Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1869 The Great Sage

Chapter 1870 The Great Sage

The red star falls from the sky.

The blazing wind rolled in, twisting the void.

After issuing the curse, the old Taoist priest suddenly swung the fly whisk, which was like a sword and pointed toward the sky.

The golden light in the battle formation was attracted by the whisk, and waves of golden light surged up.

'Snapped! ’

The whisk silk exploded, but it was not messy. Thousands of silver threads formed an extremely complex rune, and the golden light crazily gathered towards the front of the whisk.

The golden light condensed into a golden talisman in front of the fly whisk. The talisman paper was golden, as thin as cicada wings, and as light as water.

The talisman is nearly ten feet long, like a long golden flag standing in the void. There are no words on the flag, and it is covered with golden runes. It is more complicated than any talisman used by the old Taoist priest before.

As the golden light flows, the golden talisman floats up, seemingly slowly but urgently, towards the meteorite coming from the sky, and appears in front of the meteorite in a flash.

The meteorite was huge, and the surrounding flames formed an even larger fireball. Compared with it, the golden talisman seemed extremely small and insignificant.

But the moment it touched the golden talisman, the meteorite's momentum stopped and its speed dropped sharply.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze as the fireball hit a solid barrier and its front end was deeply dented.

The golden talisman was submerged into the fireball. It seemed thin, but it caused the red flame to roll back.

In the chaotic flames, the light of the golden talisman was bright and dazzling, penetrating through the layers of fire, and finally penetrated the fireball and was imprinted on the meteorite inside.

'boom! ’

The meteorite shook wildly.

'call! call! call! ’

A stream of red fire went out of control, shooting out into fireballs and shooting in all directions.

The golden talisman was attached to the surface of the meteorite. It looked like a small talisman, and it fell lightly. However, it seemed to have immense divine power, causing the meteorite to shake violently and stop in mid-air.

Immediately, the golden talisman erupted into a richer golden light. The golden light was like a knife, stirring the fire storm and penetrating the interior of the meteorite.

‘Crack! Click! ’

The meteorite vibrated wildly, and cracks were created after being hit by the golden talisman. With the golden talisman as the center, they intertwined and formed larger cracks, spreading in all directions.

The surface of the meteorite is crisscrossed with ravines and riddled with holes.

The next moment, the other side of the meteorite was torn apart, and golden light seeped out.

In the blink of an eye, the meteorite was penetrated by the power of the golden talisman, and it was filled with golden light from the inside out.

'boom! ’

Loud thunder shook the battlefield.

The red gold light exploded, dazzling to the extreme, and the meteorite fragments flew out with flames, like fireworks. This scene was beautiful, but there were astonishing fluctuations in the spread.

The meteorite was torn apart by a golden talisman!

The viewers were all shocked, the demon cultivators were horrified, and the monks were ecstatic.

The two Demon King Dharma Prime Ministers groaned and retreated several feet, their figures looking embarrassed and their auras messy.

The meteorite was brought from the outside world by the power of the Dharma. It was connected to the Qi machine of the Dharma. If the meteorite was destroyed, they would inevitably suffer the backlash.

The earth armored dragon swung its long tail back and forth anxiously, while the fire spirit stared at the remaining pictures of the twenty-four days of hell.

This treasure is damaged and cannot be compared with the legendary Heavenly Prison. The strength of ghost soldiers and talisman gods is limited. In the past, the figures of Da Zhenren and Demon King were indispensable on the battlefield. I don’t think Yin Tian Palace is so powerful. Appreciate the power of this treasure.

The meteorite shattered and the demon king was frustrated.

The momentum of the Taoist side increased greatly, and the old Taoist priest pointed his whisk forward as he drew the golden talisman.

The three great masters had already ridden the altar and passed the old Taoist priest in advance. The other great masters and soldiers and horses changed their formations accordingly, divided into three groups, and headed by the three great masters, charged towards the enemy.

The old Taoist priest is still the core of the battle formation, with finger tips, step outline skills, talismans, summoning generals from gods...

He is a scholar of heaven and man, relying on the residual pictures, and his various magical powers are dizzying.

At this time, you can see that three peaks protrude from the front of the golden battle formation, like three golden arrows, advancing together, led by the three great masters, rushing towards the enemy formation, the offensive is like a tide, invincible!

On the other hand, on the side of Guifang Country, the demon princes were weakened by the shattered meteorite. The demon kings seemed to be frightened by the power of the residual map of the twenty-four days of hell. They have not made effective responses for a long time, causing people to panic and act in their own way. , a plate of loose sand.

A demon king with the body of a manticore even retreated instead of advancing. As soon as he retreated, a green mist hit his face.

The green mist is highly poisonous and is originally the magical power of the manticore.

During the previous fight, he secretly released the toxin. Unexpectedly, before it could take effect, he was beaten back by the old Taoist priest with a whisk.

Facing his own poisonous mist, the manticore didn't dare to confront him head-on, because the poisonous mist contained the power of the Talisman God.

'brush! brush! brush! ’

The scorpion flicked its tail sharply, shooting out streaks of divine light before scattering the poisonous mist.

Similar situations happen in the demon formation from time to time.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, the demon array is in chaos, and the Taoist sect is as powerful as a rainbow, so they must attack the enemy array with all their might and rush into the auspicious clouds.

At this point, the demon king in white finally made a move. He seemed to be aware of the changes in the battle situation behind him and turned around slowly.

The battlefield came into view, but the demon king in white showed no fluctuation in his expression and his eyes were indifferent.

After casually glancing at the old Taoist priest and the others, the demon king in white raised his head slightly and murmured with emotion: "Twenty-four days in hell..."

No panic could be seen on the face of the demon king in white, but instead there was a strange and unpredictable expression.

Zhu Zhen suddenly felt uneasy, but he didn't know where the problem was.

The arrogance of the demon formation was wiped out, and it was too late to regain its strength. The demon kings did not behave like fakers, and there was no trace of a trap.

There was no special fluctuation in the demon king in white.

There are various signs that they have the upper hand, but for some reason, the uneasiness in their hearts is getting stronger.

Suddenly, a mocking sneer appeared on the corner of the white-clothed demon king's mouth, and he raised his hand to wave behind him.

The vibrations in the auspicious clouds stopped abruptly.

The vortex of auspicious clouds suddenly stopped rotating, and the rotating five-color clouds immediately dissipated. A stream of light flew from the vortex into the hands of the demon king in white, which was the half of the edict.

The passage leading to the divine court is gone.

The demon king in white held the order in his hand, his eyes swept across the battlefield coldly, and he shook it hard.

'Snapped! ’

The edict was shattered.

The cracking sound was not loud, but it was like thunder in Zhu Zhen's ears, making their hearts skip a beat.

The old Taoist priest hurriedly looked at the other half of the edict floating beside him, and found that it was also full of cracks.

At the same time, four escaping lights suddenly flew out of the demon formation, including three demon kings including the earth-armored dragon.

In the middle of the three dharma images is a young man with an unattractive appearance. He is obviously only a demon lord, but he is protected by the three demon kings.

The young man's face was filled with nervousness. He flew to the Demon King in white, took out a gray cloth bag from his arms, opened the bag's restriction, and immediately a ray of purple light flew out and landed in front of the Demon King in white.

"Xiao Hou is lucky to have lived up to his command," the young man breathed a sigh of relief, bowed and stepped back, his expression full of excitement.

The purple light was dense, and it turned out to be a big purple drum without drumsticks, with gold thread wrapped around its waist, outlining various strange animal shapes.


Suddenly there was a tiger roar.

The demon king in white manifested his Dharma form for the first time. It was a ferocious white tiger that merged into the body of the demon king in white in one leap.

He raised his right hand, and a purple mark appeared on his palm. Purple light gathered like a tide and turned into a purple drumstick.

The purple electricity traveling on the surface of the drumstick is magical.

After condensing the drumstick, the demon king in white turned pale and bloodless, obviously exhausted.

"Sing the demon drum!"

Seeing the purple drum, the old Taoist priest's expression completely changed.

The three great masters and some well-informed masters were also shocked and exclaimed.

The Demonic Drum is one of the most precious treasures of the Guifang Kingdom.

Even real treasures and acquired spiritual treasures are far inferior to this treasure in the eyes of demon cultivators from Guifang Kingdom.

The existence of Guifang Country has a lot to do with this treasure.

All the real people present have never seen the power of the Demon Drum with their own eyes, but they have all heard the legend of the Demon Drum.

It is said that once the spiritual drum is beaten, the sound of the drum spreads thousands of miles instantly.

Spreading to the Nie Yuan, the ferocious beasts and ghosts deep in the Nie Yuan will go crazy when they hear the sound of the drum, and are attracted by the spiritual drum.

It is said that the sound of drums can attract beasts and ghosts that are as powerful as the Great Sage, or even more terrifying beings!

The Nie Yuan and Nie Sea are boundless and more dangerous than imagined.

These ferocious beasts and ghosts instinctively hate the fluctuations of Du Gong Seal. The higher the strength, the more sensitive their perception. Unless they are provoked, they will generally not take the initiative to approach.

But once they go crazy due to the sound of drums and rush into Si Zhi, the consequences will be disastrous.

Fortunately, Guifangguo cannot completely control these ferocious beasts and ghosts.

If the Great Sage personally drives him, there is also the risk of being counterattacked. When the time comes, the enemy will not be destroyed, but the evil beast will trample the Guifang Kingdom. The gain outweighs the loss, so he does not dare to beat the spiritual drum easily.

However, when Gui Fang's country is at the point of life and death, it will inevitably attract evil beasts at all costs, destroy the four governance, and perish together with the Taoist sect.

With the sound of the demon drum as a deterrent, the Taoist sect did not dare to push Gui Fangguo to this point.

Because of this, the Taoist sect in this realm has two exclusive powers. For many years, its strength has been superior to that of Guifang Kingdom, but even at its peak, it was unable to destroy Guifang Kingdom.

The Demon Drum is an important weapon of the country. It has always been treasured in the Great Sage Mansion and is heavily protected.

Once this treasure is lost, the life and death of Guifang Kingdom will be controlled by the Taoist sect.

At this moment, they dare to bring the Demonic Drum into Nie Yuan!

The demon king in white had a ferocious face, raised the drumstick with both hands, and struck it down hard.

‘Boom! ’

The drumstick in the white-clothed demon king's hand disappeared, as if all his strength had been exhausted. His face was covered with sweat, his whole body was shaking, and he could not hide his weakness.

The drum head erupted with a rich purple light, stinging Zhu Zhen's eyes.

The sound of drums is distant.

It spread to the battlefield, penetrated many illusions, and reached the ears of Qin Sang, Zuo Zhenren and other people in the governance altar.

The great master and the demon king outside the altar also heard the drums.

These happened almost at the same time, and the sound of drums continued to spread in Nie Yuan, traveling thousands of miles in an instant, and reaching the depths of Nie Yuan.

‘Boom! ’

Another demon king took over from the demon king in white and beat the second tom, and then the third demon king came forward...

A towering mountain range.

The mountain looks like dark iron. There is no vegetation on the surface of the pitch-black rocks, and no shadows of ferocious beasts can be seen.

The mountain is steep and towering into the clouds. When you approach this mountain, you will feel an infinite sense of oppression.

The coercion brings fear from the bottom of the heart, so that no ferocious beast dares to approach.

There is a huge platform on the top of the mountain, with a depression in the middle.

Suddenly, a sharp scream came from the mountain, with endless anger. There was chaos outside the mountain, and countless ferocious beasts fled in all directions.


The screams resounded throughout the sky, drowning out the sound of the drums.

The next moment, the entire mountain range was shrouded in a huge shadow, and only a pair of black wings could be seen on the sky, covering the sky like clouds hanging from the sky.

At the same time, in another direction deep in the Nie Yuan, there was an endless plain somewhere.

When the drum sound reached here, an earth-shattering explosion occurred in the middle of the plain.

Earth waves surged thousands of feet into the sky, and a bottomless pit suddenly appeared on the plain.

The roar was like thunder, shaking the earth.

No sign of the ferocious beast was seen, and a gray thunder light shot out from the huge pit, breaking through the void.

Wherever the thunder passed, it left behind twists and turns of lightning in the void. Endless lightning filled the void, using the sky as a canvas to outline a picture of the God of Thunder, as if tearing the sky into pieces.

Occasionally, an arc of electricity falls on the ground and can easily blow up a mountain, wiping out all the creatures in the mountain.

The screams and roars shook Nie Yuan, and the army outside the Zhitan also heard it.

All the cultivators looked into the depths of Nie Yuan. In their sight, the auspicious clouds in the governance altar became more brilliant, like neon lights.

Behind the auspicious clouds was the deep sky, where there was something that frightened them.

Even Da Zhenren and the Demon King couldn't help but tremble when they heard the sound. They seemed to have felt the terrifying and evil aura, and they were all horrified.

In the governance altar.

Qin Sang still didn't know why. He didn't know how to sound the demon drum, nor what the sound of the drum meant.

Zuo Zhenren obviously didn't have the leisure to explain for him.

However, seeing Zuo Zhenren's expression, Qin Sang understood that something major that was detrimental to the Taoist sect must have happened.

The three-way drum sounded, and Qin Sang suddenly frowned. He vaguely heard screams and roars.

The sound came from outside the altar. It was not obvious, but it made him feel frightened, as if something very scary was approaching.

Master Zuo on the side suddenly raised his head, his expression even more frightened and angry, letting Qin Sang understand that this was not an illusion.

Deep in the governance altar.

The Taoist clan rushed to kill them like crazy, but there was no time to stop the demon king from beating the demon drum.

The scribe in white had a weak face, but he kept looking at the remaining pictures of the Twenty-four Days Prison with greedy eyes.

At this moment, the astute real person had a vague realization.

There is no divine birth at all!

Everything is fake, it is a trap of Gui Fang Kingdom. They took advantage of that unusual political turmoil and planned for hundreds of years to lead Dao Sect into the situation step by step, just for today!

So, what is Guifangguo’s goal?

The old Taoist priest suddenly raised his head.

The remaining pictures of the twenty-four days of hell!

Guifangguo wants to snatch the remaining pictures of the Twenty-Four Heaven Prison!

In the past, Master Houtu created the Shinto and refined the Twenty-Four Heavens. This treasure was the origin of the Shinto.

If Oni Fangguo really wants to re-enact Shinto, it would be of great significance to them to refer to the residual pictures.

However, this treasure has been hidden in Heming Mountain. There is a large array of Yintian Palace sects. The Taoist court can support it at any time, so it is not so easy to be snatched away.

Once the residual figure leaves the Yintian Palace and is even taken into the Evil Plain, it will be much easier, and there will be less scruples about beating the demon drum here.

The old Taoist priest instantly figured out the whole story. His arm holding the fly whisk was trembling, and he desperately wanted to put away the remaining pictures.

The border between Nishigahara and Okayamaji.

When the edict was crushed, a storm arose here.

The dark clouds covered the sky and the sun, spreading rapidly towards the direction of Gu Sanzhi Zhi Altar, crossing the vast plains in an instant, and the golden light in the clouds was faintly visible like scales.

The army outside the Zhitan suddenly felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark. They looked up and found dark clouds covering the sky in the east, followed by wind and thunder, rumbling.


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