Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1537 Zhulan Temple (4k)

While traveling.

The abbot heard that Qin Sang came from afar and seemed to want to discuss Buddhism with him.

The best principles in the world are common to Buddhism and Taoism.

But Buddhist debate has its own set of rules.

After entering the Western Desert, Qin Sang understood the essence of Buddhism and was able to cope with it. It is for this reason that he made up this rhetoric by pretending to be a layman rather than a wandering monk.

After hearing this, Abbot Seng Yan realized that Qin Sang was not a true layman who had converted to Buddhism and would not have too high demands on him.

"Recently, I heard that a layman was worshiping the Buddha in the vast sea, and he behaved respectfully. I think it must be layman Mingyue," Seng Yan asked, "Since layman Mingyue has repented and intends to eliminate his karma, why not choose a temple to take refuge in my Buddha?"

"The final student is worried that the world of mortals will not be over, and it will collide with the pure land."

Qin Sang replied respectfully.

When Seng Yan heard this, Wei Kucha shook his head, thinking he had seen through Qin Sang's thoughts.

This person may be afraid that worshiping Buddha to eliminate karma is a lie, but it is true that he has encountered a bottleneck in practice, and his hard work has yielded no results. He intends to find a breakthrough opportunity in Buddhism.

In the Buddhist land of Sand Sea, there are thousands of Buddhists.

Such situations occur frequently.

Some even simply become ordained and become monks, completely changing their family background and practicing Buddhist practices. In fact, they have no respect for the Buddha in their hearts.

However, even among those true masters of the Buddhist sect, how many of them believe in me, the Buddha? Otherwise, how could they not even be able to defeat a arrogant person who calls himself a ‘Bodhisattva’?

If many Buddhist techniques and magical powers could not be confirmed from Buddhist scriptures, and even the chance to improve might be obtained, I am afraid that even Buddhist scriptures would not be opened.

Seng Yan was determined to change the customs of Buddhism, but he knew that his efforts were insignificant. He sighed in his heart and did not expose Qin Sang. "Ming Yue layman came from the land of three thousand Buddhas. What do you think of the Moonlight Bodhisattva?"

Saying that, Seng Yan glanced at Qin Sang subconsciously.

A bright moon, moonlight, what a coincidence.

"I don't dare to lie, I only understand one truth. No matter where Moonlight Bodhisattva comes from, since he understands the principles of Buddhism and understands the nature of Buddha, he is the most holy teacher, and he is the one he yearns for."

Qin Sang asked for a clever answer.

Monk Yan was dumbfounded. After standing there for a long time, he woke up as if from a dream. He bowed deeply to Qin Sang, "Fortunately, Mingyue layman woke him up. It's the poor monk who has become a monk!"

Qin Sang was speechless. He was not interested in Seng Yan's thoughts and just wanted to bring the topic to Yinchan Temple as soon as possible.

With this in mind, Monk Yan became even more enthusiastic about Qin Sang, claiming that Qin Sang was born with Buddha nature, "If Mingyue layman does not want to be ordained, he might as well stay alone in the temple and practice for a few days. The poor monk hopes to have a long talk with the layman."

Hearing this, Qin Sang's heart moved, and he nodded in agreement after pretending to hesitate.

For a while after that, Qin Sang continued to go his own way. He went out early in the morning, went to various temples, burned incense and worshiped Buddha meticulously, and returned to Beishan Temple in the evening.

Whenever it is time to light the lamp, Abbot Sengyan will come to talk to him about sutras and sermons.

Seng Yan is a true believer, which is very rare among the Buddhist monks Qin Sang has come into contact with during this period.

At first, Qin Sang was just thinking about dealing with Seng Yan and was waiting for the time to find out about Yinchan Temple.

After a few days, Qin Sang became more and more interested, and even began to study Buddhist scriptures carefully.

He can achieve today's Taoism and have a firm mind, but it is impossible for him to truly convert to Buddhism. The reason is that he found that studying Buddhist scriptures seems to be beneficial to the "Seven Masters of Buddha Seal".

He had already perfected the first four seals of the "Seven Masters of Buddha's Seal" before. Looking at it now, it is clear that there are still many subtleties in the first four seals, which he has ignored.

The "Seven Masters of Buddha's Seal" is not simply about killing magical powers, it coincides with Buddhist principles. The first four seals he "refined" echo each other, and the order in which they are arranged also hides mysteries.

For this reason, Qin Sang borrowed the Buddhist scriptures collected by Beishan Temple from Abbot Sengyan and read through almost all of them.

He certainly did not forget the real mission of this trip.

After patiently paving the way, we naturally led to Yinchan Temple.

"Today I was worshiping the Buddha, and I overheard a mage talking about a secret." Qin Sang showed a curious expression, "Years ago, there was no Buddha light shining in the vast sea. A virtuous and eminent monk came here alone, built the first Buddhist temple, and promoted The Dharma can save all peoples, but I don’t know which holy temple it is?”

Monk Yan smiled when he heard the words, "The holy temple Mingyue Jie mentioned is Yinchan Temple. The great virtuous monk is Hongyi Zun. Yinchan Temple is today's Zhulan Temple."

Qin Sang was startled when he heard this, "Why did you change your name?"

Venerable Hongyi is the eminent monk who left the Buddha's bone relics.

This venerable is not a venerable from the Canglang Maritime Merchant Alliance. It is the honorific title given to Nascent Soul monks by Buddhism.

Zhulan Temple is the first of the Seven Stars in the Vast Sea today. It originally inherited the Taoist tradition of Yinchan Temple.

It's so simple, he didn't even know about it before.

"It's not a name change."

Monk Yan shook his head, "Venerable Hong Yi was originally named Tao Yu. He practiced in Zhulan Temple when he was young. He became successful in cultivation. He traveled around the world and saw evil demons running rampant in the vast sea. He made a great wish to help all the people in the vast sea escape from suffering. The evil demons are powerful. Venerable Hongyi was worried about bringing disaster to his sect, so he concealed his name and built Yinchan Temple. Later, Venerable Hongyi opened up the situation, and Zhulan Temple happened to be forced by a powerful enemy, so he moved the monks to Hanhai."

Mentioning Venerable Hongyi, Seng Yan did not hide his admiration, "Venerable Hongyi once said that merits are in the heart and do not seek false fame. In his old age, he restored his original name, the Green Lantern Ancient Buddha, until he passed away. Until the grand ceremony of Zhulan Temple After the enemy's power declined, the name "Zhulan Temple" was restored, and later a pagoda was built in the temple for Venerable Hongyi. Zhulan Temple held a religious ceremony every ten years, originally to commemorate Venerable Hongyi. But now it has become a place where disciples from various temples fight bravely."

Qin Sang suddenly realized that this was the case.

When Xiaoxiangzi first discovered the Buddha's bone relics, Zhulan Temple was still called Yinchan Temple.

Seng Yan was wrong about one thing. Venerable Hongyi was not sitting normally.

Xiaoxiangzi analyzed that Venerable Hongyi probably had an accident when he was hitting the bottleneck of the late Nascent Soul. His body died and his Tao disappeared, leaving behind the Buddha's bone relics.

According to common sense, Venerable Hongyi failed to break through on his own. Even if he left special relics, he would not be able to help future generations break through to the same realm.

However, Xiaoxiangzi discovered something unusual in the Buddha bone relics. He suspected that Venerable Hongyi used some kind of Buddha treasure when he made a breakthrough. When he passed away, the relics and Buddha treasures accidentally merged to form a unique Buddha bone relic.

This kind of relic cannot be copied.

Zhulan Temple built a pagoda for Venerable Hongyi.

Are Buddha bone relics enshrined in pagodas?

Qin Sang was secretly happy, secretly thinking that he had finally found a clue. He continued to inquire and learned that the next Dharma Assembly would be in two years. On the day when the Dharma Assembly is held, disciples from all temples can enter Zhulan Temple. They may have the opportunity to get close to the pagoda, which is the best time to observe.

He and Liuli had traveled thousands of miles and didn't care to wait two more years.

After learning the news, Qin Sang did not stop worshiping Buddha. He steadily advanced from oasis to oasis, and his behavior remained respectful.

One year later.

Qin Sang finally arrived at the largest oasis where Zhulan Temple is located.

Zhulan Temple is built in the mountains beside the lake.

The temples are continuous, pure and solemn.

Not surprisingly, Zhulan Temple is not as relaxed as Beishan Temple. Foreign monks are allowed to worship Buddha and make orders, but they are only allowed to conduct activities in the front temple, and the back mountain is a forbidden area.

The pagoda is built on the back hill.

According to the information obtained by Qin Sang, there are three venerables in Zhulan Temple. Among them, Venerable Chengyuan is in the middle stage of Yuanying. This venerable meditates all the year round and has not left Zhulan Temple for many years. Whether he has made further progress in his cultivation has not yet been revealed. It can be known.

One is in the middle stage of Yuanying and two are in the early stage of Yuanying. Qin Sang thinks that he and Liuli can handle it.

The most troublesome thing is the temple-protecting spiritual formation of Zhulan Temple.

When Qin Sang entered Zhulan Temple to worship Buddha, the spiritual array was in routine operation. Even without turning on all its power, he could still feel that the spiritual array was extraordinary.

There are many differences between the Buddhist spiritual formation and the formation he learned at Yuan Mirage Sect, and it is especially good at defense.

The pagoda forbidden area is located at the core of the spiritual formation.

How to sneak into the forbidden area, obtain the Buddha's bone relics, and escape unharmed while being surrounded by the three venerables requires careful planning.

If you cannot evacuate in time, what you will have to face next is attacks from both inside and outside by experts from various temples!

After briefly observing the layout of Zhulan Temple, Qin Sang returned to Beishan Temple again. While waiting for the opportunity, he studied Buddhist scriptures intensively, and made obvious improvements in "The Seal of the Seven Masters."

He doesn't agree with Seng Yan's philosophy, but he respects everyone who persists, even if Seng Yan's cultivation is far inferior to him.

On the premise of not exposing himself, he would sometimes say a few words quietly. Abbot Sengyan would not feel anything for the time being, but he would discover the beauty of it as his cultivation deepens.

The ceremony came as scheduled.

Zhulan Temple is open to the public and holds Dharma meetings in the back mountain. It is a good time to get in touch with the pagoda.

Abbot Seng Yan did not like this kind of Dharma gathering, so he ordered a junior disciple to lead the true disciples in the temple to Zhulan Temple to attend the gathering. Qin Sang won the opportunity to accompany him.

The process of the Dharma conference is very cumbersome.

It is said that in the past, there were two Dharma meetings, sutra debate and Dharma fighting, which were equally important. The temples in the vast sea took out treasures and rewarded them to the winning disciples as an encouragement.

Later, fighting became the focus, and debate was not taken seriously and the process was extremely boring. Some people even proposed to ban it.

Qin Sang can actually understand these Buddhist disciples.

In modern times, it is as difficult to become a god as to reach the sky. If you don't advance, you will die.

How many people dare to take the risk of delaying their spiritual practice, become distracted, and concentrate on studying the illusory Buddhist principles?

Mortals firmly believe in the so-called karma and retribution, the six paths of reincarnation, and the pure land of Lingshan in Buddhist scriptures, but practitioners have doubts.

Ascension to immortality, at least there are legends, these only exist on thin pages of Buddhist scriptures, and there is no news of the Buddha appearing as a saint.

People who can gain enlightenment from Buddhist scriptures and make great progress in cultivation are rare in thousands of years.

To put it bluntly, the cultivation level of contemporary monks is too low, and the skills and magical powers they have access to do not reach the level of the principles of the scriptures.

A dabbler like Qin Sang has studied Buddhist scriptures for several years, which is enough to understand the first four seals of the "Seven Masters of Buddha's Seal".

Of course, he is temporarily unable to practice the last three seals, which is another matter.

Nowadays, the turmoil caused by Moonlight Bodhisattva is intensifying. This person has unparalleled eloquence and has refuted countless so-called virtuous and eminent monks. If he cannot take off his title of Bodhisattva, Buddhism will always be in disgrace.

Therefore, this Dharma conference is different from the past, and the sutra debate has received unprecedented attention.

The ceremony was in full swing.

Qin Sang found an opportunity to sneak out of the venue quietly and easily found the place where the pagoda was.

On the mountain behind Zhulan Temple, there are pagodas like a forest, and all the eminent monks of the past dynasties are enshrined inside.


As soon as Qin Sang came to the Tallinn, a monk appeared in front of him and blocked the way.

Judging from the monk's expression, it was clear that he was not allowed to pass.

"This mage is so polite," Qin Sang gave a salute calmly and explained the reason, "Moxue learned about the merits and deeds of senior Hongyi in propagating Dharma alone, and felt a sense of reverence in his heart. He heard that there was a pagoda built for senior Hongyi in the pagoda forest. I want to burn incense and worship in front of the pagoda. I wonder if Master can do it conveniently?"

Qin Sang observed the surroundings as he spoke.

Although the pagoda is an important place in the temple, the mage guarding it is only in the early stage of the Golden Elixir. Because this place is different from the real treasure, it is more of a commemorative function.

However, this does not mean that it can be obtained easily.

When the Dharma meeting was held, the temple-protecting spiritual array was in full power, and the pagoda forest was under heavy protection.

Standing outside, you can see the golden light of the pagoda, and the top of the pagoda shines with Buddha's light, shining brightly.

Seeing that Qin Sang's words and deeds were respectful and did not seem to be hypocritical, the monk's expression softened a little, his tone was gentle, and he returned the greeting: "This layman is serious. The forbidden area of ​​​​the pagoda forest is not allowed to enter without the decree of the abbot. The layman can burn incense outside the pagoda forest and pay homage. To show sincerity, that pagoda was built for the Taoist master..."

As he spoke, the monk turned around and pointed to a pagoda in the center of the forest.

Qin Sang had already awakened the Tianmu Butterfly, and his eyes swept over the pagodas.

The purpose of the pagoda is to enshrine the relics of the eminent monks in the temple.

Through the Buddha light on the top of the pagoda, you can see that some have relics enshrined inside, while others have alms bowls, cassocks, rosary beads and other things that were close to the eminent monk during his lifetime.

Although it is a common thing, it has been given an unusual meaning.

Following the monk's fingers, Qin Sang saw a white relic deep in the Buddha's light.

The relic is oval in shape, white and flawless, and looks no different from other relics.

Zhulan Temple has enshrined this relic for many years, but they have not been able to discover the wonders of the relic, and it is impossible to see anything magical about the relic with the naked eye.

The color is right.

But to verify the authenticity, you must hold it in your hand and verify it with the secret technique taught by Xiaoxiangzi.

Qin Sang thought to himself, Zhulan Temple wouldn't go to great lengths to replace an ordinary relic with a fake one, right? Otherwise, wouldn’t the meaning of worship be lost?

He followed the monk to the incense eucalyptus in front of the pagoda, completed the rituals, and thought about the possibility of taking the relic by force.

During the ceremony, Zhulan Temple was on tight security, and experts from various temples came to attend the ceremony. They gathered together, but he and Liuli were not well prepared.

There is only one chance to take action.

Once the purpose is exposed, the sages of Zhulan Temple will realize that the relics are a treasure.

After Qin Sang's assessment, he felt that there was little chance this time.

When he learned that the venerable Zen Hall in the temple was on the cliff behind the pagoda, Qin Sang completely gave up the idea of ​​taking action now.

When he broke through the formation, he was definitely not as fast as the three venerables.

The three venerables acted together, and there was no need to defeat him. As long as they could cooperate with the spiritual formation to block him for a moment and take away the offerings in the tower forest, they could make him empty the basket.

In the name of paying homage to the deeds of Venerable Hongyi, Qin Sang started chatting with the monks. At the same time, he secretly activated his celestial eye power to write down the rules of the operation of the spiritual formation protecting the temple, and then deduce it after returning.

At the end of the ceremony.

Qin Sang followed the crowd out of Zhulan Temple and met with Liuli overnight to explain the situation.

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