Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1534 The Insect King (4k)

He has seen many poisonous insects, but this is the first time that the fat silkworm has behaved abnormally.

Qin Sang suddenly stopped talking and looked outside the cave.

Zhou Jin and Ruan Yu didn't know why and didn't dare to disturb them.

Outside the cave.

The insect cloud approaches.

The strange buzzing sound is pervasive. I don't know whether it is the cry of the phosphorus firefly or the sound of the vibrating wings. It can be heard clearly even if it is hidden in the cave, which is very disturbing.

The strange sound was endless, and Zhou and Ruan understood that they had been surrounded by countless ghost insects. They inexplicably recalled the miserable scene of being eaten by thousands of insects. It seemed that a numb and itchy feeling seeped out from the depths of the bone marrow, spreading throughout the body, shivering, and the atmosphere Don't dare to go out either.

The poisonous cloud was blocked by the fat silkworm.

The insect swarm didn't sense their aura either.

Zhou and Ruan thought they could escape this difficulty.

At this moment, the sounds of the insect swarm suddenly changed, making them nervous and almost screaming.


The cry suddenly became rapid, like gold and iron rubbing against each other, sharp and harsh.

Moreover, the insect swarm seemed to have stopped above them, and the sound was lingering in their ears.

Zhou and Ruan's faces turned pale.

Qin Sang listened to the increasingly chaotic sounds and sensed the situation outside, "It turns out that the two insect clouds are not from the same ethnic group. They are fighting, and they happened to choose the battlefield here. The Sky Rift Valley is so big, they don't have to worry about territory, they But they kill each other. Is it because they are naturally bloodthirsty, or is it the way these spiritual insects grow..."

The fat silkworm twisted in Qin Sang's hand, eager to get out.

What piqued its interest was inside the insect cloud.

Qin Sang did not act rashly.


The two insect clouds collided together, and there was no difference in the eyes of outsiders.

The yellow poisonous cloud rolled and squeezed the sky. There seemed to be countless out-of-control beasts inside, rushing towards the center in groups, rushing in from all directions with wild power.

Inside the poison cloud, you can vaguely see yellow fireflies from stars, gathered together, and each firefly is a phosphorus firefly. The fireflies are erratic, as if they have no entity, and look very weak, like will-o'-the-wisps.

No wonder they are called ghost insects by local monks.

The cries of the fighting swarms were like the roar of poisonous clouds.

In the sky and on the ground, poisonous clouds are everywhere, piling up layer by layer, becoming more and more dense and oppressive.

Wherever the poisonous cloud covers, life is extinct.

The vegetation is still there, and there are no external injuries on the bodies of the birds and beasts, but they have been eroded by the poisonous clouds. All the vitality from the inside out has been robbed by the insect clouds, and turned into ashes when the strong wind blows.

The neighing sound of the insect cloud initially erupted at a high speed, and soon reached a limit, falling into a stalemate stage, and then gradually decayed, indicating that the winner had been determined between the two insect clouds, and the weaker party was probably destined to be devoured.

Eventually, the neighing subsided and the war came to an end.

The size of the poisonous cloud has not diminished at all.

The insect swarm began to move to continue to plunder other places, and the poisonous cloud quickly floated away.

Qin Sang suddenly moved, left the cave, and appeared on the top of the mountain.

As far as the eye can see, it is desolate and desolate.

Qin Sang stared at the direction in which the insect cloud was leaving. The thing that Fat Silkworm sensed was indeed inside the insect cloud. He couldn't help but wonder if the murderous insect swarm was fighting for something just now.

After pondering for a while, Qin Sang took the initiative to chase after the will-o'-the-wisp cloud that made other people's faces change, and soon got close to the poisonous cloud.

The yellow poisonous cloud looks like a sandstorm.

Qin Sang ordered Fat Silkworm to put on the poison-proof armor to suppress his aura and blend into the poison cloud.

The fat silkworm swayed its plump body on Qin Sang's shoulder, showing its current excitement. Every time a similar situation occurs, it is when it discovers delicious food.

Poison Cloud is blocked by the Poison Armor, so it poses no threat to Qin Sang.

Through the thick poisonous cloud, the Sky Eye Butterfly could already see the swarm of insects rushing inside. Countless phosphorus fireflies gather in groups, all looking exactly the same, like a long river of lights.

There is nothing else but the phosphine.

Qin Sang followed the feeling of the fat silkworm and looked at the target. There were only densely packed phosphorus fireflies. Could it be that it was in the belly of a certain phosphorus firefly?

At this moment, the rushing swarm of insects suddenly stopped and let out a familiar neighing sound.

Qin Sang felt an indescribable pressure, and her heart sank, knowing that she had been noticed by the insect swarm.

At this moment, the fat silkworm locked on a phosphorus firefly.

This phosphorus firefly was no different from the others. Qin Sang was still confused and didn't understand what was so special about it that it attracted fat silkworms.

However, this does not affect his actions.

Qin Sang stopped hiding and attacked immediately. The figure was as fast as lightning. He rushed to the insect cloud in an instant, raised the golden sword, and waved his hand to release a fierce sword energy.

The sword energy penetrated the insect swarm, like an ice sword piercing the sea of ​​fire. The flames stirred up, creating an illusory ring of fire.

The phosphorus firefly that was killed by the Jinchen Sword bloomed with the afterglow, and its beauty was intoxicating.

Jin Shen's sword was as powerful as breaking through bamboo. With one stroke, it cleared a passage among the insects and pointed directly at that special phosphorus firefly.

The insect swarm seemed to have reacted at this moment, and its angry roar filled the sky and filled Qin Sang's ears.

Qin Sang was unmoved. Seeing how easy it was to tear apart the insect swarm, he naturally would not miss this opportunity. He rushed into the insect swarm without hesitation and easily captured the phosphorus firefly.

Before he could take a closer look, the fat silkworm bowed and pounced on Qin Sang's fingertips. As if he was afraid that others would fight for it, he opened his mouth and swallowed it, rolling over with satisfaction.

Qin Sang suspected that this pyrophosphorus firefly might be the insect king of the insect swarm, so it attracted fat silkworms.

If that were the case, it would be too easy to succeed.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Qin Sang felt that something was wrong with the insect swarm.

The next moment, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the neighing stopped abruptly.

The insect swarm has undergone strange changes.

Previously, all the putrefies in the insect swarm advanced and retreated together, had the same goal, and might even live and die together, but Qin Sang could clearly perceive their individuals, and each of them existed independently.

It's different now.

All the phosphine fireflies merged into one whole.

Qin Sang had a feeling that he was no longer facing a group of spiritual insects, but a huge monster.

Each phosphorus firefly is like the node of the monster's thoughts, weaving into a large network, completely connected.

The swarm of insects together form a monster, one and the same.

Monsters surrounded Qin Sang and stared at him.

Qin Sang felt an emotion from the insect swarm, which was a greedy desire.

Not only did they have clear emotions, but these individual phosphorus fireflies, which were obviously very weak, turned into a behemoth with a body of flame at this moment, posing a direct threat to him.

This threat does not come only from poisonous clouds.

Qin Sang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at Fat Silkworm, whose whole body was frozen.

The target of the insect swarm is obviously it!

Under the gaze of the insect swarm, Fat Silkworm's previous arrogance disappeared, and he tried his best to hold his head and shrink his belly, curling up between Qin Sang's fingers.

It regarded the phosphorus firefly as a delicacy, but never expected that it also had something that the insects coveted, and the hunter turned into the prey.

The swarm of insects is ready to move.

Facing this scene, Qin Sang showed no fear. His sleeves and robes shook, and the demonic fire surged out, instantly placing a ring of fire around him.

The aura of demonic fire filled the air.

This is one of the top spiritual fires in the world.

There was a commotion among the insect swarm, and Qin Sang felt the emotions of fear and hesitation again. The insect swarm was indeed able to think, but it was still very simple and showed its emotional changes.

But that's not enough to scare them away.

Qin Sang sneered, activated the Sun God Tree, and released another breath of Nanming Lihuo.

Sure enough, the little will-o'-the-wisps in the insect swarm began to shake violently, all the phosphorus fireflies flapped their wings in unison, and their screams resounded throughout the world again.

The sound of insects this time was not as sharp and harsh as before, but it was extremely chaotic.

Qin Sang couldn't help but frown. He was completely unable to understand the intentions of the insect swarm and was unwilling to engage in a fearless battle with the insect swarm. Just as he was about to leave, he saw the fat silkworm peeking its head out from between the fingers, sneaking out its head and showing a surprised expression. , and screamed at the swarm of insects.

"Are they communicating?"

Qin Sang noticed Fatty Silkworm's leering eyes and felt something in her heart.

The cry has no clear meaning. This communication is obviously not through sound, but may be a direct communication at the thinking level of both parties.

He said nothing and silently cooperated with the Sky Eye Butterfly to observe the insect swarm.

His eyes swept over each phosphorus firefly.

Finally, Qin Sang zeroed in on a phosphorus firefly hiding in the insect swarm. Its figure was vague and more erratic than the other phosphorus fireflies, but it seemed to be the focus of the entire insect swarm.

"There is indeed an insect king!"

Qin Sang understood the reason.

The insect swarm gave birth to a real insect king, so the insect swarm underwent such a change!

Qin Sang remained calm, thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind, and he secretly observed the movement pattern of the phosphorus firefly and captured an opportunity.

Without any warning, the demonic fire suddenly rushed out!

'boom! ’

The Demon Fire Flame Dragon pounced into the insect swarm.

There was a disharmonious black spot among the swarm of insects, as if something had chewed off a large piece of flesh and blood. The chirping of the insects became rapid and sharp again, but this time it was filled with painful emotions.

Qin Sang's figure moved with the demonic fire.

If you don't move, you will be fine, and at every turn you will be as powerful as thunder!

‘Wow! ’

The demonic fire continued unabated and swallowed up a large area of ​​phosphorus fireflies in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling sword light lit up at the front of the Demonic Flame Dragon, and the Jin Shen Sword took advantage of the situation and flew out, transforming into a sword formation as soon as it appeared.

The phosphorus firefly had a premonition of danger, and its figure immediately turned into an illusion, but it still took a step slower. Before it could escape, the surrounding space became dim for a while, and it was trapped by the sword array.


Seeing that Qin Sang succeeded with one blow, Fei Can shouted proudly, shaking his head and wagging his tail.

Qin Sang's expression was not very happy, because the insect swarm did not become angry or panicked because the insect king was trapped, and their screams continued as before.

He stared at the Insect King in the sword formation.

The next moment, a change occurred in the insect king. He was forced to appear, but his aura changed, and he was no different from other ordinary phosphorus fireflies.


Qin Sang was slightly startled.

The fat silkworm's proud cries suddenly stopped, revealing an incredulous look in its eyes.

"The Insect King can occupy the bodies of its own kind at will. In other words, the Insect King is not in the insect swarm, but is hiding somewhere else to control the insect swarm..."

After confirming that there was indeed nothing abnormal about the phosphorus firefly, Qin Sang thought of various possibilities and asked the Sky Eye Butterfly to search again. Sure enough, he found another phosphorus firefly elsewhere that had undergone such a change and turned into a new 'insect king'.

At this moment, the swarm of insects began to scream loudly, as if urging and threatening something.

Fatty Silkworm was awakened by the cry, gritted his teeth and screamed, but was unwilling to leave, and at the same time looked at Qin Sang eagerly.

Qin Sang pushed his spiritual consciousness and divine power to the extreme, but could not find any trace of the real insect king, so he had to repeat his old tricks.

This time, his calculations were more accurate, and the magic fire, sword array, and even the soul-stirring mantra were used, and the coordination was flawless.

As expected, the 'Insect King' had nowhere to escape and was caught by Qin Sang.

However, the same scene happened.

Right under Qin Sang's eyes, the aura of the 'Insect King' disappeared completely, leaving no trace. Qin Sang always locked it with his spiritual consciousness and could not sense the source.

At the same time, a new 'Insect King' was born in the insect swarm.

Qin Sang had no choice but to shake his head at Fei Can. Only by killing all the insects could he find the Insect King, but Fei Can was unwilling to do so.

He was also not sure what the insect swarm was eager to trade with the fat silkworms and did not launch a real attack on them. It was not clear what strange magical powers the insect swarm had.

In addition, if the insect king is hiding somewhere else and controlling the insect swarm from a distance, even if the Sun God Tree is used, it is basically impossible to find it out.

He even suspected that the real insect king was behind the fight between the two insect clouds just now.

Fat Silkworm's face was full of disappointment and his eyes were sad.

Then, the fat silkworm turned and shouted at the insect swarm.

It raised its head high, its body tensed and nearly doubled in length. It whimpered, faintly in pain, and breathed out a colorful breath with difficulty.

It looks a bit like the colorful halo that makes up the poison-proof armor, but it is more solid, and it seems to be the original power in the fat silkworm's body.

After spitting out the colorful air ball, the fat silkworm was obviously a lot sluggish. He pushed the crystal out listlessly and hung it in mid-air.

The neighing sound paused for a moment, and then the insect swarm squirmed, and the 'Insect King' came out of the crowd and approached the colorful air ball.

The fat silkworm bared its teeth and issued a warning.

The 'Insect King' stopped and faced Qin Sang and Fatty Silkworms from a distance. His flaming body began to expand and became the size of a fist. Then the fire cracked from the middle, spitting out a clear yellow crystal stone, throwing it towards the fat silkworm, and at the same time it rushed towards the colorful air mass.

The spar is crystal clear, like amber.

Qin Sang had never seen this kind of amber insect crystal.

The amber insect crystal seemed to be conjured out of thin air, and the whole process was completely displayed in front of them, but Qin Sang could not sense the source of the insect crystal at all.

"I actually witnessed a transaction between spiritual insects."

Even though Qin Sang has traveled around the world and is well-informed, this is the first time he has seen such a scene, and he feels very strange.

The world's great wonders!

Seeing the spar, Fat Silkworm perked up, his eyes lit up, his body bounced up, and he hugged the spar, as if he had found a treasure.

It was obviously worthless. After obtaining the crystal stone, he immediately regretted it and screamed repeatedly, as if urging Qin Sang to take action and snatch the colorful air ball back.

In fact, Qin Sang did take action.

The sword array did not fail and easily blocked the 'Insect King', but a familiar scene appeared again.

All the magic on the 'Insect King' faded away and turned back into an ordinary phosphorus firefly. At the same time, the colorful air mass disappeared.

The colorful light group disappeared in front of them without a trace.

Then, the momentum of the insect swarm subsided like a tide, turning back into the will-o'-the-wisp insect cloud before. Ignoring Qin Sang and the furious Fat Silkworm, they quickly floated away and disappeared deep into the Sky Rift Valley.

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