Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1,183 Temptation


It was deafening, resounding throughout the mountains and fields.

The light mask alternated between light and dark, flickering erratically. There were breaks and cracks in some places. The monks nearby were killed or injured, and some vomited blood and retreated. Then a new team came up and tried their best to repair the light mask.

The battle formation can always remain stable.

The first wave of attacks by the monks from the two realms failed to break through Sin Abyss's defense.

Not to be outdone, Sin Yuan took advantage of the gap to rush forward and launched a fierce counterattack.

After several waves of confrontations, the distance between the two sides became closer and closer, and the protective light shields were somewhat shaky.

In the cold fog.

Some of the monks sacrificed a magic weapon similar to a shield. The shield was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Once activated, the shield would shine brightly and shoot out a shadow that was countless times larger than the main body.

These shadows flew into the air, superimposed and spliced ​​together to form a sharp-edged light shield, blocking the heads of his team.

Lack of resources for many years, and having to face threats from two aspects, the Tianxing Alliance has refined this magical weapon with the same shape after countless generations of research.

It has proven to be very effective on the battlefield.

After the alliance between the two domains, it quickly became popular.

In addition to shields, the other monks in the team used unified black iron heavy swords and heavy knives.

The moment the light shield was formed, swords and swords rushed out of the battle formation, extremely neatly, row after row, shining with cold light, and rushed towards the enemy like a mountain.

In comparison, Sin Yuan's side seems a little weirder.

A part of the team formed a circle. These people were shaking black bells in their hands and chanting words, as if they were casting some strange spell.

Soon, a black aura condensed and formed in the sky above the center of the team.

This black aura twisted and deformed in front of everyone, like a ball of sticky sewage, changing into all kinds of weird shapes, which was disgusting.

When exposed to the black light emitted by the Nether Crystal Tower, they seemed to come alive, extending tentacles one after another, and finally transformed into torsos and limbs.

The black aura changes into different forms, not only birds and beasts, but even human forms.

However, their shape is not stable, and there is still sewage flowing on the surface of the body.

They emitted strange roars, sharp and harsh.

At this time, Qin Sang and Jing Lin quietly left the Hanling Formation and were slowly lurking towards the Nether Crystal Tower.

Qin Sang clearly saw that the old demon Pei who controlled the Nether Crystal Tower was not among the three Nether Crystal Towers at this time, but was hiding next to one of the Nether Crystal Towers.

Old Demon Pei thought he was safe under the protection of the Nether Crystal Tower, but in fact, Qin Sang saw everything.

"Where do these things come from?"

Qin Sang's attention was attracted by the monster released by the Sin Yuan monk, and he frowned greatly when he saw this strange sight.

Jing Lin said: "As far as I know, this should be a mimicry spell, cast in conjunction with the weird bells in their hands, but the core lies in the Nether Crystal Tower. This kind of monster is more difficult to kill, but it is not immortal... …”

Qin Sang stared at the nearest monster and didn't see why.

At this time, Tan Laomo saw the light and shadow of the sword flying over, snorted coldly and gave the order.

Just hearing waves of roars, these monsters quickly floated to the front of the battle formation. They were not afraid of the extremely sharp attacks and rushed forward one after another.

‘Bah! ’

The sound of cracking silk came one after another.

The monsters in the front row were torn apart, and their limbs were flying everywhere, but they were not dead. Their remaining bodies were still fighting back, tearing and entangled with the swords and swords.

Rows of monsters were chopped to pieces, but the swords and swords were also rapidly consumed.

The two sides were obviously familiar with each other's tactics, and before the monsters and swords could tell the winner, they launched a second round of offensive.

Under the leadership of Tan Laomo, the Sin Abyss monks kept rushing forward, and finally rushed to the cold mist. Then without any hesitation, he led his troops into the formation!

Suddenly, there was a strong wind.

Heavy snow fell in the cold fog, and endless snowflakes fell from the sky, being carried by the hurricane and blown towards the abyss of sin.

At this time, the light film given to the Sin Abyss monks by the Nether Crystal Tower worked, and the snowflakes fell on them and melted silently.

As if feeling that this attack had little effect, a bell rang out from the cold bell formation, and the operator changed the formation. The goose-feather snow turned into medium snow, and the strong wind formed a wall of wind and snow in place, blocking the momentum of Sin Abyss's attack.

The monks from the Xiaohan Region took the opportunity to attack with all their strength.

Seeing this scene, Pei Laomo, who was controlling the Nether Crystal Tower from behind, snorted coldly and changed his magic spell. The crystal ball on the top of the Nether Crystal Tower shot out countless rays of black light one after another, hitting the wind wall and forcibly tearing open the passage.

During this process, the monks on both sides were also fighting fiercely, and the light shields on the battle formation were broken and crumbling.


‘Crack! ’

The protective shield on Sin Yuan's side was broken first, and the casualties increased suddenly, and the ground was dyed red with blood.

Tan Laomo showed an angry look on his face and immediately ordered all the monsters to be released. These fierce monsters who were not afraid of death faced waves of attacks and finally tore the light shields above the monks from the two realms into pieces.

Si Di looked sternly and stared at Old Mo Tan.

Seeing this scene, his expression was not moved at all.

Being within the large formation, they had a favorable location, and their defense should not have been broken down so quickly. Si Di did this deliberately.

If the two sides continue to fight like this, these Nascent Souls will never be able to face each other head-on. He was worried that if the time was too long, the Jindan monks who controlled the Hanling Formation would not be able to hold on and would reveal flaws.

The plan to ambush Mr. Pei naturally came to nothing.

'call out! ’

A golden light hovered around Si Di, which was his magic weapon Yue Jinjian.

This treasure is only the size of a palm, with a polished mirror inlaid in the middle. Except for the mirror, the entire surface of the Yue Jin Jian is uneven, with large and small gold bumps all over it.

Yue Jinjian was flying faster and faster, and the naked eye could only see streaks of golden light.

At the same time, Tan Laomo looked at Si Di with a sinister smile on his face and showed no sign of weakness.

The fire cord on his arm vibrated slightly, emitting a blazing flame. The surrounding air was distorted by the flames.

The two Nascent Soul masters have already set their sights on each other!

Sin Abyss advanced rapidly.

The monks in the battle formations on both sides all had nervous expressions on their faces, holding their breath and preparing for the fierce battle that would follow.


Fifty feet!

Ten feet!


In an instant, an earth-shaking roar erupted at the same time.

The two battle formations collided fiercely, and the battlefield instantly became chaotic, and the shouts of killing were loud.

The chaos didn't last long.

They are all battle-hardened, and both sides work as small teams, gradually stabilizing their positions and entangled with the enemy.

View from above.

The two sides opened up their formations, like streams of water, merging and dividing into each other. The whole process was full of bloody fighting.

Si Di and Tan Laomo each had their own agenda. They completely ignored others, jumped over the crowd, and flew towards each other in the air. The magic weapons collided first!

Thanks to the leader of Nanwang JF for the reward.

I still owe one chapter before.

The epidemic has affected me in the past few days, and because the community is dominated by elderly people and not many young people, I have done some things, but I haven’t had time to catch up.

However, the epidemic is almost over and things will soon return to normal.

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