Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1,776 Thunder Zuofu

Regardless of the turmoil this move will cause in Sanyangmen.

Qin Sang drifted to the outside of the mountain and gradually drifted away, recalling the experience of imparting the casket.

The supervisor shattered the golden talisman and failed to complete the last step of burning the urn. He failed to go to the divine court and tell Yin and Yang, which was equivalent to a failure in entrusting the urn.

However, when his consciousness and blood essence were integrated into the blank golden talisman, many insights emerged.

Combining the secrets he had learned before, Qin Sang had a deeper understanding of the ancestral altar and the dharma jar.

That golden talisman can only be regarded as a blank talisman.

Because Qin Sang had no special feeling when his consciousness, blood essence and golden talisman were fused.

Those disciples of the Sanyang Sect also turned the golden talisman into a real dharma urn after stamping the seal and burning the urn.

It can be seen that burning the urn and putting it on the table is a crucial step.

If you want to force a metaphor.

It can be compared to some countries in the world. Officials have the power to inspect and promote worthy people under their rule. They must first go to the prime minister, minister, or even the emperor to obtain the approval of the court before wise people can be appointed.

Falu is the official seal of the imperial court. Only with the official seal can one take office, and military generals can dispatch troops and generals.

There are many ways to refer to the so-called ‘imperial court’. Some people say it is the sky and the great road, while others say it is the divine court and the heavenly court.

What these people have obtained is not an official position, but the qualification to practice in this world. With the help of the Dharma Ribbon, they have a place in this chaotic world, and they have been recognized by the gods and can ask the gods to come down.

Because of this, in Qin Sang's view, the transmitters and supervisors of Sanyang Sect are more like officials with inspection qualifications.

They have the right to recommend, but not the right to appoint. They can only make memorials on the altar and convey them on their behalf.

In fact, they may not even have the ability to control the ancestral altar and the dharma jar.

Don’t you see, Gu Sanzhi’s altar is so rare, and no sect can build an altar on its own. All of them have been inherited from ancient times.

Because of this, the person in charge of conferring the urn could not discover Qin Sang's cultivation. Even if someone could see through it, he should be the one to burn the urn.

Qin Sang raised his head and looked up at the sky. The sky was blue and distant, with no end in sight.

Where should the Dharma basket be sent?

Where is God...?

Is there a sky outside the sky?

He was originally skeptical about the Taoist legends, but the existence of the Fa Lu forced him to think deeply.

Will the two courts of Daoting be the ‘imperial court’?

If the urn is burned and put on the table, should it be sent directly to the two courtyards of the Taoist Court?

If he is still targeted by the Taoist Court and the Taoist Court in the end, all his actions over the years will seem too ridiculous.

However, Qin Sang felt that it was unlikely. It was just a ray of consciousness and a drop of blood that was integrated into the blank magic vessel. It should not be so easy to see through the cultivation level.

If the Taoist Court and the two houses can control the sects of each sect, they can decide who will be awarded the urn and who will not be given the urn. The monks in Gushanzhi will not be able to escape from the hands of the Taoist sect, and there is no need to promulgate dharma calls and merits to appease them.

More importantly, Qin Sang has been thinking about what the existence of the Fa Rui means.

The heaven and earth are in chaos, and the evil spirit of the Six Heavens is running rampant. Even the monks who transform themselves into gods are helpless, and even almost ruin their path. Is this the way the rules of this world are?

So, the Dharma Ribbon allows monks to practice in this environment. To a certain extent, it has the ability to change the world. What kind of strong person has such power?

Qin Sang believed that the function of the Dharma Ribbon might be to communicate this great power and protect the monks. As for the source of the great power, he was not able to speculate.

If the two courts of Daoting had such great power, they would probably have wiped out the demons in Guifang Kingdom long ago.

Perhaps, there really are heaven and gods in the sky!

Qin Sang couldn't help but shook his head and looked away.

In any case, if he wants to continue practicing, he can only do as the Romans do. The Dharma basket is a must. It is useless to think too much. Just continue to follow the plan.

Do your best and obey destiny.

After this test, Qin Sang was confident that he would not be exposed during the ceremony, and his next goal was to obtain the high-level divine Xiaolu!

A flash of brilliance.

Qin Sang walked out of the moving formation and before he could stand still, he was surrounded by several monks wearing armor and stomach.

He was not surprised by this, so he took out a square seal engraved with thunder script and handed it to the leader of these people, and was released.

There were few people on the streets, and the bustling level was far less than the fairy city Qin Sang had seen before.

He glanced at it casually for a few times before losing interest, and quickly walked towards the center of the city. Soon he came to a luxurious mansion. After passing the news, he entered the mansion and saw a Taoist priest with an impressive appearance.

"Fellow Taoist is Master Mingyue?"

The Taoist's sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, especially his pair of eyes, seemed to contain two lightning bolts deep in his eyes, and the look he looked at Qin Sang was bright and frightening.

"It's Pindao who has met Zhenren Zhang," Qin Sang cupped his hands and presented the seal.

The person opposite is a real person from Lei Ting Zuo Mansion, and this fairy city is also the property of Lei Ting Zuo Mansion.

The next time the Leiting Zuofu will open the altar and confer burials will be in half a year, and the Leiting Right Government will have to wait for another two years, so Qin Sang went to the Leiting Zuofu first.

Still in the name of seeking Dharma for his disciples, he contacted Thunder Zuofu and came to this city.

"Fellow Taoist's love for his disciples, I feel the same way. However, this time I need to sneak into the demon country, which is very dangerous. Would you like to think about it again? Maybe your disciples have excellent talents and there is no need to take risks."

Master Zhang said warmly.

Every time Lei Ting Zuo Mansion confers urn, some places will be reserved for monks outside the sect, but they cannot be bought with spirit stones.

There are two ways to obtain the divine treasure.

The first is that the recipients test their talents with the disciples of Thunder Zuofu. Those with excellent talents can directly qualify.

The second is that the teacher of the recipient is doing something for the Thunder Zuofu. It is said that it is generally difficult to accomplish and very dangerous.

Of course, the level of risk depends on the strength of the person doing it.

Qin Sang considered that the rules for receiving the second-level golden fire bell urn must be stricter than those for the first-level urn. When he was about to go to Thunder Right Mansion to upgrade the urn, Master Qi would come forward again. This time, he would do it himself.

"Thank you Master Zhang for your kindness. Pindao has already thought about it carefully."

Qin Sang shook his head.

He didn't know how Thunder Zuofu tested talent, and if he showed great talent and attracted attention, it might cause unknown variables, so it was better to make one more trip.

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Master Zhang said no more, turned his palm over and took out a jade slip.

Qin Sang took it and saw that there was a map of a demon country drawn on the jade slip. It was not very detailed. Some locations were marked in red, which was very eye-catching.

"This demon country, we call it the Thunder Eagle Demon Kingdom. The leader of the demon country is a golden-winged thunder eagle. The fiefdoms marked on the map are the direct descendants of the king. We hope that fellow Taoists can bring back the royal family of the Thunder Eagle Demon Kingdom. The original essence and blood..."

Zhang Zhenren explained.

Qin Sang reflected the map in his mind and pondered: "Does it have to be a royal family at the level of a demon commander?"

"No, as long as you are a descendant of the royal family and have collected enough original essence and blood, it is enough, but fellow Taoists should not take it lightly. Those who can be named a royal family are all descendants of powerful blood. The king of the country values ​​them very much. There is no shortage of powerful guards around you. And..."

Zhang Zhenren said after a pause, "Fellow Taoist arrived a bit late. Two fellow Taoists have already set off a few days ago. Taoist friends had better leave as soon as possible."

"What do you mean, the real person, are the three of us competing for a spot?"

Seeing Master Zhang nodding, Qin Sang couldn't help but frown.

This task is not difficult to complete with his strength, but he is afraid that someone will get there first.

In this case, Qin Sang no longer hesitated and immediately bid farewell to Master Zhang and left the city.

This city is located in the southeast of Xingdao Fairy Lake, bordering several demon country forces.

Although they are both members of the Sanji forces, there is no harmony between the human race and the demon race, and fights between them occur frequently.

After flying eastward, Qin Sang arrived at the Thunder Eagle Demon Kingdom in less than three days. He had already memorized the map in his heart and made a preliminary plan based on the locations of the royal fiefdoms.

More than ten days later.

Qin Sang reappeared at the border of Thunder Eagle Demon Kingdom and took out a jade bottle.

The jade bottle is filled with golden blood essence, which shines golden in the sun. It is the essence blood of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle royal family.

The leader of the Thunder Eagle Demon Kingdom is only in the late stage of transformation. If Qin Sangruo attacks with all his strength, the entire Demon Kingdom cannot stop him.

However, Qin Sang didn't want to make too much noise and arouse suspicion. If he wasn't worried about being the first to get there, he would have waited a little longer.

After patiently investigating for several days, I learned that several descendants of the royal family were traveling together and collected all the blood essence in one fell swoop.

Those descendants of the royal family were surrounded by great demon guards in the transformation stage, so how could they discover Qin Sang's traces? Qin Sang succeeded them without even noticing.


Master Zhang took the whole bottle of Jin Cancan's essence and blood and looked at Qin Sang with surprised eyes.

"It is indeed the essence and blood of the royal family. I didn't expect fellow Taoist to be so fast!"

When a monk sneaks into the demon country, he must be cautious and plan an escape route before taking action. He originally thought it would take at least a month or two.

Qin Sang laughed and said: "It was also Pindao's luck. He met a few little demons when they were traveling. Pindao happened to be proficient in the art of gathering breath. Although the little demon's guards were strong but their spiritual sense was not sharp enough, Pindao took advantage of it. , stun those little demons and draw their blood."

Zhang Zhenren suddenly realized, no wonder he didn't receive the information that someone was causing trouble in the Demon Kingdom.

"Please keep this thunder talisman, fellow Taoist. On the day when the urn is given, the disciple can enter the mountain with this talisman."

Master Zhang took out a shining silver talisman, which was woven like thunder.

Qin Sang put away the Thunder Talisman, thanked him, and then returned to Xingdao Fairy Lake and waited quietly on Huzhong Island.

During this period, Qin Sang often visited Master Qi, received guidance from Master Qi, and gradually gained a deeper understanding of the art of weapon refining.

What pleased him the most was that some experience could be used to warm up the Yunyou Sword. With the improvement of his horizons, Qin Sang also had a certain control over the status of the Yunyou Sword, and was not as ignorant as before.

If his judgment is correct, within this hundred years, Yunyou Sword will be able to give birth to a spiritual fetus and be promoted to a spiritual treasure in one fell swoop!

The reason for estimating the interval of a hundred years is actually that Qin Sang's attainments are not deep enough, and it may be earlier.

According to common sense, if you want to refine a spiritual treasure, just these few hundred years are not enough.

After all, Qin Sang's time to break through to become a god is still short.

The Yunyou Sword is his natal magic weapon, and the speed of its cultivation is also related to his cultivation level.

Refining a spiritual treasure requires the right time, place, and people, and the combination of various conditions makes it possible to give birth to a spiritual fetus.

Since Yunyou Sword is integrated into Yun Youzi's true spirit, it will naturally be easier to give birth to a spiritual fetus than to create something out of nothing. If Qin Sang wasn't worried about damaging Yun Youzi's fragile true spirit, it might be faster than it is now.

Coupled with the fact that the Yunyou Sword has been smelted with the soul-nurturing tree, one of the ten sacred trees, and Qin Sang has continued to use the "Yuan Sacrifice Technique" to refine it, we finally see the light of day!

After confirming this, Qin Sang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

After transforming into a spirit fetus, the true spirit is stable, and in the future, the wielder of the spirit sword will no longer have to worry about the enemy.

Moreover, the Yunyou Sword directly transforms into a spiritual treasure. As a natal spiritual sword, no other spiritual treasure is as suitable for him as it is.

Of course, if you want to unleash the full power of the spiritual sword, you must restore your cultivation as soon as possible.

Next, Qin Sang stayed at Master Qi's residence, and even went out less often. He continued to perform the "Yuan Sacrifice Technique" in the cave and practiced the Yunyou Sword. He only went out once on the day when the Jushan Society held an auction.

As the waiter introduced, the treasures at the auction were either bartered or traded with Taoist merit.

"Returning to the Wind Armor."

Qin Sang's heart moved, and a set of cyan armor appeared on his body, covering his whole body and even his face.

This armor was exchanged by him at an auction, and it belongs to the level of top-grade magic weapons.

Of course Qin Sang really wanted to get a pair of armor that was comparable to a fake spiritual treasure, and even planned to refine one himself, but after asking Master Qi for advice and considering his current net worth, he gave up for the time being.

In addition, there were unexpected surprises at the auction.

Qin Sang obtained two materials for the Royal Bell True Talisman at once, and now only Kundi blood sand is missing.

A few months passed in a blink of an eye.

Somewhere in the waters east of Xingdao Fairy Lake, thousands of islands are connected together. The monks passing by this place would rather choose to go around and walk for a few more days, rather than trespassing.

Because this is the top sect of Xingdao Immortal Lake, the mountain gate of Thunder Zuofu!

Three days later, Lei Ting Zuofu will open the altar and enshrine it.

Starting a few days ago, the lower sect of Thunder Zuofu has been sending people one after another to bring in new disciples.

Each ceremony of conferring religious honors is also a rare event.

On the largest island in the periphery, there is a jade tablet with the words "Thunder Zuofu" written on it.

There was a large flow of people in front of the jade stele, and there were escaping lights constantly flying in and out.

This island is the welcoming island, and the disciples who are about to be buried are waiting on this island.

No one noticed that Qin Sang stepped off a treasure ship alone, identified the direction, and walked towards the palace pavilion next to the jade monument.

"Which sect are you a disciple of? Why aren't the elders here?" A female cultivator frowned and looked at Qin Sang.

"Master has other important matters, and this junior is alone."

Qin Sang behaved respectfully and presented the thunder talisman.

The female cultivator saw the Thunder Talisman clearly, glanced at Qin Sang in surprise, and handed Qin Sang a token, "Take this token and go to the other side of Yingke Island and choose a room in the No. A Abode. We will meet you in three days." Someone is coming to pick you up. Huh? I forgot that you haven’t started practicing yet, I’ll let someone take you there..."

A disciple of Thunder Zuofu took Qin Sang and settled down in the monastery.

Three days later.

The door restriction was triggered.

Qin Sang pushed the door open and went out, and saw a handsome young man with a sword on his waist looking at him with a smile, "Young brother, you are participating in the ceremony of consecration, right? Come with me."

The handsome young man picked up some more people, and together they took the airship and flew deep into the archipelago.

The flying boat flies in the sky.

Not long after, I saw dark clouds ahead, and thunder could be heard all the time.

‘Whoosh! ’

The flying boat plunged deep into the dark clouds, suddenly plummeted, and landed on a dark island.

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