Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1,654 Firefly Chain

"Fire Rhinoceros Pei!"

Kun Dao also saw the scarlet immortal pendant, and his breathing suddenly became heavier.

She had just heard from her senior brother about some of the top treasures in the Fire Element lineage, among which was the Fire Rhinoceros Pei. The most amazing function of this treasure was that it could arrange the tribulation-transmitting magic circle.

After the Wuxiang Immortal Sect was destroyed, Huo Xipei was nowhere to be found, and his whereabouts were unknown. It turned out that he was brought into the Yang Yan Divine Forbidden City by the Huo Xiang Patriarch.

Kun Dao was eager to try, but seeing that his senior brother was not moving, he did not dare to make his own decision.

"Junior sister, don't be too happy. To arrange the Tribulation Array, we need not only the Fire Rhinoceros Pei, but also a treasure from the water element. That treasure is still missing. Moreover, we don't know how to set up the formation. We want to restore the method. Formation, it is difficult to reach the sky."

The white-robed Taoist shook his head slightly and poured cold water on Kun Dao first.

Kun Dao was not discouraged, and turned to look at the east, "The treasure of the Water Element lineage may have been brought into the mountain by the Water Element Patriarch. Senior brother, after taking the Fire Rhinoceros Pei, we might as well go to the Water Element Divine Forbidden City again. "

The Five Elements Divine Forbidden City is arranged around the mountain according to the formation of the five elements.

Water generates wood, and wood generates fire. From this, it can be inferred that there is a wooden forbidden area between them and the water moving divine forbidden area. The best path is to go out from the fire moving divine forbidden area first and then go around it from the outside.

Wandering around outside runs the risk of being broken into.

The biggest problem isn't here.

They can use the Yang Yan Magic Sword to come and go freely in the Yang Yan Divine Forbidden City, but they don't even know what kind of Divine Taboo is used for the direction of water. If the power is equal to that of the Yang Yan Divine Forbidden City, it will be difficult for the two of them to find the Water Element Patriarch. The cave.

The white-robed Taoist knows it well, and the junior sister must also know the difficulties involved, but the temptation of the tribulation formation is too great.

"It's too early to talk about overcoming the tribulation."

The white-robed Taoist comforted him and changed his tone, "The Tribulation Array is just one of the functions of the Huo Xi Pei. Several great magical powers in the sect can greatly reduce the difficulty of practice with the help of the Huo Xi Pei. There is no method to overcome the calamity. Zhen, our trip is not in vain..."

Kundao's eyes lit up when he heard his senior brother say the names of those magical powers.

While communicating, they did not forget to observe the cave.

Seeing that the cave was quiet and peaceful, the old man was sitting motionless. He was truly dead. He must have been rotting away like the other corpse. Being protected by the fire bell, it didn't turn into ashes on the spot.

The two of them no longer hesitated and entered the cave one after another.

The white-robed Taoist went straight to the fire bell, and when he got close, he did not reach out rashly. His eyes passed over the old man's dead face and observed the magic circle under the old man.

Kun Dao followed closely and walked forward, constantly sizing up the cave, and glanced at the location of the previous corpse. His expression moved slightly, as if he had made a new discovery, and he suddenly ducked over.

The corpse sat cross-legged on the edge of the Fire Bell Spiritual Array. There was a stone platform under him, which was also shrouded in the spiritual array's energy, but it was not inside the Fire Bell.

Judging from the position between him and the old man, there should be a distinction between superior and inferior.

The body was left in a pool of white ash on the stone platform.

Kun Dao glanced twice, then stretched out his hand to grab Bai Hui.

Her act of her own accord alarmed the white-robed Taoist. The white-robed Taoist's complexion changed slightly. He was worried that she had touched the spiritual formation. He was about to stop her when he saw white ash bulging and something flew out and fell into Kun Dao's hands.

This object is a bracelet. At first glance, it does not have a dazzling aura, but after brushing off the white dust, you can see that the chain is exquisitely shaped. Any female cultivator will be excited when she sees this object.

The most eye-catching ones are three red crystals the size of dragon eyes.

There is a little firefly inside each crystal, which contains pure fire essence. It reflects the dull brilliance inside the crystal. Although it is not dazzling, it is very gorgeous.

"Firefly Chain!"

The white-robed Taoist was surprised.

This is another precious treasure of the Fire Palace.

"Senior brother," Kun Dao raised his head, his face full of joy, and he couldn't put it down and played with the firefly magic chain.

"You can keep it. When I get back, I'll teach you several kinds of talismans, supplemented by magic chains, which will definitely double your strength!"

The white-robed Taoist couldn't rob his junior sister's treasure, so he took it and checked it. After confirming that it was the treasure recorded in the classics, he returned it, envious of her good luck.

Then, he warned Kun Dao and remember not to act rashly again!

He observed the Fire Bell Spirit Formation and could already see some clues.

The cave draws heavenly fire from the Yang Yan Divine Forbidden City in the outside world into the cave, flows into the formation, suppresses its violent characteristics, and transforms into a fire bell.

It seems that the Yang Yan Divine Forbidden City is the source of power of the spiritual formation, but the Fire Rhinoceros Pei is also indispensable and occupies a very important position.

Taking away the Fire Rhinoceros Pei hastily will cause the spiritual formation to turbulence and the Fire Bell to collapse. At worst, it may cause the sky fire to riot. The endless sky fire from outside will rush in instantly and easily destroy this pure land.

When the time comes, Yangyan Magic Sword will not be able to protect them.

Hearing his senior brother talk about the serious consequences, Kun Dao was afraid, and Lian Dao didn't dare anymore. He hid behind the white-robed Taoist, avoiding his senior brother's serious gaze, and played with the magic chain with joy.

The white-robed Taoist understood the temperament of his junior sister and smiled helplessly.

The Yutai Sect is a hidden sect. The disciples of the sect have few opportunities to go out to practice. The junior sister is the most favored. She has hardly been down the mountain since joining. She is inexperienced in the world and is as simple as a girl.

He put away his distracting thoughts, carefully observed the spiritual formation, and thought about how to get away Huo Xipei and the old man's relics.

Kun Dao hid behind and couldn't take his eyes away from the magic chain. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He played with it a few times and couldn't wait to put it on his wrist.

The firefly chain and the bright wrist complement each other. Even if it is not a treasure, it is an excellent accessory in the world.

The moment he put on the magic chain, Kun Dao's movements paused for a moment and immediately returned to normal.

She didn't realize it, and kept twisting her wrist, watching it endlessly. Her other hand unconsciously rubbed the magic chain, and the fireflies in the crystal swayed gently, as if responding to Kun Dao's touch.

a long time.

The white-robed Taoist finally sorted out the context and determined the mystery.

"Junior sister, step back!"

He reminded in a deep voice.

Kun Dao obeyed and took three steps back. She was no longer as greedy for the firefly chain as before. She quietly watched her senior brother's movements, her fingers still silently rubbing the crystals on the chain.

"Disciple is disrespectful, Patriarch, forgive me!"

The white-robed Taoist bowed and saluted the old man, then sat cross-legged on the spot.

Then, he raised his hand and flicked the top of his head, and a red light flew out of the top door. At the same time, the red fire sword vibrated and plunged into the red light.

In an instant, the red light faded away, and dense patterns appeared on the sword of the Red Fire Sword out of thin air. It was composed of countless runes and was extremely complex.

The lines are sometimes bright and sometimes dark, and there is a special power flowing among them, flowing through the sword body.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The red fire sword paused briefly and flew above the fire bell, with the tip of the sword facing the fire rhinoceros.

At the same time, the white-robed Taoist was busy, his hands were flying, his fingers were like wheels, and talismans were generated out of thin air, and they were continuously driven into the interior of the fire bell.

The spirit sword clanked, and under the pull of the talisman, the sword's intention penetrated into the interior of the fire bell. In essence, it used the talisman to integrate into the spiritual formation.

During this process, the body of the Red Fire Sword became more and more illusory, almost turning into a sword light, moving downwards little by little, and truly touched the Fire Bell.

The fire bell trembled slightly, but the expected counterattack did not come.

The white-robed Taoist was secretly happy, knowing that he had done the right thing, and immediately sped up his movements.

Then he saw that the sword light transformed from the red fire sword gradually merged into the fire bell until it disappeared. A sword shadow the size of a finger appeared inside the fire bell, swimming slowly and approaching the fire rhinoceros.

At this time, the light inside the sword shadow gathered, and a seal loomed.

This seal is intended to replace the Fire Bell Spiritual Array. The Fire Rhinoceros Pei is not the source of power of the Fire Bell Spiritual Array. Using the seal instead will lose the role of the True Yang in refining demons, but it can barely maintain the spirit array from collapsing for a certain period of time. status.

In this way, he can easily take away the treasure.

‘Buzz! ’

Jian Ying tried to pry the Huo Xi Pei, like poking a hornet's nest, the Huo Zhong shook suddenly, and his energy was in chaos.

This was expected by Taoist Baipao.

But what made him nervous was that the Taoist in the fire bell was also shaken. His body shook and his facial features shifted, as if he was about to wake up. The scene was quite strange.

Immediately afterwards, the white-robed Taoist felt relieved, because the old man also turned into dust like the previous corpse. It has been calcined by the sun and sky fire for many years, and it is impossible for the transformation of the spirit to survive.

Moreover, it is not certain whether the old man was a monk who transformed into gods during his lifetime.

The old man is dead.

The corpse turned into dust, and there was something inside, with a corner exposed, which seemed to be a ring finger.

Apart from that, there seemed to be no other relics.

"Mustard treasure?"

The white-robed Taoist flashed this thought, his heart burning.

The two corpses in the cave were all rotten, so he didn't have to worry about anything. He moved his eyes back to Huo Xipei and continued to pry with the red fire sword, causing the cave to tremble wildly.

After testing it countless times, the white-robed Taoist finally clarified the context. Without any hesitation, he quickly completed a seal with both hands and shouted in a low voice: "Fall!"

The sword shadow was no longer entangled with Huo Xipei, and suddenly descended, trying to pierce the fire bell and take away the ring finger inside first.


The red fire sword penetrated the fire bell, and the sword light scattered the white ash. He rolled up the only ring finger, turned up, and was about to return the same way, but unexpectedly the formation suddenly changed.

'boom! ’

The fire bell shook violently, as if there was a bell ringing from the heart of the white-robed Taoist, which made his eyes dazzled.

The flames inside the bell spurted thinly, and suddenly several fire dragons rushed towards the red fire sword.

"Is it allowed to enter or exit this formation?"

The white-robed Taoist's thoughts changed rapidly, and he hurriedly changed the seal formula. The red fire sword flashed a few times quickly, avoiding the fire dragon's attack, and continued to rush upward.

The next moment, the scene in the spiritual formation was completely chaotic, and a sword shadow was moving inside, which was extremely thrilling.

The white-robed Taoist people were tense and locked on the Red Fire Sword, as if they were one with the spirit sword, looking for a way out of the predicament. The only good news was that the Fire Spirit Array was targeting the Red Fire Sword, and there was no sign of attacking them for the time being.

"Junior sister, help me!"

The battle situation reached its most intense level, and the white-robed Taoist finally came up with a way, but he was afraid that he was unable to do it, so he hurriedly called for help from Kun Dao.

Kun Dao obeyed and stepped forward. According to the white-robed Taoist's instructions, he sacrificed a phoenix hairpin. The shadow of the hairpin flashed like a sharp sword and pierced the fire bell. The timing was perfect.

Internal and external echoes, opportunities arise.

The red fire sword is like a swimming fish, seizing the fleeting opportunity and leaping out of the dragon gate!

At the same time, the talisman appeared and actually replaced Huo Xipei, bringing out both treasures in one go.

It's thrilling within a square inch.

It can be said that the situation has been decided. Just as the white-robed Taoist was about to laugh, a warning sign suddenly arose in his heart. He felt a strong wind coming from his ribs and pointed directly at his vitals. He was shocked.

"Junior sister, you..."

The white-robed Taoist looked back in shock, only to see his junior sister turning to look at him, her movements stiff, her expression confused, and her eyes empty.

The familiar charming face made him feel chilly in his heart.

"Mo Ran?"

These two words flashed through the white-robed Taoist's mind, but they were wrong!

It is clearly recorded in the sect's classics that when a monk is infected by demons, he will not attack immediately. The higher the level of cultivation, the stronger the resistance. Otherwise, the world of immortality would have changed a long time ago.

Junior sister is also a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, and there is no way she can be controlled by Demon Ran silently. In addition, the corpses in the cave have long been turned into fly ash. What does Mo Ran rely on to exist?

The junior sister's symptoms are not right either. The demon stain corrodes and turns into a terrifying monster, which is not what the junior sister is like.

This classic was written by the ancestor who personally experienced the demonic calamity, and there is absolutely no error.

In an instant, countless questions slipped through his mind, but they were destined to be unanswered.

As a sneak attack approached, the body-protecting Qi was activated. At the same time, the white-robed Taoist's robes stirred up, and a green ring flew out. It was a rare magic weapon that automatically protected him.

Unexpectedly, the green ring appeared and was suddenly swallowed up by dazzling sky fire.


The white-robed Taoist almost groaned in his heart. The Fire Bell Spiritual Array had always been targeting the Red Fire Sword, but it happened to find him as its master at this juncture.

Something's wrong!

When the crisis came, the white-robed Taoist suddenly realized that it was not that the Fire Bell Spiritual Array could not lock him before, but that there was an invisible hand that could control the heavenly fire here and confuse his judgment.

It must be the one controlling Junior Sister!

'boom! ’

The sky fire instantly tore through the defense of the robe, and the severe pain that followed brought the white-robed Taoist back to reality.

The change happened suddenly, and the cooperation between Kun Dao and Tian Huo was so wonderful that the white-robed Taoist had no time to respond. He lowered his head with difficulty and saw his junior sister's slender hand inserting a jade sword into his chest, dripping with blood.

"Junior sister's swordsmanship was taught by me..."

Flashbacks to the past.

The white-robed Taoist smiled miserably, and the look in his eyes quickly disappeared.

The next moment, a ray of light flew out from the top of the door of the white-robed Taoist, and Nascent Soul left the body. He looked around blankly, glanced at the junior sister with regretful eyes, turned around and rushed out, about to teleport out.

Skyfire was everywhere outside, and he didn't know if he could escape, but there was only one way.

Unexpectedly, the momentum of the sky fire did not stop. The flames suddenly exploded and spread instantly, locking the entire cave and easily imprisoning the white-robed Taoist's Nascent Soul in place.

Immediately afterwards, Kun Dao closed his eyelids and seemed to have regained some consciousness. He smelled the pungent smell of blood. He opened his eyes and saw his senior brother died tragically under his sword, staring at him with blood-stained eyes.

The extremely impactful scene directly frightened Kun Dao.

A shrill scream rang out in the cave, extremely shrill.

Soon the screams died down and turned into sucking sounds.

Before Kun Dao could escape from the cave and lose himself again, he pounced on his senior brother's body like a hungry tiger, devouring his essence and blood. This scene was like a demon.

The blood flowed from the corner of her mouth to her body, dyeing her clothes red. Kun Dao ignored it completely. After sucking up the essence and blood, he stared at Nascent Soul, took it into his hand, stuffed it into his mouth, and started chewing it.

The sound of teeth grinding together with the shrill screams that sounded from time to time was terrifying.

Gradually, the screams became less and less, and the cave returned to silence. Only a mutilated corpse and a female cultivator covered in blood fell to the ground.

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