Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1875 Sword Skills

Chapter 1876 Sword Skills

"Since fellow Taoist said this, Pindao will be shameless in the future and visit Master Zuo more often. Well, as the saying goes, walk around often, haha..."

Qin Sang said and couldn't help but laugh.

The sword-wielding master also smiled and shook his head, "Do you think that Master Zuo is treating fellow Taoist differently because of his relationship with Pindao? Master Zuo has a sharp eye and sees everything clearly. How can he be judged by outsiders? Since Master Zuo has won over him Fellow Taoist, it can only show that your ability is so powerful that it has been recognized and valued by the great master, so fellow Taoist must not underestimate yourself."

Qin Sang took a sip of wine and said: "I won't belittle myself as a poor Taoist, but it is undeniable that I can get to know Zuo Zhenren, and Zuo Zhenren is willing to take action to save me from danger, and I have a relationship with fellow Taoist..."

As he spoke, Qin Sang briefly described how he and Zuo Zhenren teamed up to fight against the Demon King seven years ago, and objectively described his own strength and role.

Before this, every time Qin Sang returned to Xingdao Fairy Lake, he would hide his true cultivation level.

After obtaining the "Poison God Codex", Qin Sang's cultivation speed was astonishing. He was not afraid that the master holding the sword would know about it, but he was afraid that it would spread to the Taoist court and be targeted by interested people.

Qin Sang understood the truth that anything beautiful in the forest would be destroyed by the wind. As a casual cultivator, he had no one to rely on, so he had to be cautious in everything.

After the battle of Zhitan, it is impossible to hide it any longer, but now both his strength and background are different from what they were before.

Qin Sang guessed that after the Zhitan Rebellion, Zuo Zhenren should have contacted Zhijian Zhenren to inquire about his details.

The real person holding the sword may have known it for a long time.

As expected, after listening to Qin Sang's narration, the master holding the sword did not show much surprise. He gently shook the wine glass in his hand and pretended to be surprised: "As the saying goes, a separation of three days makes us see each other with new eyes. A poor Taoist can only stay in seclusion for a few years. , not only the external situation has changed suddenly, but also the old friends have soared into the sky, and they almost dare not recognize each other! Daoist friend has the ability to kill the demon king. He must have understood the Chengying Sword and gained some understanding of the sword. Do you still remember the agreement back then? Choose a day It's better to hit the sun and the moonlight is just right, instead of you and I discussing the Tao with swords tonight!"

Qin Sang was helpless. The sword-wielding master knew exactly what he wanted to ask, but he pretended to be confused and kept talking about him. He thought he had something to hide.

Since the sword wielder didn't want to say anything, Qin Sang stopped asking and drank all the wine in the glass, "I need to make some preparations to use the sword in front of fellow Taoists. Can you wait for me for another year?"

Qin Sang has not forgotten the agreement with the sword-wielding master and has been looking forward to it.

However, he does not have the spirit sword in his hand now.

The level of the Gray Eagle Sword is not enough, and the Yunyou Sword is devouring the King Kong Solid, and it is expected to be completed soon.

"Okay, it will be set in one year!"

The master holding the sword nodded, drank a glass with him, picked up the wine bottle, shook it, and filled up their glasses.

Before I knew it, it was already late at night.

The two chatted about the past and present, and returned home enjoying themselves.

half year later.

In the cave.

Qin Sang was meditating with his eyes closed when he suddenly felt something and silently urged the sword technique. In an instant, the sword light filled the room.

A gleaming sword light hovered in front of Qin Sang, revealing the bright and transparent Yunyou Sword.

It didn't look much different from before, except that the green light emitted by the spirit sword seemed a bit thicker.

However, Qin Sang could sense that the Yunyou Sword's blade was now indestructible precisely because of the strength of the King Kong.

After the birth of a spiritual fetus and the advancement of spiritual treasures, Yunyou Sword can devour spiritual trees at a much faster rate than before.

Both diamonds have been swallowed by the Yunyou Sword. Counting from the day it started to be swallowed, it has been seven years now. In fact, the total time it took to swallow them is only three years.

In the middle of swallowing two diamond solids, Qin Sang delayed for several years to realize the changes brought about by the diamond solids.

Qin Sang kept his eyes closed, sensing his natal spiritual sword with his mind. After a moment, he murmured: "Sure enough..."

After swallowing the first diamond solid, Qin Sang discovered that after swallowing the diamond solid, the changes in the spiritual fetus were not obvious.

The second one is still the same.

It can be seen that swallowing spiritual wood can only improve the spiritual sword itself and increase the power of the spiritual sword, but it cannot speed up the transformation of the Wandering Sword by accumulating spiritual wood.

The key to the process of the transformation of a Lingbao into a Heavenly Lingbao lies in spirituality. The weapon spirit is bred in the spiritual womb.

Qin Sang also learned about it when he asked Master Gu for advice.

In terms of nurturing spirituality, the natal spirit treasure and the owner's life are intertwined and connected by blood. They have advantages that other spirit treasures cannot match.

But if you want your natal spiritual treasure to remain pure to prevent a rift between you and its owner, some secret refining techniques that rely on external forces to catalyze spirituality cannot be used roughly on your natal spiritual treasure, and you must be careful to screen it.

Qin Sang has not learned many secret techniques, and for the time being he can only rely on himself to warm up the Yunyou Sword.

He opened his eyes, and Yunyoujian turned the blade slightly, so that the tip of the sword was facing Qin Sang's eyes.

At this moment, Qin Sang's pupils couldn't help but shrink. He felt that the sword was extremely sharp and stinging, and he couldn't help but secretly praise it.

Half a year later, the agreed period has arrived.

Xingdao Fairy Lake North Region.

The place seemed more and more dead. The monks rushed to escape into the inner lake to avoid disaster. Some even moved their families, taking with them the families and mortals who were attached to the sect.

Mortals with connections are also fleeing south, and those left behind can only resign themselves to their fate.

The islands have become deserted islands one after another. Although traces of the former prosperity can still be seen, they have long been deserted.

The two figures walking in the wind are none other than Qin Sang and the sword-wielding master.

The escaping light kept on flying north, and it became increasingly difficult to see the fireworks in the world. As it continued to go north, it was full of desolation.

Flying to an open water area, the real person holding the sword lowered his escape light, flicked his fingers to create a shadow of the sword, roared out, left and returned after a while, nodded lightly: "There is no one in the radius of thousands of miles, just stay here."


Qin Sang fell thousands of feet in front of the sword-wielding master, his feet stepping on the water, rising and falling with the microwave.

The two of them bowed across the water.

Qin Sang made a sword move, and a sword light shot out from the center of his eyebrows, and the sword came out like a dragon.

Incited by the sword energy, huge waves suddenly appeared in front of Qin Sang.

The Yunyou Sword circled around Qin Sang's head, turned into a startling rainbow, and shot straight into the sky. The sound of the sword was like thunder, shaking all directions.

There are no islands or reefs nearby, but there is no lack of life in the water. When hearing the thunder, even ordinary fish and shrimps that have not yet been enlightened will instinctively feel fear and flee here in groups.

The birds in the sky dare not fly over this water.

"What a sword!"

The sight of the master holding the sword followed the movement of Yunyou Sword, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and he praised loudly.

The next moment, he shook his sleeves, and a ray of silver light shot out, turning into a three-foot green blade, hanging upside down in front of the sword-wielding master.

Qin Sang had seen this sword before. It was the sword used by the sword-wielding master when he first saw it in the Star Valley Cave.

This sword was just a fake spiritual treasure at the time, but now it has become a real spiritual treasure. I don't know when the two seal characters "asking the heart" were engraved on the sword.

But Qin Sang knew that this was not the strongest spiritual sword of Master Zhijian.

Qin Sang asked curiously, "Why not use that sword?"

The sword he was talking about was the unsheathed spiritual sword in the cave of the sword-wielding real person. Its whole body was wrapped with white cloth strips engraved with spells.

The first time he saw the sword, Qin Sang was deeply impressed and curious about the true appearance of the spirit sword.

The master holding the sword knew what Qin Sang was asking and said: "I can't fully control that sword, so I left it in the cave."

Qin Sang nodded, and saw that the Questioning Sword hanging in front of the real sword-holder did not move, and was not polite. His thoughts moved slightly, and the clear sound of the sword could be heard from the sky, and the sound of piercing the sky could not be heard.

‘Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

The sound of sword whistling resounded throughout the world.

The master holding the sword raised his head and saw a scene of thousands of sword auras covering the sky. The sword shadows were real and illusory, and the sword auras were like rain, covering the entire water area.

The surrounding area has become a forest of swords, and there is no way to escape.

"Fellow Taoist, look at the sword!"

The sword-wielding master drank lightly.

The Questioning Heart Sword vibrated slightly, the sword body turned, the sword point pointed upward, and suddenly disappeared.

Qin Sang had a look of surprise on his face. The moment the Mind-Questioning Sword disappeared, he actually lost his perception of the Mind-Questioning Sword.

With the help of the magical power of the Third Eye, one can see a sword shadow facing the sword energy in the sky, going against the trend.

And at the moment when the sword shadow was about to collide with the sword energy, Tianmu Die also lost trace of the Heart-Questing Sword.

‘Zheng! ’

A sword cry that was completely different from Yunyou Sword suddenly sounded.

The sound was not loud, compared to the whistling of the sword energy, it was weak, but it was clearly audible.

At this moment, the roar of the sword seemed to be suppressed by this sword cry.

Immediately afterwards, golden sword light suddenly appeared in mid-air. The number was as large as the sword energy falling from the sky, and each point of sword light corresponded to a sword energy.

Thousands of sword energy and thousands of sword lights collided almost simultaneously, as if heaven and earth were colliding.

'boom! ’

The sky is covered with dark clouds.

Huge waves surged into the lake.

A dazzling sword light erupted between the water and the sky, as if it had turned into a thunder field, making it impossible to see anything, and the two figures were also submerged in the sword light.

Two different but equally powerful terrifying sword intentions swept across all directions instantly.

Fortunately, this is open water. If it were on land, the power of one blow might have caused the mountains to collapse and the rivers to stop flowing!

At this moment, Qin Sang was surrounded by chaotic sword intentions. There was only the sword in his eyes and heart. He was thinking about it and was about to change his moves when suddenly the sound of a sword sounded in his heart.

This 'sword cry' is not a real sound, but the magical power he gained from meditating on the Chengying Sword. As the saying goes, the sword rises from the heart. Once he senses the murderous intention towards him, he will immediately warn him.

Qin Sang felt a warning sign in his heart and recalled Yunyou Sword without hesitation.

‘Uh-huh! ’

In an instant, a sword rainbow descended from the sky, pierced through the air, and struck the void on Qin Sang's side.

Just hearing the sound of "dang", a sword shadow was cut out by Yunyou Sword before it could strike. It was the Wenxin Sword.


The master holding the sword in the distance nodded slightly and praised loudly, as if he could see the reason why the Questioning Heart Sword was exposed at a glance.

The Wenxin Sword trembled slightly and returned with no success. It did not get entangled with the Yunyou Sword and turned into sword light and shot back.

Qin Sang stared at the Wenxin Sword, but couldn't see how the sword disappeared or how it could appear quietly next to him. He knew that such entanglement was not good for him, so he no longer hesitated and immediately changed the sword technique.

The sword array comes out!

The sky was dark, the stars were shining brightly, sword stars were hanging in the sky, and the lake beneath them disappeared.

At this moment, they all seemed to be pulled into the void, drifting in the galaxy.

It was Qin Sang who disappeared this time. His true body merged into a sword star and secretly divided into seven sword souls.

The sword souls are in charge of seven places each, and each of them is in charge of one night, and the sword formation is evolved with the power of one person.

The master holding the sword stood where he was, never moving, allowing himself to be pulled into the sword formation.

At this moment, he was exactly in the center of the sword array, looking up at the sword stars with deep eyes, as if he was deducing something.

Naturally, Qin Sang could not let him break the sword formation and immediately activated the sword formation.

The sword-wielding master was in the Pleiades, and the sword star of the Pleiades was the first to light up. The starlight was like a stream of light, striking towards the sword-holding master.

At the same time, stars twinkled in the other six constellations, calling from afar.

Starlight is sword light.

Locked by the starlight, and facing a terrifying sword force at the same time, the sword-wielding master's expression remained unchanged. The Heart-Questing Sword in front of him shook suddenly, and an extremely powerful sword intent exploded. The sword force that pressed against him actually broke.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The spiritual sword slashes the sky!

When the first starlight and the Heart-Questing Sword met, they were like a solid body, first stagnant, and then shattered inch by inch.

The master holding the sword held one hand behind his back, chanted a spell with the other hand, and pointed to the void.

The Questioning Heart Sword suddenly split into two, one real and one empty, one bright and one dark, spinning around each other faster and faster.

In the end, the two Heart-Questing Swords disappeared, replaced by a constantly rotating yin and yang pattern.

The sword's will turns into yin and yang.

The following starlights seemed to be subject to some kind of suction when they landed, and fell into the Yin-Yang diagram one after another.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

The muffled sound continued, and the Yin-Yang diagram shook endlessly, but it never collapsed.

At the same time, Qin Sang noticed that his sword formation was also being affected invisibly, and he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

Even though he was only in the middle stage of becoming a god, with his wandering sword and sword formation, and using only swordsmanship, a strong person in the late stage of becoming a god would have to be prepared to face him.

As strong as King Lingyou, although he is not afraid of the Qisu Dividing Sword Formation, it is not that easy to break the formation.

Unexpectedly, in front of the sword-wielding master, after only a few breaths passed, the opponent seemed to find a way to deal with it.

You must know that the sword-wielding master's cultivation level is comparable to his, and he is also in the middle stage of becoming a god.

"Is the gap between me and the sword-wielding master really so big in swordsmanship?"

Qin Sang suddenly felt like he was trying to do something for everyone, but he was not discouraged. After all, he had not yet unleashed all the power of the sword array.


Waves of water.

Viewed from outside the sword formation, the entire body of water was shrouded in a mysterious aura, seeming to be isolated from heaven and earth.

But there is no peace here. There are constant vibrations coming from inside, shaking the heaven and the earth.

This confrontation lasted for as long as a stick of incense, and the scene in the sword array remained the same.

The stars on the yin and yang diagram rotate by themselves.

Qin Sang had almost exhausted all the changes in the sword formation, but could not break it, let alone hurt the real person holding the sword.

‘Buzz! ’

Suddenly, the seven constellations of stars vibrated together, and unprecedentedly intense starlight shone through the sea of ​​​​stars.

A ferocious beast was born in the sea of ​​​​stars, transformed by the evil star. It roared with thunder and pounced down!

"Sacred Beast of the West..."

For the first time, the face of the master holding the sword showed a solemn look, and he murmured in a voice that Qin Sang could hear, "This formation imitates the stars of heaven and earth, and is mysterious and extraordinary. It is a pity that there are only seven stars in the west. If we can capture all the stars in the sky, When incorporated into the formation, the four images are complete, the three walls appear together, and the nine radiances shine together, it is undoubtedly a peerless sword formation!"

When Qin Sang heard this, he was slightly startled. The master holding the sword seemed to have something in his words. At this time, he didn't have time to think about it, and he used all his strength to make the white tiger sacred beast crash into the Yin and Yang Diagram!


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