Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1808 Flower Field

Pass through the auspicious clouds and enter the Golden Palace area.

The three of them did not pause, and under the leadership of Qingdan Yuanjun, they flew towards one of the golden palaces, and immediately disappeared.

Not long after, the three people appeared in another golden palace, looking at the place where they had just disappeared.

It had been very quiet there, with no other people around.

"No one is following us. The thoughts of Daoting and Guifangguo are not here right now."

Baekhyun Mountain Humane Way.

Qin Sang nodded lightly. In fact, he had confirmed through Tianmu Butterfly that no one was following him.

After advancing to the fifth transformation, unless you are a Demon King in the Void Refining Stage or a Demon Lord with special magical powers, it will be difficult to hide it from the eyes of Tianmu Die.

"Wait a moment," Qingtan Yuanjun was very cautious. She had carefully arranged the deception here.

After waiting for another hour and confirming it beyond doubt, the three of them set off, quietly arriving in front of the Jiuqu Galaxy and crossing the river.

Without the raging golden light, the space deep in the governance altar is stable.

Qingtan Yuanjun led the two of them through the cloud road. Soon they were unable to continue and had to force their way through some illusions.

"The real person also cultivates strength. In some places later, we may have to rely on the real person..."

In front of a fantasy scene, Qingdan Yuanjun stopped and said to Qin Sang.

In some illusions, Li Dao cultivators can deal with it far more calmly than Fa cultivators, and Qin Sang can save them a lot of energy.

"In that case, let Pindao lead the way," Qin Sang said.

Auspicious seals and Vajra Heaven Seals appeared one after another, Qin Sang's body was filled with qi and blood, and his skin showed a light golden color.

At the same time, his hands erupted with green light, and he already put on a pair of gloves.

Most of the gloves are made of fine green scales, with three bone spurs protruding from the edges of the fists.

The blood-colored bone spurs are sharp and emit a strange light, and they actually sting to the naked eye.

Qingdan Yuanjun and Boxian Shanren both shrank their pupils and were secretly surprised, knowing that this must be a top-notch murderous weapon.

In the past ten years, Qin Sang finally made the gloves with the help of Master Qi.

If Master Gu is to judge, the weapon refining technique may be a little rough, but the quality of the spiritual materials is good enough. The most important thing is the horizontal bone spurs that Li Hou has carefully refined for many years. The fists made from the gloves have the power of pseudo-spiritual treasures. .

The process of refining the glove was also a process of Qin Sang's comprehensive understanding of what he had learned and seen. In addition, he studied the weapon refining classics given by Master Gu and made rapid progress in the art of weapon refining.

When there is time in the future, Qin Sang will continue to refine the wind armor and boxing gloves. These two treasures can not only confirm his weapon refining skills, but also bear witness to his continuous progress.

Qin Sang took the lead, and Qingdan Yuanjun and Boxian Shanren also sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, followed Qin Sang, lined up on the left and right, and were ready.

Maintaining this formation, the three of them passed through the illusions one after another.

'call! ’

There is no sky above and no earth below.

The black wind that can corrode the bones and ecstasy roars everywhere.

Three figures were flying hard in the wind.

This is a strange spiritual wind that can blow away the true essence. The power of the body protection magic weapon is also greatly reduced here, making it difficult to block the spiritual wind.

Qin Sang's physical body was strong and he seemed to be fine. Qingtan Yuanjun and Boxian Shanren could only resist the spiritual wind with all their strength.

After walking through the endless dark wind for an unknown amount of time, light finally appeared in front of them, and the three of them immediately accelerated their speed.

‘Uh-huh! ’

Finally escaping from the spiritual wind, both Qingtan Yuanjun and Baoxian Shanren showed expressions of relief.

Qin Sang looked at the surrounding environment and his expression moved slightly.

Because the route was different, the vision he experienced this time was completely different from the last time. He saw a familiar scene for the first time.

At the end of the field of vision, there is a small blue light among countless strange scenes, which is very similar to the blue sea of ​​light I saw last time.

It can be seen that the blue sea of ​​light is very far away from them, but they can judge the direction based on this.

Qin Sang pondered for a while and asked Qingtan Yuanjun with some doubts, "Can we reach the Poison Domain from here?"

Through the blue sea of ​​light, it can be judged that this direction is too far away from the place where they last appeared, and it is difficult not to make people suspicious.

"This is an old road explored by our ancestors in Molecular Mountain. Although there are many difficulties, as long as you are careful, you will generally not have to worry about your life." Qingtan Yuanjun raised his jade finger and pointed to the right, "After discovering the Poison Domain , Pindao found another shortcut, but..."

Mountain Man Boxian sighed, "That shortcut will pass through the place where Daoting and Guifang Kingdom are fighting over. It would be better to avoid it if it is a little troublesome."

Hearing this, Qin Sang's heart moved, and the Golden Light Rebellion was indeed not over yet.

Qingtan Yuanjun carefully identified it and looked slightly relaxed, "There is no change in the front. The real person can rest for a while. The two illusory scenes behind are enough for the two of us to handle."

While talking, they walked in front of Qin Sang.

Taking turns like this, the three of them passed through phantoms everywhere.

As they went deeper into the altar, the illusion became more and more dangerous, and they were forced to slow down and stop and go.

Finally, a green lake appeared in view.

"Is this the lake that fellow Taoist said was the poisonous area?"

Qin Sang walked to the lakeside and stared at the water, with a strange light in his eyes.

This lake is quite wide, but compared with other illusions, it is not big enough. It is sandwiched between two illusions that stretch for hundreds of miles, and even looks a bit cramped, like an abrupt patio.

The surface of the lake is an extremely regular circle, but it is actually sloping. The slope is very steep. Their position is at the lowest point, as if they are facing a mirror placed at an angle.

The green lake water does not bring vitality.

The lake is extremely deep and the water is almost black in color, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

"It's a good passage. Through the poisonous lake, you should be able to go deep..."

Qin Sang observed the nearby scene and thought to himself.

Qingdan Yuanjun stared at the poisonous lake and explained: "This is the place. According to the records of our sect, the lake water here used to be transparent, normal water, without any toxins. The lake water suddenly turned into poisonous water. This situation is very important in Zhitan. It’s not special, this place is constantly changing. If that kind of golden light breaks out a few more times, Gu Sanji’s rule may have changed beyond recognition..."

While speaking, a bright red light appeared between Qingtan Yuanjun's eyebrows, and he shot out a magical talisman with an extremely complex shape.

Qingtan Yuanjun had obviously understood this talisman thoroughly, and the divine talisman appeared, suddenly dazzling with red light.

In an instant, the divine talisman transformed into a red palace dress and flew towards Qingdan Yuanjun.

The palace costumes are of exquisite style, with two unknown divine birds depicted in thick ink and heavy colors, like spiritual beasts serving on the left and right.

Wearing it on Qingdan Yuanjun, it feels a little more luxurious out of thin air.

Mount Boxian took out a piece of jasper, held it in his mouth, and said to Qin Sang: "The poisonous water on the surface should not be underestimated. Real people, remember to be careful. If you pass through the poisonous water, the danger will be less. The inside of the poisonous lake is very strange, and it is difficult to express it in words." Speak clearly and explain to real people as you go.”

Qin Sang nodded, and the seven-colored light appeared, turning into a light golden fusion of light armor and skin, making it even more radiant.

Neither Shanshan Boxian nor Qingdan Yuanjun could see any magical power or magic weapon used by Qin Sang. They couldn't help but be secretly surprised, but they also knew that this must be Qin Sang's secret and did not ask any questions.

Step into the Poison Lake.

Qin Sang heard the sound of rushing water and felt the rapid water flowing past him.

However, through the poison bead's perception, the seemingly weird poisonous water is actually not highly toxic and cannot be absorbed by the poison bead.

Just when he was confused, he found ripples in the lake in front of him. There were obviously no whirlpools, but the ripples appeared out of thin air in the lake and rushed towards him.

"Be careful."

At the same time as Mount Boxian reminded him, the first ripple touched Qin Sang.

‘Wow! ’

A stream of water hit Qin Sang with a gentle force, but it did not force Qin Sang back.

The moment he touched this ripple, Qin Sang's eyes were suddenly filled with rich green, and then he felt something strange.

He suddenly raised his arms and found that almost instantly, his body was covered with dense green spots.

As the water continues to come in, the spots gradually grow, swell, and burst like blisters.

‘Pah bang pah…’

The sound of cracking continued, and green poisonous weeds broke out of their shells. The poisonous weeds were small and spread out into a thick velvet blanket on Qin Sang's body, as if he had been immersed in water for a long time and was covered with water plants.

Not long after, the aquatic plants actually sprouted flower buds.

The green poisonous flowers bloomed, and Qin Sang turned into a flower field.

"The poisonous water itself is not poisonous. There should be an unknown special formation or restriction that uses the poisonous water to produce this kind of poisonous flower. The poisonous flower is not real and is very strange..."

Qingdan Yuanjun and Baoxianshan were accustomed to it, and they kept walking regardless of the poisonous flowers on their bodies.

As they walked, small green flowers fell from their bodies, leaving a path of flowers, which was really beautiful.

The two of them didn't say what the consequences would be if the poisonous flower bloomed in the body, and Qin Sang didn't want to try it. The poison-proof armor blocked the poisonous flower outside the body and followed closely.

Poisonous flowers grow faster than they fall off.

As they moved forward, the three of them were wrapped in layers of poisonous flowers, as if they had turned into three light flower balls floating in the water.

"You can pass through the poisonous water area not far ahead. How do you feel about it?"

Qingdan Yuanjun asked with concern.

"Not bad," Qin Sang said calmly.

The poisonous flower was far from the limit of the poison armor. If he couldn't even get through the poisonous water in the periphery, he might as well just go home.

Soon, the flower bulb at the front began to wither and fall off quickly, revealing the figure of Qingtan Yuanjun.

Boxian Shanren and Qin Sang also appeared immediately.

What caught their eyes was endless green mist.

The mist is like clouds, floating in the void. There is no wind here, and the mist moves irregularly.

Qin Sang looked up and saw the poisonous water forming a green sky above. The surrounding fog seemed sparse, but it could block the detection of spiritual consciousness.

The Tianmu Butterfly can see farther than them, but it can't see the end, as if it is boundless.

The space inside the Poison Lake is far beyond imagination.

"The mist and the surrounding poisonous water are the same color, but we haven't found any threat from the poisonous mist itself yet. The danger comes from other sources. The real person must remember not to spread his consciousness too far..."

Qingtan Yuanjun explained through a message, recognized the direction, and flew forward.

They were flying through the mist like clouds and mist.

The danger that Qingtan Yuanjun mentioned never appeared, and everything seemed peaceful.

With the help of the Tianmu Butterfly magical power, Qin Sang carefully observed the surroundings and found nothing special. Compared with the illusions transformed by other magical powers, it was very peaceful here.

Not long after.

Suddenly a cloud of fog appeared in Tianmudie's field of vision.

This poisonous mist was very dense, floating between the mist, and was slowly approaching them.

Not long after Tianmudie discovered the mist, others also noticed it.

Qingtan Yuanjun showed a solemn look and immediately made way for Tuan Wu, hovering still, and sternly warned, "Don't leak your breath!"

Qin Sang did as he was told, standing behind Qingdan Yuanjun, looking at the direction in which the mist was flying, curious about what was in the mist, and before they even got close, the two real people felt like they were facing formidable enemies.

As the fog approaches.

Tianmudie finally saw the scene in the mist.

The strange thing is that there is a bubble inside the mist, and the poisonous mist gathers around the bubble to form a mass.

The bubble is transparent, and there is actually a piece of land inside!

To be precise, it is a flower field.

The flower field is full of spiritual flowers, and the sea of ​​​​flowers is swaying, colorful and extremely bright.

People who see the sea of ​​flowers feel relaxed and happy even through the bubbles, as if they can smell the refreshing fragrance.

The spiritual flowers in the flower field did not belong to any kind they knew, as if they were created out of thin air.

A cloud of mist passed by them.

The beauty of the flower fields remains as before.

Qin Sang glanced at Qingdan Yuanjun with some doubts and heard her voice message: "Follow me!"

They followed the mist and slowly flew deeper into the mist.

After following for a while, changes finally appeared in the flower field. Qingdan Yuanjun said softly: "Here he comes."

There was actually a hint of fear in her voice.

I saw that the swaying speed of the spiritual flowers in the flower field suddenly accelerated, and the entire sea of ​​flowers seemed to be going crazy.

The stamens of all the spiritual flowers are spraying their stamens wildly outwards, and the stamens are entangled in the sky. At the same time, there is also pollen-like smoke filling the air.

Suddenly, flower cocoons floated above the flower field.

The next moment, the flower cocoons burst open.

Seeing the scene in the flower cocoon, Qin Sang's eyes also flashed with surprise. It turned out to be a human-shaped flower spirit.

There are both male and female flower spirits, both of whom are extremely beautiful.

All the flower spirits moved in surprisingly unison, hugging their knees and looking at the sky.

Then, they stood up from the crack in the cocoon and walked towards the ground on the silk. The beautiful spirit flower, the delicate flower spirit, this scene gives people an extremely strange feeling.

The flower spirit's eyes were hollow and deep, and its face was expressionless. As if under invisible control, it walked to the ground, began to pair up in pairs, and then danced in the flower field.

There is no music, and Hua Ling's eyes are still empty when she looks at her dance partner.

Looking at the graceful dance steps, the three of them felt creepy.

"When I first came in, I had a ray of consciousness and wanted to see what else was in the flower field and whether the flower spirits were real or fake. But the moment my breath leaked, all the flower spirits stopped and looked towards me. I……"

Qingdan Yuanjun recounted her experience, and she still feels scared when she thinks about it.

The moment she was watched by Hua Ling, she immediately felt danger. Fortunately, she didn't go too deep that time and immediately escaped from the poisonous lake. Hua Ling did not chase her out.

The flower spirits danced for a while before returning to their own flower cocoons.

The cocoon closes and the stamens are retracted, and the flower spirit seems to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Everything happens in silence.

They followed Tuan Wu quietly, and met the next Tuan Wu, which was also a flower field, but the size was different.

Then, Qingdan Yuanjun gave up following and changed direction.

After continuing to fly for a while, a different scene finally appeared in the fog ahead, and an ancient palace appeared in front of them.

"The thing I am looking for is in the palace." Qingdan Yuanjun breathed a sigh of relief and took out a jade slip and handed it to Qin Sang as agreed. "There is half of the skill in it. Once you get the treasure, you will give it to Qin Sang." The other half is given to real people.”

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