Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1511 So Clean (4k)

The halo of the pagoda touched the light wall at the entrance of the Linglong Pagoda, and merged with the light wall silently. Qin Sang and Liuli, shrouded in the halo, passed through it and arrived on the other side of the light wall smoothly.

Qin Sang's tense mind relaxed slightly.

The moment he stepped into the Linglong Pagoda, the noise behind him was blocked by the wall of light. The interior of the Linglong Pagoda was extremely quiet, and the fluctuations of the flames could not affect the inside.

When the dazzling golden light faded, Qin Sang discovered that there was a not too long corridor in front of him, and it seemed to be a hall at the end.

The material of the corridor is the same as the body of the Linglong Pagoda, exuding a jade-like luster, so the entire corridor is colorful.

Qin Sang activated his consciousness and quickly scanned the walls of the corridor without feeling any danger.

Everything was normal in the corridor, and there seemed to be no restrictions.

But Qin Sang knew that it was definitely not that simple here. There were secrets hidden in the walls, but he couldn't see why.

At this moment, Qin Sang felt the pagoda vibrate lightly in the palm of his hand, and the feeling became clearer. The target seemed not to be on this level, but higher up, most likely the top of the tower.

Qin Sang raised his head and took a look, took out the Feixue Pill seized from the Yin Palace Master, and distributed it to Liuli and Incarnation, so that they could recover a little bit. Then he walked in first, confirmed that there was nothing unusual, motioned for Liuli to follow, quickly passed through the corridor, and saw the scene in the hall.

The sight in front of them surprised the two of them.

The hall was actually empty.

Not to mention magic weapons and elixirs, there are not even statues or murals. It is a luxury to try to analyze the origin of the exquisite pagoda and the stone space from clues.

At this moment, the Linglong Pagoda suddenly shook.

Qin Sang looked back and saw that the outside of the light wall had turned into a pot of porridge, which could be called a chaotic dance of demons.

The demons regained their composure and got rid of the flames.

They spent so much energy to fish out the exquisite pagoda from the depths of the flames, but others plucked the peach. How could they be willing to accept it?

What's even more hateful is that the Linglong Pagoda only lets Qin Sang and Liuli in, while blocking everyone else out. After a while, there won't be anything left.

Although Qin Sang has a spiritual treasure, they are outnumbered and powerful, so as long as he pays attention to precautions, he may not be afraid.

For a moment, Qin Sang and Liuli became a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and a group of demons worked together like never before to attack crazily.

The exquisite pagoda broke through and the flames in the round platform were exhausted.

Under the joint attack of all the demons, the flames were extinguished one after another, and the ring of fire surrounding the pagoda was quickly consumed, leaving only a barrier of light.

Led by the Great Sage Tianpeng, all the monsters showed off their magical powers, and their attacks rained down on the light wall.

The Great Sage Tianpeng has recovered his body, his expression is extremely gloomy, his eyes are like arrows, as if he can penetrate the wall of light and smash Qin Sang to pieces.

Before he had time to take a closer look, Qin Sang discovered that there were indeed many acquaintances there, including an old acquaintance named Bifang.

But I didn't see the figure of the old demon hybrid. I don't know whether the old demon was hiding aside or hiding behind to heal his injuries.

Qin Sang frowned slightly.

Restriction in the clouds, underground bone array, and spiritual fire in the cave.

From the outside to the inside, the power becomes stronger and stronger.

However, the golden wall of light was not as strong as expected. It was constantly attacked by demons and monsters, and the golden light gradually showed signs of dimming. As a result, the Linglong Tower shook, and the time it lasted may be much shorter than Qin Sang expected.

This is so unreasonable!

Nothing is permanent.

Accidents always happen.

If Tong Lingyu and others cannot arrive in time, he must find out the secrets of the Pagoda and the Linglong Pagoda before the golden light wall is shattered.

If you can control the Linglong Pagoda, all problems will be solved!

Thinking of this, Qin Sang no longer hesitated, and rushed towards the stairs in a flash.

Liuli followed closely behind.

The two climbed quickly in Linglong Tower.

Second floor, third floor, fourth floor...

In the blink of an eye, we climbed to the sixth floor, leaving only the last floor.

The atmosphere became increasingly solemn.

Qin Sang and Liuli looked at each other and smiled bitterly. The first six floors were all empty!

They used spiritual treasures to anger a group of monsters and ventured into the Linglong Pagoda. If they gained nothing, who would believe them?

I just hope the seventh floor doesn’t disappoint them.

Qin Sang took a deep breath, quickly climbed the stairs, and finally saw something that was not on the first six floors.

There is a circular jade platform in the center of the seventh floor.

There are three treasures placed on the jade platform.

Seeing this, Qin Sang's eyes were immediately attracted to the treasure on the left, with a look of surprise, a bit of surprise and surprise.

This is the fragment of the killing sword that Qin Sang is all too familiar with!

And, not one.

It turned out that two killing sword fragments were spliced ​​together!

Without the sword spirit, the fragments of the killing sword cannot be perfectly fused. The cracks in the middle are clearly visible. The two fragments together form a complete word "地"!

"Kill on the ground..."

Qin Sang thought of the word 'kill' on the fragment in his hand and murmured to himself, "Is the Earth Killing Sword the name of this sword?"

The fragment of the killing sword that he had been looking for for a long time was right in front of him.

Qin Sang did not rush forward, but stared at the fragments of the killing sword, lost in thought.

Because the scene here is completely different from what he saw at the bottom of Netherworld Valley!

The bottom of the Netherworld Valley is extremely desolate, and the atmosphere of the Netherworld is permeated.

Compared with Netherworld Valley, the environment in Linglong Pagoda is too good.

The fragment of the killing sword was originally inserted among the rocks, as if someone had thrown it in hastily, but the two pieces looked more like someone had placed them here calmly.

Most importantly, where is the skill?

Qin Sang's eyes flashed and he scanned the other treasures on the jade platform.

A long jade box.

A jade slip.

The interior of the jade box faintly revealed four slender threads formed by green rays of light.

Qin Sang directly passed the jade box, looked at the jade slip, and stretched out his hand.

Without any accident, the jade slip shook and flew into Qin Sang's palm.

Qin Sang activated her consciousness and quickly scanned the contents of the jade slip. The look of surprise in her eyes became more and more intense. She immediately pulled away from her mind and turned to Liuli and said, "Quickly send a message to Palace Master Jiang that this place is dangerous. Evacuate immediately!"

After ascending to the seventh floor, Liuli stood still in front of the stairs. Facing the treasure, her expression remained cold and calm, and there was no greed in her eyes.

Hearing Qin Sang's words, Liuli was startled. She didn't know why, but she believed that Qin Sang wouldn't make a mistake. She immediately took out the golden toad given to her by Palace Master Jiang and flicked the golden toad's back.

'Snapped! ’

The golden toad spits out beads.

Liuli stretched out her hand to pinch it, her lips moved slightly, and a white air appeared inside the bead.

The white air squirmed, changed rapidly, and finally solidified into a few words.

Liuli stuffed the bead into Jin Toad's mouth, and saw Jin Toad's eyes move. With a 'pop' sound, the bead shattered into pieces, dimmed, and the white characters inside had disappeared.

At this time, Qin Sang's mind sank into the jade slip again.

There are not many words in the jade slips, but the content is very rich and answers most of Qin Sang's questions.

After reading the first part, Qin Sang finally understood the whole story!

The treasures of Linglong Pagoda, the seven-story pagoda and Ganoderma Ruyi of Jinghai Sect, the seven-story pagoda of Xuantian Palace...

They were all left by Xiaoxiangzi!

Even the Holy Land of Xuantian Palace was found by Xiaoxiangzi and the founders of several lines of Xuantian Palace. No one knew about this place before.

At the beginning of opening the Holy Land, Xiaoxiangzi discovered the space of the stone tablet.

After he left the stele space, he resealed it and used it for other purposes. This is why Xuantian Palace didn't know about it.

The content in the jade slips was written by Xiaoxiangzi, and it only briefly explained the purpose of all his arrangements, which was very brief.

Qin Sang had no way of understanding the details, so he could only sort out a general context based on previous discoveries and imagination.

Before Xiaoxiangzi was born, Xuantian Palace did not exist. The Hidden Sun Realm was the same as the Xianyue Realm today, with many sects and a scattered mess.

At that time, there was a legend of an ancient immortal sect circulating in the Hidden Sun Realm. Xiaoxiangzi was very interested when he heard it and summoned all the sects.

With the help of all the factions, they actually found the legendary place, which is now the Holy Land of Xuantian Palace.

Considering that each sect has a lot of power, Xiaoxiangzi did not monopolize the Holy Land. Instead, he took this as an opportunity to promote the alliance between the Yin Ri Realm sects and establish the Xuantian Palace, allowing them to jointly control the Holy Land.

His purpose of doing this is consistent with sealing the space of the stone tablet.

Because before this, there was a little-known demonic chaos in Beihai, originating from the demon-sealed land under Jinghai Sect!

At that time, the demon was about to break out of the seal. Fortunately, Xiaoxiangzi was already a strong man in the god transformation stage and stabilized the seal in time, saving Beihai from the demonic calamity.

But Xiaoxiangzi knew very well how terrifying the devil was. The power of the seal would wear away over time and would not last long. If the devil's vitality was strong enough and he did not die inside the seal, the seal would eventually be broken, and he would no longer be there by then.

To this end, Xiaoxiangzi made many arrangements.

One of them is to pass down the Buddhist teachings and let Jinghai Zong forever guard the place where demons are sealed and guard the seal.

The Land of Demon Sealing has a unique sound of morning bells and evening drums, which is of great benefit to practice. Nascent Soul monks can also benefit from it. It is a treasure place no less than the Holy Land of Xuantian Palace.

Another layout is here.

After Xiaoxiangzi entered the space of the stone tablet, he found that the spiritual formation here was very unique. If it could be used well, it could be used as a backup against the devil.

Of course, the spiritual formation in the stone tablet space cannot be compared with the demon sealing restriction, otherwise Xiaoxiangzi would have lured the demon here back then.

At that time, the demon had been re-sealed. After being tortured in the seal for many years, he would become increasingly weak. When he accumulated enough strength to attack the seal again, his cultivation would definitely not be as good as before.

When the time comes, the Beihai monks will work together and have a chance to kill the devil.

If the devil is really difficult to control, he will be lured to the Holy Land and sealed!

The devil is bound to be very cunning, and it is not an easy task to get him to fall into a trap.

This has to mention the Ganoderma lucidum Ruyi obtained by the old man from the Jinghai Sect. It is the best bait.

This treasure is an ancient treasure, which Xiaoxiangzi obtained in the Holy Land, and is closely related to the space of the stone tablet.

Xiaoxiangzi tried it. Once the holy land is opened, it will be induced in a large area of ​​​​the nearby sea, and Ganoderma lucidum will appear abnormally.

Xiaoxiangzi deliberately left Ganoderma Ruyi in the Jinghai Sect so that the devil could steal it, and then found a way to lure it to the South China Sea to open the Holy Land.

The Ice Demon Crystal was also refined by Xiaoxiangzi himself, and was originally a treasure of the Xuantian lineage.

Even if the Ice Demon Crystal does not absorb enough power, when necessary, it can consume its source to forcefully open the Holy Land, but it will take longer to recover later.

The devil is well-informed and will definitely be able to recognize that Ganoderma lucidum has an extraordinary origin. When he discovers a relic from ancient times, how can he not be tempted?

As long as the devil can be introduced into the space of the stone tablet, he can control the spiritual formation and seal the devil here!

The weapon that controls the spiritual formation is the pagoda in Qin Sang's hand.

Holding the Pagoda in hand, you can sneak into the Linglong Pagoda and control this spiritual formation.

For this reason, Xiaoxiangzi did not hesitate to spend a lot of effort to understand the formations in the space of the stone tablet and find the key.

Worried about being noticed by the devil and seeing through the plan, Xiaoxiangzi did not dare to change the spiritual formation too much, and was unable to change it too much. Refining the pagoda was already the limit.

Once the spiritual formation is activated, it cannot be reversed and there is only one chance.

Xiaoxiangzi was worried that some people were using the pagoda to eliminate dissidents, massacre their comrades, waste opportunities, and violate his original intention, so he divided the pagoda into two and placed them in Xuantian Palace and Jinghai Sect respectively.

Qin Sang had no way of knowing how Xiaoxiangzi explained to the two sects at that time.

Facts have proved that things are unpredictable and there are too many variables.

Xuantian Palace suffered from frequent internal strife and internal and external troubles. After being devastated many times, it lost too many things and forgot the instructions of its ancestors.

The Jinghai Sect didn't know whether it was because they couldn't contact Xuantian Palace and couldn't get a response, or some unexpected change occurred. The entire sect and the devil perished together.

The secret was lost, and the stone space is sealed in dust to this day.

If the Ghost Mother hadn't opened the Jinghai Sect's ruins, looked for the sea map, and attracted Qin Sang and the Hunmo Old Man, Lingzhi Ruyi and Futu Pagoda would not have been born until now.

I don’t know when the secrets here will be revealed again.

I'm afraid it will take Qin Sang a long time to confirm that the fragment of the killing sword is hidden inside, and he will also have to find another way to open the space of the stone tablet. He doesn't know what year or month it will take to succeed.

The fragments of the killing sword and the jade box are the 'rewards' left by Xiao Xiangzi.

Xiaoxiangzi said in the jade slip that he accidentally got a fragment and thought it must be a fragment of a rare treasure. Unfortunately, he couldn't get rid of it. He searched for it for a long time, only to find another fragment in Zhongzhou, and there was no news about it.

He thought that other fragments should also fall here, so he left these two here in the hope that others would continue to search for them.

As for the treasure inside the jade box, it was Qin Sang’s long-famous Zhenling Incense!

Xiaoxiang Ziyan.

The disciples sent by the two sects dare to come here with the pagoda. They must be benevolent gentlemen who are worried about the world, have the determination to feed the devil with their own bodies, and regard death as home.

The Spirit-Suppressing Incense and the treasure fragments are your rewards.

Qin Sang felt ashamed when he saw this.

I'm afraid, he is going against Xiaoxiangzi's original intention.

He had to thank Xiaoxiangzi.

Zhenling Incense is a treasure to others, but what Qin Sang values ​​most is the fragments of the killing sword and the contents in the jade slip.

The second half of the jade slip contained the sea map of Zhongzhou that Qin Sang had longed for, as well as some secrets of Zhongzhou recorded by Xiaoxiangzi!

The harvest this time was so great that even with Qin Sang's determination, he couldn't help but be a little excited.

There was no time to examine the secrets carefully. He opened his eyes, turned around and lowered his head, looking in the direction of the entrance of the Linglong Pagoda.

The exquisite pagoda shook more and more violently, and the demons were frantically attacking the light wall.

At this moment, Qin Sang suddenly remembered a phrase that was extremely suitable for the occasion, and murmured it under Liuli's surprised gaze.

"The vast white land has's so clean!"

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