave residence of the Feather Demon King in past dynasties, and this meeting was also held in Yuwang Palace.

The red-tailed demon king dismissed the little demon who led the way, and led Qin Sang to the Yuwang Palace.

"King Yu is secretive, but according to the usual practice, since Ziwei Palace is mentioned, there should be some news. In the past few times when Ziwei Palace was born, Senior Zhu did not show up. This time he sent Taoist Fellow Mingyue here. Is it possible that he intends to compete for it? What are the qualifications to enter Ziwei Palace next time?"

The red-tailed demon king asked Qin Sang with some curiosity as he introduced the surrounding buildings.

Qin Sang shook his head slowly, "Master didn't mention entering Ziwei Palace. I was sent here mainly to inquire about the battle situation on the front line."

The red-tailed demon king understood and sighed: "If Xiaohanyu and Tianxing Alliance cannot defeat Sinyuan, with Sinyuan's domineering style, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the agreement between us and the human race to continue, and we may not be able to live in peace in the future. But if we try our best to help them resist the Sin Abyss, causing our own vitality to be severely damaged, it is tantamount to the stupidest choice, and the speed is indeed difficult to grasp. However, these are the headaches for King Yu..."

"Having said that, we can't be indifferent. I don't want to hide in the Demon Sea and be around the ice all day long."

Qin Sang shook his head.

These days, he secretly and openly inquired about the attitude of the demon kings.

As expected, the demon clan has no interest in intervening in the internal fighting of the human race. The best option is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Both sides place bets without offending either.

But Xiaohanyu and Tianxing Alliance are not stupid either, and there is no way they can let the demon clan get past them easily.

Now, although Tianyao Qiu has sent demon soldiers to reinforce it, few demon kings have actually joined the battlefield.

The demon kings were currently stationed at a pass called Hukou Pass. It was said to be an important and dangerous pass, but the location was relatively remote, so the chance of Sin Yuan launching a massive attack here was very low.

Outside Hukou Pass, the Guiyuan Division confronted them. The two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding, and the comings and goings were just minor fights.

While he was talking, a towering jungle appeared in front of him, with shadows all over him.

"We're here! The Yuwang Palace is inside!"

The red-tailed demon king reminded in a low voice.

Qin Sang took a closer look and found that there was a simple wooden palace in the center of the jungle. It was suspended in mid-air. The light of the green spirit flickered around it, filled with dense and powerful restrictions.

"The two fellow Taoists have finally arrived!"

A person emerged from the forest, and Demon King Li Hong came out to greet him personally.

At this time, he had long since lost his desire to covet Qianshan Bamboo Sea, and was quite enthusiastic about Qin Sang, "Fellow Taoist Mingyue, King Yu heard that you are the descendant of Senior Bamboo, and he has long wanted to see what kind of handsome man you are, who can get Bamboo Sang." The true legacy of our seniors.”

After a while of greetings, the three of them entered the jungle together and arrived in front of the Yuwang Palace.

Lihong Demon King pushed open the door and entered.

At a glance, Qin Sang saw a man in feathers sitting in the middle. He was the Feathered Demon King who used the exotic treasure to open the Ziwei Palace array!

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