Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1,760 Sword Cultivator

The river flows mightily.

A figure walks along the river bank against the wind.

"Star Valley should be not far ahead..."

Qin Sang recalled the map, swept the surrounding terrain, flew up a high mountain, observed for a while, and made a judgment.

After leaving the river bank and traveling north for more than a hundred miles, Qin Sang stopped in front of a dense bamboo forest.

Viewed from above, this bamboo forest covers an area of ​​thousands of miles. The purple bamboos are densely covered and extremely strong. Some purple bamboos are as big as ancient trees and are difficult to see from the outside world.

The night wind blows and the bamboo leaves rustle.

There is no moon today.

He could see faint light groups flashing through the dark bamboo sea from time to time. Qin Sang sensed through his Qi machine that these were the spirits born in the bamboo sea.

After stopping for a moment, Qin Sang jumped towards the center of the bamboo sea and stopped at a place, his figure falling sharply.


Passing through the layers of branches and leaves, Qin Sang felt a softness under his feet, which was caused by the accumulation of rotten leaves accumulated over countless years.

Without slowing down, he walked straight through the rotten leaves, and suddenly it became clear that there was an underground valley below.

You can see that the dead bamboos here are intertwined to form a skeleton, supporting the thick rotten leaves and shielding the valley.

Within the Bamboo Sea, places like this can be seen everywhere. This place originally had undulating mountains instead of plains, and was covered by a lush bamboo sea and thick rotten leaves.

Due to its remote location and extremely thick layer of rotting leaves, one has to scan the bamboo sea with one's spiritual consciousness to discover this valley. Therefore, not many people know about this place.

Standing above the star valley, what Qin Sang saw was not darkness, but dull light flickering in the valley.

Qin Sang is very familiar with this, and the little bit of light is the Star Essence Stone!

In the Storm Realm, outside of Zhitian Peak, star essence stones are very rare. Only places like Zhitian Peak where stars gather can gradually give birth to star essence stones in the rich star essence.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang immediately took out the Xingling Net, which was given to him by Senior Sister when she was still Granny Jing, to collect Xingyuan Stones.

Qin Sang remembered that the Yuan Mirage Sect had several formations that could be cast with the Star Yuan Stone.

He was not in a hurry to collect the Star Essence Stone. He flew from one end of the Star Valley to the other, pondered for a moment, and then dived deeper into the Star Valley.

After a while, Qin Sang stopped, looking a little disappointed.

The strength and quantity of the star energy in Star Valley are not as strong as those at Pointing Heaven Peak.

He had not climbed to the top of Zhitian Peak back then, so he could make a rough judgment. Even if he returns to Pointing Heaven Peak to help him break through, it will be a bit reluctant, and it is definitely not enough here.

With the thought that everything has come, Qin Sang set up the Star Spirit Network to collect the Star Essence Stone, and gradually came to the depths of the Star Valley. Suddenly he let out a light sigh and unexpectedly discovered a cave at the bottom of the valley, which seemed to lead to the depths of the earth.

There is also star power flowing inside the cave entrance.

Qin Sang looked at it for a few times, put away the Star Spirit Net, and ducked into the cave.

The entrance to the cave is narrow, and the interior gradually opens up, but the terrain is unusually rugged, twisting and turning up and down, left and right, but it is certain that this cave extends all the way to the ground.

After walking for a while, Qin Sang discovered that the power of the star was not getting stronger and stronger as he imagined. After reaching a certain critical point, it gradually became thinner.

Before reaching the end of the cave, Qin Sang was unwilling to leave like this and continued descending. At the same time, he also tried various methods to find the reason for the formation of the Star Valley.

'Huh huh...'

There was a faint sound of water flowing ahead.

Qin Sang's expression moved slightly, "Have you reached the underground river?"

He quickened his pace and walked for more than ten miles. The underground suddenly opened up, and a large underground river several miles wide appeared in front of him. The rock walls shone with light the size of rice grains, which must be a special kind of ore.

When we got here, the power of the star element was already very weak. Qin Sang was disappointed. He was about to investigate and then retreated. He felt a chill for no reason, and suddenly there was a warning sign!


Qin Sang's heart tightened.

At the same time, Tianmu Butterfly sent a warning.

In the river!

Qin Sang's eyes flashed with light. When he felt something strange, he quickly formed a heart seal, and a faint golden light suddenly appeared on his body, like golden armor.

Vajra Heavenly Stomach Seal!

Almost at the moment when the seal was completed, the water surface of the underground river suddenly exploded, and among the splashing water, a dazzling sword light pierced like lightning and hit Qin Sang's face!

"Sword cultivator!"

Qin Sangtong shrank slightly.

When he came to this world, it was the first time he encountered a Taoist sword cultivator.

The three major sects of Daomen: Longhu Tan, Jinyin Tan and Bingma Tan have distinct characteristics. Even if they use swords, there are few pure swordsmanship practitioners. Most of the spiritual swords are magic swords, used as an auxiliary for casting spells.

But this opponent is different. This sword has pure sword intent, and it is obvious that he has a very deep attainment in this way.

Qin Sang is also considered a sword cultivator, and his perception will never be wrong.

A sword cultivator who has integrated the Tao of Talismans, who knows what other methods he can use?

Qin Sang didn't have time to think carefully. This sword made him feel threatened and he didn't dare to neglect it.

His expression slightly condensed, Qin Sang snorted coldly, and immediately pinched four seals in succession, the auspicious seal, the lotus seal, the turning altar seal, and the demon-destroying seal!

So far, among the six seals he has mastered, the Vajra Mahawisdom Seal is the only one missing.

This seal is the fifth seal of the Seven Masters of Buddha. Unlike other seals, which will bring obvious changes to the seal, there is no external manifestation when this seal is cast. Its main function is concentration and wisdom, which is like stopping water in the center of the battle. , not disturbed by inside or outside.

To other people, this seal may be as important as the Vajra Heavenly Stomach Seal, but it is of little use to Qin Sang.

Five seals come out in a row.

At this time, the sword light was less than three feet away from his eyebrows.

At the critical moment, Qin Sang's body shook slightly. The energy and blood in his body surged like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring. Golden light shone in front of him. A strange golden Buddha seal appeared out of thin air. He just happened to block the sword light and pressed down in the air.

'boom! ’

There was a huge earthquake under the ground and huge waves rolled in wildly.

The golden light shattered and fragments flew all over the sky.

In the golden light, the Buddha's seal resisted the sword light, preventing it from advancing even an inch. The two tyrannical forces were still attacking each other.

At this time, it can be seen that in the sword light is a three-foot green blade. The sword body is slender and the aura is bright, which is extraordinary.

"Pseudo Lingbao!"

Qin Sang's expression changed slightly.

Based on the swordsmanship demonstrated by the opponent and the grade of this spiritual sword, this person's strength must be more than that.

Qin Sang thought to himself that at least he had to wait until he had perfected the seventh Seal of Vajra Freedom before he could have a chance to restrain his opponent without using other means.

As soon as he thought about it, Qin Sang stepped forward and retreated instead of advancing.

Sure enough, as he expected, the sword light paused slightly, followed by a roar, and the sword light pierced the Buddha's seal on the spot.

At this time, if Qin Sang were to move forward instead of retreating, he would be in a worrying situation.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

Qin Sang retreated sharply, smashing into pieces of stone walls. He stared at the sword light in front of him and drank coldly.

"Who is under your command? Pindao has no enmity against you, so why did you attack Pindao secretly?"

There was no response from the dark river, and the sword light chased him, and its speed was three points faster.

The opponent is a sword cultivator. Due to the complex underground terrain and the mountain rocks that have been integrated with the power of stars, they become harder and harder as they go up. It is not easy for Qin Sang to escape.

There was a fierce light in his eyes, but he didn't use the Gray Eagle Sword to confront the opponent head-on. He was just about to test the power of the Houtian Wooden Monument!

With a slight movement of thought, a green brilliance burst out from Qin Sang's body, containing rich vitality, and the shape of a tree was faintly visible.

The origin of the Taoist tree was extraordinary. Qin Sang did not dare to reveal the psychic tree species like the weird-faced man did, so he deliberately covered it up.

After refining the Taoist Tree, the tree is equivalent to taking root in Qin Sang's body and regaining its vitality.

Qin Sangmo made a seal, and immediately the green light disappeared, and the tree shadow disappeared into the ground.

At the same time, Qin Sang's feet landed heavily on the ground, causing a tremolo sound that echoed underground.

When he landed on the ground, Qin Sang's appearance changed drastically. His body and limbs were growing rapidly. His skin was as dry as tree bark, and his arms and fingers were like branches, as if a tree spirit had taken shape.

The most peculiar thing is his Qi machine, which seems to be connected with the earth at this time.

Qin Sang felt the vitality all around him, and an unprecedented sense of relief came to his heart.

This place is underground, and surrounded by the boundless sea of ​​purple bamboo, it can be said to be the most suitable battlefield for this secret technique!

Qin Sang's perception extended with the secret technique, and the surrounding purple bamboos also reacted. The bamboo forest rustled, and the bamboo leaves in all directions were swinging towards the Star Valley.

The spirits in the bamboo sea also sensed something strange, especially those who had transformed from vegetation. They instinctively felt a kind of fear, driving them to flee as far away as possible.

A steady stream of wood spirit energy surged in. At this moment, Qin Sang felt that his whole body had endless power!

After turning into a tree man, the underground space immediately seemed a little narrow. Qin Sang could almost touch the dome when he stood upright. His eyes were extremely bright, he glared at the sword light, made a seal with his right arm, and suddenly pressed it!

'boom! ’

The physical fist hit the sword light squarely.

There seemed to be sawdust flying in the air, and golden light shone on the rough skin.

The power of using the body of a spiritual tree to cast the Seven Masters Buddha Seal is indeed incomparable.

There was only a cry, and Qin Sang's blow shattered the sword light on the spot and straightened the sword's edge!

The Zhuantan seal has the function of a suppressive magic weapon.

Being hit from the front, the spiritual light of the spiritual sword was dimmed, and the forward momentum was immediately thwarted.

The Houtian Wooden Monument cultivated with the Yandao Tree is truly extraordinary in power!

In addition, there is a saying in the secret technique that absorbing the energy of the wood spirit will bring a great burden to oneself, so one must be vigilant. However, Qin Sang's feelings are not that serious. There is no doubt that the mother's contribution is also due to the Taoist tree.

This blow boosted Qin Sang's confidence. It had only been three years since he integrated the Taoist Tree into his body. He had not yet mastered many magical powers, such as jumping and transforming between the surrounding vegetation, and he was already able to resist sword cultivation!

Qin Sang let out a burst of laughter, suddenly thrust his arm forward, and his palm turned into a claw, trying to grab the spirit sword directly.

However, sword cultivators' swords are not so easy to win.

The spiritual sword shook, let out a sword cry, and disappeared out of thin air in a flash.

The next moment, a sword light suddenly appeared from the side, slashing towards him.

Qin Sang didn't even blink as he swung his fist and smashed the sword light into pieces.

But then sword lights appeared in other directions, one after another, seemingly endless, forcing Qin Sang to prepare for the attack.

If it were other opponents, it would really be possible for them to be exhausted by this move.

But Qin Sang is rooted in the earth, and the surrounding vegetation is the source of his strength. How can he be afraid of this consumption?

The sword lights shattered in front of him.

Qin Sang's attention was always on the center of the river.

Until now, the opponent has not shown up.

The Tianmu Butterfly saw through the bottom of the river. Although it did not see its opponent, it could see that there were differences in the soil and rocks at the bottom of the river.

After locking the opponent's position, Qin Sang blasted away a sword light, suddenly accelerated and ran, and rushed to the riverside in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the spirit sword reappeared on the river, the sword pointed directly at Qin Sang, and slashed out a white streak!

At this moment, the space above the river seemed to be locked by this sword light, making it impossible to hide or escape.

Qin Sang pinched the Demon-Destroying Seal and pushed forward. The golden seal and the sword light collided. He heard a "bang", his figure trembled, stopped his forward momentum, and stood firmly on the river bank.

‘Wow! ’

The river parted, and a Taoist man in green clothes flew out.

This man was slender and looked to be in his thirties. He had sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and his eyes were blazing. He took the spiritual sword into his hand and looked at Qin Sang with a look of surprise.

"Huh? Monster? No! What kind of talisman is this?"

Seeing this person, Qin Sangtong shrank slightly, but did not continue to attack, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

"You don't know me?" The Taoist was slightly startled and looked him up and down, "Aren't you from Lingdu Mountain?"

"Lingdu Mountain?" Qin Sang couldn't remember what kind of force this was and shook his head slightly.

The Taoist looked embarrassed and waved his hand, "Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! I thought the enemy was following the trail, but I didn't expect outsiders to come to such a place."


Qin Sang frowned. He was attacked by a sneak attack. If he hadn't been very skilled, he might have been killed by the sword. Can a misunderstanding be explained?

The Taoist sheathed his sword and slapped his head meticulously, "It's the poor Taoist who offended me. I hope fellow Taoists don't blame me."

Qin Sang did not take back the spirit wood body, but he also did not continue to take action. He just looked at the other party with a neutral expression.

The other party may apologize because he is difficult to deal with and is being pretentious, or he may mean it sincerely.

But these were not important. Qin Sang vaguely sensed a dangerous aura from this person.

This person's strength is probably more than what he shows!

Now, although his spiritual consciousness is limited and his spiritual sense is not comparable to that of ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators, he cannot see through this person.

Could it be that the other party is also a god-transformation monk?

Thinking of this, Qin Sang couldn't help but feel nervous. His strength had not recovered yet, and he was helpless when facing monks of the same level. His chances of winning were very slim.

Looking at this person secretly, Qin Sang was not sure, but he felt a faint threat and was even more vigilant.

He also thought that if the other party clearly had the strength but was not using it, he might have the same unspeakable secrets as he did.

It sounds like this person's opponent is not weak. Perhaps he was injured by his opponent or was restricted by some other means.

"The poor Taoist is at the critical moment of refining the treasure, and most of his mind is involved in it. He dare not be distracted and is worried about being destroyed by the enemy, so he can only strike first to gain strength. Fellow Taoist should be able to understand," the Taoist saw that Qin Sang was unmoved. Han Hu explained.

I see.

Qin Sang nodded secretly. This person's inability to use all his strength was probably related to the treasure.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, Pindao is willing to apologize to fellow Taoist. As long as fellow Taoist does not embarrass Pindao, Pindao will do something for fellow Taoist in the future, or whatever treasures fellow Taoist needs, as long as Pindao can do it, "The Taoist said again.

"Aren't you afraid that Pindao will tell your enemies when he returns?" Qin Sang's tone was indifferent.

The Taoist said helplessly: "To be honest with you, Taoist, I really want to keep you for a while, but it is not a good time to make enemies, and I am always a little uneasy when facing my fellow Taoist. You should have some means to threaten me."

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