Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1371: Thousands of Miles Chase

On the back of the one-legged bird, a little fox lay.

The blood energy from the one-legged divine bird cannot contaminate the little fox.

The little fox has white fur, is cute and cute, and is really beautiful.

Its aura is not as cute and weak as its appearance, it is also a great demon in disguise!

However, one of the little fox's hind legs was dripping with blood and was hanging there. Among the open flesh and blood, there was a black aura, twisting and twisting, like gangrene attached to the bone, which was difficult to remove.

The little beast was shaped like a fox, but only the size of a mouse. It stretched out its two front paws and tightly grasped the feathers of the one-legged bird. It was also staring at the blue light, its round eyes full of anger.

Another black ray of light fell behind them.

It looks even weirder and uglier than the one-legged bird.

The upper body has a fish head and body, covered with black scales, but the lower body has two frog legs. When flying, the body stretches forward, which looks a bit funny.

The speed of the frog fish is not slow, but it is much inferior to the blue light and the one-legged bird, and it quickly falls behind.

It opened its mouth full of fangs, screamed, and jumped into the sea.

‘Wow! ’

Splashing waves.

Frogs take to water like a fish.

I saw a black shadow appear under the sea surface, rising and falling, the speed increased sharply, and I rushed to catch up.

Until the three rays of light disappeared in the distance.

A faint hint of blood drifted from the north.

The blood color is getting thicker and thicker, and the blood flows with the sea water. I don't know how many people died there. Gradually, more fragments of the ship floated over.

The most eye-catching thing is a lifelike golden dragon head.

What was supposed to be a dragon ship is now in pieces!

It was Qin Sang who turned into blue light and fled.

Feel the shocking evil spirit behind you.

Qin Sang looked back at the pursuing enemy and secretly complained in his heart.

At this time, he had passed through the storm belt and reached the three realms of Beihai.

The process went fairly smoothly, with no near misses.

Rhinoceros Mochi's senses have never shown signs of weakening.

However, the storm zone was wider than he expected, and the consumption along the way was far greater than expected, which was too much for Qin Sang's current cultivation level.

Because he never found a safe place to stay on the way, he could only take advantage of the storm when it was not so fierce to summon the Nascent Soul Talisman puppet to help him resist for a while and race against time to recover.

Even though Qin Sang was fully prepared, when he broke out of the storm zone, he had exhausted all his true energy.

Flying out of the storm, Qin Sang let out a long breath and secretly said that it was a dangerous situation. He came just after breaking through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but it was still too reluctant.

Arrived in a foreign place for the first time.

Qin Sang thought about finding a place to recover first, but unexpectedly, this place was the same as the opposite. He carefully searched for a long time, but could not find a stable place.

During the search, Qin Sang encountered a dragon boat.

The dragon boat is very huge.

Even in the Canglang Sea, such a large ship is very rare.

What's even more surprising is that the dragon boat is heavily restricted and protected by spiritual formations, and there are actually golden elixir stage monks on board.

Qin Sang concealed his true cultivation level and pretended to be a casual cultivator. When he showed up and asked, he found out that this sea area was very chaotic, with big monsters frequently appearing, and it was very unsafe. Even Golden Core cultivators had to travel together.

The language used by these people was in the same vein as Beichen Realm, and Qin Sang was already used to it.

Since he knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and Qin Sang didn't want to stay for a long time, he paid the spirit stone and rented a quiet room, preparing to meditate on the ship and seize the time to recover.

Unexpectedly, when Qin Sang was entering meditation, the dragon boat was suddenly attacked!

There were no signs before.

The dragon ship's protective spiritual formation didn't work at all, and was breached, breaking on the spot!

Only then did the people on the boat discover in horror that three figures appeared out of thin air in mid-air. They did not hide the demonic aura on their bodies. They were all demon kings in the transformation stage!

The Nascent Soul Talisman Puppet was ordered to protect Qin Sang and immediately struck back. By the time Qin Sang was awakened, he was already exposed.

At this time, it was already too late to try again and pretend to be the Demon King. However, even if the Nascent Soul Talisman Puppet didn't take action, it might not be easy to get away with it.

When he successfully deceived the Demon King several times before, he always cooperated with him for other reasons. The other party had preconceptions and would not doubt him.

Qin Sang had just arrived and had no understanding of the three realms of Beihai and the monsters here. It was easy for his opponents to reveal his flaws.

What's more, the demon king may not be merciful to strangers who are alone.

Qin Sang's weak state cannot be concealed from the other party's eyes.

The three demon kings seemed to be passing by and saw the human dragon boat. They destroyed it at will. Unexpectedly, they caught a big fish. Their eyes were bright. They ignored the low-level monks and stared at Qin Sang.

At this time, Qin Sang's true energy had only recovered 30%, and he did not dare to fight with them.

If there is only one demon king, Qin Sang cooperates with the Nascent Soul Talisman Puppet, not only is he not afraid, but he even has a chance to kill his opponent.

There are three enemies, especially the one-legged divine bird, whose cultivation level is even better than that of the Snake King.

The frogfish's cultivation level is also at the peak of the early stage of transformation, and its magical power is very strange. Qin Sang estimates that it will not be easy to kill the opponent unless he uses a sword array or a magic flag at close range to catch him by surprise.

After waking up and seeing this situation, Qin Sang did not hesitate to use the "Thunder Control Technique" without saying a word.

The thunder struck out, and the Nascent Soul Talisman took the opportunity to take action, and it really hurt the little fox.

But then the Nascent Soul Talisman Puppet was forced to retreat.

Fortunately, Qin Sang didn't want to kill the other party at all, just to buy time.

The three demon kings seemed to be very familiar with each other and cooperated very well.

"Yu Lei Shu" has just been released.

The one-legged divine bird directly manifested into a demonic body, and its red blood aura soared into the sky. Instead of attacking Qin Sang, it turned around and pounced on its companions, opened its mouth and spurted out a stream of blood, rushing towards the sky thunder.

It's just that it didn't expect that the thunder technique was so powerful. The blood light collided with the sky thunder and was blown away by the sky thunder.

The aftermath of the Thunder Technique rushed towards the little fox with the weakest cultivation level.

The frog fish is also like the one-legged bird. The first choice is to save its companion. It puffs its mouth and spits out a ball of green light. This green light was like a viscous liquid, instantly filling the void.

The Nascent Soul Talisman Puppet was unprepared and was touched by the green light. Its movements immediately became stagnant and much slower. If Qin Sang had not ordered the Yuanying Talisman Puppet to retreat in time and break away from the green light, he would have been surrounded by enemies.

"Sure enough, not everywhere is like Beichen Realm, where humans and monsters coexist peacefully. Even in Beichen Realm, alien races will inevitably have grudges and be wary of each other."

Qin Sang secretly smiled bitterly, "I don't know how rampant the demon clan is in the three realms of Beihai. I encountered so many demon kings at one time! I never heard that this is the world of demon clan..."

He regretted a little. After boarding the ship, he was in a hurry to recover and did not ask the fellow monks to learn more about the situation in the three realms of Beihai.

However, they are only at the Golden Core level at best, so they probably can’t explain it.

Fortunately, he bought a nautical chart from the boat owner and knew that he could reach the land if he continued forward. That was the world of the human race. Even the three demon kings together would not dare to chase him to the land.

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