Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1859 Swallowing Sea Clams

The unexpected blow failed to achieve any miraculous effect. The Ghost King no longer hid, and tried many times to activate the power of water in the nearby illusion, but gave up because of the obstruction of other illusions.

Having learned his lesson, Qin Sang deliberately stayed away from any illusions that could be used by King Linyou, which took more than half the time than expected.

Qin Sang was now extremely fearful of the Demon King and had no thoughts of counterattack. He no longer used illusions to stop Linyou King and focused on escaping to the jungle.

"I really am still a little short of the fire..."

Qin Sang sighed secretly.

With both legal and physical cultivation, possessing spiritual treasures and great supernatural powers, his current strength can be regarded as a strong one among his peers, and he had a hearty battle with Marquis Dingxiang.

Facing the demon king who had self-cultivation, he always felt restrained in every aspect, especially the powerful power and strange changes every time King Linyou used his magical powers, which amazed Qin Sang.

I wonder if there is any genius in the world who can compete with the Demon King in the stage of becoming a god, at least Qin Sang can't do it now, even if he almost killed Dingxiang Hou.

When the "Yuan Shen Sword Cultivation Chapter" and "Celestial Demon Refining" both reach their peak, they may be able to compete with the Linyou King.

Qin Sang was very embarrassed by this chase. At the same time, he was also deeply inspired and felt that he had benefited a lot. However, now that he had no chance to comprehend it calmly, he had to imprint King Linyou's every move in his heart.

Especially in the way of Dharma, King Linyou can be called a good teacher.

The demon cultivator in the transformation stage does not have a profound understanding of the Dharma as the demon king.

If you were to watch a real battle between demon kings, you might be confused due to your cultivation and eyesight.

The demon king who has lost his cultivation is rare to meet in ten thousand years, and is undoubtedly the best guide.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang couldn't help but feel regretful. It's a pity that they met too early. If he waits for tens or hundreds of years, he can take a step forward and have the strength to truly compete with King Linyou. With his understanding of the terrain, he may not have no chance of defeating or even killing the opponent.

After such a battle, it is very possible to fully understand the eleventh level of the "Yuan Shen Sword Raising Chapter", and it will even be of great help to break through the Void Refining Stage.

Distractions arose.

Qin Sang was not distracted, his mind was always locked on King Linyou, paying attention to his every move.

At the same time, King Linyou has been staring at the thunder light transformed by Qin Sang, and a strange light shines in the eyes of Black Fish Faxiang.

As a demon king, his eyesight is naturally good. No matter how well Qin Sang hides his intentions, clues will inevitably be exposed and caught by King Linyou.

If Qin Sang used the illusion to set a trap before, he might have some special ability.

So, Qin Sang can always avoid the illusion containing the power of water element accurately, making it impossible for him to use his magic power. It is not a coincidence. He must be very familiar with the pattern of the illusion here.

In this way, it is somewhat intriguing.

"Is there really nothing I can do for this kid, until he was chased to the point of exhaustion by this king and then captured without mercy?"

King Lingyou flashed this thought, and his expression suddenly became fierce.

Qin Sang felt an inexplicable chill. He knew that he could not hide the secret from King Linyou forever. He raised his head and looked forward, secretly thinking that it was time, and immediately gave up the cover-up.

'boom! ’

The thunder ripped through the sky, flew straight forward, crossed the illusion, and headed straight for the jungle!

King Linyou snorted coldly, and the Black Fish Dharma Prime swung its long tail and slapped Youbo heavily.

‘Wow! ’

The water waves surged into the sky, and the fish jumped up.

At the same time as he leapt, the black fish raised his head high, raised his mouth to the sky, let out a silent roar, and a gray cloud flew out of his throat.

‘Uh-huh! ’

Gray clouds filled the sky, and an outline emerged in the dark void, like an open book. When it became clearer, it turned out to be two clam shells.

Its inner texture is like jade, dotted with many crystal light spots, like pearls inlaid on a clam shell.

The shell is gray and there is nothing strange about it.

The clam shell is half open, and the flesh and blood inside has been hollowed out. It is obviously not a living thing, but a refined rare treasure.

This treasure is called Swallowing Sea Clam, and it is the spiritual treasure that has followed King Linyou for the longest time.

I saw the clam shell appearing in the gray clouds, aiming at the lightning in the distance, and the light spots inside burst out with dazzling light.

Strangely, the light spot was extremely bright for an instant, and then became extremely dark for an instant.

At the same time, the world, including Qin Sang's surroundings, suddenly darkened, as if entering a dark time.

‘Wow! ’

The black fish monk flicked his long tail, rolled up a gentle wave, and poured it on the clam shell.

The outside of the clam shell is darker, almost ink-colored, and with intermittent "click" sounds, the two clam shells close inward. In the process of closing, the body of the sea-swallowing clam gradually becomes illusory, and even disappears.

Qin Sang saw an appalling scene.

The illusion they were in at the moment had no heaven or earth, and there were clouds of white catkins floating in the endless void, flying everywhere, everywhere.

The surrounding area was completely white, similar to a scene of heavy snowfall.

As the swallowing clam closed, Qin Sang found that the surroundings were getting darker, and even his escape light seemed to be suppressed in some way and dimmed.

At the same time, Qin Sang noticed that the white catkins in front of him were squeezed into a ball for some reason and turned into a huge white roller, rolling towards him. The white catkins along the way were drawn into the roller.

The white catkins are as light as willow catkins, and the white roller should not be too heavy, but it brings an infinite sense of oppression.

When he saw the true source of the change, Qin Sang couldn't help but change his expression, and the escape light stopped suddenly.

Wherever it is pressed, there is some kind of white catkins. It is clearly the entire void!

The void seemed to be bent by a terrible force.

The white roller rolled down at a very fast speed with great force. Qin Sang was located in front of the roller, looking extremely small. He was about to be crushed into pulp in the next moment.

What's even more frightening is that the void is folding in front of him. No matter how fast he is, there is no way ahead and there is nothing he can do.

Unless you retreat, King Linyou is watching behind you!

In fact, the void has not been changed, and the monks in the transformation stage have not yet had the ability to shake the void.

With Qin Sang's cultivation level, he could also see some abnormalities, and guessed that it was the power of the clam shell.

The folding of the void is fake, but the power is real, and the danger it brings is not half fake.

Even if he could see the clues, it would be difficult for Qin Sang to find the flaw in a short period of time. The only solution for now is to use force to defeat force!

'boom! boom! boom! ’

The white roller is in front of you.

Qin Sang felt as if he was suffocating when he was facing the mountains. It was a kind of suffocation that was about to be squeezed by the void.

At this moment, Tianmu Die suddenly issued another warning.


After swallowing the sea clam, the black fish's long tail kept swinging, opened its mouth wide, and spit out a ball of white light.

Within the white light is a jade-white bead.

The beads slowly rotated on the top of the head of the black fish, and a white thread was pulled out. The white thread stretched longer and longer, while the beads shrank, and finally turned into a white string several feet long.

The white rope is taut and emits a gentle white light. It seems harmless to humans and animals, but in fact it is also a spiritual treasure.

The Black Fish Faxiang shook his head, and there were two fish whiskers on his mouth, as long and slender as a dragon's whiskers.

The long whiskers bounced up and hooked on the white rope.

The white light exploded, and the white rope twisted and merged into the two long beards. The long beards suddenly became the same texture as the white rope.

‘Wow! ’

'call out! ’

The fish twists its body, tilts its tail upwards, and arches its entire body. At the same time, two long whiskers shoot towards the tail end.

The two long whiskers were twisted into one and wrapped around the tail end. At the same time, the body of Black Fish Faxiang suddenly opened, and the long whiskers were instantly tense.

‘Zheng! ’

The sound of a bow string echoed for a long time and could never stop being heard.

The Black Fish Dharma turned into a long bow. No one was pulling the bow, and the bowstring stretched out on its own. Facing Qin Sang from afar, the bow was bent like a full moon!

Dazzling white light condensed on the bowstring.

Qin Sang's heart beat heavily, a stinging feeling spread throughout his body, and he felt like there was no escape.

The void in front is folded, and there are spiritual arrows locked behind.

In a hurry, Qin Sang flicked his sleeves and robes, and five-colored lights flew out with a crown.

At this moment, Qin Sang finally dared not have any reservations.

The Five Elements Crown hovered in front of Qin Sang, shining with five colors of light, gorgeous, noble, strange and extraordinary.

Like a living creature, the precious light emits regular fluctuations, similar to the breathing and breathing of living creatures.

"This is……"

Seeing the Five Element Crown, the eyes of Black Fish Dharma Prime flashed. He could tell at a glance that this treasure was extraordinary, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously.

'boom! ’

The waves surged, and another huge wave emerged, turning into mist in mid-air and dissolving out of thin air.

'boom! ’

The white roller hit Qin Sang hard, and the entire void suddenly turned over.

Qin Sang's figure did not move at all, the Five Elements Crown bloomed with precious light, the five colors of brilliance intertwined, turning into a great Five Elements Forbidden Divine Light.

Compared to the momentum created by He Swallowing the Sea Clam, this divine light seemed insignificant.

‘Whoosh! ’

The five elements prohibit divine light from penetrating the white roller.

In the middle of the white roller, where the divine light hit, there was a large section of space, and all the white catkins disappeared.

Then the divine light shot into the void, as if it hit an invisible wall, making a deafening noise.

Qin Sang felt that the entire space was shaking. Void cracks appeared where the divine light hit, and five-color brilliance filled the cracks.

Immediately afterwards, the void collapsed at the crack, forming a large hole. Bright light was projected from the entrance of the hole, and the scene outside the hole was what the illusion should have been!

This divine light is the divine light that reverses the five elements and is forbidden. It reverses and becomes absolute, and achieves great results with one strike!

Qin Sang looked relaxed. He was very confident in the power of the Five Elements Mian, but the same spiritual treasure had different powers in the hands of different people.

Even if ordinary spiritual treasures are used by the Demon King, they should not be underestimated.

‘Whoosh! ’

In an instant, Qin Sang rolled up the Five Elements Crown and appeared at the edge of the cave entrance.

Everything was seen by King Linyou, and Black Fish Faxiang rarely showed a trace of annoyance.

If it is Dao Ting Da Zhenren, it is not surprising that he is so difficult to deal with.

This boy is obviously a nobody, but he has endless magical powers and treasures, and he can't even swallow sea clams.

There is another reason. King Lingyou learned from Marquis Dingxiang that this son has the means to contaminate the spiritual treasure, and he does not dare to let the sea-swallowing clam get too close, as the power will inevitably be affected.

Even so, being resolved by one blow was still beyond his expectation.

The fish eyes stared at the Five Elements Crown, as if to see through the details of this treasure. At the same time, the long whiskers stretched tightly, the white light stretched, and turned into an arrow of light.

‘Zheng! ’

The string moves!

Arrow out!

The light arrow was faster than thunder, and it hit Qin Sang just when he appeared at the entrance of the cave!

In an instant, the arrow was less than three inches away from the back of Qin Sang's neck.

At the critical moment, Qin Sang didn't look back, nor did he have the slightest intention of giving in.

Get out of the way now, and when the hole closes, he won't have the ability to shoot the second Great Five Elements Forbidden Divine Light.

The qi and blood in the body vibrated like thunder, the Mingshan Armor shone brightly, and the precious light gathered towards the back of the armor's neck.

The water rippled and the armor turned into a river.

The white light was blazing, the water was rippling, and most of the ten-foot-long light arrow was submerged in the water.

The fragment of the true treasure lived up to expectations and was not penetrated by the light arrow, blocking the fatal blow.

But at the next moment, Qin Sang suddenly felt something strange. With a change of thought, he suddenly understood the whole story. He was shocked and immediately activated the Mingshan Armor to re-divide the power of the true treasure fragments into the body armor.

At the same time, the light arrow exploded, and Qin Sang was engulfed by countless sharp fragments.

If you fail to cope with it, you will inevitably suffer from Ling Chi!

"As expected, he is really cunning!"

Qin Sang snorted coldly. King Linyou must have seen through the changes in Mingshan Armor through previous battles. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough.

'Puff puff puff...'

Fragments of light arrows were all over the body, and they were all blocked by the armor.

Although Qin Sang was not injured, he felt a huge force hit his back, as if he had been hit by a mountain. His face turned pale and he felt his internal organs shifted. Fortunately, he had cultivated a diamond-glazed body and the internal injuries were not serious.

With the help of his strength, he threw himself forward, and the thunder light dimmed and then brightened.


The aftermath of Black Fish's appearance arrived at the entrance of the cave, but it was already too late.

Two long whiskers detached from the tail end, and the sea-swallowing clam also floated from below, suspended in the waves, slowly opening and closing.

Looking at Qin Sang's escaping light, King Linyou looked thoughtful.

If King Linyou wanted to recover King Kong Shi before, his thoughts have changed now and he is more interested in Qin Sang himself.

It's not that King Linyou doesn't want to keep Qin Sang, but he is not as relaxed as he seems.

Although he has the knowledge of a demon king, his cultivation has truly reached the cave-mysterious realm. He uses the power of magic to display great supernatural powers, and even uses spiritual treasures, and the consumption cannot be ignored.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up now. It is amazing that a Dongxuan monk can have so many methods. King Linyou does not believe that the other party has a treasure stronger than that crown.

At least take a look at what the other side has to rely on before considering advancing or retreating.

In addition, King Lingyou judged that it was not easy for the other party's envoy to get the crown, otherwise he would not have risked receiving the arrow.

This is also true. Since the fight with Marquis Dingxiang, Qin Sang has not had a chance to adjust his breath. His cultivation is still in the middle stage of becoming a god, and his true energy cannot be sustained, so he can only take risks.

Escape into the jungle as soon as possible so that you can rely on the body of the spirit tree to resist the demon king and take the opportunity to restore your true energy.

King Linyou did not put away the two spiritual treasures, and Youbo pushed the swallowing clam forward.

I don’t know how many illusions passed through and how far the two sides flew during the chase.

Finally, a familiar sight came into Qin Sang's eyes.

The cyan sky is spread out in front, and the cyan wind piles up into a thick sky wall, which is extremely eye-catching among the illusions.

"finally reached!"

Qin Sang breathed a long sigh of relief and couldn't help but look back and saw a black tide surging behind him.

Without any hesitation, Qin Sang ran straight into the sky wall and suddenly felt that he was surrounded by abundant and pure wood spirit energy. He was continuously absorbed by the spirit wood body and quickly recovered.

'boom! ’

Qin Sang fell directly into the jungle, splashing countless leaves.

Near the place where it fell, some ancient trees swayed regularly, and more than a dozen flags and flags rose from the tree crowns, forming a formation in the blink of an eye! ()

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