Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1790: Experience in governing the world

When Qin Sang and the others arrived, they saw the ruins of a large area of ​​the golden palace that had collapsed.

The smoke and dust have not yet dispersed. Judging from the traces, there should have been a large formation here, which was forcibly breached.

I don’t know what method the demon lord used to break the formation. There was no fluctuation before and he broke through the formation instantly.

You know, most of the Golden Palace has been visited by people for countless years, and the remaining ones are either extremely hidden or can be broken open by very few people.

The four of them quickly swept through the ruins with their spiritual consciousness. Only broken bricks and tiles were left, and the treasures inside had been plundered by the Demon Lord.

"What was the golden light that flew out first? Is it the treasure enshrined in this golden palace?"

Master Youhuang looked around and said suspiciously.

Because the ruins were so badly damaged, it was impossible to see what they had been used for before, and it was impossible to determine the origin of the golden light.

However, Qin Sang and others believe that Master Youhuang's guess may be true, and Jin Guangxu is the target of the demon lord's trip, otherwise they would not pursue him into the Jiuqu Galaxy.

Being able to escape from the demon ring, the golden light is likely to be an extremely spiritual treasure, and may even have given birth to a weapon spirit!

The worst thing is that it has something to do with the secret deep inside the altar of Goo Sanji.

They haven't seen the treasure yet and won't be greedy for something that doesn't exist, but the current situation is undoubtedly very beneficial to them.

"Those demon princes have different escape speeds, chasing the golden light into the galaxy. There are dangers ahead, and they will definitely be forced to disperse. This is a good opportunity," Master Gu Yun said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked up at Jiuqu Xinghe.

Both the demon lord and the golden light disappeared, and the vision of thousands of lights in the galaxy was changing from prosperity to decline.

If they want to take advantage of the chaos, they have to chase deep into the Jushanji Altar, which inevitably involves taking certain risks.

The two masters looked at the sword-holding master, who was the initiator of this action.

Qin Sang secretly thought that as Tianmu Die advanced, no matter how powerful her new magical powers were, her innate Tianmu magical powers would definitely be greatly improved. The more complex the situation and formation, the more space she would have to use it.

The celestial butterfly gives warning and can avoid most dangers.

Master Zhijian looked over and asked for his opinion. Qin Sang nodded slightly and agreed with Master Guyun's proposal.

The four of them then headed towards the Jiuqu Galaxy. As they approached, they sensed two auras approaching quickly. It was none other than Master Zhang and Venerable Zhenru.

The six people gathered by the star river.

Only when I got closer did I realize that there was a real river flowing in the star river, but it flowed from low to high. There was a waterfall at the end, and the reverse flow of water went straight up to the sky.

The dots of starlight are like fish in the galaxy. When the Celestial Eye butterfly uses its Celestial Eye magical power to penetrate the river, all it sees is nothingness.

However, monks who have entered the Jiuqu Galaxy all know that the starlight contains hidden dangers, and they must pass through it as soon as possible without letting it get close.

Master Zhang also had a serious face when he talked about this matter, and Qin Sang was a little cautious.

‘Wow! ’

Everyone jumped into the star river, causing water waves, and the real sound of water echoed in their ears.

A chill came from the river, and everyone immediately saw light spots floating over. At first, they were just some nearby ones, but soon the surroundings were alarmed. The dense light spots were like impatient piranha fishes. No matter how hard everyone cultivated, Weak, I feel a little cold in my heart.

Qin Sang activated the lotus seal, stepped on the lotus, and dodged the approaching light spots. Her body was light and seemed quite relaxed.

This was just an appearance. When Qin Sang arrived on the other side of the Jiuqu Galaxy, he looked back and felt relieved.

Behind him were crowds of light spots. He didn't know what the consequences of being surrounded by light spots would be, and Qin Sang didn't want to experience it himself.

Master Zhang and Master Zhu Jian walked in front, stepping out of the Jiuqu Galaxy first. When Qin Sang came out, he saw them standing by the river exchanging something. Then Master Zhang raised his hand and tapped into the void, and a snow-white streak flew out from his fingertips. of talismans.

Qin Sang settled behind the two of them and looked ahead.

When they came to this side of the Jiuqu Galaxy, they entered the interior of the chaotic space. Not far to their right was the sword peak inserted upside down.

Jianfeng Peak is extremely precipitous, and there is not even a single plant or tree to be found between the rock crevices. The rocks are as black as ink, as if they can swallow up the nearby light, and the space seems to be distorted, mysterious and abnormal.

Above their heads is the edge of the suspended vines. The long vines hang down like pythons that want to bite people, ready to drag anyone who comes close to them into a cage at any time.

Directly in front is a huge funnel with a radius of several thousand feet, rotating all the time. The funnel is emitting white light and is pulled into threads by the force of the rotation.

There seems to be a strange space inside the funnel, and the shadows of what appear to be pavilions can be seen through the distorted light.

It rotates quietly like this, with auspicious clouds floating around it, and does not emit suction, but anyone who sees this scene knows that it must be very dangerous there.

All kinds of scenes that are beyond common sense cannot be seen from the outside world, but they can be seen everywhere here.

Auspicious clouds fill the middle of these chaotic scenes, forming cloud paths that connect into a network and extend in all directions.

Walking along the Cloud Path is the safest way here. When you reach the end of the Cloud Path, it doesn't mean there is no path. It's just that the front is blocked by ancient ruins. As long as you have the ability to pass through, you can continue moving forward.

"Pindao's Jade Dust Hongying Talisman can capture a wisp of the opponent's breath in a place with chaotic energy. It is an excellent tracking talisman. However, it has the best effect when the opponent has just passed by..."

Master Zhang quickly explained a few words, flicked his fingers, and the magic talisman shot out and shattered halfway.

Others also prepared tracking techniques and stopped when they saw this, knowing that they were not as good as this Jade Dust Hongying Talisman.

After the magic talisman exploded, it turned into pieces of snowflakes and sprinkled down. The downpour of snow quickly spread and spread all over the bank of the star river.

The next moment, a white crocodile was born from the snow. It was all white and looked like a powerful horse. It swung its head from side to side, flapped its wings vigorously, and flew towards one of the cloud paths.

Master Zhang activated the magic talisman and kept his eyes slightly closed. He suddenly opened his eyes and pointed in the direction Bai Hongfei left, "That's where all the demons are going!"

Everyone used their escape skills to catch up quickly.

The cloud path was very complicated, and everyone followed Bai Hong closely, shuttling between scenes of magnificent wonders.

Seeing these rare sights, Qin Sang also had an eye-opening feeling.

There were two places that impressed him the most, both of which were transformed by magical powers that had remained from ancient times.

One place is a huge stone fist that exists alone in the void, as if carved from rock. The terrifying fist intention contained in the stone fist can still be sensed to this day. It is difficult to fathom how powerful this fist intention will be after it explodes.

The other place was just a small cyan halo, but even before he got close to Qin Sang, he felt palpitations in his heart, as if the halo was the most terrifying thing in the world.

One can imagine how powerful the ancient powers were in the past.

What Master Youhuang said is right. Walking around here will help you understand your own insignificance and encourage yourself.

As Bai Hong kept flying, they were still secretly on guard, but found that they couldn't even see the shadow of the Demon Lord.

At this time, Bai Hong in front suddenly stopped, spinning in circles and no longer moving forward. There were obviously no demons nearby, and the talisman power had not been exhausted yet.

"Huh? They might have gone in..."

Master Zhang fell next to Bai Hong, felt a little, and turned to look to the left side of Yunjing.

The master holding the sword also held out a jade sword, felt it for a moment, and nodded in agreement with Master Zhang's judgment.

'Hua Hua Hua...'

To their left was a curtain of rain.

It was raining heavily and it was very dark inside, making it difficult to see.

The strange thing is that the raindrops are not pure water, but earthy muddy water, which splashes muddy spots on the ground, making it extremely dirty.

There is no danger behind the rain, but no one dares to take it lightly.

"Go through here while the power of the talisman is still there! Be careful, everyone."

Master Zhang reminded him to step into the rain curtain first. Others looked at each other and followed suit.

It was also because of the large number of people that they had less worries. Otherwise, they would have to consider whether to continue chasing or wait here.

'Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ’

Raindrops pattered on the body.

Qin Sang activates Qi and blood, stimulates body-protecting energy, and prevents rainwater from approaching.

Everyone walked carefully for a while, and couldn't help but be a little surprised when they saw that there was nothing unusual around them.

Suddenly, Qin Sang's ears moved and he heard an unusual sound of water. Everyone else also heard it and looked over.

A drop of rainwater fell to the ground and did not blend into the muddy water. It twisted and grew limbs and a head, and expanded rapidly at the same time. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a three-foot-tall clay figure, like a clay puppet, with a face without facial features facing them, which was shocking. A chill ran down my spine.

"Spreading beans makes an army!"

Master Guyun blurted out.

This scene is very much like the great magical power in Taoist legends.

Qin Sang was concerned about the strength of the clay figurine. It was obviously a dead thing transformed from mud and water, but it actually exuded the aura of a living thing, comparable to that of a Nascent Soul monk!

'puff! ’

The muddy water splashed, and the clay figure turned into a gray shadow and rushed towards the nearest master Youhuang.

The clay figurine raised his arms in a hugging posture, as if he wanted to hug her tightly.

Master Youhuang hummed softly, and shot a flower seed from his jade finger, shooting it into the chest of the clay figurine.

Immediately afterwards, the flower seeds took root and sprouted, and the roots instantly covered the clay figure's body, and a beautiful spiritual flower bloomed on its top door.

Suddenly, the spirit flower withered, and the clay figure froze in place, its body covered with cracks, like the cracked earth, which shattered and merged into the muddy water.

The spiritual flower, which was the manifestation of Taoism, also disappeared at the same time.

This clay figurine was just the beginning, and everyone immediately heard the sound ringing out continuously, and more than a dozen clay figurines got up around them at the same time.

However, everyone felt relieved when they saw the scene of Master Youhuang killing the clay figurine. It seemed that the clay figurine had no weird abilities.

Without any need to be reminded, everyone immediately quickened their pace, used their magic weapons and magical powers, and rushed outwards.

The rain was pouring down, and the clay figures seemed endless.

Faced with the siege of the clay figures, most of the people used thunderous means to kill them as quickly as possible.

Especially the scene around Qin Sang was the strangest.

Every time the clay figurine came close, it would be pulled by a strange force. After a slight struggle, it would start to circle around Qin Sang. Although it was very close to him, it could not hurt him at all.

Gradually, there were more and more clay figures around Qin Sang. His arms shook slightly, and there was a loud explosion. All the clay figures exploded and died, and the mud dots flew away.

Looking at the empty surroundings, Qin Sang nodded with satisfaction. After studying these two kinds of Buddhist seals for many days, he finally got results.

He has been able to fuse the Demon Destroying Seal and the Altar Transformation Seal, combining strength and softness, and his performance is indeed impressive.

Next, Qin Sang was preparing to continue his efforts when suddenly his mind moved and he felt someone's eyes looking at him. He looked up and saw that it was Venerable Zhenru.

Zhenru Zhenru was holding a whistle stick, and as soon as the shadow of the stick flashed, a clay figure exploded and died.

As soon as their eyes met, Lord Zhenru did not flinch. He smiled kindly at Qin Sang. With a flick of his wrist, there was a continuous "pop" sound, and the two clay figures who were close to him were knocked away.

Then, Venerable Zhenru put his whistle stick on the ground, held it with his arms, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and bowed to Qin Sang.

Since the encounter, Qin Sang has not talked with Venerable Zhenru, but Qin Sang noticed that Venerable Zhenru had just looked at him intentionally or unintentionally.

It should be because of the "Seven Masters of Buddha's Seal".

The Buddha's seal contains Buddhist principles. Qin Sang keeps trying, but he will definitely not be able to hide it from the eyes of Venerable Zhenru.

In this world where Taoism is respected, there are very few Buddhist inheritances. It is no wonder that Venerable Zhenru pays attention to him.

"Zhenren has such magical powers!" Venerable Zhenru praised.

"I don't dare to take it seriously! Your Majesty is so complimentary."

Qin Sang bowed his head in return and heard that Venerable Zhenru invited him to be a guest at Jingtai Temple, so he agreed.

Another clay figurine came to kill them. After a brief exchange, the two continued to fight with the clay figurine.

The further they go, the stronger the clay figurines get. Fortunately, they haven't encountered any clay figurines in the realm of gods.

Everyone joined forces and finally broke through the heavy rain zone and came to the other side. Bai Hong's senses became clear again and he flew forward.

I walked tight for a while.

Master Youhuang seemed to have seen something. He suddenly stopped, stopped everyone, and pointed to the right, "I remember that sea of ​​light. Last time we walked there, we gave up exploring forward when we sensed danger and withdrew."

Everyone stared and saw a few pieces of blue light in front of the right, far apart among the fantasy scenery. It could be seen that the blue sea of ​​​​light was extremely wide, but most of it was blocked.

Although Gwanghae is on their right and not directly in front of them, it is more and more dangerous as they go forward. On the same line, the degree of danger will not differ much.

If they continue to chase, it won't be long before they have to be wary of the threat from the Zhitan itself, but as they still haven't seen the Demon Lord, everyone is inevitably doubtful.

They came here to hunt monsters. It was a great opportunity that they could not compete with. No one wanted to fight to the death.

Seeing everyone's concerns, Zhang Zhenren said in a deep voice: "The poor Taoist noticed that there was a stone platform on the way here. There were no strange fluctuations on it and it was very calm. Why not set up a large formation there first. In case of an accident, we can also How about escaping back here and using the spiritual formation to stop the enemy?"

Everyone looked at each other and felt that this plan was feasible. They immediately returned and quickly found the stone platform.

The stone platform was very flat. After a brief inspection, everyone found that there was no danger. They decided on what kind of formation to use and jointly set up the formation.

The master holding the sword took out a formation plate with talisman swords inserted on it. Master Zhang helped him lay out the formation plate on the stone platform.

Qin and Sang stayed in Yunjing and drew a sword talisman in the air according to the instructions of the master holding the sword.

After the talisman shadow took shape, it continued to fly towards the stone platform and merged into the formation plate. The talisman sword on the formation plate was getting brighter and brighter, and there was a faint sound of sword whistling.

Everyone joined forces and the spiritual formation was quickly completed more than half way.

At this moment, Master Zhang suddenly turned around and looked into the depths, listened for a moment, his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Not good!"

Everyone hurriedly looked over and saw a sudden burst of dazzling golden light from the depths, which was extremely dazzling. The halo formed by the golden light instantly swallowed up the illusion everywhere and swept in all directions.

The void shook!

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