Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1639 Tian Jue Danghun

The incarnation is tricky.

The ice soul divine light blocks the weird-faced man's retreat.

At the same time, the strange-faced man also has to face the threat of the Seven Souls Killing Formation.

The strange-faced man carefully arranged a sneak attack on Qin Sang but failed, which put him in a difficult position.

The divine light is mighty.

The vast white cold evil froze the space wherever it passed.

The man with the strange face felt the coldness penetrate the body's protective essence, as if it was freezing his energy and blood. He was secretly frightened, and instinctively turned his wooden armor to meet him.

This treasure has protected its owner several times and performed well.

The wooden armor appeared above the head of the strange-faced man, the light flickered, and the shadow of the ancient tree stretched out the sky and the earth.

Unexpectedly, when the ancient tree was about to take shape, the speed of the divine light suddenly increased and fell instantly, giving people the impression that it directly penetrated the shadow of the ancient tree.

The Ice Soul Divine Light excels in concealment and speed. After transforming into an ice plate and refining the cold evil, it was unable to cover up its momentum, but the speed of the Divine Light did not decrease but increased.

The incarnation fought against the strange-faced man and saw the pattern of the wooden armor. He deliberately controlled the speed of the divine light in order to confuse the strange-faced man's judgment and draw out the wooden armor.

‘Uh-huh! ’

In an instant, the wooden armor was engulfed by the divine light of ice soul.

The unformed ancient tree shook violently and suddenly shattered.

In the vast white divine light, only the wooden armor body shines with rich green light, and black ice is rapidly condensing at the edge of the green light.

The wooden armor turned over and over, and a steady stream of green light poured out. Unfortunately, this treasure was a defensive treasure and could not break through the black ice, so it was instantly sealed in a thick ice platform.

One move can destroy the strange-faced man and one of his defensive treasures.

The Snow-Taking Divine Sword followed closely.

The sword energy is like a rainbow!

At this moment, Qin Sang himself has also adjusted. The Sun God Tree is hidden in his sleeves, and the Sun God Bird is ready to go, just waiting for an opportunity.

Once the swords become one, the strange-faced man will face death!

In the eyes of ordinary people, the strange-faced man has no room to move at this time. He can either choose a direction and break through forcefully, or he can be captured without mercy.

"Little tricks!"

The strange-faced man snorted coldly and slapped his Dantian with his backhand.

A ray of red light rushed out of the dantian, and in the red light was the shadow of a spiritual tree.

The spiritual tree was suspended in front of the strange-faced man. It was no more than seven feet tall. Compared with other ten-thousand-year-old trees in the jungle, it looked less than a year old.

The leaves of the spirit tree are crimson and dazzling, like lava flowing in the veins of the leaves. The gray tree body is full of cracks, like the cracked earth, vigorous and simple.

The well-developed root system is also red and hugged tightly.

The red light emitted by the spiritual tree is connected to the Dantian of the strange-faced man, and the energy is integrated into one, and the roots are also swinging in his direction, as if they are rooted in his body.

"Chixuan Ancient Tree?"

Qin Sang's pupils shrank, and he was even more surprised to find that the ancient tree was not a magical transformation, but a physical entity.

The ebony sword needs to swallow spiritual trees to upgrade, so wherever he goes, Qin Sang will pay attention to collect records about the spiritual trees. He has heard the name of the ancient Chixuan tree, but does not know much about its power.

The strange-faced man refined a complete spiritual tree and took root in his body.

This was the first time Qin Sang had seen this kind of magical power.

At this moment, the strange-faced man quickly completed a seal and pressed it on the body of the ancient Chixuan tree. The ancient tree shook and fell sharply.

In the process of falling, the ancient Chixuan tree transformed from reality into illusion. The moment it fell to the ground, it completely disappeared without a trace, as if it had escaped underground.

Qin Sang's eyes became serious.

At this moment, the jungle changed. It was completely different from the previous experience. Just now, the strange-faced man only used wooden beads to mobilize those light spots. Now Qin Sang had an illusion that the entire jungle was connected by a strange force. Become one.

At the same time, a red light burst out behind the strange-faced man, and the shadow of the ancient tree appeared behind him, and in a flash, it disappeared into the strange-faced man's body.

‘Wow! ’

Red light soars into the sky!

The strange-faced man jumped down from mid-air, and the moment he landed, the ground was struck by an astonishing force, making a 'dong' sound and making a loud noise like a drum.

The aftermath of the shock spread out, causing waves of leaves to form in the jungle, and several side halls on the edge collapsed.

What's even more shocking is that the strange-faced man who fell to the ground disappeared and turned into a tall giant. His skin was as rough as bark, and his arms and fingers were slender, like branches, like an ancient tree that had been civilized. Becoming a monster.

The outline of a man with a strange face can still be vaguely seen on the giant's facial features.

The strange-faced man is down-to-earth, giving Qin Sang the feeling that he is an ancient tree rooted here, an immortal monument in this jungle!

‘Uh-huh! ’

The Snow-Stepping Divine Sword slashed through the air.

A blizzard poured down.

The man with the strange face turned gray in an instant.

He raised his head, and the expression on his face combined with the rough skin made him look even more fierce. He let out a ferocious laugh, shook his right shoulder, and punched hard.

Wherever the wind of the fist reaches, the blizzard stays in the air.

The snowflakes shattered, and this scene seemed like the void was shattered, leaving a striking path in the blizzard. A shadow of a fist suddenly appeared under the blade of Tuxue Divine Sword. Without fear of the sharp blade, he punched out!

'boom! ’

Fighting with fists and knives.

The Taxue Divine Sword shook wildly, and the avatar's breath stagnated. He felt a huge force coming from the Divine Sword in the air. His body trembled and he almost flew backwards.

The incarnation looked solemn, using all his strength to activate his skills and stabilize his position, but the Snow-Taking Divine Sword could not hold on. Amidst the clang, the Divine Sword jumped up due to the huge force, although it was not to the extent of being knocked away on the spot. The pressing offensive also slowed down.

Fortunately, at this time, the sword formation had already pressed forward and pulled the strange-faced man into the formation.

The Jinchen Sword and the Snow-Taking Divine Sword are both magic weapons, but one is the original person and the other is the incarnation of the person who uses them. Moreover, Qin Sang's swordsmanship and swordsmanship are very different, and their power is naturally incomparable.

View from above.

A dark space was sealed off by the sword array in the jungle. The strange-faced man fell into the array, and his body became blurry. There were dense sword threads floating around him, and his murderous intent was revealed!

‘Uh-huh! ’

Sword and silk strangulation.

The man with the strange face screamed repeatedly, his fists were like wheels, and the roar continued. He actually counterattacked with a pair of physical fists, and countless sword wires broke in response.

The man with the strange face was inevitably cut by the sword wire, but there was a red light film flowing under his skin, plus skin as thick as tree bark. It seems that there is no life-threatening danger in the short term.

"What a strong force!"

Qin Sang stared at the strange-faced man's fists and found no other treasures.

It can be seen from this that the power is obtained by the strange-faced man through magical powers.

In the previous fight, various signs indicated that this person could not be a physical practitioner, but through the ancient Chixuan tree and a strange magical power, he obtained the body of a spiritual tree and was able to integrate into this ten thousand-year-old jungle, thus undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Qin Sang secretly thought that it was a good thing that he didn't place his hopes on the treasure sent by Ten Thousand Poison Mountain. With the strength of this person's spiritual tree body, it shouldn't be that difficult to suppress the poison in his body.

However, this person's body changed into a spirit tree. Although his strength was greatly increased, he still seemed bulky...

Qin Sang's expression moved slightly, and he appeared above the sword formation in a flash. His sleeves and robes were raised, and the red fire flew out of his hand, and he also sacrificed a spiritual tree.

The difference is that this is a tree of flames!

When the Sun God Tree first appeared, the three Sun God Birds flew together, merged into a ball of fire in mid-air, and rushed in front of the strange-faced man in an instant.

Feeling Nan Ming Lihuo's violent aura, the strange-faced man's roar suddenly stopped, his expression changed drastically, he suddenly leaned back and retreated sharply.

But he is in the sword formation at the moment, how can he be allowed to dodge at will.

Seeing that the strange-faced man is unable to move forward, the sun bird is about to arrive.

Suddenly, the strange-faced man's whole body stiffened, and the luster of his skin faded at an extremely fast speed, strangely turning into a dead old tree. At the same time, there is a mysterious flow of energy in the darkness of the jungle.

Qin Sang's face darkened. It was too late to change the Sun Bird's route.

'boom! ’

Spiritual fire hits the ground.

Raging flames.

Dead trees turned into ash on the spot, and large areas of surrounding jungle turned into scorched earth.

"Is this what you rely on?"

The voice of the strange-faced man sounded in the jungle outside the scorched earth.

A thousand-year-old tree swayed a few times, its leaves yellowed and fell, withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a rattling sound inside the tree, and a tree man jumped out, looked at Qin Sang, sneered in response, and returned Qin Sang's sarcasm.

The clumsy posture of the spirit tree body was intentional on his part, in order to fish out Qin Sang's trump card, and it worked.

However, the man with the strange face was not as relaxed as he appeared. When he saw the Sun God Tree, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, and he finally understood why Su Zinan called him a fire demon!

Demonic fire and fire tree, with these two spiritual fires alone, this person can walk sideways in the world of immortality.

At the same time, I also regretted it greatly. I had known earlier that I should not have trusted him. When the master of the Weeping Spirit Cave was attacked, he should have decisively withdrawn. Now he is in trouble.

The sarcasm reached my ears.

There was no trace of emotion on Qin Sang's face. With his spiritual consciousness and magical power of the Third Eye, he was keenly aware that the strange-faced man was not traceless when moving, and his breath became disordered after reappearing. Obviously, this magical power would bring a lot of burden.

Letting the Sun God Tree hang beside him, Qin Sang raised his right arm and reached towards the whirlpool of death energy in the distance. His five fingers formed claws and he grabbed it with all his strength. The demonic fire in the vortex suddenly gathered and emerged in the shape of a fire lotus.

It's just that the demonic fire has not yet been completely refined, and the edges of the fire lotus appear illusory. There are still some demonic fires floating outside, rotating around the fire lotus.

The power of the demonic fire was gathered to the extreme, and the fire lotus shook, with the power of landslides and earth-shattering, and the sound of "bang" came from the center of the death energy vortex.

The vortex collapsed in response, and countless strands of death energy scattered out, losing the control of the strange-faced man, and quickly returned to the essence of the wood spirit energy.

Suddenly the jungle was filled with green light like rain.

Qin Sang clicked his finger again, and the fire lotus expanded and instantly turned into a huge ring of fire, enough to cover most of the jungle, and fell from the sky.

'call! call! call! ’

Fire burns the sky.

Ancient trees were broken.

The strange-faced man wanted to take advantage of the jungle's location, so Qin Sang burned the jungle to the ground!

Flames were everywhere, and the black wall of fire surrounded the battlefield. Ten-thousand-year-old trees could be seen everywhere in the forest. There were many that had turned into spiritual trees due to the passage of time, but none of them were as good as the Nine Nether Demonic Fire.

Dust is flying.

The wall of fire pushed inward, and the scope of the scorched earth expanded rapidly.

‘Crack! ’

At the edge of the fire wall, there happened to be an ancient tree that turned into a tree man. The strange-faced man thought of retreating and jumped here. The connection with the outside jungle was cut off by the Nine Nether Demonic Fire, and he was forced out.

The man with the strange face did not expect Qin Sang to find the key so quickly.

After Zhu Wudao sent the Chixuan Ancient Tree, he began to worship the Houtian Wooden Monument.

This magical power is the true inheritance of Muxiang Palace. Before it can reach great success, it must be in a place with abundant wood spirit aura to exert 100% of its power. And he spent most of his time cultivating the Gu King. There is not enough time to practice, so he is still far away from great success.

No longer in a mocking mood, the strange-faced man was about to break through the magic fire blockade with a flash of his body.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The divine light of Bingso reappears.

The incarnation saw that the Snow-Taking Divine Sword posed no threat to this person, so he simply put the sword away and concentrated on using the divine light.

The sword array followed closely.

The strange-faced man's body was first covered with a layer of frost, and then blocked by sword threads. No matter how powerful his spiritual tree body was, it couldn't bear it.

Qin Sang even directly summoned three divine birds of the sun. He had already gained some control over the divine birds of the sun and no longer had any regrets about his actions. The divine birds were patrolling in the sky, ready to pounce.

However, if the strange-faced man doesn't hide, the Sun Bird will be more than just showing off.

Moreover, Qin Sang used the soul-catching mantra from time to time. Even if the strange-faced man was on guard, he would inevitably be affected by the bursts of stinging pain coming from his soul.

I couldn't escape after several jumps.

The strange-faced man gradually showed an anxious look on his face.

'boom! ’

The red flames are overwhelming.

After controlling the Sun God Bird for too long, and having to take care of the magic fire and sword array, it was beyond Qin Sang's ability, so he was forced to take action.

Sure enough, the Sun Bird missed again.

The strange-faced man's movement range was reduced by more than half, and he appeared in another location, followed by the divine light and sword array. Unexpectedly, the man with the strange face was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and did not rush to fight back. Instead, he looked at Qin Sang with a sneer on his lips.

Noticing the expression of the strange-faced man, Qin Sang's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of danger. Without hesitation, he flapped his phoenix wings wildly and flew into the sky.

The strange-faced man's eyebrows bulged, and a blood beetle emerged from his eyebrows.

In a short period of time, the jade beetle turned as bright red as blood and looked extremely strange.

The blood beetle squirmed between the brows, causing the strange-faced man's facial features to twist and twist. The body of the spirit tree was so powerful that his aura was also unstable, and he suffered from backlash.

A sinister murmur came out of his throat, "Take one of my Heavenly Jue Soul-Dancing Needles and you won't die!"

'call! call! call! ’

After the death vortex collapsed, spots of light were scattered everywhere in the jungle.

Suddenly, all the light spots floated around the strange-faced man.

Inside each light spot there is a shadow of a jade beetle.

Just now, the strange-faced man used three poisonous lights to sneak attack. Because he knew from the master of the Weeping Spirit Cave that Qin Sang's spiritual consciousness was very strong, he knew that there was a possibility of being discovered, so he had a backup plan.

If you succeed, you can also make a secret plan under the cover of the poisonous light, converting each light spot into the power of the jade beetle until it forces out Qin Sang's Sun God Tree, when the old power has just emerged and the new power has not yet emerged. At this time, murderous intent is revealed!

The Tianjue Soul-Dancing Divine Needle is extremely powerful, but unfortunately, with his cultivation in the late Nascent Soul stage, he has to prepare for a long time and cannot use it easily.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The light spots turned into poisonous needles, and the needle tips flashed with a cold and faint poisonous light.

All the poisonous needles were aimed at Qin Sang and shot out!

Although the poisonous needle was fast, Qin Sang had been on guard against the strange-faced man and kept a distance from him. His escape speed was as fast as lightning, and it seemed that the poisonous needle could not catch up with him.

The strange-faced man's brows glowed with blood, he drank in a low voice, and there was a noisy sound of flapping wings.

The next moment, a shocking scene appeared.

The blood beetle broke away from the eyebrows of the strange-faced man, flew through the air and flew under the poisonous needle. It stared at Qin Sang, flashing fierce blood, and the poisonous needle merged in an instant, turning into a blood needle as thin as a hair.

The blood needle flashed across the void and caught up with Qin Sang.

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