Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1508 Linglong (4k)

The Great Sage Tianpeng rose into the sky and flapped his wings gently.

The entire body of the golden-winged roc was covered in golden light. As its feathers trembled, golden waves rose up one after another, and a burst of golden light rained down.

The two claws were as big as an umbrella, the tips of the claws shone with cold light, and were far sharper than a sword.

The aura of the great sage of the demon clan was fully revealed.

Opposite the circular platform, the old demon-haunted man felt something in his heart and raised his eyes to look over.

Although his vision was blocked by the flames, he could sense the rapidly rising aura of the Great Sage Tianpeng, and a strong look of fear appeared in the eyes of the old man.

He no longer hesitated, raised his hand and patted the back of his head.

The light behind his head distorted and became dim.

Then, an illusory shadow poked out from the old man's shoulder. It was the ghost he had raised.

The ghost turned its white eyes and stared straight at the center of the round platform.

At this time, the old man's lips moved slightly, whether he was casting a spell or communicating with ghosts.

The ghost suddenly grinned, its body whirled, and turned into a wisp of pale ghost energy, like a spiritual snake, which flickered to the top of the hybrid demon old man's head, suddenly fell, and entered his body through Baihui Point.

The body of the demon-haunted old man was trembling slightly, his face was pale, and his breath suddenly felt a bit colder, as if he had just stepped out of the ghost realm and was full of ghostly aura.


There were gusts of cold wind blowing around, and the air was filled with coldness.

A strange scene occurred.

The old man's body became darker and darker, as if the surrounding light had been inexplicably sucked away, and a shadow from nowhere enveloped him.

The shadows became thicker and clearer, while the old man's body became blurry and shadowy.

At the end, the shadow almost turned into substance and actually turned into a human form, standing behind the old man of mixed demons, but tightly pressed against his back.

At this moment, the demon-haunted old man was no longer conspicuous, and everyone else's eyes were attracted by the shadow.

The shadow's facial features are 70% like an old man mixed with demons and 30% like a ghost. His expression is gloomy and 30% ghostly. It is extremely uncoordinated and weird.

Shadow bent down and reached out to grab the chain.

At the same time, the Great Sage Tianpeng on the opposite side also flew down, stretched out his sharp claws, and grabbed the chain tightly.

They also have several demon helpers around them.

‘Wow! ’

The mixed demon old man and Tianpeng Great Sage worked together.

Both ends of the chain suddenly tightened.

The other monsters had been reminded long ago, and they all used their special skills to hit the attack at the right place with extreme precision and orderly.

The ancient ban in the round platform was constantly under attack, and the seal was no longer as strong as it was at the beginning. This shock was the best time.

The Great Sage Tianpeng tightly grasped the chain, flapped his wings wildly, the feathers on his body stood upright, and made a sharp whistle that could penetrate the eardrums.

Not to be outdone, the demon-haunted old man twisted the black shadow behind him, almost collapsing, but his arms became thicker and thicker, like two black pythons, tightly entangled in chains.

‘Click! Click! Click...'

The chains were forcibly lifted section by section.

'call! ’

The flames surged.

In an instant, a pillar of fire shot into the sky, and the light was so dazzling that people dared not look directly at it and squinted their eyes.

However, the joy on everyone's faces became more and more intense, and their movements did not stop.

The fire was raging and even had a tendency to burst out of the hollow.

Deep in the round platform, flames danced wildly, and the power of the seal became increasingly chaotic.

At the bottom of the flames, a shadow gradually emerged at the end of the chain. As the chain was pulled out inch by inch, the outline of the shadow became clearer and clearer. It turned out to be a behemoth with sharp edges and corners, comparable to a pavilion!

Through the chaotic spiritual fire, he could vaguely see the outline of the treasure below. The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he remembered something, and his expression changed.

‘Boom! ’

I don't know whether it touched some mechanism below or broke the critical point of the seal. The old man Hunmo and the great sage Tianpeng felt the chains in their hands suddenly lighten.

A muffled sound suddenly came from deep in the cavity.

The sound was like thunder, and the earth shook.

The round platform shook violently.

No need for them to pull.

In the midst of the flames, the sound of chains was loud, and a stream of colorful light broke free from its restraints and burst out from the cave, like a rainbow, extremely dazzling and gorgeous.

Everyone had no time to appreciate the rainbow, and their expressions changed.

At the moment when the colorful stream of light rushed out, the infinite flames lost their restraints and rushed to the sky, instantly breaking through the thick clouds and fog in the sky.

A wave of flames swept out and swept in all directions!

The change came suddenly.

They were too close to the hole and bore the brunt of the flames.

Although all the monsters had hidden cards and prepared all kinds of means to fight for the treasures, the energy in the flames that had been accumulated for many years was released at this moment, and the power of the flames was extremely frightening.

The flames carry the power of burning the sky.

The terrible impact was approaching instantly.

Everyone has no doubt that if they don't dodge, they will be burned to ashes.

At this moment, even the old demon hybrid and the Great Sage Tianpeng did not dare to brave the flames and rush in to seize the treasure, and immediately retreated.

The sound of ‘bang bang’ kept coming.

The round platform suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and among the flames, strange lights flashed one after another. It was a group of demons who showed their magical powers to resist the flames and waves, but they could only protect themselves and kept retreating.

In the center of the sea of ​​fire, a rainbow shot up into the sky as fast as a shooting star.

It wasn't until the two chains were tightened and they were forcibly pulled that the momentum was stopped, and the rainbow light flowed erratically, revealing the treasure inside.

It’s actually an exquisite pagoda!

The middle part of the deep valley.

After killing the yellow weasel, Qin Sang became more cautious.

However, no one was found peeping from behind, and no demon trap was encountered.

After the death of Huang Weasel, the Yellow Eyebrow Demon King will know that something happened at the mouth of the valley, and the demons will definitely be on guard, which will not be conducive to their actions.

But having come this far, there was no reason to look back. Qin Sang and Liu Li did not hesitate and decided to go deeper.

As expected, there are many restrictions in the deep valley, and there are dangers at every step.

Even with the Yangpuppet Crystal to guide them and lock the demon's location, they still couldn't move faster.

'call out! ’

A strong wind blows in my face.

Qin Sang's expression did not change at all, his thoughts moved slightly, and the golden sword hanging upside down above his head trembled slightly, and "swish, swish, swish" instantly cut out more than a dozen sword lights.

With a 'bang' sound, the sneak attacker was killed by the sword light and flew several feet away, revealing his original form, another monster transformed from animal bones.

At this time, Qin Sang discovered that eight stone pillars had risen from the ground around them. Three stone pillars were damaged, and the remaining five were intact.

On each stone pillar, there was originally a ghost carved from animal bones squatting, looking extremely sinister.

Along the way, Qin Sang and Liuli encountered various animal bone formations one after another. Each type of monster in the bone array is different, including dragons, beasts, and yakshas. It can be called a group of demons dancing in chaos, which is unprecedented.

Each of the animal bone formations was very mysterious, which opened Qin Sang's eyes.

Not all of these animal bone formations were intact, and some were as badly damaged as the one in front of him. Qin Sang also found many new traces, indicating that the bone formations were not indestructible.

However, the group of demons were not so kind. They cleared them one by one, leaving obstacles to block those who came after them.

Qin Sang and Liuli are already able to deal with monster attacks skillfully, but they must beat the monster back to its original shape before they can escape, otherwise they will be surrounded by endless monsters.

The first monster's sneak attack failed.

Four gray shadows appeared next to Qin Sang and Liu Li, rushing toward them crazily.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The golden sword trembled, and the sword transformed into thousands.

At the same time, Liuli's phoenix-shaped sword turned into a blue stream of light and quickly moved between the sword light of the Jinchen Sword, cooperating to kill these monsters.

The two of them didn't need to communicate. Their swordsmanship was so coordinated that the monsters couldn't get close at all.


A thunderous sound came from the depths of the clouds, and then the ground shook wildly. The monster that was knocked away staggered as soon as it got up from the ground and almost fell down.

Qin Sang and Liuli's expressions changed slightly. They looked at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

"What are those demons doing inside? Has the treasure been born?"

In the flash of lightning in his mind, Qin Sang no longer held back, and the surrounding sword light dimmed, transforming into a sword formation.

At this moment, Qin Sang and Liu Li felt something in their hearts. They both raised their heads and looked up into the sky.

There were clouds and mist in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

The field of vision should have been completely white.

At this moment, a long rainbow appeared, shining brightly.

From their position, although it looked a little blurry, they could still see it.

Inside the rainbow light, the outline of an exquisite pagoda is vaguely visible.

Seeing this tower, Liuli's expression didn't change much, but Qin Sang felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He suddenly thought of something and his face was filled with surprise.

He immediately put his consciousness into Qianjun Ring and found that thing.

‘Whoosh! ’

Two streams of light flew out, revealing two small crystal clear towers.

It was the seven-story pagoda and seven-story pagoda that Qin Sang obtained from Jinghai Sect and Xuantian Palace respectively!

Qin Sang's actions attracted Liuli's attention.

Seeing the two small pagodas suspended in front of Qin Sang, Liuli couldn't help but be startled, and subconsciously looked up at the exquisite pagoda in mid-air.

The same seven floors, the same radiance and beauty!

Although only the outlines can be seen, it can be seen that the three towers are almost identical. The two towers in Qin Sang's hands are like exquisite pagodas shrunk countless times.

If there is no relationship between these three towers, I am afraid no one will believe it.

However, the Linglong Pagoda has always been hidden here, and those demons did not know what they did inside before they reappeared in the world.

How come Qin Sang has treasures related to Linglong Pagoda in his hand?

Liuli's eyes turned and landed on Qin Sang's face, only to find that Qin Sang also had a look of surprise and confusion.

They are actually related to the space of the stone monument!

The seven-story pagoda has always been treasured in Xuantian Palace's treasure house, which makes sense.

He got the seven-story pagoda from the Jinghai Sect, so why is it also connected to the Holy Land of Xuantian Palace?

No matter what Qin Sang tried before, there was no change in the two small towers. Just now, they had been lying quietly in Qianjun Ring without any abnormality.

At this time, as soon as he took them out, Qin Sang immediately realized that something was wrong.

Without him having to do anything, the two small towers floated on their own, the light getting brighter and brighter, emitting a strange wave that had never been seen before, seeming to echo the exquisite pagoda in mid-air.

There is also a certain attraction between the two small towers. After slowly approaching, they quickly rotate around each other.

'boom! boom! ’

The monsters are still attacking the sword array crazily.

Qin Sang had no time to pay attention to them. He watched the movements of the two small towers and felt a little wary.

They were seen spinning faster and faster, forming a vortex of light in the void.

next moment.

The vortex of light suddenly dissipated, and the two small towers merged into one in front of them, turning into a pagoda. There was a orb on the top of the tower, emitting a faint colorful halo, exactly the same as the Linglong Pagoda.

The tower body trembled slightly, as if it wanted to leave through the air and rush towards the Linglong Pagoda.

Qin Sang had sharp eyes and quick hands. Although he still didn't know the cause of this change, he grabbed the pagoda and felt a warm and cool feeling in his palm.

A surprising scene appeared.

When he held the pagoda and the colorful halo enveloped him and Liuli, the monsters that were frantically attacking the sword formation suddenly calmed down, lost their hostility, and returned to the stone pillars to sit cross-legged, returning to deathly silence.

The stone pillars sank into the ground, and the animal bone array disappeared.


Qin Sang looked at the pagoda in his hand and then at the exquisite pagoda in the sky. He had some clarity in his heart. He immediately shouted without hesitation, "Quickly go!"

Liuli's reaction was not slow and she immediately sheathed her sword and ran away.

The two figures were like lightning and disappeared into the depths of the clouds in an instant.

‘Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

Two rays of light were flying across the deep valley.

Although the deep valley is not small in area, it is nothing to the Yuanying monks, not to mention that they have already walked nearly half of the way.

If it weren't for the restrictions of the Ancient Forbidden City and the Beast Bone Formation, they would have arrived at the round platform and encountered a group of demons.

At this time, under the protection of the pagoda, they encountered no obstacles at all.

Holding the pagoda in hand, Qin Sang seemed to have become the master of the deep valley.

Every ancient taboo encountered along the way was silently melted away by the touch of the colorful halo. As if there was nothing, the ground was extremely calm, and not a single animal bone formation bounced up.

However, Qin Sang can only passively bear the protection of the pagoda now. He does not know how to use the pagoda to do more things, and time does not allow him to explore it carefully.

In an instant, Qin Sang and Liuli quickly approached the round platform.

Qin Sang, who was experimenting with other functions of the pagoda, felt the astonishing momentum caused by the explosion of flames. He pulled away from his mind and looked up to the front.

With the help of Tianmu Butterfly's magical power, Qin Sang finally saw the round platform and the surrounding scenes.

The clouds and mist around the round platform melted, and a large area turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Two thick chains extend from the round platform and hold the base of the Linglong Pagoda.

You can see it more clearly here. The Linglong Pagoda is exactly the same as the pagoda in his hand. Even every pattern on the tower is the same!

Qin Sang's eyes quickly scanned the surroundings and found that all the demons were in disarray.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang could guess what happened before.

At this time, Qin Sang also came into contact with the breath escaping from the flames.

When this breath touched the halo, it actually flowed to both sides, getting out of the way. It couldn't help but not hurt them at all, not even the slightest obstacle.

The two of them felt like they were in a deserted place!

The surprise in Qin Sang and Liu Li's eyes became more and more intense.


Qin Sang raised his head and glanced at the entrance of Linglong Tower, and this thought suddenly came to his mind!



The next chapter will be later. Don't stay up late. Let's read it tomorrow morning.

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