Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1863: Killing Ghosts in the Arctic

Chapter 1864 Killing Ghosts in the Arctic

In the center of the golden armor battle formation, Qin Sang and King Linyou were fighting.

Qin Sang was inside, the golden-armored general was outside, and Zuo Zhenren was on top, forming a small battle formation.

Qin Sang is like a brave general, leading his men to surround and kill the enemy, while Zuo Zhenren is responsible for the coordination and coordination.

At this moment, Qin Sang completely forgot about himself and attacked the enemy in front of him crazily. There were no so-called moves, only the purest fists and kicks, which was more in line with the true meaning of the Great Vajra Seal.

He didn't care about injuries and consumption, he was crazy.

The power of the spirit tree body finally appeared.

Throughout King Linyou's life, he had never seen such a crazy guy. Being stared at by those red eyes made him feel cold in his heart.

King Linyou not only has to deal with the attacks of Qin Sang and the golden-armored generals, but he also has to always be on guard against Zuo Zhenren's magic talisman.

Zuo Zhenren is sitting high on the altar, seemingly leisurely, but in reality he has never had a moment of leisure. He steps on the steps, fingers seals, and shadows of talismans flash, sometimes blending into the golden-armored warriors, and sometimes hitting King Lingyou.

The magical talisman can be transformed into swords, guns, swords and halberds, and can also appear in the wind, flowers, snow and moon. The murderous intention is hidden in it. It is so magical that King Linyou is overwhelmed and dare not despise it.

In a short period of time, Zuo Zhenren displayed more magical talismans than Qin Sang had ever seen, which showed how exquisite the Taoist talismans were.


The roaring roar shook the sky.

King Linyou's ferocity was aroused by Qin Sang, and he stared at him with ferocious eyes, a flash of light all over his body, and his body shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The shrunken fish body was less than half its original size, and even looked a little small in front of Qin Sang, but the luster of its scales was even deeper. At the same time, Qin Sang felt an inexplicable threat from him and became very vigilant.

The change has not stopped yet, and has affected the surroundings. With King Linyou as the center, a faint water color spreads in the void.

The color of the water spread and disappeared after touching the battle formation of the golden-armored warrior, as if being dispersed by the golden light.

On the altar, Zuo Zhenren's expression was a little more solemn. He turned his eyes and looked at a place outside the battle formation.

The water color appeared again at the edge of the battle formation, no longer spreading, and gathered in a radius of several feet, but it changed again.

There seemed to be real water there, and a big black fish appeared out of thin air among the rippling water.

The black fish is as pale as the water. It is like a shadow, swinging its tail. It is restricted in some way and can only swim within the range of the water color. It seems to be trapped in the pool. It looks quite comfortable.

The second and third black fish phantoms appeared, and they happened to be in the position of the three talents, and they surrounded the golden-armored general.

Zuo Zhenren's expression moved slightly, and with an order, a neat sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

The golden-armored warrior withdrew all the golden ropes in his hands, swung them outward, and drew them towards the three black fish phantoms.

'Snapped! ’

The power of the golden rope was extremely strong. When it hit the void, it seemed to tear the void apart, making an explosive sound.

The golden stream of light penetrated the black fish shadow and retracted in a snap.

Looking at the black fish shadow again, he was actually safe and sound, his whole body unscathed, and even the color of the water had no obvious ripples.

Zuo Zhenren was stunned for a moment, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what kind of magical powers these black fish shadows were. Perhaps they were newly discovered by King Linyou in recent years.

With his thoughts turning, he ordered the golden-armored warrior to continue attacking King Linyou. He then took out three yellow talismans from his sleeves. With a flick of his wrist, they turned into three rays of black and yellow light and shot at the three black fish shadows respectively.

The yellow talisman landed silently, and the talisman paper disappeared, leaving only three red secret words written in cinnabar, floating on the surface of the water, and the black fish shadow suddenly became less flexible.

This talisman is a kind of secret talisman that has the ability to seal. When encountering unknown objects, it can always exert magical effects.

However, Zuo Zhenren was still a little slow in releasing the talisman.

In the battle formation, Linyou King flicked his fish tail and suddenly pulled it out, and the three black fish shadows outside also flicked their tails at the same time.

The fish's tail was as fast as thunder, and the Sky-Eyed Butterfly could barely catch the fish's tail.

Qin Sang hurriedly raised his arms, and with a bang, he felt a mountain hit him. With a muffled groan, he flew back on the spot, almost breaking up the formation of the golden-armored general.

When he released his strength and raised his arms, he was shocked to find that there were obvious dents in the Mingshan armor on his forearms, and the dents were covered with cracks.

Since the battle with Linyou King, this precious armor has resisted many attacks for him, and finally it was overwhelmed.

After all, the texture of the Mingshan Armor is not as good as the Lingbao. When the fragments of the true treasure are gathered together, they are as powerful as ever. If scattered throughout the body, they will have limitations. Facing the Demon King, the shortcomings will be exposed.

"I was a little greedy last time. The full body armor caused the power of the true treasure to be too dispersed and not beautiful. It would be best to refine an inner armor..."

This thought flashed across Qin Sang's mind, and before the attack stopped, he twisted around and rushed out.

Zuo Zhenren also noticed their movements, glanced at Qin Sang, and shook out something from his sleeve robe, which was a jade sign the size of a finger.

It looks like a jade stick, but is actually a spiritual talisman. It is called the jade script of Ying Ling Shen Yao.

This talisman can frighten away demons and ghosts, so that they do not dare to get close. It has the effect of protecting the body. It is a secret that is not passed down by the Taoist court.

This talisman is powerful and difficult to refine. The 'talisman paper' that only carries the talisman requires a kind of spiritual jade that is rare in the world. It requires excellent quality and must be carefully refined through seven or forty-nine steps. Can be formed.

He did not hesitate to take out this talisman, which shows that Zuo Zhenren has the intention to kill King Linyou!

'Snapped! ’

The talisman shattered and turned into a stream of jade-colored light.

Qin Sang felt something in his heart and realized that the jade light was beneficial and harmless to him, so he did not resist and allowed the jade light to cover him.

For a moment, Qin Sang's figure looked a bit hazy, and he himself felt a sense of lightness. Facing Linyou King, the depression that should have disappeared, instead, he felt condescending, as if he had turned into a monster that absorbed evil spirits. Gods and their rank naturally suppress the opponent.

Of course, this is just an illusion. Whether or not King Linyou can be captured depends on who is stronger.

'boom! ’

Qin Sang stepped forward and saw the fish's tail coming towards him, and met him with a heavy fist.

'boom! ’

With one blow, Qin Sang's whole body was shaken. The strength of the fish tail was not inferior to that of the previous one, but Qin Sang's performance was much calmer.

"It's indeed a magic talisman!"

Qin Sang released her strength and secretly admired her. When her foot fell, she suddenly saw King Lingyou leaping into the sky.

Just now, the sea-swallowing clam finally got rid of the entanglement of the wooden beads and shot down.

Seeing King Linyou's actions, Qin Sang's eyes narrowed, his phoenix wings flapped rapidly, and he pounced towards him.

Immediately, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air, and all the golden ropes shot towards the Linyou King in unison, like an umbrella cover opening in mid-air.

'call out! ’

The sea-swallowing clam turned into a ghostly light and flew back to King Lingyou. The shell of the clam opened slightly and swallowed King Lingyou whole. Then the shell shook slightly and shot high into the sky.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

When the golden rope arrived, it did not break open the sea-swallowing clam, but nimbly wrapped it around the shell.

Dozens of golden ropes instantly tied the swallowing clam tightly.


The golden rope tightened, and all the golden-armored warriors roared and pulled down with all their strength.

Qin Sang also chased after him. With a snap, he firmly grasped the swallowing clam with both hands and used Qianjin Drop. There was a sword whistling like thunder in the sky. The Yunyou Sword was like a swimming dragon, swiftly slashing the swallowing clam.

Three black fish phantoms flicked their tails wildly.

King Lingyou is also amazing. After enduring such an attack, he still perseveres and rushes out.

‘Crunch! ’

The golden rope is stretched straight and ready to break.

Zuo Zhenren frowned slightly and immediately gave an order. Half of the golden-armored generals handed the golden ropes in their hands to their companions. They bent their knees slightly and jumped into the air. They heard a loud bang and bang as they crashed into each other.

The golden light was dazzling, and when the light dissipated slightly, the golden-armored warrior turned into a golden mountain, aimed at the swallowing clam, and smashed it down!

No one knew how heavy this golden mountain was, but when Qin Sang caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye, his eyelids twitched.

‘Boom! ’

The golden mountain swallows the clam.

The treasure light was almost completely shattered, and a crack opened in the clam shell under the vibration, as if it had been smashed open.

The clam shell opened and immediately opened to its maximum. There was a dark scene inside, and King Linyou was exposed.

Seeing King Linyou again, Qin Sang's eyes showed a strange color, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

For some reason, the black fish's appearance is obviously more illusory than before. It doesn't care about the enemies around it, it raises its head to the sky, and the fish's mouth opens wide, as if it is swallowing something.

After it appeared, the Dharma's appearance changed faster, and it seemed to be scattered for a moment.

The three black fish shadows around them gradually solidified, and they all had the same posture as the black fish's appearance, with their mouths open.

In fact, just now, the three black fish phantoms started moving again. Qin Sang and Zuo Zhenren were attracted by the swallowing clams and failed to be alert.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang had a flash of inspiration and suddenly thought of the scene where King Linyou used the power of water to attack him. His expression condensed and he repeatedly reminded: "Senior, be careful..."

There is also a fantasy scene containing water vapor nearby, but it is not bordered by the jungle realm.

The words have not yet finished.

The sky suddenly became gloomy, and abnormally abundant water vapor came from nowhere and gathered into clouds high in the sky.

The next moment, it rained heavily.

In a short period of time, the land turned into a lake. The water in the lake continued to rise and half of the tree was submerged.

A faint blue light appeared all over the body of the black fish figure, swaying like fire.

King Linyou had a ferocious face and eyes filled with deep hatred. He had already deeply hated Qin Sang and Zuo Zhenren. He had to sacrifice the Dharma and use magical powers that should not belong to the Dongxuan stage in order to hope to escape.

If you are not more decisive, if it is consumed for a while, the sacrificial image will not be able to use this magical power.

Qin Sang felt suffocated, felt the terrifying power of the water covering the sky, and was frightened. This was probably the true magical power of the Demon King!

At this time, Zuo Zhenren replied calmly: "It doesn't matter."

His tone was extremely confident, as if he had been waiting for this moment for a long time, which made Qin Sang feel at ease.

‘Wow! ’

The rainstorm stopped abruptly, seemingly anticlimactic.

But the sky did not clear up. Rich water vapor filled the entire space, and the sky above the jungle was covered with mist.

‘Wow! ’

Qin Sang and Zuo Zhenren suddenly heard the ethereal sound of water waves.

At some point, the surrounding scene changed drastically, and the space turned into a deep lake. Ancient trees, golden-armored generals including Qin Sang and Zuo Zhenren were all under the water.

The world is like water, and all creatures in the world are fish in the water. At this moment, Qin Sang and Zuo Zhenren became fish trapped in the water.

The surface of the water is a tangible boundary that cannot be broken through by anyone without extraordinary powers.

This scene is both real and illusory.

The world in the eyes of Qin Sang and Zuo Zhenren was still the same. They couldn't feel the water and couldn't see the boundary, but King Linyou also disappeared in front of them.

The disappearance was so sudden and unprepared.

"As expected of the Taoist soldiers and descendants of demon gods carefully selected by the sages back then, all of them are indeed of good blood..."

Zuo Zhenren murmured, and couldn't help but admire King Linyou's magical power.

‘Wow! ’

Suddenly a splash of water rose up from the calm water surface, and a black fish emerged from the water.

The fish's body is like a crescent moon. After jumping out of the water, it leaps upwards without looking back.

The fish's tail sways slightly.

Fish leaps over the dragon's gate!

Wherever the black fish passes, water vapor follows it, spreading upwards. Wherever the water vapor touches, the scenery changes.

In fact, even the sky wall is pressed down by the water surface, and the water surface continues to rise, and will exceed the jungle domain, and even pass through the illusion of the upper level, or even more.

During the soaring process, King Linyou's appearance continued to burn, gradually revealing his true form.

Its body is exactly a black fish, and its tail is a dragon's tail that almost turns into a dragon.

His face was full of exhaustion and his scales were gray, but he did not dare to stop. He used all his strength to stay away from the battlefield and escape from here.

Although one's vitality will be severely damaged after escaping, as long as one reaches a place with abundant water energy, one can still survive.

Finally, King Linyou broke through the sky wall.

"Faster! Faster!"

King Linyou screamed in his heart.

The enemy is still below, and it seems that he has not yet seen through his magical power. He is ignorant and looking for traces of him everywhere.

Fortunately, Zuo Fengdao's cultivation had also reached the Dongxuan realm, which restricted his spiritual sense, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to hide it for too long.

With this thought in his mind, before King Linyou could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly caught a glimpse of green light from the corner of his eye.

The green light sticks to the edge of the sky wall, which is very inconspicuous.

But King Linyou couldn't move his eyes away after just one glance.

A flash of green light blocked the front. In the green light was a small seal, three inches long and two inches wide.

This seal is carved from sapphire. The seal button is broken and there are obvious signs of breakage. A corner of the seal is also missing. The writing on the seal is incomplete, and the preserved characters are also scratched.

"Bei...kill ghosts..."

After seeing the handwriting on the remaining seal, King Linyou suddenly stared in disbelief.

This...could it be the Arctic Ghost Killing Seal!

The Arctic Ghost Killing Seal, one of the legendary Taoist divine seals, comes from the Arctic Exorcism Academy. It specializes in killing ghosts and demons, and its power is boundless.

Since the collapse of the Divine Court and the decline of the Taoist Court, this divine seal has also disappeared without a trace.

Some people speculate that this seal was destroyed in the tragic battle that destroyed the Taoist sect.

In that battle, the Taoist masters fell and countless Taoist treasures were destroyed.

Taoist sects believe that the seal is the trust between heaven and earth. It can be used to write talismans, cast spells, build altars, summon generals, perform dharma, and even perform rituals, collect evil spirits, practice exercises, and pray for blessings.

After years of accumulation, there are many divine seals refined by the Taoist sect, but very few of them have survived.

There are also legends that the Arctic Ghost Killing Seal appeared in the last battle, but it was not completely destroyed, and the remaining seal fell into the Gusanjiji altar.

There are also rumors that the remaining seal was recovered by the Arctic Exorcism Institute and enshrined in Shiraishiji. The current Taoist sect is unable to repair the divine seal.

The Arctic Ghost Killing Seal is actually in Zuo Fengdao's hand, and he can activate it!

Even though it’s just a residual seal!

‘Buzz! ’

The North Pole Ghost Killing Seal appeared in a flash. The face of the seal was facing Linyou King, emitting a gentle green light, but it filled his face with horror.

At the same time, Qin Sang and Zuo Zhenren looked up at the sky.

Qin Sang didn't know when to sacrifice the Five Elements Crown, held it in the palm of his hand, turned the crown lightly, and the five-color divine light broke through the sky and penetrated the sky wall!


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