Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1705: Fierce Shadow

Within the Dantian.

The sky-eye butterfly wraps itself with its wings, and a dull glimmer of light emanates from its wings, shaped like a cocoon of light, silent and motionless.

The Earth-killing Sword, Poison Pearl and other objects were cleared out by Qin Sang.

Only Nascent Soul and Tianmu Butterfly remain in Dantian.

Yuanying opened his arms, and slender threads of light extended from his fingertips, blending into the gleaming light.

Qin Sang's mind was connected to the Heavenly Eye Butterfly, feeling the thoughts of the natal insect Gu, and at the same time he was doing two things, forming various seals in the "Panhu Sutra".

In Qin Sang's opinion, the witchcraft and seal spells in "Panhu Sutra" are very weird. Qin Sang has deduced them many times before, but now he still feels a little sluggish.

This is normal, after all, this sutra is not the legal system of the human race. Just as the ghost mother warned, Qin Sang does not have the blood of the witch clan. As his level increases, he needs to beware of the backlash of the poisonous insects.

However, the Tianmu Butterfly showed no signs of eating its master.

Feeling that the master has undergone unprecedented changes, and even the connection between them is sometimes unclear and sometimes clear, Tianmu Butterfly conveys uneasy emotions.

Qin Sang felt no distracting thoughts from this emotion, only closeness and attachment.

Continuously comforting Tianmudie, Qin Sang accelerated the speed of casting spells.

The process of refining the natal insect Gu using the "Panhu Scripture" is also dangerous, but because Tianmu Die relies on him unreservedly, everything is under Qin Sang's control.

There was silence in the cave.

Qin Sang sat quietly for an unknown amount of time, and his body began to emit scorching brilliance like the Heavenly Eye Butterfly. The brilliance automatically converged to Qin Sang's dantian.

At this moment, he seemed to be holding a ball of light. His Qi and the Qi of Tianmu Butterfly blended in the ball of light, and various scenes evolved inside. Sometimes there were vast mountains and mountains, and sometimes they transformed into seas and mulberry fields, showing an ancient atmosphere.

Among all the visions, only one butterfly shadow always exists. It flies non-stop, passing through thousands of mountains and valleys, rivers and lakes, tirelessly and not knowing where the end is.

At first the butterfly shadow was very similar.

As a rumbling sound sounded in Qin Sang's body, Qi and blood surged like thunder, and blood threads extended into the illusion. When it came into contact with the butterfly shadow, the butterfly shadow became clearer. Its appearance was the same as that of the Tianmu butterfly, as if it had condensed the real entity.

The butterfly shadows gathered together, Qin Sang's throat trembled, and a thick strange sound came out of his mouth. The illusion suddenly dissipated, only the butterfly shadows remained, and his wings flew into Qin Sang's dantian.

Within the Dantian.

The butterfly shadow pounces straight towards the Tianmu Butterfly.

The two spiritual butterflies have exactly the same appearance, perfectly overlapping and becoming one.

The three-eyed butterflies huddled together began to tremble, then quickly regained their composure, their breathing stabilized, and they fell into a deep sleep.

Qin Sang closed his eyes tightly and guarded his Dantian, feeling the changes between him and Tianmu Die. It was indeed the true inheritance of the witchcraft passed down by the ghost mother, and the effect was immediate.

The feeling of blood blending between him and Tianmu Die became clearer, and they felt that the connection between them was getting closer, regardless of each other. This benefit is foreseeable. When Tianmu Die encounters problems or bottlenecks in his practice in the future, he can be one with his mind and provide help when looking for opportunities, instead of being confused and helpless like before.

As his practice became more and more sophisticated and he came into contact with magical elixirs that were beneficial to Tianmu Butterfly, he could also use them on a whim and no longer had to waste time trying them one by one.

These are not the biggest benefits. In the future, if Tianmudie lags behind him, he can completely use the blood refining, secret medicine and other techniques in the scriptures to quickly improve Tianmudie's cultivation.

"This is the natal insect Gu!"

Qin Sang lamented that it took too long to get the true method before.

The Tianmu butterfly sleeps in the Dantian, adapting to new changes.

Qin Sang did not wake up Tianmudie. He woke up from trance with a look of deep thought on his face. He caught a glimpse of the poisonous beads floating in front of him and suddenly thought of King Gu.

The Gu King was restrained by the Ghost Mother and was sleeping in the spirit beast bag.

Qin Sang followed the guidance of the ghost mother and refined the poison bead. Although he had been concentrating on practicing the "Fire Golden Lotus" before, he did not put more thoughts on it. For decades, he unconsciously guided the poison bead to transform on its own, which was also quite effective.

"Over the years of warming up, the most troublesome Daoji has almost stabilized, and the recovery speed of the injury is getting faster and faster. While healing, I am refining the poison beads and devouring the King of Gu! By the way, I also need to understand the Tai Chi Immortal Platform and Ice and Fire The method of refining."

Qin Sang thought about what to do next.

Now that his cultivation speed has been very fast, it is conceivable that after the incarnation sends the Four Saints Spirit Gathering Formation, his cultivation level will rise rapidly and he will face the bottleneck of becoming a god.

However, the Spiritual Immortal Fruit and the Inanimate Demonic Seal related to the breakthrough have to wait for the opportunity. We don't know when the ferocious beast will appear, so we can't be impatient.

Before that, Qin Sang decided to take care of some trivial matters first.

Next, Qin Sang dug out the inheritance that Old Man Yanshan had received in the snowy field tomb, and began to understand it carefully.

The difficulty of the Ice and Fire Order is that it requires too many quantities and is very valuable. As long as you grasp the characteristics of the Ice Instrument Divine Disk and the Fire Rhinoceros Pei, the difficulty is actually not as difficult as the Tai Chi Immortal Platform.

After looking at the refining method of Tai Chi Immortal Platform, Qin Sang sighed, rubbed his eyebrows, put it aside, and dug out the refining inheritance of Mu Xiang's lineage.

time flies.

Three more years have passed.

In the past three years, Qin Sang has read the entire "Muxiang Inheritance" several times. His attainments in the art of refining weapons have not improved much, but he has completed the poison bead sacrifice.

'stop! ’

The sleeping Gu King was summoned.

Qin Sang looked at his right hand, and there was a pearl the size of a dragon's eye moving on his fingertips. It was a re-refined poison pearl. It felt soft to the touch and was not yet a real entity.

Thoughts together.

The poison bead suddenly shone, and a colorful ray of light came out of the body and shot into the void in front of Qin Sang. It looks just a little more solid than before, but it is actually completely different from the poison-repelling halo.

This ray of light can not only turn into a poison-proof armor to resist external poisons, but it can also be transformed into a poisonous light!

Eliminate poisons and poisons, send and receive them as you wish.

The poison in the poison bead is the result of the fat silkworm devouring various poisons over the years. If Qin Sang is trained properly, the fat silkworm can understand the poison light and become an assistant very early. Fortunately, it finally met a famous teacher.

After a brief attempt, Qin Sang moved his eyes to the Gu King and threw the poisonous bead in his hand. The poisonous bead hovered above the Gu King, and the colorful rays of light continued to pour out, surrounding the Gu King.

There seems to be a kind of power, pulling the Gu King to slowly float towards the poison bead.

After a while, the rays of light dissipated, and the poisonous bead flew in front of Qin Sang, turning slowly. You could clearly see the jade beetle inside the poisonous bead, which seemed to be sealed inside and did not wake up during the whole process.

Qin Sang's eyebrows shot out a sword light, and the Yunyou Sword hung upside down above the poison bead. He repeated his old trick and used pure sword intent to suppress it.

At the same time, densely packed colorful threads of light emerged from inside the poison bead, tentatively drifting toward the Gu King, but they did not actually contact the Gu King's body, but first integrated into the divine pattern seal on it.

The divine pattern seal left by the Ghost Mother took advantage of King Gu's weakness and also pointed the way for Qin Sang.

Gradually, the divine patterns on King Gu's body turned into seven colors. Although Qin Sang's movements were very gentle, King Gu still seemed to feel threatened and almost woke up several times.

Fortunately, with Yunyoujian suppressing it, the process went smoothly.

"It's done!"

Qin Sang's eyes flickered and he took the poisonous pearl into his palm.

Inside the poison bead, the King of Gu was tied up like five flowers, wrapped in a large net formed by colorful light filaments, layer by layer, and all the light filaments were connected to the nodes of the divine pattern.

The Gu King's aura did not weaken significantly for the time being, because Qin Sang was preparing to boil the frog in warm water.

The colorful light threads are the tentacles of the poison bead. In the Gu King's sleep, the process of slowly absorbing its power must be very long. Before the Gu King falls into weakness, there is still the possibility of accidents, and he needs to be protected by the Yunyou Sword at all times.

Put the poison beads and spiritual sword back into the body.

Qin Sang stopped paying attention deliberately.

Soon after, Qin Sang took a few more pills, and his injuries finally healed, and then he devoted himself to training intensively.

No evil beast has appeared yet.

For Qin Sang, this is of course a good thing.

Previously, he planned to let the avatar escape quietly while the two clans were transforming into gods to hunt for the murderer, and did not plan to send out his true self. Now that I have healed my injury, I can move again.

While practicing, he would take out the Mu Xiang inheritance and other true texts from time to time to read and refer to them in detail.

There has been no news from the outside world.

During the break of practice, Qin Sang had another thought about "Fire Golden Lotus".

After the breakthrough of spiritual consciousness, if you want to continue to improve, it will be difficult to achieve immediate results. It is better to turn to tempering the physical body. Therefore, Qin Sang was not prepared to continue practicing this technique before breaking through to become a god.

However, preparations still need to be made.

Qin Sang summoned the Fire Lotus and the Sun God Tree to try to refine Nanming Lihuo. Unexpectedly, he tried many times and failed. The fire lotus could not shake Nanming Lihuo at all!

So there is a dead end.

To what level must the "Fire Golden Lotus" be cultivated in order to shake Nanming Lihuo? Can I refine the Nanming Lihuo, how can I improve the Fire Lotus?

With Qin Sang's current cultivation level, the improvement brought by ordinary spiritual fire is minimal.

There is not even the Wuxiang Immortal Sect Fire Rhino Island, and it is even harder to find satisfactory spiritual fire in other places. We can only look forward to ascending to the world in the future.

"It's a pity that the Immortal Palace has ascended, and there is a high probability that the Canglanghai Seven Killing Palace will no longer exist... huh?"

Qin Sang recalled the past and suddenly remembered something.

Back then, he was trapped in the Seven Kills Hall and was mistaken by the Nine Phoenix King for a demon clan. He saw with his own eyes that the Nine Phoenix King took out the damaged long feather to break the immortal ban and broke into the inner hall. The long feather moved like flowing fire, as if it was like the Suzaku True Feather. , containing spiritual fire.

There is also a phoenix feather.

Tianfeng Zhifei was brought into Yitian Peak by King Jiaolong. He tried to use the feather to escape and was killed. Tianfeng Zhifei fell into the hands of the old man from the Four Holy Palaces.

But the damaged long feather never appeared, and it should still be in the hands of the Nine Phoenix King.

I wonder what happened to the Nine Phoenix King and other demons in the end. Is Can Ling still there?

Qin Sang tapped her fingers on her knees, thinking about the matter. Since she didn't know which was higher or lower in rank between Can Ling and Suzaku Zhenyu, she wasn't sure whether the fire lotus could be refined.

This matter is not urgent.

Putting away his distracting thoughts, Qin Sang concentrated on practicing again.

Spring passes and autumn comes.

Time passes quietly during practice.

In this way, nearly twenty years passed peacefully.

Qin Sang would occasionally go out to see the development of Qingyang Temple, but with the Mingyue Guards helping to take care of it, Qin Sang didn't need to worry about anything.

Northern Wilderness was as usual, but there seemed to be undercurrents surging among the various factions in Zhongzhou, but it had little to do with Qin Sang, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

The incarnation stayed in the Ganlu Temple. During this time, he made friends with some eminent monks and formed good relationships. Xu Shi saw that Saint Huiguang valued him very much, and the incarnation asked them questions without hiding anything.

The incarnation either goes to the Sutra Pavilion to read the classics, or understands the alchemy way, or makes friends with masters from all walks of life, which is very satisfying.

Of course, there is plenty to do.

Several types of elixirs needed for Tianmu Butterfly have been refined. The main materials of Tai Chi Xiantai were obtained from the Blue Fox Saint King. The lower value auxiliary materials are not difficult to obtain and are already prepared.

Some of the spiritual materials needed for the Ice and Fire Order have also been collected, and the rest have a rough target, and they will try to trade them later.

As far as he knew, the ferocious beast had not appeared, and Holy King Qinghu had been staying in Ganlu Temple.

The strange thing is that Mo Xingdao didn't leave either. Like him, he occupied a high-grade cave in the back mountain and has been cultivating in secret.

It seems that the No. 1 loose cultivator in the Northern Wilderness is going to devote himself to Buddhism.

Incarnation only met Mo Xingdao once, exchanged a few words and then left in a hurry.

This day.

The reincarnation was looking at Buddhist classics in the Sutra Pavilion, focusing on the parts related to body training. Suddenly he felt that the energy in the mountain gate was chaotic. He walked out of the Sutra Pavilion and saw monks coming and going in the temple.

Buddhist sages who were rarely seen in the past appeared one after another at this moment.

The incarnation grabbed a person and asked, and learned that the abbot, Master Xingji, had summoned him. He immediately saw the light and shadow moving in the direction of Xiaofangcun Mountain, and he immediately guessed something.

Without hesitation, he quickly arrived at the Main Hall, and sure enough he saw Saint Huiguang and Saint King Qinghu both appearing. Master Xingji bowed and reported something to them.

Mo Xingdao also stood there, looking at his nose and heart, not knowing where he had placed the puppet.

Seeing the incarnation coming in, a familiar Buddhist venerable said hello.

The two transformed gods also noticed him. The Green Fox Saint King just glanced at him, while the Huiguang Saint smiled at him and nodded.

The incarnations returned the greetings one by one, walked quickly to Mo Xingdao, and said straight to the point: "Friend Mo, but a vicious beast has appeared?"

Mo Xingdao said 'hmm': "A warning came from the storm belt. Fellow Taoists patrolling in the southeast discovered something strange. A ferocious beast was breaking through the waves and heading north from that direction. Judging from the direction of the ferocious beast's movement, it should pass by Zhongzhou. , the fellow Taoists outside have already taken action, preparing to use bait to guide the ferocious beast step by step to the north of Zhongzhou..."

The Avatar nodded upon hearing this.

He had known the layout of the two transformed gods and set traps in the north and south directions, while they were stationed in Zhongzhou.

The two tribes join forces and separate their forces to set up defenses and bait in the storm zone. Based on the direction in which the beast appears, it is judged whether to lead the beast to the south or the north.

The north is the most convenient, because Buddhism controls an ancient teleportation array on the edge of the Western Desert that leads directly to the North Sea.

There has been a definite plan, and now it is time to gather experts from all parties to hunt for the murderer.

The incarnation hurriedly returned to the cave, sent a message to the deity, and took away some items. When he came out again, he saw a black shadow appearing in the sky above Ganlu Temple, which turned out to be a flying boat.

Led by the gods of the two races, the Buddhist masters filed into the flying boat.

Seeing the avatar boarding the flying boat, the Green Fox Holy King's eyes flashed with surprise.

The incarnation did not take the opportunity to leave, and he still had to see the beast with his own eyes before he could rest assured.

Within Luye.

After learning about this, I walked out of the cave, glanced to the north, escaped from the deer field in a flash, walked to a deserted place, turned into thunder, and galloped through the sky.

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